Page name: elfpackchat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-30 03:02:28
Last author: Robert.Thibodeau
Owner: dominoe
# of watchers: 16
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wellcome u can do anything u like here
sware,shout ,spam, anything and have a fight#*
these is from the creator of this wiki

if u wanna be a member put your name below

(1) [sub zero]
(2) [arabellarose]
(3) [thnx goodbye lozers]
(4) [Feral kitten]
(5) [Kate, short for bob!]
(6) [Robert.Thibodeau]
(7) [Gone01]
(8) [suicide angel]
(9) [n/aaaaa]
(10)[Beloved Promise]
(13)[Mr. E]

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[Gone01]: its already here

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Enters homes* Welcome to my Crappy home. *There is nothin on the walls

[Gone01]: *yells out* no sex

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaaaay nice place!!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: THANKS!

[Gone01]: ANYTIME

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *looks at Doorentje* What? This place is crap!

[Gone01]: YES IT IS

[thnx goodbye lozers]: nooo me likes it!! *smiles*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: u only have to decorate it!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *goes into a Room with a old army bed and looks in the closet* Oh Draxx is the son of the devils Brothers

[Gone01]: YA I AM

[thnx goodbye lozers]: runs to the bed and jumps on it * weeeeeeej*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Bed Breaks* I'm the Angel of Death and life

[thnx goodbye lozers]: nice!! aaaaaaaah nooo!! falls on the floor

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *laughs*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *puts Shirt in Closet*


[thnx goodbye lozers]: oh nooo!! i broke ur bed!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *looks scared to mister clown*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I know. it was a crappy bed

[Gone01]: UR DEAD

[thnx goodbye lozers]: aaaaaaaaaaah!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *flies to another room*


[Robert.Thibodeau]: *looks around* what the hell? Doorentje how do you do that?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *flies outside*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: DRAXX!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: I have also powers

[Gone01]: WHAT

[Robert.Thibodeau]: How do you fly?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *aaaah flies high into the sky* *haven't u seen the wings on my back!!0_o


[Robert.Thibodeau]: What it's my house and not yours

[Gone01]: ITS OURS

[thnx goodbye lozers]: no u silly mister clown i was already outside:P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: And it's mine!!!

[Gone01]: BIT ME


[Gone01]: CALM DOWN

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Draxx I well burn your balls boy!!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Doorentje?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yeah i always have wings well they're not that big but u can see them!!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I see... don't hit your head

[Gone01]: KOOL

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *walks out side* It's a good day. Looks like rain tomorrow *looks to the sky not clouds. Moves wings*

[Gone01]: YOU QUIET

[Gone01]: YOU

[Gone01]: WHAT THE F

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ur mean mister clown

[Gone01]: BIT ME

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I think I should call my brothers of arms tonight and have a party you up for it Draxx?

[Gone01]: SURE

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaay party!! yayayayayayaaaaay!!

[Gone01]: *apperas* party

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *shakes head* all call them later to night. To lazy

[Gone01]: *tackles Doorentje and leaves*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *cries again* even she thinks it's annoying

[Robert.Thibodeau]: so Doorentje do you have any other names?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: as i said before other elfes call me Elvirith

[Gone01]: NOPE

[Robert.Thibodeau]: ... I'll stay with Doorentje if you don't mind

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *hears a voice* ohh noo!! my dad calls me, he's pissed!! gotta go bye!! will be there at ur party!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: bye stupid mister clown *stiks out her tongue* bye robert!! *waves*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *dissapears*

[Gone01]: SHUT UP

[thnx goodbye lozers]: reapears u shut up!! and *disapears again*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Why do all of you people dissapear? You have wings! use them!

[Gone01]: CUZ

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Fine..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *later that day goes Calls up everyone and Starts the Party*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *waits for Doorentje* Where the hell is she? And where is Draxx?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *reapears!* sorry had to eat*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: are u there?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: HELLO!! IS THERE ANYONE IN THIS CRAPPY HOUSE??!!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: i thought u were going to have a party!

[Robert.Thibodeau]: (Note: They aren't at Robert's House. They are at the house next to it.(left) Draxx lives acroos the street and there is about sixteen other homes plus a Bar. Draxx owns the Bar but never is working. A 19 year old Girl named Tina and her 23 year old Brother do. Why live together in the house to Draxx's Left.)

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *robert looks over and sees Doorentje and screams* OVER HERE!!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaaaaaaay!! runs to robert!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: where is Draxx?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I have no clue. It's not like him to miss a party!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: =S weird maby he's to hell?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: No! Can't feel him there... I think he is on Tal Plant... Crazy!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: huh where?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *gets herself some beer*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *gets herself another beer*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: robert also want one?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: starts feelling alone...

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *flies outside and is going to sit on a rock waiting for someone else to show up*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: SOMEONE HERE!!!!!! ROBERT!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!=P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I'm here again!! Sorry. Looking for Draxx

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *After Robert kicked everyone out and went to hello but before that he told Doorentje that he would see her again soon and kiised her head*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: bye!!! and she flew back to her home

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: I see you guys "chat" a lot around here.

[dominoe]: morning

[gaiaonline dude23]: why brian

[dominoe]: there not on

[thnx goodbye lozers]: hi dominoe!! *waves*

[dominoe]: hello

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *sings* lalalala

[dominoe]: *dances to singing*

[dominoe]: nobodys here

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: Ohhh, no, wait, you are though.

[dominoe]: no im not*hides*

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *has x-ray vision* Ha, I have found you!

[dominoe]: dame

[thnx goodbye lozers]: i'm here!

[dominoe]: cool

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaaaay!!

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *does happy dance*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *does the happy dance with Kir-Bu*

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *does the disco* Look, I have to be going now, bus is coming. Talk to you later though.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: bye!!! *waves*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: ssooo is there anybody here?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert comes back to his house to do somethings for 30 min*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Hello is there anyone here *Robbie says telikly*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: (Fine!! I'll Rpg alone!) *Robert walked into his Home and looked at his Bed* Crap I forgot. *He walked out side and used his wings to fly to a town not to far away. It took like 5 mins to robert*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *He landed in this town and head to a store* Hello *he said to the store owner.* I would like to buy a bed. A Army one please.

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *the man looks at Robert* And how are you getting this back to your home?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Robert looked at The man and said* Please just get me the bed so I can go home. * the man got Robert the bed and Robert Gradded soething out of his packet and pushed a Botton that teleported him home. He didn't use it to get to the store because it only works to teleport to his home and to hell*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *at home he put the bed together and walked outside. He added to the front of Five homes a sign saying "For Rent. $100 per month if you want if fixed then do it your self and pay $100 per month or I'll do it and pay $500 a month" then he walked to his home and pushed the botton*

[Agile Panda, Master of Panda Lotus]: *teleports back to where he was* Hello?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *flies to roberts house to look if he's there* helloo??!!!

[dominoe]: hiya

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaaay runs to dominoe!!

[dominoe]: hi how r u

[thnx goodbye lozers]: fine fine... soo have u seen people here lately?

[Member#327]: Wanna battle, dominoe?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yaay fight fight fight!!=P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *teleports home* Nothing like a bath in hell to really help the muscles. *He walked out the door and looked around* Nothing!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: then doorentje scares him because she was hiding in an other room=P

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *laughs* I kid.. Good try.. I have been in hell you can't scare me that easy.

[thnx goodbye lozers]: pitty! *hugs u*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Smiles* So what have you been up to?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: nm being bored at school boring boring magic school=(

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I see. *Robert looked at the girl* How old are you anyway?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: 22 *robert said.(I'm really Nineteen)*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: (I'm really 14) *sign*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *looks really sweejt* i can still be here right?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Why wouldn't you?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: i donno... weeej!! *runs circles in the room*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *laughs* Crazy kid. So where to you live?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: at a really beautiful place in the woods... it's really far from here..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I see. So how to you get here? Fly? How long does that take?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: flying 2,5 weeks but disapearing just a couple of secs..

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Cool. *Robert looked around* what do you do for a living? You know money and what not?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: nothing my parents are rich so..... I don't have do anything as long as i go to school=S

[Robert.Thibodeau]: I see and where the hell is your school from here?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: near our house in the woods so 2,5 weeks flying

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Near my House?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: nope=( pitty

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *laughs* I see... So how much longer do you have to be in school until your out for good?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: couple of months and then i'm finnaly free!!=D

[Robert.Thibodeau]: Then what are you doing?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: donno yet..

[thnx goodbye lozers]: but have u found draxx already?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *Laughs* Yup! He is really busy. You should think about your life

[thnx goodbye lozers]: yp maby i'm going to live here in this town!!

[thnx goodbye lozers]: *hughs robert and whispers bye, see u soon in his ear and dissapears back to her home*

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *robert looks around again* God Damn it.. You think thats funny they keep leaving me don't you god?

[Robert.Thibodeau]: *robert goes back to hell*

[dominoe]: hiya

[Indie-rock 'n' roll]: Never mind the stabalisers! Where's the hair mousse?

[dominoe]: over there in the cuboard

[dominoe]: tag

[electric butterflys]: who did you tag??

[dominoe]: u

[electric butterflys]: what!!!! thats not fair i always it

[dominoe]: okay then ill be it run!

[electric butterflys]: *runs in a big circle*

[dominoe]: *takes giant mallet out of pocket*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: 0_o runs away!!........

[electric butterflys]: nooooo!!!!! duck and cover *hides under a table*

[dominoe]: if i tag uwith my mallet its gonna hurt

[thnx goodbye lozers]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!

[dominoe]: *runs after Doorentje*

[thnx goodbye lozers]: doorentje runs really fast away...

[dominoe]: *stands with giant mallet behind back* pheonix come out where ever u are

[electric butterflys]: i is here but i gots to go

[dominoe]: ohh see you later

[thnx goodbye lozers]: me 2=S bye!!

[dominoe]: huh?

[thnx goodbye lozers]: never mind=)

[dominoe]: kk

[thnx goodbye lozers]: =D yaaaaaaay soo dominoe have u been in a fight lately

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