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Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: too bad....my friend Kathleen fell out of her dest today...in the middle of class...it was funny, mostly because i caused it
2005-02-01 [Whim]: that story sucks too. The villain won. That's not a happy ending.
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: whatever whim...
2005-02-01 [Whim]: tell me a better story. And this time make it better.
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: um...*thinks* i deleted all the info about myself off my house since no one reads it anyways...and deleted pictutes of myself while i was at it
2005-02-01 [Whim]: that's a crappy story too. Damnit Raine, tell good stories. You're the First place winner of the EP Awards for Best Storyteller! Start acting like it!
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: you want me to just start making stuff up? no....
2005-02-01 [Whim]: tell whatever you want to tell. Just make it good.
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: once upon a time, Sarah hunted down whim and kicked his ass for being an annoying prick...whim died a lonly oldman, ashamed and alone in his cabin in the woods........t
2005-02-01 [Whim]: Who the hell is sarah? Where's the detail?
2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sarah you dipshit...and what more is needed? it was a short story...you can't be overly detailed in those....(thus why i don't write shortstories)
2005-02-02 [Whim]: short stories are usually at least a page long. And if your name is Sarah, then why the hell did you get so pissy for me calling you Rain?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: because my nickname is Raine*...with a "e"...and my birth name is Sarah Jean...so?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: how the hell did you get the nickname Raine?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: Raine is the female protagonist in my most popular book...i would leave author's notes to the readers every once in a while, and talk as though i were the character Raine from the story and sign it "~*~Raine~*~" to keep it away from me....so, people online started calling me "raine" and then my friends who like my book too, started to do the same...and it stuck...so?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: so that's not a nickname. It's a pen name.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: it *wasn't* a penname, because i didn't write under it...i wrote under my own name...i justt would leave little messages at the end of chapters once in a while to my readers and make it sound like Raine was saying them.....then, my friends started calling me it, thus, it's a nickname...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, it's still a pen name because you wrote AS her.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, a comment about when i might update the next chapter....som
2005-02-02 [Whim]: yes it does. If it arises from you writing under that name, then it's a pen name.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no, because i wasn't *writing* i was commenting...i
2005-02-02 [Whim]: but your friends didn't name you that. You named you that. They simply went along with it.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no....*they* named me that....they noticed that Raine and i have a lot incommon, and they started joking saying Raine and i were the same, and i just pointed out that *i* was the one that made her up...they then just sort'a started calling me raine....peopl
2005-02-02 [Whim]: you created the character raine based on yourself and then wrote notes and comments AS her. It's totally a pen name, even if it wasn't intentional. Had your friends come up with this completely on their own, it'd be different, but you called yourself that first. And on places like this, it's a screen name, not a nickname.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: it is not a penname whim, it could *only* be considered a penname if i wrote a story under that name and kept my real anme unknown...whic
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, it's not a nickname because the name came from a character by the same name which you created and you cannot create your own nickname, which you did even if you didn't mean to.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no, because to make up my own nickname would be for me to just, on my own, start calling myself raine to people i meet, and telling my friends to call me it...that isn't allowed...they called me raine on their own, so it is *their* nickname for me...regardles
2005-02-02 [Whim]: it's not THEIR nickname for you because they didn't make it up. Had it been a character from someone else's book, then yes, it would work, but since it was a character from YOUR book based on your own personality, you were indirectly calling yourself that character.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no...that is not whow it works whim...1) i never based Raine off of myself...she just sounds lot like me from time to time...and 2) you can have *anything* for a nickname, nomatter WHERE it comes from...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: she is based off of you because there are similarities and you are the writer. You may not have intentionally based her off yourself, but she's still based on you. Also, nicknames come from things you have not influenced or created. Too much of this nickname is inspired by you.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: well, tough whim...it's my nickname...it'
2005-02-02 [Whim]: oh, I don't care who calls you what. The fact still remains that they're calling you by your pen name.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: psuedo name at best.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: psuedo name works better whim...because it is in no way a penname...but still...it's a nickname because *other people* gave it to me...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: but other people didn't technically give it to you. You accidently gave it to yourself.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: and my friend Chubs (aka mike) accidentally gave himself the nickname Chubs...that deasn't make it anyless of a nickname...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: depends on the circumstances
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: he made a comic of all of us, and he wrote it that Travis called him "Chubby-wubby" and cathy called him "cubs" and so on...the name Chubs just stuck after that
2005-02-02 [Whim]: yeah, that works cause he didn't declaring as a name. Sounds like an insult he made about himself that stuck.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: and i never declared *i* was Raine...others did, and it stuck
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, you did, but you did it by accident because the character was accidently based on you.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: she wasn't bassed off of me...she is more what i *want* to be if anything...i just had her do a few things that i have done, like set someone on fire because he was being an asshole, or kicking a boy in the balls in the lunch line because he touched my butt...*that* is why my friends thought she was like me...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: That's what being based off of is. If it were you then it would be a straight replica of you but since it's based off of you, it means that she only embodies your personality or aspects of your personality or possibly your inner personality, not necessarily what you show on the outside.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: She says and does things you wish you could do, which makes her based off of you.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: all my characters are *some* part of me...that is true with ALL fiction writers...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, that's not true. Maybe ALL of your characters are based on parts of you but most writers base their characters on other people in their lives actually.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: not when you get down to it...when it comes to the character's innerthinking, that is allthe author...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, because a good author can shift their mind into a new persona and embody the character, much like an actor embodies the characters in a script.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: true, but it's still the author...still the actor...amd honestly, why are we even talking about this? no one cares....and neither do i...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: why don't you care? You're a writer, right? Do you not believe that constructive discussion will better you?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: nope...not in the least, and especially not with you
2005-02-02 [Whim]: again, one of your biggest flaws makes itself apparent. You have no desire to better yourself.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i am a beginner...i'm still working out the physical aspects of writing, you know, the actual writng of it part...i do better myself...but you don't better me whim, you drive me deeper into my depression, which i don't need tonight because tyou will just push me to tears, which i *really* do need tonight
2005-02-02 [Whim]: "Beginner" is just a word that people use as an excuse for their own failure.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: who said i failed? i think i am VERY succesful in my writing, i'm a biginner due to the fact that i have ONLY been writing a year and really can't be called anything else...i have a lot to learn still, thus, i'm a beginner...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: by those standards, everyone is a beginner because EVERYONE has a lot to learn.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: true, but i have more than most...and like i said, that isn't the only reason i listed to me being a beginner
2005-02-02 [Whim]: beginners do not exist. You are only a beginner if you believe you are a beginner. The only true distinction is amateur and professional and the only thing that seperates those two is a paycheck.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: um...alright, i'm a new amateur...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: then why are you quitting already?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: who said i'm quitting? i'm still writing my book...just studying for my Anatomy midterm right now and being extremely depressed
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, you're quitting because you have no desire to improve. You're quite comfortable being mediocre.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: who said i'm quitting anything? did i not just say i still write?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: you still write, but you do not improve.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: so why are you studying anatomy anyway?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: how would you know? you haven't seen my original works and compaired them to my current writting...i have improved GREATLY and i continue to improve...so shut the fuck up over stuff you know *nothing* about. you are just making yourself look dumb
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I do know. I know that you'll only go so far writing over and over again until you just start using the same ideas over and over and then by the time you are good, you won't have the ideas to back it up because you'll be burned out from waisting your ideas on previous stories.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: But again, why are you studying anatomy?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: because i love human anatomy, and this is a class of mine, and i have the 2nd half of my exam tomorrow...200 labels on 6 different diagrams on the human skeleton i have to know...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: so you are going to try to graduate from high school then?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: nope...i'm dropping out
2005-02-02 [Whim]: then why do you care about a stupid midterm?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: bdcause i *like* human anatomy and i enjoy learning about it...and i may not be *allowed* to drop out...so best to just *try* on the damn thing...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: you're 18. Once you hit a certain age, they make you quit and if you want to finish your schooling, you'll be forced to go to adult education where you will attempt to obtain your GED. And if you enjoy learning about human anatomy, what does a test have to do with anything?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: at 21 in NY state you are kicked out of HS....i want to drop out and just get my GED but my parents won't let me, or pay for it....and i enjoy human anatomy, thus i'm taking the bloody class...and taking the class ALSO means i have to take the tests that go along with it...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, PASSING the class means that you have to take the tests that go along with it. If you go and half-ass the test, they won't kick you out of the class. You'll be allowed to stay and learn. In fact, if you're doing poorly in the class, you may be able to get extra help and learn even more about anatomy.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i *am* doing poorly, because anatomy is all memorization, not like biology that i passed with a 98...i suck at memorization, thus why i have gotten 65s on all my tests and a 55 in the class...i'm better with biology and the study of how things work more than the actual names and identifying every specific thing in your body...my class grade is so low i *have* to do well on this test to stay in it...and i don't half-ass in that class...i *do* try....thus why it pisses me off and depresses me to do so poorly
2005-02-02 [Whim]: you're only holding yourself back then. Wasting time on all this stuff. You could be improving yourself instead of caring so much about grades. Grades are nothing. They're just numbers that tell you that you're better or worse than someone else. The fact is, these numbers are false. They truly do mean nothing. They don't measure knowledge. They measure listening, memorization, and cooperation skills. These are the skills that school teaches you and these are the skills that you suck at and have no interest in learning. So why are you pissing life away getting more and more depressed over numbers that mean nothing to you?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: you think i care about grades? you have to be kidding....i don't...i have failing grades in *all* my classes including art...i only wish to not get kicked out of my class that i enjoy before we even get to start the dissections...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: yeah, makes sense. You're trapped in a cycle because you're retarded...and addicted to the internet. Finding comfort in things that are just as fake as reality.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: without internet, i have no one to talk to but myself...i i hate her...my parents don't have anything else to take away from me...i don't watch television, i don't have a lybray card, i don't go out with friends all the time, i don't have a sport or anything, i don't use the phone, or have a cell....so internet is the only thing they have...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: so? You hate me too, but you still talk to me.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i still talk to myself all the time too....but i don't *just* talk to you whim...when i am left with no one to talk to but me, i get mad at myself...and they i end up hurting in some way...last time i got in a fight with myself i threw myself down a flight of stairs...*sigh
2005-02-02 [Whim]: psh...I did that cause it was fun. My self got a kick out of that...lol.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i didn't...i broke a rib, and a few bones in my hands...and i was beaten up with a minor concussion...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: and that's cool. Damn, that's you're biggest problem. You see everything as a negative.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: oh...so now getting in a physical as well as verbal fight with myself is cool...hmmm...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: not necessarily. But I imagine any kind of fight like that is a result of you seeing yourself in a negative way.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: what about me is to be looked upone, or thought of in a positive way?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: it doesn't matter. You're flawed because you believe you are flawed and therefore you embody those flaws.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: everyone is flawed
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, flaws are created by a society that places one person higher than the next.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no, flaws are part of being human...no one is perfect, tus, we are all flawed to some varying degree
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, we are different to some varying degree. We are declared flawed by ourselves and others. But "flaw" is just a word. It has no concrete meaning. You can't touch a flaw because it does not exist.
2005-02-02 [hello]: whim, do you remember jesse bouchillon?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: a flaw in a glass vase can be touched...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: he died, I know. but I didn't really know him, nor do I remember him.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: glass vases do not have flaws. They have cracks or unique features.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: that is considered a FLAW whim...look up the deffinition of the word...
2005-02-02 [hello]: isnt a "unique feature" just a flaw...it depends on the person as to whether it is a flaw or art
2005-02-02 [Whim]: the definition and word is created by people, not nature. Nature did not create flaws because the word did not exist until man came into existance.
2005-02-02 [hello]: nature didnt create a glass vases either....so if the object is created by a person then they can call it flawed if they want to
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: thank you [hello]
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Does the vase hold a flower or water?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: most don't...they are mostly art, thus decritive only...and what would *that* matter anyways? what it holds?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: then they serve no purpose and therefore their appearance doesn't really matter because it doesn't effect the outcome of anything unless you make it effect the outcome with abstract words like "flaw."
2005-02-02 [hello]: you were not talking about what was inside the vase, just the object itself.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: What it holds matters because if it serves it's purpose, then how can it be flawed?
2005-02-02 [hello]: in the eyes of an artist, everything is flawed
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: if it serves a purpose, but is flawed means it doesn't serve that purpose well...and ever hear a juler say a diamond is worthless because it is "flawed"?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I have heard that and they are only stating an opinion. Opinions are not concrete, therefore they don't effect the outcome of anything unless you allow them to.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: a flawed diamond *is* unatractive and not able to be cut properly...it'
2005-02-02 [Whim]: you are caught up in the idea that things must fit a certain mold when they in fact do not. Diamonds are some of the hardest materials in the world. There's a certain irony in the fact that such a potentially productive material would be viewed as useless simply because it doesn't fit a standard of another made up word--"beauty.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: "worthless" diamods are ground up and their powder is used to coat the teeth of saws, and used to cutother diamonds...the
2005-02-02 [Whim]: then they are not flawed, they are simply meant for a different purpose.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: they are flawed whim...get over it...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: flawed? How? They serve their purpose, do they not?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: only a different purpose because their desired purpose was not meat due to a flaw
2005-02-02 [Whim]: who's desired purpose? The diamond does not care one way or another. It would have been just as satisfied staying in the cave or rock or whatever from where it came. Again, the word "flawed" is not word with concrete meaning. It is abstract and therefore only holds us back because it is a negative thought. These negative words hold us back when they don't have to because they are not real.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: well, you are the one saying i'm flawed....and the diamond has not conciousness..
2005-02-02 [Whim]: No, I said you were weak, retarded, a quitter, and wasting time, but I never once said you were flawed.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: And you DO have a conciousness, so the question is, why do YOU care?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: oh...i understand
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: care about what? because there is little i can say i really care about
2005-02-02 [*_*]: aww u care about me ?? your bf your girl ??
2005-02-02 [Whim]: What do you want from life? Do you want to be worn on someone's finger or dangle on someone's neck from a chain? Do you want to remain in a cave, stuck in a rock? Do you want to be a part of a tool that can be used to create or destroy? What do you want?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: who i can't see, or even talk to [*_*]
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i want to move away to be with my bf, and be a stay home mom...but that is not allowed
2005-02-02 [*_*]: aww hugs hey whim back off ok
2005-02-02 [Whim]: why isn't it allowed?
2005-02-02 [*_*]: just back off ok ples
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: because i "have to finish highschool, and go to college, and get a great job, and be an indapendant and successful woman"......
2005-02-02 [*_*]: yes u go girl hugs raine
2005-02-02 [*_*]: yes u go girl *hugs* raine
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no you don't. You can't be forced to do those things. When the hell are you gonna realize that you aren't 7. You're fucking 18. You could legally move out now if you really wanted. So why do you get so depressed when you can quite easily achieve your rediculously simple goal?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: but that isn't what i want...but it doesn;t matter what i want, because i am told what i want by everyone else, and told what to do by everyone else, and when i fight it i'm punished, and when i don't fight it, i'm put down for it....
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Q, you don't even realize what you're saying. You're the type who doesn't know enough about anything and acts as one of many crutches telling this child that she's doing the right thing when she's not. Stop encouraging her to hold herself down.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: whim fuck u wehat the fuck do u know ok nothing i am 18 and i know a shit lodeed ok so just stop this shit and leve rain alone
2005-02-02 [Whim]: So do what you want. You have a choice. Stop listening to what other people want because they aren't you and they can't control you forever. Actually they can, but hey, if you want to live your entire life being talked down to, then go for it. I'll keep making fun of you for it.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: You know nothing, Q. It's obvious. If you knew something, you'd contribute something productive to this conversation instead of saying "Whim, shut up."
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: whim...shut up
2005-02-02 [*_*]: well humm shut the fuck upo whim your a fucking ass hole ok u need to stop picking on rain and peopl becuse u get off on it or something ok your an ass and u need to grow up
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Why? What do you not want to hear? What part of what I'm saying is false? Correct me, please.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I'm not really interested in what you have to say, Q. Comfort Raine all you like. Lie to her all you can too.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: well humm how do u know what she is like u have never met here have u so how wold u rele know u wold not so stop go get some help ok get some dr to exmen your hed becsu your fucked up if u like to do this to peopl what do u get out of it ples tell me what do u get out of it do u sleep beter at nigth knowing u have hurt some people i hope not
2005-02-02 [*_*]: lie i am not lieing i know becuse her and i have a lot in comein ok and i have a job and all so back the f off u ass stop i asked u niceley now stop ..............
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Do you know her? How well do YOU know her? Who's to say what's best for her? All I can do is say what I think. If she wants to take it to heart, that's her decision. No one keeps her on this page and no one makes her talk to me. She chooses to talk, as do I.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ya because she has a hart wich is more thaen i can say for u what did u get picked on as a kid or some thing look just stop ok just stop your not nice why do u come her
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I'm a council member you idiot. Why do you and her come here? Because you're council groupies.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no becuse i have friends here so what your on the councle that dose not give u the right to mack fun of people tell me why u do it just tell me why and dontr say just because whats the rele reson .. o ay and your fucking 20 what the f are u doing in epo dont u have a life guse not hahah udont have a fucking life do u
2005-02-02 [Whim]: You wouldn't understand. It's actually below your own reasoning.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: o ya ok right fuck u man your just not a nice person and u have no life just get over it ok your 20 go hang with the guys not in here reasoning try me
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I don't have a life. That's what you said, right? Well, let me elaborate as to what my background is.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ya go
2005-02-02 [Whim]: You see, right around mid-december, I learned that I had lost my scholarship. I can no longer attend college because I simply do not have the money. However, this does not concern me because it was getting me no where. Like Raine, I felt it was a waste of my time and effort to attend and I still do believe that. I was living on my own with a friend from about August till January when I moved back in with my parents to regroup and build myself back up. I'm currently working 2 jobs. I work at a newspaper and I work as a substitute teacher at the local high school. I also write in my spare time. In march, I will be going to california to visit someone who is very dear to me.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: could you two just fucking STOP already? QQ leave whim alone Whim, leave QQ alone...god...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: I also like to write, philosophize, and create in my spare time. I come to Elfpack where I am a Guard and a Council member. Here, I like to unwind and have chats with the locals. My methods are not always pleasent, but my message does get in the heads of people.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: So Q, what are you doing with your life?
2005-02-02 [*_*]: well se u do love ok now lesten to me u say fucking sorry to her and u fucking mean it ok see i knew in u ther was a humn ok look at u man what are u doing to her why ok its not kool people dont like u i have a fenca ok and i love her and i am falling in school and i hat my self but i dont go and pick on people i buld them up its macks me feel beter ok look yu can be nice try it for onec in your life and this perosn what wold thay say to what u have ben doing to people liek rain ?
2005-02-02 [Whim]: And Raine, you're right. Those are very mean things for me to say. What you have to decide is whether or not they are true. I apologize if they are not true, but if they are true, then take a long look at your life.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Q, as I said before, my reasoning is above you.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no man she dose not she knows what up with her life she dose not need u to tell her what bad ok u know we all know whats bad in are lifes and so what if its true she knows what good and bad i say buld her up not tare her down she is a sweet girl and nice to all people and if i did not have some one and she did not i might like to date her she is one of the nicest peole i know ok did u ever think if it is true that it might not be her falt ?? i know its not
2005-02-02 [Whim]: But it is her fault that she is so stuck. She does not do things for herself. She allows other people to control her actions.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: know it is how she was rased ok i know i nvm i do know its the child hood and what gose on thing she can and well nver know becase of some thigs its not her falt she dose not know and now that she dose she cant do munch because some things she need she cant hev because in a kids life some skills only can be tate wwhen your yung
2005-02-02 [Whim]: And she obviously never learned independence or rebellion. Had she done this, she would be on track. She has massive amounts of potential but she's holding herself back. She needs to stop imprisoning herself just because people tell her to.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: rebelion in my house is me wearing black whim........an
2005-02-02 [*_*]: look its not here did u not here me its how she was rased ok ok look tack a kid rape it then the kid grows up a rapest or kid molster or some thing like that ok
2005-02-02 [Whim]: superficial rebellion is what that is.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Start using REAL rebellion. And yes, no matter what you do, you're listening to someone, but what good is it doing you to be stuck in that house?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: that is all i can do without getting beaten...and even just the black, i'm usishes incesantly
2005-02-02 [*_*]: umm no not rele its all in the hed kids rebel no mater if thay lurd it or not it in the geens its liek deepeds on things
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: what is *real rebellion* whim...please enlighten me
2005-02-02 [Whim]: You're 18 and living in a house where you can still get beaten? I'm sorry, but you really are stupid.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: real rebellion is breaking away from what controls you in order to better your own life.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: my 22 year old brother still lives here too...my bather shuved him through a window
2005-02-02 [*_*]: hey wihim she is not man gezz when well u ever luren man omg ok lokk she is not stuped she respcts her parnts rool
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Sheer ignorance and stupidity. That is why you're still living in those conditions. Him too.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ya and thats not all trus whim u ned to red sic books and get your facts strat men
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Why respect those who don't respect you? When you are beaten and scolded for your beliefs and way of life, especially when you are an ADULT, why take it? It's just stupidity.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: it is all true. They've been mentally beaten down to the point where they're incapable of thinking for themselves. They have no will of their own any more.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: who me i am one i am 19 i am not like u whime i dotn figt my mom and dad i jsut say ok and thay getmader look whie u need to go read some books on sic
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: because they are my parents and i do what they say...i respect them and they food, clothe, and shelter me
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ok what
2005-02-02 [Whim]: they control you with abuse and make you think you require their support when you don't.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: my father has never hit me....though he has threatened to
2005-02-02 [*_*]: umm ya whim all people need help man u deflnty need to see the dr man wow
2005-02-02 [Whim]: people do not need help unless they believe they need help. But that is not the point. The point is, she does not need the people in her house. Apparently, she has friends. Q, if raine left her home and had no place to go, would you take her in and make sure she didn't starve and freeze outside?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i wouldn't go to be with him...i couldn't go anywhere with another man....and none of my girlfriends could take me in
2005-02-02 [Whim]: It's a hypothetical question Raine. Q, would you help her?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: he has already offered, 3 times now
2005-02-02 [*_*]: yes i wold it is who i am
2005-02-02 [Whim]: My point is that there are indeed people in existance who would help you. However, you are too trapped in your own damn mind to allow people to help you. This is why you will always be trapped in your room and you will never escape because your own mind will not allow it.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: and i can hardly help that whim...it's dangerous, and frightening out there...and unfamiliar...i don't like it out there...i'm afraid out there...my room is where i'm safe...
2005-02-02 [*_*]: yes it well but u wold not know that whiem look to maro go to your libary and get a book look its all in the mid she knows what she wants and she knows how to get it but is the big thing u v=can not say its her mind your not her so how wold u know
2005-02-02 [Whim]: So I am indeed correct. The only thing keeping you where you are is yourself. So once you beat yourself, you can move on with life.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: nonono look its not that grr boy u need to luren to read books jsut go man read books its all hared to say what it is tharere is so munch it might be ne thing or more then one ok
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: and how do you want me to do that whim...please tell me, because i can't work, both because of my parents and my doubts, and my BF will not let me go and live with him even if i somehow found a way to get to him...so what do you want from me?
2005-02-02 [*_*]: rine i got this and he well if he dose not he is nust
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Q, books are worthless to me. I know what I know because I allow myself to know. You know what you know because you depend on books. And Raine, you can't ever leave until you stop listening to what people tell you to do. If I listened to what people told me to do, I'd be a MUCH different person. In fact, believe it or not, I'd probably be a lot like the two of you.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no i dont i lsten to my friend that are dr ok mey sis is one u pen grad ok i think i know what i am saying her she needs to do what she feels is right in her haet
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