I wish my name was nEmo*
Take the quiz: <br><a href="http://quiz.myyearbook.com/zenhex/quiz.php?id=930"><font size = "+2">How emo are you?</font><br></a><br><font size = "+1">Holy Shit Your Emo</font><br>Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.<br><br><a href="http://www.myyearbook.com">Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!</a>

If I cried
Would you still hold me?
If I died
Would you still love me?

If I jumped
Would you still catch me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I cut
Would you still stop me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I left
Would you still follow me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I shot
Would you still calm me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I killed
Would you still protect me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I lied
Would you still believe me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I betrayed
Would you still trust me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I lusted
Would you still touch me?
If I died
Would you still love me?
If I cried
Would you still hold me?
If I died
Would you come with me…?

1. Give me your number?
2. Have sex with me?
3. Let me kiss you?
4. Watch a movie with me?
5. Let me take you out to dinner?
6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
7. Take a shower with me?
8. Be my bf/gf?
9. Have a fling with me?
10. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?
11. Take me home for the night?
12. Would you let me sleep in your bed?
13. Sing car kareoke w/ me?
14. Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
15. Do you think im attractive, sexy, or hot?
16. Do you like my style?
17. Do you think im funny?
18. Do you care about me?
19. Would you dance with me?
20. Would you sing happy birthday to me?
1) Dated one of your best friends: yes
2) Loved/Liked: Yes
3) Cried: Yes
4) Drank alcohol: Yes
5) Done drugs: no
6) Broken the law: Yes
7) Broken a bone: yes
8) Cheated on a test: yes
9) Skinny dipped: yes
10) Played Truth or Dare: Yes
11) Ridden in a fire truck: yes
12) Come close to dying: yes
13) burned yourself: Yes
14) Given someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: Yes
15) Eaten a worm/mud pie: Hahaha y-No
16) Stayed up till four on the phone: Yes
17) Tipped over a port-a-potty: yes
18) Fell asleep while eating: yes
19) Met someone famous: yes
20) Been in a school play: Yes
21) Cried in public: Yes
22) Seen someone die: yes
23) been in a fist fight: yes
24) given someone a bruise: Yes
25) gotten a bruise: Yes
26) knocked somone out: Yes always in fights
27) been knocked out: yes
28) flipped any vehicles: No
29) cut someone: yes
30) been cut: Yes
31) burnt any buildings down: Yes
32) sex in public: no
33) mooned someone: Yes
34) acted kidnapped in a car: yes
35) flashed someone: Yes
36) kissed an ass: yes but they had pants on
37) blew something up: yes
38) caught your yard on fire: yes
39) threw a firecracker at someone: yes
40) been in any wars: Yes
41) stayed up all night: Yes
42) slept all day: Yes
43) watched the sunrise: Yes
44) rode a motorcycle: yes
45) driven a car: Yes
46) wrecked a car: Almost
47) gotten a tity twister: yes
48) given a tity twister: yes
49) posed for a nude pic: No
50) been suspended: Yes
51) been expelled: Yes
52) been arrested: Yes
53) been in jail: Yes

Dude must really want his cake.

Yes, Zoloft makes me one little happy blob too :)
1. Lotion: Soft Skin
2. Rubber: Condom
3. CD: Shiny!!!
4. Bed: sleep sex
5. Paper:White stuff
6. Run: from cops
7. Candle: FIRE
8. Mouse pad: hackin the hotmail and AOL servers and shutting them down
9. Sweatshirt: warm and cumffy
10. Door: Something my cat runs into
11. Pictures: MEMORIES
12. Flowers: roses
13. Pencil: writing
14. Sex: fun and Awsome
My EeMioS
Gorgeous [
Emo Saga]]
kickass [
1. Been high: yes
2. Had sex: No...damn..:P
3. Said "I hope you die" to someone: yes
4. Tried to kill someone: yes
5. Tried to kill yourself: yes
6. Lied to your parents: yes
7. Stole something: yes
8. Cut yourself: yes
9. Skipped school: yes
10. Hung up on someone: yes
11. Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
12. Snuck out: yes
13. Been to a school dance: yes

Bracelet codes:
*yellow* hugging
*red* sex,coital,ora
l,lap dance
*blue* blow job
*black* sexual intercourse,oral,coital
*white* flashing, gay kiss, french kiss
*clear* whatever you want
*green* cunnilingus or outdoor sex
*purple* anal sex
*orange* kissing, necking, bare breasts
*glow in the dark* with sex toys
*red &Black* 69
*Pink* licking butt or analingus
*Gold Glitter* Make out
*Brown* Toss my salad(Example:analingus)
Article 1: Statement of Love: The Kiss
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else. Lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
A girl asked a boy if she was pretty. He said no. Then she asked him he liked her and he said no. She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever. He said no. She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away. He again said no. She had heard 2 much. She needed to leave. As she walked away, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay he said "You're not pretty, you're beautiful.I don't like you, I love you. I don't want to be with you forever, i need to be with you forever and I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die
-->If you can´t be with the one you love, love the one you are with
A girl and guy were speeding, on a motorcycle, over 90 mph on the road..
Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, it’s not. Please, it’s too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It’s bugging me.
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it, but
only one survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn’t want to let the girl know.Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
I Luv Slada fingers

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.the stars will
cry the blackest
tears tonight.
cut my wrists and black my eyes
a ghost of you, is all i have left, all i have left to hold
you taught me
how to live in
the streets of
i dont wanna feel,
heart is breaking
[faceless lies, its easy
to speak when, every word
is your own, selfish eyes,
look onward to protest as
we tear down their disguise]
you said i hated you,
if only that was true
im bleeding for you,
you feel special right?
the pain is cutting me,
like a thousand knives
i tried to
be perfect, but
nothing was
worth it
pain doesnt hurt when its all youve ever felt
[and this will never end
im tired of all this walking,
and if this never ends,
i'll walk, until my feet
are bleeding.]
music low, were all
alone, being wrong never
felt so right
staying up all night
to write a love song
for no one
the promise that you made left broken on the floor
thankyou for making me
worthless in your eyes
when you live in sin
It’s hard to look at saints
take a gun called
hate up against
your heart, and
pull the trigger
live a lie
that will destroy
us all
my heart breaks and spills.
[yet im nothing
more than a
line in your book]
and once again im torn into pieces, cant deny it, wont pretend, im torn into pieces
[And all I have is hope
And all I need is time]
im just a thought to you
i hope you can
save our wounded
and my heart is torn to pieces
and papercuts,
and bloody hands
[The lies I told me about myself]
up to my heart
and im bleeding
without you
please someone help me im dying here in front of you
you say its not going
to work out
why do you have to tell
me now, is there a
in anything youve
said and done,
or is it just
the way weve been
[Just live and breathe, try not to die again.]
im leaving, do me
a favour, dont even
think of me now
[just when you thought it
was over it had only
just begun.]
im not going to let
this tear me apart
[i wish it was how i planned
everything will work out]
your the only one whos fading here
[i like the way you cry,
break my heart and
break my hands, and
let me down, i want
to snap your neck
in two.]
cant pretend your nothing special
this isnt getting any
better, i see the
look in your eyes,
you want to see a
pretty face?
there isnt
wrong with
giving up,
and for what
its worth,
i still hate
[if love is a labour, i'll slave till the end]
i wont cross these
streets, until you hold
my hand
i know its hurting
you, but its killing
fifty thousand
tears ive cried
they stand to fight for
nothing, and show how
stupid weve become, as
fortune favours
only those who care too
much to see.
[if it will never be okay,
if purpose buried everyday,
if lies that lead you to
the grave,
and some will say,
it will never be okay]
close your eyes
and stay away,
dont believe the
headlines, they
poison your minds
[because im a wishful
thinker, with the
worst intentions]
forget my name,
forget my face,
because its going to rain,
and it never stops.
Id give you my life, becuase i dont own anything.
Everytime I run away
it's easier to stay at the heart,
the heart is you,
in everything I do
[Sometimes I don't
know why we'd rather
live than die]
It seems our day keeps falling on a leap year
You and I are like when
fire and the ocean floor collide
why does my heart cry
feelings i cant fight
Look into my eyes and you will see,
what you mean to me,
search your heart,
search your soul and when you find me there you'll search no more
I'll believe all your lies
Just pretend you love me
Make believe, close your eyes
I'll be anything for you
the truth is,
you could slit my throat,
and with my last gasping breath,
i would apologise
for bleeding on your shirt.
so much for
my happy ending
i hope the next guy that you kiss, has something terribly contageous on her lips
my paper heart
will bleed
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........................ ‘’~-,,-sVICTORY WILL B MINE!!!~
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