Page name: index [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-02-06 14:50:07
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
# of watchers: 216
D20: 14
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Hello and welcome to the Elfpack Wiki-Index!
This page is our endeavor to list all official and member-hosted public wiki-pages on Elfpack in a place where
anyone can easily see and reach them. Click on the navigation buttons below to find what you're looking for!


Elfpack Rules Help
Council Guards
Warden Ambassadore Exilios
Hell of the Insane How to gain an EP Title
Elfpack Contests Elfpack Awards 
Featured Poem Elfpack Jokes
Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Quotes From Elfpackers 
Role-Playing Contests Trivia
Toggery Tog Shop
Giffie-Pet Store Elfpack Graphics
Public Fun to Read Stuff
Roleplayers Guild Fan Clubs/Associations/Unions
Art Photos
Musical Anti

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints or suggestions, please leave a comment in the comment-box or PM [kittykittykitty].
              Please feel free to use this comment-box for idle chatting. ;)

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2005-07-10 [Doog915]: I'm pretty bored

2005-07-11 [Blissfully Ignorant]: Is there one on serial killers and I just over-looked it?

2005-07-11 [Box]: Im here to help ok

2005-07-11 [Box]: Guys! get on a intresting topic to start out whith

2005-07-11 [Box]: Do you like cats to start with

2005-07-11 [Box]: keep talking tell you get on a diffrent topic

2005-07-11 [Hardy Har Har]: throwing up

2005-07-11 [pats girl]: hey you box guy stop being so gay lol

2005-07-11 [Dragon_Master]: Hello world !

2005-07-11 [Dwemer]: Ello peoplez

2005-07-11 [**]: i am bored like crazy sometimes

2005-07-11 [Cheyenne Mae, baby.]: hey ppl, umm wut are we sopossed to write on here??

2005-07-11 [Sia Tasha]: hi people

2005-07-11 [IronCoffin]: hey any body want to talk send me a message

2005-07-11 [Goodbye EP]: That is not what this board is for.

2005-07-11 [sexiest bunny69]: im so bored

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: Not my problem....don't spam the bored with crap like that.

2005-07-12 [BlankPage]: come to my harem, pleeease, I'm sooo fureking (freaking in JAPANESE!!) bored! ><

2005-07-12 [JohnDeereGuy]: Any real country girls in here

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: What the?

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: WTF does that have to do with wikis?

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: ? Let's talk about someone named Molly.

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: Um.......let's not. <.< >.> 

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Why not? You don't like her? ^_-

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: Nah.... she is a rude, sarcastic little bitch......I should know......

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: She sacrafices baby bunnys to the underworld lords....

2005-07-12 [BlankPage]: O_O SAD! I had a dog named Molly...and I used to raise bunnies!! You crazy dog, you!!

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: I am Molly.

2005-07-12 [BlankPage]: Oh. I had a pet doggy named molly. Nothing against you ^^ I love you're screen name, so you're coolio oolio in my book

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: You don't know me very well

2005-07-12 [BlankPage]: ^_^ lol. I'm just weird like that

2005-07-12 [Goodbye EP]: *evil grin* me as well....

2005-07-13 [Phantomwriter]: any one know the web site for musicians that is quite similar to elfpack?

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: Of course! , it's invite only. Message [Hedda] if you are for real about it.

2005-07-13 [♥*♥*GiGgLe MoNsTeR*♥*♥]: has anybody ever been on its a blast but not as good as this but still go on it

2005-07-13 [rockin bitch]: I'll just tease u some more!

2005-07-13 [Goodbye EP]: Tease? Uh....Erm.........o_o

2005-07-13 [BlankPage]: what what? ^_^ [Goodbye EP] is a coolio kiddo!

2005-07-13 [Goodbye EP]: o_o I wasn't aware of that.....

2005-07-14 [BlankPage]: =^-^= hehehe, hey!! We have new pictures up all over! I have a new pic for Aura Colors and a new banner from [Miya] ^_^

2005-07-15 [*~*Kimmie*~*]: hey ppl i need to tlk to sumone bout sumthang so sumone write me @ [*~*Kimmie*~*]

2005-07-15 [johnny2hotty]: hey ppl

2005-07-15 [Goodbye EP]: Do not spam this wiki with shit like that. It is wiki business only please.

2005-07-15 [*~*Kimmie*~*]: sup sup sup sup????????????????????????

2005-07-15 [Goodbye EP]: That goes for you as well! GET THE HELL AWAY IF YOU JUST WANT TO CHAT!

2005-07-16 [FireWing]: How could I make one of my wiis official?

2005-07-16 [Dwemer]: By contacting a contractor.

2005-07-16 [FireWing]: What kind of meterial does it have to have? Like elfpack related stuff?

2005-07-16 [Dwemer]: Yes it has to help improve EP.

2005-07-16 [FireWing]: OK. Whats something that needs improving or...a different index or something?

2005-07-16 [Dwemer]: Nope you have to think something up yourself.

2005-07-16 [FireWing]: ok.

2005-07-16 [Goodbye EP]: O_O    *dies* I am going to start one, I swear....

2005-07-20 [BlankPage]: ^^; The Witch's Domain helps those of us who need help. *giggles* Plus, it shows that not all witches are bad!!! GET IT PEOPLE

2005-07-21 [iCh3wi]: Cutters Crisis Center, If you would like to help people who are going thru hard times right now, please go here to be a counselor and help others in need. For more info message me, thanks!

2005-07-21 [Dark Bones]: Howzit all, i am back, so what the topic of discussion today?

2005-07-22 [lovinglette]: ill help anybody who needs it umm... i love all of you nobody has started any crap with me ill help all of you. i love all of you

2005-07-22 [Dark Bones]: Thats grand [lovinglette] maybe you and me can become great friends in time to come!

2005-07-22 [Daddyslittlegirl]: im not a tease im just a reminder of what you cant have

2005-07-22 [Dwemer]: .

2005-07-22 [BlankPage]: riiiiiiiiiight *hugs bones* ^^ you're my buddy

2005-07-24 [hXc edd]: wheres sean?

2005-07-24 [Kitsune]: o.o

2005-07-24 [Dwemer]: Under your skirt.

2005-07-24 [Kitsune]: I'm all alone.. o.o

2005-07-25 [iCh3wi]: *slaps Joost's hand* Hey now, none of that. *Whispers* Your a council member remember?

2005-07-25 [Dwemer]: ^_- That means: Unlimited Flirting ;)

2005-07-25 [Kitsune]: o.o wtf..

2005-07-25 [BlankPage]: ^^ hehehehehehe, then does that make me a council memeber too? ^.~* jk

2005-07-25 [Dwemer]: You also have to be able to fly a F-16.

2005-07-25 [BlankPage]: ... hmmmmmm... ^^ okay! All I gotta do is kidnap someone who can fly it and then force them to fly it and I win! ^_^

2005-07-25 [Dwemer]: ^^ I can fly one...

2005-07-25 [pimpkilla13]: sup niggas

2005-07-25 [Dwemer]: I'm no nigga. *sigh* idiot.

2005-07-25 [FireWing]: ...

2005-07-25 [Goodbye EP]: *Walks in just as Joost says "I'm no nigga. *sigh* idiot."* ........I suppose I do not wish to know.......

2005-07-26 [Dark Bones]: I can fly a Boeing 747, and land it on the ground after 15hours flight!

2005-07-26 [Dwemer]: Anyone of you ever fired any kind of gun? A 9mm , a M, a barrel-loop ?

2005-07-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I havent but i could

2005-07-28 [Xx Manga-Girl xX]: Hello!!!

2005-07-28 [BlankPage]: ^_^ I have! wheee! hehe, my dad has lots of guns and he's helping me get better aim, though it's quite good for never shooting before. ^_^ Oh, and hunting rifles too!

2005-08-01 [REDSOX68]: ANYONE YOUNG

2005-08-01 [REDSOX68]: FOR SEX PRESS2

2005-08-01 [iCh3wi]: If you are going to post messages like that, please take it to a forum.

2005-08-01 [snowfrost#1]: i want some1 sexy to talk with

2005-08-01 [snowfrost#1]: any takers

2005-08-02 [Dark Bones]: What is the biggest gun anyone has ever held, the one i have held is a M 769, used in world war 2!

2005-08-02 [dumb_ass]: i am deleting your wikis rite now as we speek!!

2005-08-02 [BITCH #1]: who invented the delete button on the keyboards.

2005-08-02 [Dwemer]: Denzel Washington.

2005-08-02 [xXx££MAX££xXx]: wey hey!, i dunno wtf im doin! ne takers


2005-08-02 [Goodbye EP]: O_O I think you all need to STFU.......

2005-08-02 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Im with [Goodbye EP]

2005-08-03 [Elfpack_sux]: You guys are lame

2005-08-03 [Goodbye EP]: SCREW YOU BUDDY!

2005-08-04 [blackraven09]: hey ppl


2005-08-04 [Dwemer]: me.

2005-08-04 [Goodbye EP]: Yea....[Dwemer] is one hott chick.

2005-08-04 [Goodbye EP]: lol

2005-08-05 [Box]: Ha

2005-08-05 [angelfire15]: hey huggybear i am a hot girl to talk to

2005-08-05 [spiritee]: i bet [Dwemer]'s a hotter girl to talk to XD

2005-08-05 [gothicangel]: hi

2005-08-05 [$bling-girl$]: hmm. . . i have no clue what i am doing. .

2005-08-05 [Dwemer]: ^_- grr!

2005-08-05 [MyLovely BrokenHeart]: what?

2005-08-05 [Gorgous gal]: hi

2005-08-06 [gothicangel]: i'm bored

2005-08-06 [dubster]: NO ONE TALK 2 TEAR A.K.A CHING CHANG CHONG

2005-08-06 [dubster]: hee ting tong ching wang

2005-08-06 [dubster]: ting tong wang

2005-08-06 [dubster]: tong wang ting

2005-08-06 [dubster]: wang ting tong

2005-08-06 [Dwemer]: Maybe you should shut up :)

2005-08-06 [berbear ice cold1384]: wow mean ness

2005-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: *tuts* idiot.

2005-08-06 [Goodbye EP]: *falls over drooling at new found hotness Alexi* (Children of Bodom)

2005-08-09 [pimpkilla13]: sup my niggas

2005-08-09 [FireWing]: nobody here is a nigga.*glares at you*

2005-08-09 [The Unrequited Dream]: Lol. Funny.

2005-08-09 [Goodbye EP]: Nigga? you fo real? Damn. What a fuckin loser.

2005-08-09 [iCh3wi]: Umm........anyways. The Rock Cult

2005-08-09 [BlankPage]: yup, here's another... [The Witch's Domain], and of course, [Tarot Cafe] ... >_>

2005-08-10 [Goodbye EP]: *declares herself a rockstar badass* So.....

2005-08-10 [hellmage]: howsithangin

2005-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: *rolls eyes*

2005-08-11 [L V F]: hey guys how do u create a wiki?????

2005-08-11 [Dawnmills17]: dont ask mei dont know either

2005-08-11 [Love like Winter.]: Wiki guide: Explains how wikis work

2005-08-11 [wheelsy]: I must learn how to play Children of Bodom, Janne Warman style!

2005-08-11 [Goodbye EP]: Another COB fan? LOL ... I love Alexi!

2005-08-11 [wheelsy]: I'm making a wiki

2005-08-11 [Dead Girl]: anyone wanna help me make a wiki?? atleast show me how to start

2005-08-11 [wheelsy]: I'm to lazy

2005-08-14 [ii Love Hello Kitty]: HI

2005-08-14 [¿thomas?]: to start a wiki u type in what u whant it to be called in the wiki search bar and if it says empty page click edit then go from there

2005-08-14 [נσя∂αи ιѕ єяє]: has ne1 gt msn??? if so my addy, desperatly need more peeps (only add me if ure 12-16)

2005-08-15 [grandmasterflash]: erin...shush...i dont know why i say this...but yes:)

2005-08-15 [pretty_tissue]: hi

2005-08-15 [pretty_tissue]: arent there anyone

2005-08-15 [¿thomas?]: what

2005-08-15 [GoodbyeElfpack2]: people keep saying to me that green day are rubbish and i get very much offended by it, how do i get a message at the top of my house saying not to?

2005-08-15 [¿thomas?]: talk to the ss

2005-08-15 [Dwemer]: Talk to one of the Elfpack Guards :)

2005-08-15 [Dwemer]: ''Talk to the ss'' ?

2005-08-15 [¿thomas?]: argh i got confused i meant get the gaurds to write a ss

2005-08-15 [GoodbyeElfpack2]: ok

2005-08-16 [Homewrecker]: lol

2005-08-16 [Rockin with the SYSTEM!!]: hey howz every1?

2005-08-16 [¿thomas?]: uhm fine

2005-08-18 [chicks dig me why dont u?]: bi girls are hot

2005-08-18 [FireWing]: Why'd you bring that up?

2005-08-18 [Mushroom_Bwoi]: they r sumtimes... just not always.

2005-08-18 [wheelsy]: Children of Bodom, November 11, Opera House, Toronto. Get tickets for $25.50 Canadian at

2005-08-18 [xX-Th£_ FØrGöTtêñ_ Øn£-Xx]: Join the newst country and becone a loyal subject like me for our king, King Danny The I. Go to my house to find out how we now have over 25,000 subjects in our new country so join today and pledge ur alegence to the crown

2005-08-20 [Zamara]: me? pledge?...funny...ha laughed..

2005-08-20 [wheelsy]: Don't hurt yourself

2005-08-20 [gothicangel]: hi

2005-08-20 [babygirl44234]: wat is it w/u ppl ?

2005-08-20 [babygirl44234]: is any 1 on?

2005-08-20 [demon_girl585]: hey i am

2005-08-21 [EmO GuRl]: HELLO

2005-08-22 [drunken_irishman]: how in gods name do i make a wiki???

2005-08-22 [cursed]: hi everyone

2005-08-22 [FireWing]: i can help you [drunken_irishman]

2005-08-23 [chronic.lette.]: hi!

2005-08-23 [SK8CKy27]: yo this web site beats ebaumsworld, holylemon, and myspace all together

2005-08-24 [truth_is_death]: hey all

2005-08-24 [¿thomas?]: ello

2005-08-24 [truth_is_death]: who here likes george bush? open opinions everyone

2005-08-24 [¿thomas?]: not me*proud member of BHA*

2005-08-24 [FireWing]: Bush is a moron I hate him.

2005-08-24 [I stabbith ye]: know you shouldn't go around expressing opinions here....go to the wikis for supporting and hateing him :P

2005-08-24 [*brighty*]: hi i am the king

2005-08-24 [FireWing]: eh heh and im prince

2005-08-25 [drunken_irishman]: thanks to anyone that offered to help me i figured it out

2005-08-26 [angel01]: hey yall wuz happenen!

2005-08-26 [FireWing]: Ugh. How did everyone just start ambushing this wiki with hi's?

2005-08-26 [Princess Of Rock]: Hi i dunno what to put

2005-08-27 [drunken_irishman]: very easily

2005-08-27 [Looni Commanda]: HEEEEEEEELO.... I am really bored right now... wish I wasnt... help me somone... befor I do somthing stupid...oops already did... I do this...

2005-08-27 [BloodyTears]: o.O Okie dokie then... Hello peepers =P

2005-08-28 [jestronomy]: yaba daba doooo

2005-08-28 [JinX]: and i rap battle for fun n record songs if u wanna hear any send me a message n ill send u the link so u can hear

2005-08-28 [ScWuB x3]: hu reckons GREENDAY rocks

2005-08-29 [Quo Vadis]: Greenday sucks....

2005-08-29 [BlankPage]: *dances to "White Light" by Gorillaz*

2005-08-29 [I Love Eminem]: O.o

2005-08-29 [Th3MrB3nz3dr1n3]: -Changes the song and starts dancing to "DARE" by Gorillaz-

2005-08-30 [Quo Vadis]: *dance to "Cassie" by FlyLeaf*

2005-08-30 [BlankPage]: ^_^ Ooh, good choice, Lakhai. Hehe, hey Eminem luver, have you compared him how he sounds in Encore to when it was The Slim Shady LP from 1997? It's SO funny how little kid-ish he sounds.

2005-08-30 [¿thomas?]: is there a white light and whight noise or are they diff ppl?

2005-08-30 [BlankPage]: "White Light" is a song by the Gorillaz. White Noise is a movie. Maybe a band too, but I dunno

2005-08-30 [¿thomas?]: oh is it the one where they say white light alot? i can play feel good on my bass muuhuhuhahahahua

2005-08-30 [BlankPage]: yep. I love that song. I know all the words! (lmao!) Niiiice! I like that song too

2005-08-30 [Fre$h to Death]: i am going to have to nomanate [crappy whore] for fuckin awsomoest girl ever yeah

2005-08-31 [Miss BettyBoop]: hey i wana make a new wiki but i am kinda at a loss as to how if someone could please message ma at [Miss BettyBoop] and help me out i would be quite thankfull! Peace Out!

2005-08-31 [*brighty*]: how do ya get a new wiki any 1 no

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