Page name: elfpackchat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-30 03:02:28
Last author: Robert.Thibodeau
Owner: dominoe
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wellcome u can do anything u like here
sware,shout ,spam, anything and have a fight#*
these is from the creator of this wiki

if u wanna be a member put your name below

(1) [sub zero]
(2) [arabellarose]
(3) [thnx goodbye lozers]
(4) [Feral kitten]
(5) [Kate, short for bob!]
(6) [Robert.Thibodeau]
(7) [Gone01]
(8) [suicide angel]
(9) [n/aaaaa]
(10)[Beloved Promise]
(13)[Mr. E]

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[Feral kitten]: Meow?

[Feral kitten]: *pees on the side of the couch* 0.0?

[Kate, short for bob!]: eeeewwwww...smells of pee in here!!

[arabellarose]: smells like my Kit Kat was kitty, kitty

[Feral kitten]: *pounces on Rose* I wub you!

[Feral kitten]: *pounces up onto the back of a couch, raising my arms to grab ahold of a beam and pull myself up into the rafters*

[sub zero]: wort r u on Feral kitten

[Feral kitten]: *smiles down at him* I am on a beam in the wern't talking about that. I am on Trinessa, spirolactone, and metaformin. ^_^

[sub zero]: lol

[Feral kitten]: *my lips stretch out in a playful smile* Well, you did ask, didn't you? *pounces on him*

[sub zero]: ok

[dominoe]: cool

[sub zero]: lol

[dominoe]: some body wanna be a member raise your hand

[sub zero]: ok

[Feral kitten]: *raises my hand* Me!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: me me me!! *raises my hand*

[Feral kitten]: Us!!!!!!!! *dances*

[dominoe]: its done

[Feral kitten]: *purrs softly* Thankies, dom.

[dominoe]: wellcome

[thnx goodbye lozers]: wieeeeeej

[dominoe]: ahh! dont do that

[Feral kitten]: *pounces up into a chair, curling into a ball and falling asleep*

[dominoe]: *sneaks up on kitty*boooo!

[Feral kitten]: Ahhh! *jumps several feet in the air, hitting my head on a light fixing* x_x

[dominoe]: heee-hee

[Feral kitten]: *falls to the floor, little more than a limp clump of fur*

[dominoe]: cool

[Feral kitten]: =x^x=

[dominoe]: hee-hee

[Feral kitten]: (what type of sick wierdo are you?)

[dominoe]: your kind of sick weirdo

[Feral kitten]: You're my kind?! ^_^ Cool.

[dominoe]: yep

[Feral kitten]: Rose is going to freak out when she finds out I have my own type of wierdo!

[dominoe]: she is

[Feral kitten]: Do I have a patent yet?

[dominoe]: yeah i do

[Feral kitten]: Yey! Life is going to get scarry, imagine a bunch of wierdos like me running around...ahhh...this is going to be one crazy least everyone will get along better.

[dominoe]: maybe

[Feral kitten]: _-_ Why me?

[dominoe]: idont know do u still have that buzzer on

[Feral kitten]: No..

[dominoe]: *still thorws water on u*

[Feral kitten]: Hey! I am wearing a white shirt! *crosses my arms over my chest* ....-_- Thanks dom..

[dominoe]: wellcome ,hey u got hairy niples

[Feral kitten]: *growls* I do not! And quit looking you perv! *turns around pouting* You're mean today.

[dominoe]: im just in a wierd mood

[Feral kitten]: -_-

[dominoe]: *thows smoke bomb *boom!

[Feral kitten]: *pounces out of the way then onto your head*

[dominoe]: hope u dont smoke cose i am now

[Feral kitten]: No, I don't smoke...><

[dominoe]: dose this count?

[Feral kitten]: Maybe.

[dominoe]: i dont know

[Feral kitten]: I see...

[sub zero]: ok wot r you two on

[Feral kitten]: I don't know what he is on, but I already told you what I was. ^_^

[dominoe]: okay

[sub zero]: lol ok

[dominoe]: hi

[Feral kitten]: Meow..

[sub zero]: woof

[dominoe]: huh?

[arabellarose]: What in the world is going on in here?.....*looking up at the rafters at Ferral swiping at Sub who is barking at her*.....Do I have to separate everyone and make you play by yourselves??

[dominoe]: i dont know

[sub zero]: hi ppl

[Feral kitten]: I don't want to play with myself. ^_^ Tee-hee-hee.

[sub zero]: hi

[Feral kitten]: Play with me! I mean...hello. ^_^

[dominoe]: hi

[sub zero]: Play with you ok

[Feral kitten]: *beams* Yey!

[dominoe]: cool

[sub zero]: wot you wont me to play with you

[dominoe]: sure

[sub zero]: kinky

[dominoe]: nope

[sub zero]: ok

[dominoe]: kk

[Feral kitten]: *pounces on sub* Whee!

[dominoe]: *pounces on kitten*

[sub zero]: beat both of your ass's lol

[dominoe]: no fair

[sub zero]: y

[dominoe]: never mind

[sub zero]: lol

[dominoe]: what?

[arabellarose]: *sits in dark corner crying*

[dominoe]: why r u crying?

[arabellarose]: me and my guy had an argument and now me sad

[dominoe]: poor u

[Feral kitten]: *pounces on Rose, hugging her* It will be okay, Rose; remember most guys are asses! 

[arabellarose]: I know, that why I have you all to make me happy....*licks your cheek*

[dominoe]: hey im not an ass

[arabellarose]: she said most guys....we know you are not an ass.

[dominoe]: right just making sure

[Feral kitten]: I said most guys, dom. *licks back* Wub you rose! Have to go to work now. 

[dominoe]: 3 mins till i have to go

[arabellarose]: okies....I'm working on my new wiki pit bull lovers

[Feral kitten]: Rose, should I make another den?

[arabellarose]: most fefinitely....

[Feral kitten]: Okaies

[Feral kitten]: ...Meow?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert looks around* "Holy Crap... Hello? Am I all alone?" *Robert didn't mind if he was all alone he had been before*

[Feral kitten]: *pounces out of the rafters down onto the back of the couch*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Who the hell are you?" Robert said looking away from [Feral kitten]*

[Feral kitten]: *ears go flat in submission and jumps back up into the rafters laying down, wraping my tail tightly around myself*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert Laughs softly* "It's ok I'm not going to hurt you" *He turns and looks at [Feral kitten]* "I'm Robert. I'm a Angel"

[Feral kitten]: *peeks down at you meowing softly*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "So are you a Shape sifter or a full Cat?"

[Feral kitten]: *pounces back down onto the back of the couch, shifting into my human form, still crouching there* "I am...a shape shifter.."

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Can you only turn into a Cat or Animals..?"

[Feral kitten]: *stands walking down the back of the couch and jumps onto the floor, shifting into a wolf before I hit the ground* "I can turn into a Canis Lupis as well as a, Sky Father gave my human form wings..." *walks slowly over to Robert, shifting back into a cat as I approach*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Cool" Robert says taking off his Long Coat showing his Large Black wings that slowly turned White. "As you can see I have wings. I'm the Angel of Life and Death. Heaven and hell. You see Heaven is not at War with Hell but with Heaven and Hell and Hell is the same. I'm Part of a Company that is Half owned by Hell and Half by Heaven. It is wierd but.. " Laughs " But my Job is not a Nice one at times.. I have to kill people so that this world well live and the people on this planet well have long Familys. This isn't my first planet when I have to do this and it wont be my last... Life can be weird sometimes I Angel of Death giving life and a Angel of Life giving Death.Thats why I become both.

[Robert.Thibodeau]: It was to wierd Just being one or the other. And yes I have been both." Robert looks away from [Feral kitten] "So Why do you not stay in human from?"

[Feral kitten]: "Without Death there would be no room for the living, we would all live, but in pain from the lack of resources. And without Life, Death wouldn't be. Death isn't something to be scared is to be embraced, welcomed as an old friend. I would gladly give my life so that another may take my place..."

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "That may be but you aren't the one killing people before there time. You see The Gods Kill people and Life kills people. When Life kills people They Die from old age or Cancer. When I god kills someone I do it. You don't know the feeling when You have to kill a Married Man with six Kids because in Three years he is going to make something that will be used by someone else as a Weapon.... But then again there is the odd time where Human or Things like them kill one another.. Thats where The Angel of Life comes in. My Job there is to Protect people. Not to Bring them Back from the Dead. It I have to Bring them Back I have Not done my Job."

[Feral kitten]: *nods my head sadly* If you ever need to take my life, know that I wouldn't be mad; especially if I was going to do something to hurt another...

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "That isn't the point.. The point is Life shouldn't be taken the why it is. I understand I have to kill a lot of people and most of then I do with out Caring.... ever but there is the one or two every so often life ten thousand years that kills me inside.. The it bugs me the most that the gods... CAN'T DO IT THEM SELFS. Like that the... Never mind" Robert Looks Up as his wings turn Silver Yellow ".... Anyway I shouldn't Bitch. Because of the gods I have more power then anyone on any Planet. I Live forever and I'm not Dead anymore nor well I die anymore." Robert turns and looks at [Feral kitten] "So... What do you do?"

[Feral kitten]: *looks down at the ground as Robert looks at me* For the most part, I am a comforter. The only reason I bother to breathe is to make others feel better. Often neglecting my own emotional needs to tend to others. If I were to do otherwise...if I were to be weighed down by my own selfish needs then I would not be able to help others efficently. 

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "I see... Me before I Dead" Robert Grabs [Feral kitten]'s Hand "Come with me we can go for a walk or a fly or something. Just you and me and the open world. What do you say?"

[Feral kitten]: *looks up at him blushing slightly, a gentle smiling decorating my face* O-okay...*closes my eyes, cringing slighlty as I constrict my muscles in my back making my tattered, pale gray wings come out of my back*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Robert walked out side and looked at [Feral kitten] "Do we Fly or walk?"

[Feral kitten]: *smiles at him* Walk for a few min. My wings havn't had much time to recooperate from being bunched up. 

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Thats fine with me" Robert started walking in this town he had never been in before "So do you live in this Town?"

[Feral kitten]: *shakes my head no* No, but I frequently visit here. Rose and Dom live here, so I try to come as often as I can. I live in Oakwood.  It is so beautiful there..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Cool... I live a good half way around the world in the Derest. I own the town and called it Desret waste Land."

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Robert looks at [Feral kitten] and says "Oh Crap I have to go. I'll talk to you later." He then turns and thinks *"I Wished [thnx goodbye lozers] was here"* then Teleports to Heaven.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hello? is there anybody here?....

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "I am now" Robert says about 45mins after you leave

[Feral kitten]: I am, as well. (2 days later)

[dominoe]: dme missed all the fun

[Feral kitten]: Get back on, DOM!

[arabellarose]: here kitty, where did that darn cat go?

[Feral kitten]: *pounces on rose, huggling her* Meow, right here!

[arabellarose]: there's my kit kat. *huggles you tightly*....I missed you soooooooo much

[Feral kitten]: *purrs softly* I love you!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi this little elf is being HYPER!!!=D *toink toink toink*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: but nobody here 2 share it with=( crys softly;'(

[thnx goodbye lozers]: then she feels a wornk soft hand with 3 fingers on here shoulder who says Zoink zoiiiiink zooooink.. she stops crying and whispers zoiiink zoiiiiink zoinkkkk.. the voice says ziiiionk zzzzzoooink zoink zoink zoink.. She smileys and hugs here great sweet alien friend Zioink.. He invites here to see space and she goes with him in his ufo

[dominoe]: ufo?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *lands again on earth with the ufo*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah an ufo:P

[Feral kitten]: ^_^ That sounds like lots of fun.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah!!!=D

[arabellarose]: me ride, me ride, me ride, me ride....I WANNA RIDE TOO!!!!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ok calls her friend Zioink en takes arabellarose with her on a trip to SPACE:D

[arabellarose]: woo hoo!!!!!.... this is fun......Can I drive???

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ok if ur carefull because when we crash Zioink has 2 buy himself an new one and there expensive on his planet! and it's is mom and dads ufo...

[arabellarose]: I'll be real careful...I promissssssssssssseeeeeeee.....wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!This Rocks!!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: wieeeeej!!

[arabellarose]: !!emosewa nikkirf si siht........ah-ah!!!

[dominoe]: cool

[Feral kitten]: Dom! *pounces on him* Where the hell have you been? T_T

[sub zero]: hi ppl

[Feral kitten]: Hiya Sub, how are you doing?

[dominoe]: dame keep missing ppl on-line

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah that sucks=(

[Feral kitten]: Well, quit missing us and come back on! *pouts*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah come back! now:P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Hello" Robert said as he walked into a dark room "The Order?" A Mans Vocie came from the Dark. "Robert" Robert Looked at the Vocie and said "Alex What?" The Man Didn't say anything but a Girl did "You are here today because you have Broke one of are Laws". Robert Looked at Alex still and said "And you know why I did. Those Girls Don't need to Die I have shown that to you". "We well see Robert." He then was in the meddle of his town but his town was gone.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hello? Robert? where are we? what's happend? was this ur town? i felt something was wrong that's why i came..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "The Order! Well Die!" Robert looked at [thnx goodbye lozers]. His eyes where one fire but they where slowly becoming normal. "Soory" Robert said at last.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: what did u do? what has happend? What did The order do 2 u?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: am i asking 2 much questions? oh there i go again.. asking questions sorry..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "It's ok... The Order has taken my Power and Make me almost... Human... Over not killing two Girls. I didn't wan to kill them because there is another way but the order wont listion... Oh Sh*t! Come with me." Robert Grabbed [thnx goodbye lozers] Hand and Ran to the Forest just a head. There he had a Honda. "Get in. we have to find someone before they get to her."

[thnx goodbye lozers]: who is it? do i know her? *Gets in the Honda*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "[electric butterflys]" Robert Put's on his seat belt "I think you should put on your Seat belt too"

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ok! don't know her.. *puts on her seat belt* ok GO:P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Robert put's his foot on the Floor and The Car hit 100 fast. Robert had to have done this before because he didn't hit and Tree or get to close to one. "I really hope we aren't to late. When I get both of you I have to come up with a plan. I have to protect you two but at the sametime Stop the order."

[thnx goodbye lozers]: WHAT I'M ONE OFF THE 2 GIRLS!! why didn't u say that? why do i have 2 be killed.. well nevermind u can say that 2 me when we got [electric butterflys]

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "If you want I can Explain now. It's really not that long. If you Die The Unholy one well not come. But if we where to kill 666 killers it would do the samething. See why I want to stop this?"

[sub zero]: im ok and u guys

[thnx goodbye lozers]: oh ok but why does the Unholy come if i die?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Because your Holy it's hard to explain but if you and her die then... what the hell? [sub zero] How did you get in my car?"

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah??well i'm fine i think well that was before i heard i could die.. but still happy=) soo robert? when will we be there?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Soon I hope! I'm not fully sure where see is anymore. I'm losing my powers"

[Feral kitten]: *Rolls over off the side off the rafters*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: (We me and [thnx goodbye lozers] are in a car Driving)

[Feral kitten]: (Well, I am still inside...*nods my head*) *My feet hit the wooden floor hard.* Meowuch.

[Robert.Thibodeau]: (Wooden Floor it's a Honda) "How can people do that? I understand Teleporting but into a Speeding Honda.. Thats Crazy.. But hello... Oh Crap my powers are going fast."

[Feral kitten]: (Tee-hee, I meant inside the house. I guess I should have been more specific.) *My ears twitch then I bolt out the door jumping onto the hood of a random car.*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Robert stops. "Oh God... I can't remember..." Robert gets out of the Car and looks to the Left of the Car. There is a Small Man shape. Robert gets Ready to fight and says to [thnx goodbye lozers] "get ready to get in the driver seat and get the F*ck out of here. You others The same. If this goes wrong run."

[Feral kitten]: "Or just get in the car and drive...either way." 

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Thats what I meant.." The man moved fast towards Robert then Stopped. He looked like Robert just more evil "The Fight to the death for my powers" Robert said

[Feral kitten]: "Thought so. If you need any help, just hollar. This kitten can do alot more than what she looks like she can."

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "Thanks but..." Robert was cut off my Evil Robert "But this Fight needs to be one on ones self."

[thnx goodbye lozers]: Robert becareful please!! do u really don't need any help we can help u know!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "This fight has to be with my Hands... It's a Ego this" Robert said "Plus" the Evil Robert added "If you help I well kill you faster then him. He is my only Weakness at this time. You are like little Bettles."

[dominoe]: a nuts missed all the fun

[dominoe]: hey

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Robert looks at [dominoe] and [thnx goodbye lozers] "What are you talking about?" This was more at [dominoe] But because of what [thnx goodbye lozers] said after words it confused him a little. "So" The Evil Robert said without letting the Girls Answer "It is Time"

[dominoe]: r u caling me a girl?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah he did;) i think:P

[dominoe]: hey

[Feral kitten]: *pouts*

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