# of watchers: 113
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: :O
2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: nooooooooooooo
2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: Moo?? till and until srry sorry ...vowles are over rate good spelling it over rate.......
2004-12-04 [owly]: and consonants too I guess b/c you're missing a couple d's...
2004-12-04 [Trevnor]: LV M SPLLNG LNE !!!
2004-12-04 [1st Font]: [Trevnor] has been banned for using this wiki for stupid reason: let that be a lesson to you all
2004-12-04 [Trevnor]: i didnt even want to come here.. thx
2004-12-04 [1st Font]: OMG you are automagical you beat the ban!!
2004-12-04 [Sunrose]: hahahaha!
2004-12-04 [Gone4eva]: hi
2004-12-04 [Trevnor]: What? *is yelling from another wiki*
2004-12-04 [Gone4eva]: hi, they dislike you it seems
2004-12-04 [Sunrose]: not really
2004-12-04 [1st Font]: i don't dislike anyone...
2004-12-05 [Sunrose]: I do
2004-12-05 [Trevnor]: do u dislike me?
2004-12-05 [Sunrose]: I don't even know you...
2004-12-05 [1st Font]: "i don't dislike anyone..."
2004-12-05 [YourAdHere]: well thats funny
2004-12-05 [1st Font]: ok i dislike you now
2004-12-05 [YourAdHere]: what if i give you a cookie? or a nickel?
2004-12-05 [1st Font]: hmmmm patronisation! I would have no use for either :P
2004-12-05 [YourAdHere]: ROFL!!! YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME TO [1st Font]
2004-12-05 [1st Font]: Why yes I did, it suits more for this kind of establishment.
2004-12-05 [Morgoth]: that's just funny...
2004-12-06 [Hependipherous]: It's an Acronym for "Galactic Observation Department" LOL. ^_^
2004-12-06 [Sunrose]: hehe!
2004-12-06 [Morgoth]: riiiiiiiight..
2004-12-06 [Trevnor]: Sweet!!
2004-12-06 [KeWt AzN bOi]: lolz
2004-12-07 [Fearless Dragon]: still havn't changed the colour then
2004-12-07 [KeWt AzN bOi]: y is god heer lolz
2004-12-08 [Fearless Dragon]: O.o
2004-12-08 [paulvanderpool]: God, is that you? Really? You owe me 19 years!
2004-12-09 [Trevnor]: And me a kindney! j/k
2004-12-12 [YourAdHere]: sigh god went into hiding again. now were stuck with the disliking [1st Font]
2004-12-12 [Trevnor]: Moo
2004-12-12 [1st Font]: Very True! (Not a chat wiki)
2004-12-12 [Gone4eva]: yeah, hey lets chat
2004-12-12 [Gone4eva]: ok then
2004-12-13 [Trevnor]: Moo
2004-12-13 [Gone4eva]: meow, but we should stop font doesnt like us doing this and then he ban are asses
2004-12-13 [Solitiaum]: spelling: *our (or is that grammar...??)
2004-12-14 [Trevnor]: ban for misusing a wiki?
2004-12-14 [YourAdHere]: ban forr chatting on the high councils page!!! *high pitched hum in backround*
2004-12-14 [Trevnor]: If this councils high there like not doing it right *blink*
2004-12-14 [mega24]: hey how can i be elfpack council
2004-12-14 [*_*]: lol ya i know there not to kool jk
2004-12-14 [Solitiaum]: Step 1: Learn to read.
2004-12-14 [YourAdHere]: hahaha(for 5 minutes) [sairanhinel] is good. Go to the top of the page and read. kids today...
2004-12-14 [YourAdHere]: lol it says evil bitch nex to sunroses naem
2004-12-14 [bsledd07]: CAN I BE A COUNCIL MEMBER??
2004-12-14 [The Dark Lord]: Did you not read above it clearly says: Do Not ask to become a Council Member. If we need you, we will ask you.
2004-12-14 [*_*]: dint ask thay get mad
2004-12-15 [*_*]: hey all whats new it sems to me some of the councel is going on a power trips and i dont like it at and it needs to stop now i think why do u guys do this u got a job to do i know but stop being rood to peopl ok this is a cool place i love it and i wold like it to stay kool and fun but with some of u it dose not seam that way but that well chang because its not right so what do we do well we vote for who runs ep if u dotn like that then telll me why u dont thank u for hering me out have a nice day
2004-12-15 [Sunrose]: errm okay? how will your voting change anything? we do the best we can, that doesn't mean we will put everyone in the council just because they SAY they want to volunteer: you would actually have to DO things. and stop asking what you can do: there are enough things, but we rather have members who can find that out on their own than members we have to keep telling what to do. Thank you for reading.
2004-12-15 [*_*]: no problem but still i think some are on power trips and it needs to stop i dont care it needs to stop
2004-12-15 [Sunrose]: you don't know what you're on about. just because you don't get to be on the cou cil, doesn't mean we're being unfair.
2004-12-15 [*_*]: look i dont care about being on the councel it not me its thaings that some of the councel are ding i dont care about being one or working for ep its thay way u treat peopl its not cool
2004-12-15 [*_*]: nvm mind but i still think things shold be moer evend out
2004-12-15 [Sunrose]: okay, you can talk to me in private messages what the hell some of those members did according to you then.. :)
2004-12-15 [*_*]: hey stop see right there i suck at speling but u dont need to pont that out ok so stop
2004-12-15 [Trevnor]: Hey can i be like the guy ppl have to ask to be on the council JUST SO i can say no.. I like saying No
2004-12-15 [The Dark Lord]: anyway....i didnt mean to sound strssy...sorry
2004-12-15 [Trevnor]: hee
2004-12-15 [Medic!!!]: how do u become a council member?
2004-12-15 [The Dark Lord]: i take it that was a joke right!
2004-12-15 [*_*]: u dont dont ask
2004-12-15 [The Dark Lord]: you are asked to be a member!
2004-12-15 [Solitiaum]: Step 1: Learn to read. (dammit i hate having to repeat myself)
2004-12-16 [Medic!!!]: yes it was a joke
2004-12-16 [hello]: [*_*]: you said that the council is on a power trip, well i am not on the council. I can tell you that you suck at spelling all I want. You can't read or write...what's next?
2004-12-16 [Alexander The Great]: wow scary...
2004-12-16 [*_*]: i am not going to say
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: HaHA i win! I am the council's Doggy
2004-12-16 [hello]: *pets the doggy*
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: *Bite rip tear*
2004-12-16 [hello]: *kicks the doggy*
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: *bite hello's ball off*
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: *bite hello's balls off*
2004-12-16 [hello]: *does chinese karate master ball trick and rises the sack into my body* *kicks your teeth out*
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: HELLO"S A CHICK!!!!!!!!!
2004-12-16 [hello]: nope, im a chinese karate master *kills you* besides, your a dog
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: It was a figure of speach and im a mater of ninjitsu :P
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: It was a figure of speach and im a master of ninjitsu :P
2004-12-16 [hello]: sorry ass ninja...always got to be hiding in the shadows. why cant you fight in the light, like a real man?
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: ...ninja..no im not a ninja i know ninjitsu..
2004-12-16 [hello]: well ninjas use the art of ninjitsu, hence the name.
2004-12-16 [Trevnor]: Wrong!!!!!!!!!
2004-12-16 [Sunrose]: why? :)
2004-12-16 [Solitiaum]: yeah, why... o_O
2004-12-16 [De'ladrei]: uhm that would be my art peice thing for higher....why?
2004-12-16 [Solitiaum]: *needs to logout and then login so she knows what the hell is going on* O.o;
2004-12-16 [De'ladrei]: lol
2004-12-16 [Solitiaum]: well ive got my house in my favorites with my logout time out setting at the max, so i never SEE the damned login page anymore!!
2004-12-16 [The Dark Lord]: excellent
2004-12-17 [Trevnor]: ITS SOO FUCKING SWEET!!!!!!!!!
2004-12-18 [De'ladrei]: aww thank you very much! ^^
2004-12-19 [Alexander The Great]: he he the council badge is sooo cute
2004-12-19 [De'ladrei]:
2004-12-19 [Trevnor]: moo?
2004-12-19 [Solitiaum]: MOO!! *dances*
2004-12-19 [Alexander The Great]: What a nice seasons Greeting ^.^
2004-12-19 [1st Font]: it is very nice
2004-12-20 [millymollymandy]: can i be a volenteer or do sumting else to get abadge
2004-12-20 [Morgoth]: here ya go...
2004-12-20 [Morgoth]: he he... jus' kiddin'...
2004-12-20 [jonathon]: yes i agree with rosie id really like a badge
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: an official one or just a badge?
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: A great way would be too stp logging up wiki pages with uselees comments
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: very true that
2004-12-20 [owly]: thanks, [The Dark Lord] -- I was going to say something to that affect but not as nice...
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: *was just trying to be nice as is not in the mood to be sarcastic or authorotive at the moment* oh shugar i forgot to upload something
2004-12-20 [owly]: sarcasm isn't a mood, it's a way of life ;)
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: thats ok i tryed to put it nice as possible...any
2004-12-20 [millymollymandy]: an official one please de'ladrei
2004-12-20 [owly]: ;o)
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: well what can you do? Can you dance?
2004-12-20 [owly]: ...the polka?
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: you have to earn your official badges, they arent just handed out
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: i know i was joking about the dancig bit lol...but we dont just hnd out badges!
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: lol im doing many jobs to earn my badge, and im still a few artists short *mild panic attack* i'll need to go on a hunt for some soon
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: yours is well deserved*pats on back*
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: hehe *purrs* :p
2004-12-20 [owly]: what, you mean I had to earn this council badge thingy? & here I thought it was a chanukah preasent...
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: lmao
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: arent you working with me on something?
2004-12-20 [owly]: erm... would that be the top secret project? I still haven't been invited onto the actual wiki.
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: yes that...thing..
2004-12-20 [owly]: umm... don't think so... want to message me an invite?
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: sure thing hang on
2004-12-20 [owly]: thx ;)
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: you are welcome
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: whoops i just mesagedyou one!
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: whoops i just mesaged you one!
2004-12-20 [Vader]: Can someone tell me how to earn badges?
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: you do work for ep, in oyur own time, volunteer work, like what i do, but i cant really tell you cuz i dont dish them out
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: wel said....i was just about to say how but you said it for me....
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: lol, did i get it right? cool hehe
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: sure did....why is everyone in it just for the badges...i dont care about them i do it too help.
2004-12-20 [De'ladrei]: i know that annoys me greatly. im giving up a lot of my tiem cuz i enjoy what im doing and also i like to help things along if i can. its not just for the titles and the wee snazy badges
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: that is the same with me
2004-12-20 [Vader]: Im happy to do any work, as a volenteer, A badge would just be a bonus, what kinda work do they need doing?
2004-12-20 [The Dark Lord]: well i need comic artists....loo
2004-12-21 [Morgoth]: uh huh...
2004-12-21 [Solitiaum]: wee snazy badges... hehe... *easily amused* o_O
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol im so glad my coment amuses you :p i didnt even remember writing that hehe
2004-12-21 [Vader]: i kinda want to do like gaurd stuff rather than art, but i can write if that will help
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: not sure if it would, and besides you dont really get to choose if you want to be a guard, its not really up to you. im not sure about the writing, but i do knoe we really need some artists, you could always ask i suppose though
2004-12-21 [Vader]: who do i ask to become a guard?
2004-12-21 [Whim]: Ask me!
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: you also have to make good reports lol...maybe you could be a rat first
2004-12-21 [Whim]: Hell no!
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: listen to the dark lord, you may have to start of as a rat first, then work your way up to a guard
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: being a guards a privaledge, you dont just ask and then get
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: thats correct, people assume we give out badges left rightand center...you have to work for them!
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: damn straight >.<
2004-12-21 [Whim]: psh...work has nothing to do with it. You have to be better than everyone else. So start telling me why you’re better than me.
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: well ive got to work for mine :p lol *unfair* hehe jk, besides Whin you know no one can answer that ^_-
2004-12-21 [Whim]: oh, well...yeah, of course you have to work for your’s. You’re privledged like that...lol. But everyone else has to be the best.
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: watch it whim you might get some arrogant little child saying 'how the council thinks that they are the best' then leaves a note saying P.S 'can i hava a badge'...lol foolish people
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol yes cuz workings a privaledge ^_- hehe
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: its starting to annoy me now, it used to be kinda funny in an annoying way but now its just plain irritating
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: yep.....did you read the omments a few pages back by [*_*] saying how the council are all power hungry....he only said that as we'd said no when he asked to become a council member
2004-12-21 [Whim]: I like arrogant children. They make me laugh...hehe. I may need to get Anvikit to make me some sort of badge that I can post on stupid children houses so I can forever label them as illiterate and unworthy to be guard or council members.
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: [*_*] read my Playgans and then asked me why i hated wiccans and pagans...he obviously didnt read it as the first few lines are something like "im not having a go at pagans, i myself am a trad witch from scotland" and then at the end in huge letters theres a big thing about me hating fakes but not the real ones and OCH it annoyed me lol
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: he also happened to miss the big words at the end of my bio which read "i teach this class on et so i moved it over here "Paganism-Clas
2004-12-21 [Whim]: hmmm...I need to make an offensive wiki...hehe. I’ll get started on that a bit later.
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol i just moved Playgans right on over, couldnt be bothered starting up another one just yet
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: yeah people are stupid....and whim that would be a good idea. I could easily recomend a few houses, maybe they could have a 'foolish child captain' that would make them feel special!
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol you mean "speshul" as most of them cant be bothered to spell things correctly half the time -_-
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: i know...i mean i cant help using the odd 'lol' here and there butther irc lanqguage drives me mad and bad english!!
2004-12-21 [Whim]: wait...why am I thinking of using a high quality anvikit badge anyway? I’m perfectly capable of making crappy funny looking fake badges. I’ll just make one much in the same way I made the “Gard” badge on ET...hehe.
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol it vexes me even more, i use "lol" purely out orf force of habit- but im going on to be a literature teacher and deliberate bad spelling just pisses me offl
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lmao, i like your idea Whim, i really do
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: yes why dont you make one now....i will help dish them out willingly....t
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: lol or they will see the retarded spelling and catch on to us and suspect that we mock them...which would make them right for the first time in their lives
2004-12-21 [Whim]: I’ll do it when I get home. I’m at work at the moment, so I’m occupied with other things. But sure, we’ll start circulating badges and make sure that they know why they have it...hehehe. I want them to take offense.
2004-12-21 [De'ladrei]: yayness!
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: yep message me the badge when its done [Whim] and i will dish some out into thier badge slots and writte beneath 'This means i am a annoying council pestering badge wanting child'
2004-12-21 [Whim]: I think the title “Annoying EP Douche” will say it all...hehe. Or something along those lines. People don’t generally like being called douches.
2004-12-21 [The Dark Lord]: Good one....this is going to be great, i also do hope they will get offended!
2004-12-21 [Morgoth]: sweet! I want that badge! *crys* I've... always... dreamed... of this!
2004-12-21 [Morgoth]: can't shame the shameless!
2004-12-21 [Trevnor]: giggles**
2004-12-22 [Morgoth]: uh... what about my badges on elftown? I don't deserve em'! tis' an honor...
2004-12-22 [hello]: hehe...[Whim] just asked and he became a guard...it was a rather funny story, if i remember correctly
2004-12-22 [Alexander The Great]: Hmm It;s more like newbies thing badges are given out left right and center...
2004-12-23 [The Dark Lord]: people arent just made rats, if you look at the page Rats it says you become one by making GOOD reports about people!
2004-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: is there just a general EP rules page? because i know the Art page, but aren't there other rules posted somewhere on here? because i was sure i read somewhere that you are not allowed to have anti/ making fun of wikis about other members of this site, am i correct?
Number of comments: 6810
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