Page name: shit happens >.< [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-31 23:59:16
Last author: Deg
Owner: POP goes the cork screw
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Shit happens

Yes... yes it does, and this is the wiki to tell it to.

Has some bad shit happened to you? you wanna let the world know what shit has happened to you? You wanna let them know, your life DOES suck more? Because everywhere, somewhere,... there is a someone that has it worse. This is the wiki to proclaim it in. So tell your story,... join your name.... tell us what shit happened to You
and by the way, you can keep adding on to your story whenever you want to. And go on, and on and on... about how much shit happens... to you.

1.[POP goes the cork screw]
Well,...I got fired. Ye, i got fired. and... AND... I have yet ANOTHER cat.... i hate cats. I know someone SOMEWHERE can top me.... so... go ahead and give it a shot.
added: I got a detention my third or 4th day a scool. i smaked my teacher on da ass b/c i thought she wuz my friend Jenny Wauskems, b/c they luk idenical from da bak; ... nd den shes lik ''rodney what da hell r u doing?!"
so i go ''hey wuts up sugar?'' cuz i no shes gonna giv me a detention ny way... nd she did... nd i got 1 on thurs. 2 XD
added: I brok my wrist XD
-RODNEY's BRO IS TYPING THIS: now im dying. any of you dying?
dont drink and drive.

2.[Deg] Ooh! Ooh! My turn, my turn!! Well, first of all, I hate my mom because she is a psycho (groupie cocaine crazy) mentally abusive fucker. I don't even have a job, so even by the time I AM able to leave this goddamned house, I won't be able to, because I don't have money. AND NOW GUESS WHAT? my mom's cancer is back in her spine and now she's DOUBLE psycho because in constant pain and I don't even get a days rest 'cause I have to help her go to the fucking bathroom her back is so bad and I hate her so goddamned much but I have to stick around and help her my whole summer. Great, isn't it? It's unbelieveable, having to take care of someone you hate that much.

3. [Blood Moon Wolf] Okay well...I'm going to start off by saying that I'm pretty much always in a good mood, so this is going to sound funny. My dad's kind of a jerk who won't let me get a phone, my mom's crazy and (maybe it's because of menopause) she freaks out a any little thing. Let's see, I can drive, but whenever my dad's with me (cause I only have my temps) I have to go 5 BELOW the speed limit. And...hmmm...that's pretty much it for now, but when I'm in a bad mood I'll be sure to add more!! lol

4. [youth of the born one]
Yeah I've been to jail three times now. Damnit Jill...-.- anyway, every time we get in the car together, my friend Jill and I, usually we carpool to parties and for some reason EVERY TIME I HAVE CARPOOLED WITH HER I've been to jail. so far, three times I've been to jail when I was in the car with her. Maybe it's because she was driving...yeah anyway, I totally changed my story cause now it's been three times. whoo-hoo, go me and stuff.

-their story

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2008-07-29 [POP goes the cork screw]: im bak guys lolz

2008-07-29 [POP goes the cork screw]: wut da fuk did john rite up der? @.@

2008-07-31 [Blood Moon Wolf]: XD lol well I think you pretty much win the prize...for the most crap that's happened to them!

2008-08-03 [POP goes the cork screw]: nah...I dun win. Alex duz cuz he died :(

2008-08-07 [Blood Moon Wolf]: :'(  <img:mood21-gif.gif> I'm sorry to hear about that...

2008-08-11 [POP goes the cork screw]: eh...i gess ders nothin i kin do bout it. it just makes me feel bad cuz i feel like its my falt nd it nver leavs my always der.

almst da only ting i kin tink bout wen im by myself :(

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