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2013-03-27 03:29:01
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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The Council are the team of people who keep the site running smoothly. They host official contests and features, and are here to answer any questions you have about Elfpack, and how it works.

Please note: The Guards are the people who enforce the Elfpack Rules, and the Mainstuff Bosses are the people in charge of what goes on Mainstuff.


(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden
Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden

Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor
Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss
Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss

(Badge Credits)

The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards
Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss

(Badge Credits)

Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss
Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice

**To see the members who use to work on the Council, look at Retired.**


Do not ask to be on the Council. Instead, go apply to the crew and expect it to take a long time. We want people who are going to stick around. During that time, try to do things to prove to use that you would be a good member of the Council. Also, see how to gain an EP title for information on how to get badges.

If you think your badges are messed up or you are missing a badge you deserve, then message [Stephen] or [kittykittykitty].


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2004-12-24 [Fearless Dragon]: hi evry one

2004-12-26 [Whim]: The only other rule is don't be an asshole.

2004-12-26 [RabidSphinx]: kk..i thought there was a wiki rule that said you couldn't make "anti" member, jonh-doe is a fag @wiki or anything like that...

2004-12-26 [*_*]: raine drops falling on my hed

2004-12-26 [Whim]: Well, that qualifies as being an asshole. I suppose there should be a wiki that describes this a bit better...perhaps the ET What is an Asshole? wiki. But yeah, if you find a wiki that's against one member or one group of members rather than a genre or fad or movement or country, then it needs to be reported.

2004-12-26 [hello]: what??? dammit...i have to take my I hate [Whim] wiki down...and it took me months....

2004-12-26 [Trevnor]: Moo

2004-12-27 [Whim]: Just out of curiosity, does the artist of that nifty council banner up there think that I'm hispanic in some way...or that I at least have a tan? lol. Cause I don't. I mean, I don't mind or anything, I just found it odd that people might be perceiving me as mexican or sexier than I actually am...hehehe.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol im not sure how Orestez sees you Whim, but you must admit hes awfully good at drawing the comics ^_^

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehehe...agreed. I wasn't trying to give the impression at all that I was complaining. I was just

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol you could ask him i suppose ^_^

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehe...I will. I only asked so publically to see how many people responded with "What? You're not?!" lol

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lmao nice one

2004-12-27 [Morgoth]: WHAT?! YOUR NOT?! who woulda guessed...

2004-12-27 [Whim]: psh...the moment has passed. Oh well, at least Avaz is darker than

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol

2004-12-27 [Morgoth]: just a little bit...

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Orestez is a great comi artist i think especially his work on the EP Independent

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: *is proud of him*

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: too should be proud of yourself...all the rest of the independent crew are proud of you talented people!

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: aww shucks *scuffs feet in the dirt* lol thank you hun *hugs*

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: It was the lighting of the picture i based it off of [Whim]. You looked quite tan.

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Thats

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hmmm...really? Yeah, that's probably true. Alright, well, rock on. I have a killer night time tan...hehehe.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol ^-^

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: At least I drew the goatee on yours

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehe...that you did. I can barely even tell that I have a goatee in the picture on my house.

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: yep....

2004-12-27 [Whim]: wait...nevermind. I took a second look at it and I realized I was thinking of a different picture...hehe.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: now youve gone and confused me you really have :p

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I had the most fun doing Font's.

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehe...don't worry about it. I think it's best to just not worry about it before people start staring at my picture trying to take in everything about myself or something like that...hehe.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I think its a little late for that now....

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: definately

2004-12-27 [Whim]: Fine. Gaze upon my beauty some

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol modest statemnet ^_-

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: lol. For all you diehard fans, be sure to sign up at the EP Independent Comic Fan Club

2004-12-27 [Whim]: oh yeah. I’m all kinds of modest...hehe.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol with any luck we will have our own comic strip cult following. and then we will be unstopable ^_-

2004-12-27 [Whim]: oh yeah, with the right stuff, we could possibly even get it up in with the ranks of other popular web comics.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: ........*smothers the concept of world domination in her ehad before it goes to far* lol

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: of course....from now on the independent is going to be on a seperate website as well....that should get it EVEN more popular...CYBERWORLD DOMINATION mwhahahahaha

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Sorry got a bit carried away lol

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehe...that should be good to some degree anyway.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I'd be content to keep it here at EP, as our own comic just for us.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: atleast i TRIED to hide my aspirations for cyberworld domination lol

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: I mean the Independent as whole shall be put on too a seperate site..a bit like the herald on ET!

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: not a bad idea, but the Independent is still in its infant stage....

2004-12-27 [Whim]: the independent is put out like once a month. Don't let infancy stop you from growing.

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Yep i know.....we already have a site address and email ddy for the independent!

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I'm just saying for the time being, I think it should remain just an EP comic.

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: yep...dont worry mate!

2004-12-27 [Whim]: Well, no, you're not understanding I don't think...hehe. The idea is to make it on a different website just like the elftown herald does so we aren't bound by the restraints of Elfpack. Right now we're limited to only doing things in such a way that a wiki will allow. If a different independent site is used, we can do whatever we want.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: .....atleast till i find what the hell ive done with all my scripts lol....damnit

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: Oh I see.... Pardon my retardedness its almost 1 in the morning here.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: thatd be me keeping him up to work on comics *my bad*

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: thats ok see like [Whim] said we hav to stick to Psuedo html....if we just transpose all the wiki stuff to a webpage or dreamweaver we can posh it up a bit..make interesting backgrounds nd all the stuff that you can do with the joys of normal html lol!.....woah 1o'clock

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehehe...well, how often are you intending on releasing comics?

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: well so far we have been changing them daily

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: Iraqi Standard Time

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: yep....the whole magazine should be released once a month ish....depending on lots of stuff, there are no EXACT dates!

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I'm a helluva lot better with standard HTML than this psuedo HTML. I've managed so far, but it would be nice to work with the real thing...

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: yea but we cant keep the same comice up for a month. thatd be too boring. so i was working on maybe a monthly archive

2004-12-27 [Whim]: Well, you can't expect one person or crew to release a comic from the same series every day and keep it fresh without straining the artists. This is why I suggested having 7 different comics with at least 7 different artists/writers if you were going to do a daily format.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I can make the comics all day as long there are plenty of jokes for me to illustrate...

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol and we just came up with quite a few there

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: that would be good...i am the editor but cant do everything....sooo, if you people are willing to help with all of this including recruiting i would really like that. as ive made a LOT of mainstret adds in the past month

2004-12-27 [Whim]: well, yeah, but making them constantly is going to dwindle that joke supply. You might not notice it now, but I promise you that you will eventually find yourself stuck or not in the mood or just completely jokeless. I know the art must take all of 5 minutes to produce cause you have the perfect technique for this format...hehehe.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I've had 2 ppl ask me if they could get in on the comic making

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: actually it take me about 8-10 minutes :P

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: really? why didnt you tell me! lol!! i could have got them in on it sooner!

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: damnit people need to tell me whats going on more often >.<

2004-12-27 [Whim]: hehe...well, I mean after you've drawn each figure. If you draw every character every time you make a new comic, then we need to talk cause I can save you loads of

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: they just ask me today...

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: I have all the characters I've saved on a template board. If I need a new character or a new facial expression I draw one out, that usualy takes about 15 min.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: ...and how long have we been talkin to each other today :p ?

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Excellent it becomes clearer everyday....[Whim] ill invite you too the forum!

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Oh and we need more comic artists

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: I KNOW!!! lol ive been trying to find more

2004-12-27 [Whim]: ah ok. I figured about all you did was have your characters saved and if you needed them to show a different emotion or something, you'd just edit their faces a bit. Ok, so yeah, you're doing it about the easiest way...hehe.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol

2004-12-27 [Whim]: I'll see what I can do about getting comic artists. I know some people who might be interested.

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: *glomps whim* lol

2004-12-27 [Whim]: Is glomp a good thing or a bad thing?

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: its good. its a cross between a hugs hug and a running jump hug lol

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: i never knew that...people always glomp me and i dont know what to do! i usually glomp back *glomps [Whim and [@419] and [Orestez]* lol?

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol being glomped is like recieving the biggest hug in the world :p

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: The main reason I do it this way is so the appearance of the characters doesn't deviate from day to day

2004-12-27 [Whim]: oh yeah, I know. It's the best reason...hehe. It's incredibly hard to draw the same character in the same way constantly. I don't know how people do it.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: years of practice I suppose, and you know....talent..LOL

2004-12-27 [Whim]: well...yeah, obviously, but still...they suck. I need that talent...hehehee.

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: can't argue with that, hell I could use some of it too. lol

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: you have talent!

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: *greedily* I need more....

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: thats why ive just made [Orestez] my head artist ^_^

2004-12-27 [Orestez]: Hooray for me !!!!

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: lol *glomps*

2004-12-27 [The Dark Lord]: Well done!

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: ooh i was going to ask. does anyone on ep want any official badges made with the logo i made for the front page. cuz i made a kinda of gold version for the University pic. and i was using it for the artist of the month award thing aswell. it jusy occured to me it could be used elsewhere

2004-12-27 [De'ladrei]: it could be used for official awards

2004-12-28 [Orestez]: Lemme know if you want a personal comic picture like I have on my house. I would be more than happy to make them for anyone who wants one

2004-12-28 [Orestez]: Thanks Whim

2004-12-28 [owly]: I have a pic! whee!

2004-12-28 [Orestez]: Hope it meets your approval, the hat was a bit tricky

2004-12-28 [owly]: lol my hat is actually a lot... larger, w/ a brim. but the one you drew is also quite cute!

2004-12-29 [robyn4545]: i like the comic pics

2004-12-29 [RabidSphinx]: I like the little council image, but who is the little Porto Rican guy on the end? Is that you Whim?

2005-01-01 [Evocobra]: hello there! i'm helping in the newsletter with leapord lady, and we were wondering how and if we could get badges done for the workers? does anyone know, and could inform me?

2005-01-02 [hello]: the council image is cool...but [Whim] is a tall, lanky bastard. in that picture he is close to the shortest...

2005-01-02 [RabidSphinx]: [Evocobra] you need to go to the badges wiki to talk about the worker's badge...

2005-01-02 [Evocobra]: ok, thanx!

2005-01-02 [Anvikit]: Woo hoo I got dead center.. hehe thanks [Orestez] that is too cute!!.. but where the heck are my kittie ears?!?! don't ya know I don't leave home without em?? hehe .. muhahaha.. hehe ;) ..

2005-01-03 [Morgoth]: ...esenikcapfle ni tneulf ton m'I ,yrros

2005-01-03 [Morgoth]: ...yahthguo ,yalnita yapgi yabsdrawkca yamebya

2005-01-03 [Orestez]: I did elf ears on everybody....Elfpack....decided to go with a theme, lol

2005-01-04 [Fearless Dragon]: hello

2005-01-05 [Solitiaum]: *waits patiently for her time to come...* >.>;;

2005-01-05 [1st Font]: time... time what huh ;)

2005-01-05 [Trevnor]: moo?

2005-01-05 [De'ladrei]: for her cartoon char i methinks

2005-01-06 [Solitiaum]: MOO! ^_________^ my time... biding my time.... *licks her irish person friend*

2005-01-06 [1st Font]: irish peoplr smell

2005-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: i don't like the irish...give me a german, hungerian, romanian, or russian any day...

2005-01-06 [owly]: that's... racist.

2005-01-06 [*_*]: yhey i am irish wtf thats not cool

2005-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: not exactly...but if you wish to say so, sure...but around here, there are too many bloody irish, and i don't like their custums, or their genetics, i prefer the look of the German and east russian, hungarian, romanian,'s a preferance...there is nothing wrong with's like me saying i like brunets more than blondes or red-heads...

2005-01-06 [owly]: no it's not. it's not an attraction thing. it's judging a group of people not on their personal qualities but on their ancestry. it's just as racist as saying you don't like black people or hispanics or jews or whatever.

2005-01-06 [1st Font]: see evil irish ;)

2005-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: okay, i'm racist against irish...not for any reason other than i find them completely unatractive as a people...happy? like i said, i like them tall, pale, and dark haired...blonde maybe

2005-01-06 [1st Font]: irish are tall, pale and dark haired....

2005-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: not any of the irish i have ever met...maybe all the short, red-haired and freckled alchohlics moved here to buffalo...which, in that case, i don't hate all irish, just the irish that live here

2005-01-06 [1st Font]: mmm good, cos im irish :P

2005-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: hahah...i'm german...(^_^) fine...i hate all irish that are not [1st Font] okay? (^_^)

2005-01-06 [1st Font]: but im neither short or giner, so i was ok anyway :P

2005-01-07 [Sunrose]: lol!!

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Irish part irish and and my irish family are all tallish dark haired and pale! !

2005-01-07 [Solitiaum]: Uhm... Rainey? I am tall, pale, and dark haired. Im what they call the dark irish, which is actually irish and spanish.

2005-01-07 [Orestez]: I'm Irish too damnit

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: yay...somebody should make a irish wiki!....although im only half or a quarter irish, im not sure lol

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: lol well you know if you did that id have to make a scottish one ^_-

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: i'm glad i'm arian...*shrugs* i am not fond of irish, italian, or scottish in the least...(>.<)

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: ..gee thanks :p

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: of my dating requirments was that i didn't care what the guy looked like as long as he wasn't irish or scottish...hahaha...made it hard to date around here since all the guys are irish...thus why i stopped being picky over long as he isn't supper hairy, i can over look the italin

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: what about English! english!...UK ALL THE WAY LOL....england, Ireland, Scotland,wales!

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: lol ok i can understand the super hary thing, tis not nice

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: lol and it dont bother me what people think...maybe it should lol;

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: i have nothing against english, french, or german...but i like hangarian, east russian, and romanian...i just find them beyond sexy...

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Im English, Spanish, Romanian, i hav things you like and hate! does that make me Rospanglirish lol?

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Im basically English though...born and raised!

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: lmao "Rospanglirish" that should so be a choice of nationality on here

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: ah, another i don't like, iam not fond of dark skin, so i don't care for spanish or mexican,...hmmm...i like blacks though...mmmm....i'm odd, you have to either be white as a sheet, or nice and chocolaty for me...(^_^) and not hairy...(>.<)

2005-01-07 [De'ladrei]: you are not easy to please are you lol?

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: I cant stand Rascism, what is the problem with people skin colour it should be there personality you judge bye....i mean most of my mates are white but i know lots of white "tw*ts*, more white ones then black! fact i kow some dark skinned people who ROCK

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i don't disciminate them in anything other than dating...i have friends that are irish, black, latino...i don't care...but i have to be atracted to you physically as well as personally to want to date you and i just find certain things more attractive than others...i have a freiend who wont date anyone that isn't blonde...what's the diff?

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: woah....i am "white" as thats what english weather does lol.....but not pale!

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: well, i like pale pale skin...not just "white" as in the race, but pale...that's different...some guys only like to date girls that have nice tans...what's the big deal if i like it the opposite with guys?

2005-01-07 [1st Font]: Well I am pale white, when i am tanless

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: fair enough, i am open to ALL views. Each too thier own!...

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: and this is a funny wiki to go to Hotties united together at last these people are bashing people and had a hate list of other members up untill i made them take it down...hahaha...they don't seem to like me and it makes me laugh...(^_^) they think i'm a "fake goth" when i never claimed to be goth, and i wonder, looking at them, how they would know what a real goth was...

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Yes people like that are rather pathetic...also labelling somebody a fake goth shows how much a fake goth they are themselves as real goths dont care! I class myself as myself....although all the chavs i know call me Grebo Ash!

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: they aren't goth though,...they are out of the bottle blondes and out of the tanning bed brown with attitued and are complete sluts and think it's cool...and they call me a "hoe"? hahaha...the one girl was like, saying i was a fake goth, and i was like, and a barbie like *you* would know?

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: you are more gothic than most of them....although i refuse too label apart from when it comes too chavs!

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i told them i never said i was a goth...if you go there you will see it...and if you could, could you translate some of their comments for me if you know what they are saying? it's all funny to me. my one comment was "um...okay...i guess kamasutra doesn't like me...oh darn...i can't imagine how me of all people could be called a "hoe" but alright...whatever floats your boat...and i never said i was goth...i never said i was anything...i'm just me, kamasutra, you are the one labeling me then saying i'm not what you labeled me...and looking at you [Sara G-SPoT], what would *you* know about being goth? "

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: I looked at her mood....what the hell does that mean: !elihw a rof kcab ma I lleW

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: "well i am back for a while" it's typed backwards becayse that's elpackinese or whatever

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Poor you, i see what you mean. I read the comments, that was so insulting!

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: i would report them, but really, the guards would just say ignore them and by me commenting back i asked for it or what can you do? i know some of them have warnings on them already for nudity in their houses that i myself reported on before, and just being all around asses...they had a member hate list that i told them to take down, that is why they started picking on me...they are just immature losers that think they are better than everyone because they think they are soooo hot...

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: It is best too ignore them and leave them too their pathetic lives!

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...i will keep watching their wiki, and report them if they get nasty...but honestly, what is their problem with me? and what was that crack about my BF? you think her calling my BF hot was supposed to upset me?

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: Ill talk too them, and give them a NICE warning

2005-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: (^_^) excelent...thank you...*huggles*

2005-01-07 [The Dark Lord]: thats ok*hugles back*

2005-01-09 [Sunrose]: well..on a are less can put on there what you want, unless it's a hate-wiki against a singular member or porn of under-aged or things like that..

2005-01-09 [Trevnor]: Damn so no 12 year old irl getting laid by a dog *snaps*

2005-01-09 [Sunrose]: Oo'

2005-01-09 [*_*]: ??

2005-01-09 [FireGypsy]: O_O

2005-01-09 [RabidSphinx]: (O.o)

2005-01-09 [*_*]: ya i am lost

2005-01-09 [owly]: so are we all.

2005-01-09 [RabidSphinx]: =^_^=

2005-01-09 [*_*]: lol so ok humm whats new with the COUNCIL

2005-01-09 [owly]: we're currently working on the meaning of life. & stuff.

2005-01-09 [RabidSphinx]: life know what that means? means i have to make everyone elses lives more of a hell so my life will be better than theirs and i will feel good about myself...(^_^)

2005-01-09 [*_*]: yes [RabidSphinx] life is a bitch and what u do if its fu n go for it

2005-01-09 [Trevnor]: Ummm yea srry bout that...

2005-01-09 [RabidSphinx]: "no body dies a virgin because life screws us all"

2005-01-10 [*_*]: lol ok

2005-01-10 [Trevnor]: ummmm What if it ummm was good to you but some one else caps you before they rape your dead body! *im a pervted freak*

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: *rocks back and forth* i have a sever phobia of being raped, that with my paranoia has kept me from leaving the house in weeks...that's not funny.....

2005-01-10 [Whim]: yeah, but you also have no sense of humor, so who’s to say what’s funny?

2005-01-10 [Sunrose]: ooh [Whim]s baCk! welcome his flaming comments! ^___^

2005-01-10 [Whim]: hehe...Whim’s working on being back. Different unexpected things have occured besides the recent move.

2005-01-10 [Sunrose]: ohw owkay..hope things are okay...

2005-01-10 [Whim]: nah, nothing bad. Just computer problems and non-harmful personal business...hehe.

2005-01-10 [Sunrose]: ohw okay! *glomps*

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i hate you jackass

2005-01-10 [Whim]: that’s nothing new. Stop repeating things that everyone already knows.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: drop dead

2005-01-10 [Whim]: I’m far too needed by far too many people. I’m an important part of this world. Things might collapse without me.

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