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2013-03-27 03:29:01
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2004-11-24 [De'ladrei]: theres no such thing as an origional joke anymore though x_X believe me ive tried to find/come up with one lol

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: Well the pictures are damned easy to draw, but it does smack of SNL or even the Daily Show...

2004-11-24 [De'ladrei]: no idea what they are but im guessing by the fact they are a circle with a little speach bubble ill agree lol.

2004-11-24 [Whim]: hehehe...well, it's true that original jokes are hard to find unless you use some sort of up to date political commentary. But those jokes are like exactly taken word for word from something else.

2004-11-24 [De'ladrei]: i know they are, but they still damn funny lol

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: Although a daily comic idea isnt bad... Its the art thing, but so not ET its not even funny, lol... Erm... No pun intended...

2004-11-24 [Whim]: hehehe...I agree, but the point is, they aren't original enough to make it to mainstreet.

2004-11-24 [Whim]: Oh, I agree...if we could get a few people to draw some comics, it would be quite nice. I'd totally support it.

2004-11-24 [De'ladrei]: *looks at her notepad* ive got little wierd cartoons everywhere. altho they not "funny" they just..weird lol

2004-11-24 [Whim]: hehehe...well, I'm busy with several other things right now, but if someone wants to make a wiki for people to submit comics on, I'll keep it on watch and see what everyone comes up with.

2004-11-24 [De'ladrei]: *needs to finish her gremlin in the works pic* id offer but im a tad busy lol, but id gladly help ^^

2004-11-24 [Whim]: Well, it's an open offer to whoever wants to do it, really...hehe. But yeah, whoever does do it, let me know so I can keep watch.

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: Someone entreat [GreyFox] to draw them... I can't, he and I arent exactly on speaking terms right now, but his art ROCKS... OR we could have a contest and pick one winner per week to do a series of comics...

2004-11-24 [The Dark Lord]: <img:>

2004-11-24 [Sunrose]: there are more members who could submit art..

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: *nods* Aye, but he could get things kicked off... Could... Was just an idea, lol...

2004-11-24 [Sunrose]: I'm not sure he wants to be that involved here

2004-11-24 [Solitiaum]: *nods* He doesnt seem to be as active here, except with priviate stuff...

2004-11-24 [*_*]: hi all whats up in here

2004-11-25 [Morgoth]: they are original... uh... at least one of them is... the meteor one! the phone one is from the digimon movie, and the one about the bulliten is from garfield...

2004-11-25 [Morgoth]: I usually make page long comics, but they are too big to fit on here... if I minimize them, you can't read them...

2004-11-25 [Heartless]: This is Officer heart here and i have a question ? a friend of mine made a name on here just a few weeks ago and its not on here what can i do about it?

2004-11-26 [Whim]: You might think the meteor one is original, but I'm pretty sure it's been done before. The only difference may have been that it was some disease or murder or storm instead of a meteor.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: <img:>

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: no one has taken this one! and for good reason...

2004-11-26 [Whim]: oh, mean cause it sucks? hehe.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: yup...

2004-11-26 [Whim]: hehehe...yeah. You know who also did the stick figure idea, now that I think about it?

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: do I want to know?

2004-11-26 [Whim]: oh, well, it's a hilarious my There's sections in that comic by "shirt guy dom" where everything is done with stick men.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: I wish I could do a weekly comic for elfpack...

2004-11-26 [Whim]: you possibly could...but I think you need better material...but that's just me...hehe.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: I've got better... if I can get it into 3 boxes...

2004-11-26 [Whim]: well, do not that I don't mind the stick figures. I was talking about the jokes. The jokes you have are good, but no original. You may have thought them up all by yourself, but I've heard them numerous times before.

2004-11-26 [hello]: haha...damn [Whim] ur a mean ass.

2004-11-26 [Whim]: hehehe...well, I have to be, otherwise people will have just any old crap floating around here...hehe. No offense, of course.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: how bout this one... yer I.Q.'s so low, you have to dig for it! the only way you could raise it, is if you stood in a chair!!!

2004-11-26 [hello]: haha...damn thats funny. ur just told that guy that his sucky cartoon sucked. thats awesom

2004-11-26 [hello]: haha...damn thats funny. ur just told that guy that his sucky cartoon sucked. thats awesome

2004-11-26 [Whim]: I think you should avoid insult least the style of insult jokes you use when you're in 5th grade...hehe. Take [hello] for example. He will just quite bluntly call you a stupid bitch. You could almost call it his catch phrase...hehe.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: my motto is "I wish I had a motto!"

2004-11-26 [hello]: boy [Whim] u dont miss a beat...i guess u have known me for 2 long

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: uh... what about crap floating around here? have you seen our anthem?!

2004-11-26 [hello]: that is not crap...that is porn. a small, yet subtle difference

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: uh huh... verbal porn you say...

2004-11-26 [Whim]: why don't you make some sort of humorous commentary about cybering. Everyone loves to talk about cybering.

2004-11-26 [hello]: well...its better than your jokes

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: riiiiiiiight... can I insult one of you before I have to go?

2004-11-26 [hello]: sure...bring it on. but i warn you [Whim] and i are merciless, we will insult you back

2004-11-26 [Whim]: can

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: ok... I pity the baboon that gave birth to your ugly hide...

2004-11-26 [hello]: haha...what 5th grader hasnt told me that before

2004-11-26 [Whim]: that doesn't even make much sense really. I mean, I can understand if you think we're baboons or something, but childbirth is hard on all mothers. Was this baboon under any type of extra stress?

2004-11-26 [Kt_says]: And for that matter...why do you pity me so much? YOU wanna try giving birth?

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: ok... how about... when you were born the docter slapped your mother!

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: uh huh... before I get mobbed by some angry mothers, look at my poems at my house...

2004-11-26 [hello]: to make a good cutdown u must find the persons weakness and exploit it...u are an artist, which makes you gay. ur artwork is prolly as bad as hitler's, actually it is because i saw it. so u can do one of 2 things, go kill alot of jews or go shoot yourself in the face. did u see what i did there. i not only offended you, but i also offended artist, gays, jews, and suicidial is great fun

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: you cannot shame the shameless! be right back! I must go kiss my teddy bear good night!

2004-11-26 [hello]: hahahahaaa...that was soo gay, you artist

2004-11-26 [Whim]: exactly. And the doctor slapping your mother joke is lame and old.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: I'm not an artist, I'm a comic. "not all artists are gay, only the gay ones." some words of wisdom from my great grandmother, orpha. just before she was beaten to death at a gay parlor...

2004-11-26 [hello]: if ur not a famous comic, then you suck. ur the worst kind of artist, the one that doesnt realize they are right back i have to go talk to [*h2hdf], hehe...

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: artist draw... does it look like I can draw?!

2004-11-26 [hello]: dammit...i missed him. i am in a very bad mood right now, so dont bother me with details

2004-11-26 [Whim]: yeah, I miss pauld doyle too. It sucks since he gave up.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: he he...

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: sorry folks, I have viral cancer... *cough cough*

2004-11-26 [hello]: i know it...its like because i am here, he cant be. he really hates my ass, hehe...little does he know another little secret that we have, isnt that right bean? he can never get rid of me

2004-11-26 [hello]: more like u have a cancer of the part of the brain that makes you funny. cancer is not funny, that is a serious illness. people die from cancer you heartless bastard

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: yeah... uh huh... VIRAL!!! NO SUCH THING!!!

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: well, I'm off to watch my mommy lay out my clothes for tomorrow! bye!

2004-11-26 [hello]: i know...ur making fun of cancer....

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: no... I'm not "making fun"... dang, that joke does so much better out loud...

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: make me the court jester of elfpack...

2004-11-26 [hello]: what?! when u tell that joke in front of all your cancer hating buddies, you make me sick. you sorry cancer making fun of prick

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: prick? PRICK?! I AIN'T NO PRICK!!! I'M A SCAR, BABY!!! YEAH!!!

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: hello? goodbye!

2004-11-26 [hello]: i guess u have to go make some more sorry jokes on a serious subject...u sorry ass. And that is how it is done...find the weakness and exploit it, understand now?

2004-11-26 [Solitiaum]: *baps them all* this isnt a page for useless banter, guys, how many times do you need to be told that?!?

2004-11-26 [The Dark Lord]: Sorry [Solitiaum], i will delete this comment once it has been read: i find it offensive jokes about cancer, many of my family has died from cancer! Sorry!

2004-11-26 [Solitiaum]: Oi... Point given, Garfield, watch the jokes so you dont offend anyone, ok? And take it elsewhere next time.

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: uh huh...

2004-11-26 [Sunrose]: blablabla, take it to a private wiki now. I had to read through 2,5 pages of crap >_< Thanks for your co-oporation ^^

2004-11-26 [The Dark Lord]: i have deleted all

2004-11-26 [Morgoth]: but, I've had relatives and friends that died of cancer... you know why I'm not offended? CAUSE I WASN'T MAKING FUN OF CANCER OR CANCER PATIENTS!!!

2004-11-26 [Solitiaum]: Garfield, im going to say this with the utmost respect.... get the hell outa here if youre not going to say anything regarding the council or ideas for EP!

2004-11-27 [Morgoth]: so much for ever making friends...

2004-11-27 [tupac]: id also love to help out with the elfpack council

2004-11-27 [hacker]: i wood like to help out around heir

2004-11-27 [1st Font]: Being capable of spelling accurately is a great asset.

2004-11-27 [The Dark Lord]: people really need to learn how to spell properly.....they always writte 'color' or 'wood'....instead of 'colour' or 'would'

2004-11-27 [Solitiaum]: XP

2004-11-27 [Sunrose]: And they need to stop posting comments with their 1st house and their clone at the same time. [hacker] = [tupac]

2004-11-27 [Morgoth]: people should be restricted to one name... with the exception of me... hold on, I'm making another comic...

2004-11-27 [Sunrose]: no there's no need for that restriction :)

2004-11-27 [Morgoth]: ok... tell me what you think of this one... <img:> it's original...

2004-11-27 [Whim]: eh...let's take this discussion off the council page. Continue it at random comic discussion A

2004-11-29 [Solitiaum]: on the topic of stylesheets... How to Intigrate Other Stylesheets

2004-11-29 [1st Font]: Well done! See here everyone, Miss Granger's done it! Ho ho! Splendid! ... erm yes... well done [Solitiaum]

2004-11-30 [Solitiaum]: *baps Font* im SO not Hermoine, dammit!!

2004-11-30 [*_*]: hi ok what the hell keeps gong one mint it this is rushen the next its just eop what is going on

2004-11-30 [1st Font]: read the news... spellings ( 'going' 'minute' 'russian' 'it's' )

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: no you

2004-12-01 [paulvanderpool]: Previously, one of my friends, Jerry Browder, was unable to enter ElfPack. I went to his house, and he told me that every time he logged in, it automatically logged him out. He wanted me to ask if he was banned from ElfPack.

2004-12-01 [Solitiaum]: it would tell him that he was banned in red at the top of the screen on the netrance page if hed gotten banned... *knows from experience* it sounds like a problem on his end to me... he wouldnt be able to login at all... never get to the mainstreet or anything...

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: if you don't name that person, we also can't check it for you...this is btw a matter fo the guards, not the council :)

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: shes right

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: duh..

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: duh your self*licks*

2004-12-01 [1st Font]: no sexual romances here please :P

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: i wasnt sexual, but ok

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: [1st Font]t is sexual! hmmm...

2004-12-01 [1st Font]: mwhaha *smouchers*

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: *slobbers*

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: it wasnt in a sexul maner, just hey how you doin

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: right, who are you trying to convince? :)

2004-12-01 [1st Font]: spellings: ( "sexual" "manner" "doin'"

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: spelling: "wasn't" "doing" and 'are' is missing!..

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: :P

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: ^_*

2004-12-01 [1st Font]: This is not a chat wiki! :P

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: it is now!

2004-12-01 [Gone4eva]: yeah

2004-12-01 [1st Font]: beletes [surose doll]

2004-12-01 [Sunrose]: :O

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: what?

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: don't you mind now :)

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: oh was it sex

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: it's too complicated for you :)

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: yeah

2004-12-02 [paulvanderpool]: I excused from the presence of the Great ElfPack Council now?

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: pardon?

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: yeah what is he talkin about

2004-12-02 [1st Font]: What is all this gibber jabber?

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: *spanks*

2004-12-02 [KeWt AzN bOi]: i piti da foo!!!! lollolololz!

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: mindless chatter!! ahhhh!!! *runs around screaming until she knocks herself out on the side of a building... *SPLAT* *

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: pushes SD aside when walking by: stop polluting the sidewalk!

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: O_O >_<

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: hahah

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: *sends her monkey in to poop in the wiki* >.>

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: oh noes!! hippy get ur ass in here, SD wants to poop in the wiki!

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: O_O not MEEEEEEEEEEEE the monkeyyyyyyyyyy!!! >.<

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: its still grosse you grossyoso

2004-12-02 [Sunrose]: it's your monkey and you went to fetch it to poop here!

2004-12-02 [Gone4eva]: its not mine!!!!!!!!! hrump

2004-12-02 [Solitiaum]: cause you pushed me to the side!!!!!!


2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: uh huh... and just a few days ago, I was told not to put stupid stuff in here...

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: im geting in a fight about how old ep is, i say 2 months he says less then 1 month

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: I say it was made almost 2 months ago...

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: in like 10 days it'll be two months, I think...

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: thats what i thougt

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: i didnt yell... THIS IS YELLING!!! i just... exclaimed loudly... hence the exclamation marks... o.o

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: no... THIS IS YELLING!!!

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: 21:48:29 Serendipity: mindless chatter!! ahhhh!!! *runs around screaming until she knocks herself out on the side of a building... *SPLAT* *, oh thats yelling

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: well see? thats screaming, not yelling XD

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: *smacks his head* are you on weed again?!

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: ITS THE SAME PHUCKING THING

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: no its so not... and when the hell was i ever on weed?! *has never touched the stuff... better to claim shes drunk o.o*

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: ok... are you drunk again?!

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: nope, just had a virgin daquiri! ^________________________^

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: *her mom says shes strange... are YOU strange??* XD

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: arg you you you

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: i knowwwwwwwwww ^_____________^ and i stalk the unwary! o_O

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: you stalk me

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: what about here?

2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: like, can you people even read? [Gone4eva]; [Solitiaum] was talking to me!

2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: [Morgoth]: yea we are evil. we tell some members to shuddup and others can say anything they want to... MWAHAHH!

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: 00:38:58 likeleo: im geting in a fight about how old ep is, i say 2 months he says less then 1 month 00:42:14 "the cat": I say it was made almost 2 months ago... 00:42:58 "the cat": in like 10 days it'll be two months, I think...

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: MOoo?

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: yeah dumb ass

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: Shutt up you.....

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: MOO! ^_^ *snuggles Trevnor*

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: Moo?? *dances* =Falls over=

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: weeeeeeeee!! *picks him up and dances with him*

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: *rather scared* *dances*

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: *kills trevnor* *brings him back to life*

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: *dnr orders*

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: god im so hyper... and im having mc donalds for dinner!! YAY!

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: g2g

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: Send me some.....

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: ai baii! *huggles*

2004-12-03 [Morgoth]: just look at when [Hedda] was created... It can't be less than a month...

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: Shut up im stupid but it hasnt ben 2 months either

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: yes it has, just ask [joe64]

2004-12-03 [Trevnor]: srry 9 day till boy

2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: (I'm / hasn't / been / sorry / untill)

2004-12-03 [1st Font]: [Sunrose] mwhaha good work ;)

2004-12-03 [1st Font]: This is not a chat wiki

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: This is!! chat o_O;;

2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: :D

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: randomnicity!! YAY!! Moo. o.o;

2004-12-03 [hello]: In your effort to catch all the words that these idiots are misspelling, you misspelled 'until'....^_^

2004-12-03 [Solitiaum]: lol

2004-12-03 [Sunrose]: No one speaks I'll of the Goddess! It was a typo! *bans [hello]* there...

2004-12-03 [Gone4eva]: its been a chat wiki for a while

2004-12-03 [1st Font]: MWHAHA [Sunrose] made a typo!!! oooh sorry oh great goddess, bans [Gone4eva] as a sacrafice!

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