Hey you guys. I like left elftown, but had made this wiki on et, so I desided to put it on here as well. This is for all the people who wanna show some love to other people wwho feel like they are apart of someone elses family....or if you feel like someone else is a part of your family. [The reason why I created this is because of someone very dear to me. Her name is Mary Anne Saria. I cannot express how much I love her, so this Wiki is dedicated to her.]
~*~Banner12~*~ I REALLY Love this one because it has Mary Anne in it, and she is my everything! I love her so much!!
How do I get the banners on my house?
Copy/Past, take out the stars and your good to go!
*NOTE* the pictures of the baby were taken by Wendy (the lady holding Jonas in the last banner.), and the one of Mrs.Hil was taken by me, and the picture of me and Mrs.Hill together was taken by Britney. The other banners that are not photos and have like a border on them, I made with "paint" on my computer. Please enjoy!