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2013-02-06 14:50:07
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Owner: Stephen
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2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: lets all give an applaude for [Nexus]!!

2005-01-26 [artmantastik]: Knock,knock......Hi everyone!    clap,clap,clap

2005-01-26 [kewt~azian~gurl]: come see Jumpsteady naked! -- mssg me for instant access to the wiki!

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: Hello ^_^ cool wiki

2005-01-26 [LolliFairy]: im bord! *sighs an stares in2 space*

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: 0.x"

2005-01-26 [FireGypsy]: ^Real Vampires^ Come and learn about the real vampire community of today! =)

2005-01-26 [Sunrose]: Okay ppls! That's enough wiki-advertising :)

2005-01-26 [FireGypsy]: *pouts* *tackles and hugs [Sunrose] =)*

2005-01-26 [Sunrose]: :P

2005-01-26 [FireGypsy]: =Þ hehe

2005-01-26 [n/aaaaa]: XD  Wiki advertising.....hhmm, i do have alot of wiki's that i can advertise o.o"  ^_^

2005-01-27 [FireGypsy]: hehe

2005-01-27 [n/aaaaa]: i won about 9 or so..... O.O

2005-01-27 [Nexus]: oooooo yay! sumone clappded for me! *smiles stupidly and takes a bite of cheese*

2005-01-27 [n/aaaaa]: OooOOowoOWOoowoW!!!! cheese!! o.O

2005-01-27 [Nexus]: i am the supreem overlord of cheese. *takes another bite of cheese*

2005-01-27 [cutiepie1]: Hey y'all

2005-01-27 [Nexus]: hello!

2005-01-27 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-01-28 [Nexus]: hehehehehe. im stupid. *lafs insanely*

2005-01-28 [Kitty Von English]: How would I put a fourm in my wiki? haha that sounds funny.

2005-01-28 [n/aaaaa]: HuH @.O

2005-01-29 [Nexus]: sum pple on here r just plain crazy. *smiles maniacly*

2005-01-30 [∂α ∂єšι ƒℓу ¢нι¢]: hI SUP YOYOYOYOY

2005-01-31 [Nexus]: ...i rest my case. *smiles maniacly agin*

2005-01-31 [Embrace]: how i get on chat ?

2005-01-31 [n/aaaaa]: "YOYOYOYOY"  XD  LOLLOLOLLOLOLLOO!!!

2005-02-01 [Nexus]: wow. ther not crazier 'n me but ther gettin ther. *lafs maniacly*

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: :P  ^_^  Me and my little friend make a Rammstein Fans wiki ....BuUUUuUUUAAAHAHhhah!!!

2005-02-01 [Nexus]: *smiles maniacly* i got shiny of doom. *cough*safteypin*cough* and i do bad things with it. *cough*cutmyself*cough*

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: NoNoOnNoOOOnOnnONON!!!!! O.O

2005-02-01 [Nexus]: O_o. o_O. kreepy. YAY OF DOOM!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *lafs evily*

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: ^_^

2005-02-01 [KuraiSenshi]: check out my new wiki tears and bambilee u dont put a forum in ur wiki theres one there usually.

2005-02-01 [phoenixborn]: i think you may have lost your mind. *sneeze* oh damn, ive lost mine now.

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-02-01 [spanjj]: beware the prickly pear

2005-02-01 [n/aaaaa]: XD I thought it said "Bear" :P

2005-02-02 [KuraiSenshi]: haha prickly bear! like a porki pine bear?

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: I dunno. I was just funny ^_^

2005-02-02 [Nexus]: ...wierd. O_o.

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: **COUGH** Any-who's....i like clouds :P

2005-02-02 [Nexus]: *gasp* i thot i was the only one that did!!!!! wow...*stares blankly into space*

2005-02-02 [iCh3wi]: Hi everyone, I finished my new wiki and i wanted to tell everyone about it: Rammstein Haben Liebhaber Vereint its for all of us Rammstein lovers out there!! +^_^+

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: Thats flippin' better than the one i made!! ^-^

2005-02-02 [iCh3wi]: Thnx. Everyone should be VERY GREATFUL, I just reorganized the entire Fanclub wiki pages. Isnt everyone gald I have OCD?? lol

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: OCD?? O.O"

2005-02-02 [iCh3wi]: A disorder I have where everything hass to be perfect. kinda weird huh?? lol

2005-02-02 [Hependipherous]: OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

2005-02-02 [n/aaaaa]: Thats COOOOOL!!! I wish i had that ^_^

2005-02-03 [Hependipherous]: No you don't. I've known people with it and suspect I have a very mild form of it. It's not fun. My deal is simple. I'm obsessed with patterns. Either it has to make a pattern or it has to be random. A pattern cannot be deviated from. Patterns can overlap or be additive (that just makes things more interesting)... absolute order, or absolute disorder. It's... frustrating sometimes.

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: O.O................ow.

2005-02-03 [Nexus]: i hav OCD. its annoying. pple get mad at u wen u got it. u dont want it.

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: Come join the Muffin Army ^_^

2005-02-03 [Nexus]: MUFFIN ARMY!!!!!!!! COOL!

2005-02-03 [KuraiSenshi]: tears since everyones advertizing.......check it out!!!!!!

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: check what out?

2005-02-03 [n/aaaaa]: OOOWW....i get it now... :P 

2005-02-03 [KuraiSenshi]: um..........duh..........hehe

2005-02-04 [iCh3wi]: My OCD is really serious. I loose it when stuff is messed up or out of order. I also cant stand it when people touch my artwork. I've gone to the hospital a few times for nervous breakdowns. Its not fun. The mild forms are easier to control. I also have an obsession with patterns:Checker board patterns, wavey checkerboard patterns.

2005-02-04 [iCh3wi]: It all just depends on your patience level and your ability to cope with critisim and peer presure.

2005-02-04 [dragonfun]: fuck you all

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: ***pccch*** Any-whos....

2005-02-04 [Nexus]: that was meen. ...anyways...... DONT TUCH ME AI-CHAN!!!! *cough*ahem*cough* sory. yellin at my sis. yea...*lafs insanely*

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: XD  YOUR COOL, HANDS DOWN!! **high five**

2005-02-04 [Nexus]: *high five* woohoo!!!!!!!!! im acshully cool!!!!!!

2005-02-04 [TipsyGypsy]: All of you suck

2005-02-04 [hello]: haha, shut up bitch

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: DIANA!!!! Excuse school CHUM........p, here is a

2005-02-04 [hello]: haha...i dont care who she is. it was a funny comment tho

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: eh. I cant complain. ^_^

2005-02-04 [KuraiSenshi]: ah were all nutz! wheeeeeeeehahahooooooooooooooooooooo

2005-02-04 [yokubou]: hey! don't forget me!

2005-02-04 [n/aaaaa]: Yes, we shant forget a soul!! ^_^

2005-02-05 [Nexus]: u mite as well forget about me like evry one else has.

2005-02-05 [n/aaaaa]: We havent forgotten about you o.o  **pulls [Nexus] into the circle of nuts**

2005-02-05 [∂α ∂єšι ƒℓу ¢нι¢]: STARLET3000

2005-02-05 [Nexus]: YAY! IM NOT FERGOTTEN AFTER ALL! YAY! *gose mor insane then alredy was*

2005-02-05 [n/aaaaa]: XD

2005-02-05 [Nexus]: yay! im insane.. *sings repeetdly*

2005-02-06 [Stella!]: yesh mylliey. u r. hahahahahahahahaha....HA!

2005-02-06 [Nexus]: DONT LAF AT ME LYSA! *smacks lysa upside the hed* HA!

2005-02-07 [hey]: heheheh

2005-02-07 [TipsyGypsy]: YOU GUYS ALL SUCK , LOW LIVES

2005-02-07 [TipsyGypsy]: YOU'RE GAY  HA  HA

2005-02-07 [n/aaaaa]: .....AND YOUR A LESBIAN HOOKER.

2005-02-07 [TipsyGypsy]:   YOU ARE RETARTED

2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: Omg! You people are all retarded! You don't even know how Caps lock works! :P

2005-02-07 [yokubou]: ^.^ don't use those words, they're very offensive. sorry i'm in a club that supports and works with people with disabilities and that language is EXTREMELY offensive to them and really hurts their feelings. anyways.... hey! what about me? i'm a VERY INSANE person and i want to be nutty too! oh well... *starts singing the doom song* la la la la la la la la ala la laala ala la la la la lal ala la al la la la la!

2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: I heard those people call each other retarded once....if we start like that you can hardly say anything without someone being offended..

2005-02-07 [TipsyGypsy]: Shut up retard!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-07 [KuraiSenshi]: Gata! i am gay thank you very much got something against it? u know my mom said that people who are against gay's are scared they may be gay themselfs

2005-02-07 [xboysxdon'txcryx]: i love gay ppl!

2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: Hey this is the index-wiki! Not the insult-arena or bitchfight-wiki!

2005-02-07 [Nevermore.]: if u wanna bitch fight...go to agree to disagree lol

2005-02-08 [Kitty Von English]: I have started a Wiki called The Bordello if u are between teh ages of 17- and beyond please email me at or Message me. I'm looking for girls!

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: Sorry -.-  ^_^"

2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahaa...[Sunrose]: you taught [TipsyGypsy] how to spell a new word....haha that idiot

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: haha! thank you im not alone here, and yea why the hec are we talking in the index area we are some sad bored people

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: *crying*  Its true, I am gay.

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: I was just kidding, I am as straight as a circle

2005-02-08 [hello]:'re trying to be ironic...thats soo cute.

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: I'm sorry You guys, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. 4give me pz.

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: Can we be friends?

2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahaaaa.....

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: Thank you but what's "ironic" ?

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: I dont find anything funny, I am just expressing my emotions

2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahahahahaaaaaaa

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: I dont appreciate you calling me an idiot, I'll have you know my IQ is very high

2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: *reads* LMAO! :D

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: You just hurt my feelings. I'm leaving

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: Ha Ha.....Loner!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: lalalalalalalallaalalalaladls\

2005-02-08 [hello]: did she mean loser??? cause i dont think that [Sunrose] is a loner....

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: Self proclaimed heuganaut!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-08 [TipsyGypsy]: Deje de andar chingando

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: gata? is a sad person, ive seen 'is other comments in things, i think hes a sad person who is a little shrimp and wants to feel bigger. sad sad. LETS EAT HIM! *builds a bonde fire and puts a stick up his ass out his mouth and puts him over the fire*

2005-02-08 [hello]: hahaha....sorry i'm not a french ruler from the 17th century....

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: omg gata is a girl, but did u see the pic of that guy uggggggggly, geez he needs teeth fized and to be hit in the head with a bat a few times to get his face back to normal, and come on he needs to lose the dick and get some tits if he wants to wear that color lipstick!

2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahahaa!!!! damn that was mean as shit. You are awesome as hell. I like you.

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: Oh, did you look it up? It actually means French "Protestant" from the 17th cenuty

2005-02-08 [hello]: there was no need to look it up....Western Civ. did wonders....

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: Gata is ugly, that wannabe gagster.

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: Really? then you need to get your history straight

2005-02-08 [hello]: you could of at least used a different name if you are going to have a clone house....and i was starting to think you were smart...

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: By the way are you male or female?

2005-02-08 [hello]: male....what does it matter? 

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: No shit stupid, it was meant to be like that I just wanted another one

2005-02-08 [hello]: just because you want another one doesnt mean your dumbass should have one....

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: And how long did it take you to figure out I was the same person?

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: hahahaha see what u got urself into gata dont mess with us

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: Can we stop fighting please?

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: and i like u to [hello]

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: I have no life which is why I am on right now

2005-02-08 [hello]: well...since you were the only one defending yourself, not very long. How long did it take you to figure out you were the same person?

2005-02-08 [hello]: *huggles [KuraiSenshi]*

2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: Aaah get this chattery-bitchery-whatever blabla of this wiki!! @.@

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: But forget you guys I'm leaving. You have defeated me, I shall leave in shame . I will bew busy making another user name . Toodles >_<

2005-02-08 [hello]: why?

2005-02-08 [relived dreams]: I know I am stupid

2005-02-08 [hello]: well thats good

2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: -sighs-

2005-02-08 [KuraiSenshi]: haha

2005-02-08 [stranger420]: hi guys can I join in on the fun?

2005-02-08 [hello]: as long as i can make fun of you some more

2005-02-08 [stranger420]: What?

2005-02-08 [hello]: nothing

2005-02-08 [stranger420]: Are you talking to me or who?

2005-02-08 [hello]: does it matter?

2005-02-08 [stranger420]: I'm bored, I need some entertainment

2005-02-08 [hello]: good for you

2005-02-08 [stranger420]: Thre is nothing on tv

2005-02-08 [**pornstar**]: im so bored !!!

2005-02-08 [iCh3wi]: Umm, peoples we have a MAJOR problem. How come when someone accesses the Fan Clubs/Associations list of wikis, NOTHING comes up????? Only something saying"hey you, [platinum] ??????

2005-02-08 [n/aaaaa]: UhHHh.....LOVELY ^_^"

2005-02-09 [KuraiSenshi]: burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

2005-02-09 [n/aaaaa]: GOOD JOB!! ;D

2005-02-09 [wef]: anyone want to chat

2005-02-09 [ZorlacWarlord]: hey you, [platinum]

2005-02-09 [Ellyn]: Yeah, why do half of the wiki link pages say that?^

2005-02-09 [just another asshole]: hey any one want to say hi to me?:(

2005-02-09 [ian]: vg

2005-02-09 [yokubou]: hi jojolover. *very bored tone*

2005-02-09 [stranger420]: Hello, I am lonely. Do you want to chat wef?

2005-02-09 [stranger420]: Hi broken Dreams, how was your day, you didnt have 6th period today now did you?

2005-02-09 [hello]: uhh...huh?

2005-02-09 [iCh3wi]: I dont know whats wrong with the pages. I guess we will have to re-list all the wikis.

2005-02-09 [KuraiSenshi]: why does it say hey you,[platinum]

2005-02-09 [n/aaaaa]: No, i didnt have 6th today....were on block schedule. 

2005-02-10 [stranger420]: who's platinum?

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: I dunno.... O.O"

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: Sounds like a blonde's user name though ^_^

2005-02-10 [stranger420]: There is nothing but blondes on this website, exept for you though.

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: **taha** Coolio ^_^  I feel special.

2005-02-10 [BlankPage]: how do I make a wiki? >< i'm a little really lost

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: Its simple really ^_^

2005-02-10 [BlankPage]: could you please tell me how? ^^; i've never made one before

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: I sent you a message :)

2005-02-10 [BlankPage]: ^^ thanks a lot

2005-02-10 [KuraiSenshi]: hey i got black hair, and i dont know who platinum is but when i go to the Fan Clubs/Associations/Unions it says 'hey you, platinum

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: hMMM....Well, whoever that is, as long as they arent distroying EP, im fine. We can just delete the 'hey you, platinum' ^_^

2005-02-10 [KuraiSenshi]: lol im wondering if thats a clue to the perpertrator who messed it up

2005-02-10 [2oCammyo5]: This is good if ur lookin 4 a certain pic or wateva

2005-02-10 [Love like Winter.]: Hi there, I made an index if you want to add it :)

2005-02-10 [Kitty Von English]: can u put music or video in ur wiki?

2005-02-10 [n/aaaaa]: I dont think so. This isnt like that crap, MySpace....god how i loath that place -_-"

2005-02-11 [iCh3wi]: Hey everyone, the wikis on Fanclubs are back. Thanks to who ever fixed the problem. I dont know who deleted all of them but who ever it was shoul be shot. Thanks agin [Love like Winter.]

2005-02-11 [iCh3wi]: I guess as long as nothing


important was deleted, were fine. You need and award for helping Riot Girl. It took me fffffffooooooo eva to devide all the wikis onto seperate pages, and then whover it was went and deleted it. Anyway thanls again!!

2005-02-11 [n/aaaaa]: She should get a badge ^_^

2005-02-11 [Kitty Von English]: You don't like Myspace? if I'm thinking about the same Myspace. Anyways that's shitty u can put video up. Then do u know where i get get a free homepage from?

2005-02-11 [stranger420]: Hello again

2005-02-11 [n/aaaaa]: Hey ^_^

2005-02-11 [n/aaaaa]: And no i dont like MySpace because its ghetto.

2005-02-11 [chevyjuggalette]: uhm yah i dunno what im doiin here "im lost" *in stitches voice*

2005-02-11 [Love like Winter.]: Ummmm.... No problem.... I made an index called Musical its for all the fan clubs for bands and people who play instruments..

2005-02-11 [Kitty Von English]: LOL Really? I wonder if were talking about the same thing. I like the music, I can get wicked Death Metal bands, and even download some of thier music. That's the only reason I really enjoy it. I don't realy believe half the people on there are Strippers or Porn stars like some say... *shrugs*

2005-02-11 [n/aaaaa]: Ow, ive never heard that. Its just that when i try to add things to it and all that crap, it wont let me. I continues giving me exuses. On here, i can put stuff, and theres no problem what so ever. Its just stupid -_-"

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