Page name: elfpackchat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-30 03:02:28
Last author: Robert.Thibodeau
Owner: dominoe
# of watchers: 16
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wellcome u can do anything u like here
sware,shout ,spam, anything and have a fight#*
these is from the creator of this wiki

if u wanna be a member put your name below

(1) [sub zero]
(2) [arabellarose]
(3) [thnx goodbye lozers]
(4) [Feral kitten]
(5) [Kate, short for bob!]
(6) [Robert.Thibodeau]
(7) [Gone01]
(8) [suicide angel]
(9) [n/aaaaa]
(10)[Beloved Promise]
(13)[Mr. E]

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[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: Well, she is right, you know.

[sakura]: * hugs kir-bu*

[sakura]: *jumps on warp star* wee

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *flies off into space*

[sakura]: *uses the jump clowcard* to jump really high*

[sakura]: do alot of people come here?

[dominoe]: hey everyone

[gaiaonline dude23]: hi dominoe

[dominoe]: nope that was yesterday

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ayayayyaaaaaaaaaaaaawy

[dominoe]: hiya

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hi!!! *hugs dominoe*

[dominoe]: hiya

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert gets back home in his Truck. He parks the truck and gets out. He reads his note that is on his door and walks in. He then reads the last few days and believe a lot of people should stop drinking and make a house(Laughs)* I guess I'm alone! Crap I have to work on my house!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert Goes to his truck and gets in then drives to a near by forset and gets out of the truck.* Ok now to get some tree to work on my house with.

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert walked up to a Tree and Cut it down with the side of his hand. He grabbed it before it fully fell and carred it out to a open area where he cut it shorter and put it on the truck* I think I can do that to another one *He said*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: then he hears a voice from behinds his back......... *HIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I see ur back*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Laughs* Yep! *Robert says as he cuts down the second tree* Watch your self *He then moves the tree out and does the same thing*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: sooo where have u been?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Everywhere! What about you?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: just home=(

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I see. I saw there was some Drunk people getting undressed *laughs*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hehe yes indeed=P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert loads the other Tree onto his Truck* Do you need a ride back to my town? *Robert said getting into the truck*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah thanks *gets into the truck*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert started to Drive to his Town* "So, Are you going to watch me work?" *Robert laughed a little

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah ok=D wieej i can help=) if u want me to help?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *laughs* "I bet you can but I think if I do need you it's only going to be like, can you pass me that, nothing more. I really want to fix my house by my self. I find it moves faster that way. Oh and after I'm done that we can go to get a few drinks. I want to get you drunk once" *laughs*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: heheh ok=P coowl=D

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert laughs as they get to his house. Robert stops the truck and gets out. He then flow up and removed most of his roof and started to make a new one.*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: doorentje watches

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *after Robert got most of the roof done he looked at Doorentje and thought "She must me bored." He then screamed out at Doorentje* "Let me Finsh the roof so that I don't get water in my house if it rains and then we can go get drinks. What do you say?"

[thnx goodbye lozers]: coowl=D... but don't u want to finish ur house?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: "i've done enough for today"

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ok then it's oke *smiles*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert flys down and starts walking to the bar* "You coming?"

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *walks in the bar, looking for someone*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: for who?

[dominoe]: hiya

[sakura]: kir-bu!!!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert looks around and laughs* "Doorentje I'm doing it again... I have to go to work." *starts walking to the door* "Everytime I want to get a drink with you" *Stops right out side the door holding Doorentje's hand* "I'm really sorry! I hope to see you soon!" *Kissies Doorentjes head and then teleports to heaven*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *doorentje runs out of the bar and flies to the nearest tree* *she climbs in it and starts thinking* *Why does he always leave me? maby he doesn't like me* *but why?*

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *goes to the bar table and gets a drink, still looking for a certain someone*

[dominoe]: how r u looking for?

[dominoe]: .

[Deathbyvampires]: you can't run dominoe *grins*

[dominoe]: u will never take me alive

[dominoe]: ...

[Deathbyvampires]: oh really? *hiss*

[dominoe]: *casts spell for silver stakes*

[Deathbyvampires]: *smiles* that lame old stunt *shoots ball of black magic which destroys the stakes*

[dominoe]: dame

[Deathbyvampires]: hehehehehehe....

[dominoe]: *creates ball of sun light*

[Deathbyvampires]: *turns away* no!

[dominoe]: what dont u  little sun u look a litte pale

[Deathbyvampires]: *screams* get it off me!!

[dominoe]: *move ball of sunlight away it from death*

[Deathbyvampires]: *turns back to him* you trying to kill me or something?!

[dominoe]: maybe

[Deathbyvampires]: ggggrrrrrr

[dominoe]: .

[Deathbyvampires]: hehehehehe

[dominoe]: its done

[arabellarose]: **has hands extended with fireballs in each**....Hey Dom,...I have an astronaut for ya

[dominoe]: yay!

[arabellarose]: I really need to blow something up!!...

[dominoe]: i need help with this wiki

[arabellarose]: what do you need??

[Deathbyvampires]: *ducks for cover* your not blasting me with those...*prepares with her own ball of black magic*

[dominoe]: a banner

[arabellarose]: Don't worry Death...I won't blow you up.....and Don, I'll try to come up with something for ya

[dominoe]: thanxs rose

[arabellarose]: No problem.....anything for you, you know that!!...*holds out hand*, here have another astronaut

[dominoe]: yes please

[arabellarose]: yay!!.....**magically makes a sugar pool appear**..look what I brought with me

[dominoe]: *jumps in suger bowl*

[arabellarose]: YAAAY!!!!.....**jumps in too and throws up sugar** woo hoo

[dominoe]: wee!

[Deathbyvampires]: *watches from the side, refusing to jump in with them* you got to be kidding...

[arabellarose]: have you conjured up any dragons lately??

[Deathbyvampires]: dragons?

[dominoe]: nope ,say hi to death by vampires

[arabellarose]: I also have a pudding pool, a jello pool, a kool-aid pool and I also have a sour skittle pool.....which one would you like Death???

[Deathbyvampires]: hi arabellarose...none

[arabellarose]: Oh!!! and I also have an endless supply of lollipops

[dominoe]: dibs on the cool-aid pool

[Deathbyvampires]: no pools for me thanks...unless you have a blood pool of course...

[arabellarose]: Nice to meet you can call me Rose if ya wanna

[dominoe]: rose u have one?

[arabellarose]: That can be arranged.....**magically makes a blood pool appear, just for Death**

[Deathbyvampires]: *smiles and jumps in* yay!

[dominoe]: fun fun fun!

[Deathbyvampires]: *licks up a little of the blood* mmm....tasty as well as fun hehehe

[arabellarose]: YAAAAY!!! now everyone is happy!!!

[dominoe]: yay!

[Deathbyvampires]: *dives under...doesn't come back up*

[dominoe]: mmm tasty cool-aid

[Deathbyvampires]: *still doesn't come back up*

[dominoe]: death r u okay?

[Deathbyvampires]: ........

[dominoe]: helo?

[arabellarose]: **looks up from sugar pool with sugar on face**....UM, I think we need to pull Death up for some air!!!

[Deathbyvampires]: ........*still under*

[arabellarose]: **gets out of sugar pool and goes over to blood pool**....Death, are you ok??

[dominoe]: yeah i think so

[Deathbyvampires]: ....*couple of bubbles float to the top*

[arabellarose]: **sticks in hand searching around for Death**

[dominoe]: i think maybe i should go in

[Deathbyvampires]: *jumps out of pool hissing* hehehehehehehehehe, got ya! *laughs*

[dominoe]: not funny

[Deathbyvampires]: hehehehe

[arabellarose]: **sighs real loud** Thank goodness, we were getting worried about you

[Deathbyvampires]: the oldest trick in the book and you fell for it...hehehe

[Deathbyvampires]: thanks for your concern rose...hehehe

[arabellarose]: **cleans blood from arm**....I need a drink

[dominoe]: did u have fun

[arabellarose]: That's what friends do Death....

[Deathbyvampires]: *looks at time* it's been fun...but i got to go...i'll see you here again tomorrow...promise...

[dominoe]: bye!

[Deathbyvampires]: see you soon! bye! by rose!

[arabellarose]: Bye

[dominoe]: see ya

[dominoe]: just u and me again

[arabellarose]: I guess that I should get started on my day too...I will be on later Dom...**gives you a big huggle** take care and here is a bunch of astronauts for ya...**holds out hand**

[dominoe]: mmmmmmmm thanxs

[arabellarose]: your welcome sweetie...I'll talk to ya later...bye bye

[dominoe]: bye-bye

[Deathbyvampires]: hey i'm back ppl...

[dominoe]: hey

[Feral kitten]: *pounces on Dom* WHeee!

[dominoe]: hiya kitty

[Feral kitten]: *purrs* How are you doing?

[dominoe]: okay and u?

[Feral kitten]: I am well, thanks. Mommaaaaaaaa.......

[dominoe]: yay

[arabellarose]: Kit Kat.....*huggles*.....extends hand to Dom with an astronaut

[dominoe]: yum

[arabellarose]: I have sour skittles too

[dominoe]: yay

[arabellarose]: **jumps into sugar pool**.....

[dominoe]: *jumps in too*


[dominoe]: yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

[Feral kitten]: ooooooo....skinnydipping in sugar! *dives into the large pool of sugar*

[dominoe]: *hee-hee*

[arabellarose]: woo hoo!,..I think I lost something.....

[dominoe]: what/

[Feral kitten]: You lost my dildo?!?!?!? *smiles teasingly* 

[dominoe]: bad kitty

[arabellarose]: **bursts out laughing** silly,..I have that right here...*holds out hand to show*....I lost my clothes

[dominoe]: *looks away*

[Feral kitten]: Oh, thanks....*reaches out and grabs my pink furry dildo* did wash this off after you were done using it...didn't you? ><

[arabellarose]: of course I did...don't need sugar going into places it shouldn't be

[dominoe]: thats sick

[arabellarose]: oh have an astronaut and be happy....*holds out hand full of astronauts for Dom*

[Feral kitten]: Yey! Thanks. ^_^ Heheh. Dom, you are much too innocent. ^_^ Perhaps that is why we love you.

[dominoe]: perhapes

[arabellarose]: That's exactly why!!! God help those who try to hurt him!!

[Feral kitten]: Yes! Or try to steal his innocence! Ahhh....innocence.......

[dominoe]: god has nothing to do with it

[arabellarose]: I'll pound 'em tp the ground....he's our Dom....nobody else's!!!

[dominoe]: *opens portal*

[Feral kitten]: Okay...switch it with Sky Father.

[dominoe]: huh?

[arabellarose]: *flicks hand into air and closes portal*....

[dominoe]: no fair

[Feral kitten]: Portal?

[dominoe]: yeah portal

[Feral kitten]: Where to?

[dominoe]: who knows

[arabellarose]: *stands up and puts on cloak*.....You still have alot to learn young man!!....

[arabellarose]: opening portals will get you into trouble that you're not ready for

[dominoe]: im ready for it

[arabellarose]: no your not...Do I have to bind your magic again??

[dominoe]: no

[Feral kitten]: Oooo....bindings......

[dominoe]: *opens small portal hoping rose wont notice*

[arabellarose]: I did notice...*closes portal with the swoop of a hand*

[arabellarose]: Wrong kind of binding Kit Kat.....but a nice thought

[dominoe]: damb it wats the worst that could happen

[Feral kitten]: Oh, I know...isn't it. Damit, why can't he be on?!

[dominoe]: huh?

[arabellarose]: I could think of worse things Dom.....

[Feral kitten]: *smiles* Nothing, dom. Meh, I have to go now, talk to you all later. *huggles everyone*

[dominoe]: bye

[arabellarose]: Bye Kit Kat...*huggles*

[dominoe]: see ya

[arabellarose]: You leaving to?

[dominoe]: no just saying good bye to neko

[arabellarose]: oh ok.....*sits down and puts chin on knees*.....whatcha wanna do??

[dominoe]: not sure

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