# of watchers: 6
| D20: 7 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha mixes some herbs
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Rail leaves the cave- wow....odd
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha left it to cool down
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Rail returns to the cottage- hello all i have returned
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Hey."sh
Michelle waved
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Rail waved back- how goes it all
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Good
Kesha,"yep, good."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Rail nods as light appears behind him-
HEatra appears- ah home
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles the she frowned,"Someo
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Heatra looks around- hmmmm
Rail looks up- it cant be
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned then sighed as she cleaned up
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Heatra smiles- Nekro help mommy
Nekro nods then see's a unfamiliar person coming and hides behind heatra-
Rail:greetings master
Heatra turns- who are you
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at Rail,"Who are you?"
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Rail rises from his knelt position- i am Rail,warrior of enduril
Heatra:ah th titan blade is in your posetion
Rail looks at his sword- it is indeed
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Nekro help me clean up, please." she went back to cleaning up
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro walks cautiouslly into the cave and picks things up-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cleaned up while Rail and Heatra talked
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Heatra nods- very well..you will stake out at the cottage until i feel the need to move from here
Rail bows and then leaves-
Nekro finds a necklace-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cleans more
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro picks it up with her tail-
HEatra smiles- i think we should make this thing look like a home XD
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yeah we should or we could build or buy a home. It would be better than a cave."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: this is true hmmmmmmmmmmmm -he thinks-
Nekro is rolling around on the floor using the necklace on her tail as a toy-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded then she looked at Nekro
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro is enoying herself-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckled at her
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Heatra puts his arm around her- yep she's ours XD
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha layed her head on his shoudler as she put her arm around him,"Yep she is."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro is too busy playing-
Heatra smiled-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles more
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiles- were di she find it is my question
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I don't know."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra laughs-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckles
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra snuggle-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha snuggles him
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiles-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles at him
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiles- love u
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Love you too."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra watches nekro play-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha watches Nekro play too
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro gets tangled in her tail-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckled,"Oh sweetie."she pulled from Heatra and bent by Nekro to help her get untangled
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro mewed-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha got her untangled
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: nekro sat up and played again-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Now be careful."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: nekro nods-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Good girl."
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: nekro giggles and plays-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiles
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: Nekro rolls around-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha yanws a little
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiles- tired bby
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded as she yawned again
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiled and walked wit her to there room-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked to the room
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra helped her lay down-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha curled up on the bed
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra kisses her- sleep tight bby
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha kisses him back,"Yeah, night."she closes her eyes
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra smiles-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah fell asleep
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: heatra walks in and watches nekro-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sleeps
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: nekro is rolling-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sleeps more
2010-02-08 [Legendary]: -heatra nods off-
2010-02-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sleeps more
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro curls up with lisha and sleeps-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sleeps
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro cuddles into her- mommy... -she says without issues-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cuddled her back as she sleeps
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus sighed and set anopther candel to the side, "Sorry but I have to stop how many have I made, 100." He joked
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail watched them-
Nekro sleeps-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Only 50."she chuckled.
Kesha chuckled,"You two are covered in wax."
Lisha sleeps
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus llokd at Kesha and nodded, "Yes and burns under."
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: kesha chuckled,"Awww
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus looked down at himself
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail laughs quietlly at them-
Heatra has fallen asleep as nekro is wif mommy XD-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shook her head as she cleaned up the table.
Lisha sleeps
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail starts to nod off slightly-
Nekro purrs-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Why don't you got to sleep in the extra room, Rail?"
Lisha sleeps
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail smiles- no thanks...im on watch -he yawns-
Nekro wakes slightlly and plays with the necklace again-
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus helped her clean up
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle finished cleaning,"Rail just use the extra room before you fall asleep in here."
Lisha sleeps more
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro accidentlly knocks over heatra's bag and see's a black pendant-
Rail smiles no thanks im just kinda bored XD
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Sorry it can be boring over here."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail laughs-thats ok...how about another hug?
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximuslened on the table
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Sure."
Michelle took some of the candles and took them to the extra room
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus helped her bring them to the extra room
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail hugged her and felt a butterfly feeling- umm nice hug
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha smiled as she hugged him.
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail smiled also and he tightened the hug-
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus nodded, "Welcome."
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles as she walks into the room and puts the candles in a box.
Kesha hugged him tighter
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail looked down at her,as the feeling grew stronger-
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Maximus put the ones he got and put the ones he had gotten and put them in the box
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked back out the room.
Kesha smiles
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail feels an urge and goes with it,he kisses her-
2010-02-09 [WASHACKED]: Mx fallowed her
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha froze for a second but kissed him back.
Michelle saw them kiss and just wen tot get more candels
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail blushed and pulled back- umm..sorry
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"it's okay."she blushed
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: rail leaned down and did it again-
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha kissed him back
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail smiled- wow....why didnt i do tht earlier
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha shrugged
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail smiles- i enjoy that alot
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha smiles
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail smiles- at least master heatra didnt see me
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Who?"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail looked back at her- Master heatra...the guy in the cave behind the cottage
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Oh...ok
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail sighed- i can explain....he is someone who's father comanded my unit in the war
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha nodded
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail:i come from a very far away place
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Oh where?"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail looks at her- Fortress Skyfire
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Never heard of it."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail smirks- im sure you havent..its a hidden place
Heatra walks in un annouced- until you mentioned it
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked at Heatra,"Who are you and why are in my cottage?"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail bows- master heatra
Heatra points at him- does dimbo here answer your question
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Yep, he did."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail is still bowing-
Heatra looks at him- you can get up now
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo i'll be joinin soon just gotta get the others in the message as well]
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked at Rail then too Heatra,"I'm not bowing."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: [ZOMFG YES YES YES YES YES]
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra smiles- i know im talking about dimbo here
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Yeah, well I don't bow to anyone but the fire bird clan."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra tilts head-.........
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki "omg a fountain!" he jumps in giggling
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail looks up as loki jumps in as he see's it threw the window- master i think there is a mentally challenged individual in our fountain?
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Lady Rayna? You know of her?"
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles as he runs his hand over the water making it pull up for a minute "awesome"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rails face turns white- master a water element
HEatra kneals out of sight- yea i know her she is my sister
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki looks up for a moment then adds little mini fires on top of the water "ooh wind" he uses the wind to make the fires move a little
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail turns even whiter- umm master....wind
Heatra growls- no way...4 elements
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki "so bored imma dance wif a tree" XD he makes one of the trees come to life and starts dancin wif it XD (totally cant tell i've just been up for an hour XD)
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: (lol great to have you back kitteh)
Rail watches- so umm...wht do we do
Heatra growls- he goes near lisha and the kid ill gut him
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"He dancing with my tree."she waved her hand over the tree and made it stop,"No messes with my garden."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra sighs- great let him no were here
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki sets everything to normal and looks over at heatra "you couldnt touch me"
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"My garden my rules."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra looks up- is that so
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki realizes the tree stopped movin and hugged "mai buddeh poor poor buddeh"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra has the dramtic tear drop from anime on his head- lets see how strong he really is - he steps outside-
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki "i shall miss you buddeh" he holds some random ceremony for non-moving trees
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha walks outside and leans on the cottage
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: heatra growls- hey freako catch this -tosses energy ball at him-
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki comicly steps to the side and watches the energy ball go by him "k bye"
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha chuckled softly
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiled "hi i'm loki" he bows "pleasure to meet ya have ya met mai buddeh tree?"
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Yes, I have I planted it"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra is at a loss for words as nekro walks out of the cave and see's loki-(nekro is his 10 year read her profile XD)
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha was walking back to the cave cause she had just finished her bath but the river
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles over at Nekro and waves "hi i'm loki"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro runs over wobbly cause she just is and looks at him closelly before hugging him-
Heatra practically fallss over- she is scared of a blade of grass yet she walks up and hugs him
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"WHos the Neko?"
Lisha hummed as she walks
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki giggles and hugs back "well you're friendly"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra smiles- my daughter...ok loki if my daughter likes you then your cool with me
Nekro tries to speak- l...l...l...o.
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki nods "yep thats me so whats your name?" he kneels down eye level to her
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha nodded.
Lisha walks more as she hums
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro tried again to speak-N..N..Ne
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha yawns as she walks
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles "very pretty name"
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pulled her hair in pony tail as she walked pass them
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro giggles and points at him with her tail-f..f..fun
Heatra nods- indeed...you can pplay with him...keep an eye on her loki
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki tries to sneakily take Lisha's hair outta its ponytail
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked into the cave then she frowned when she couldn't see Nekro ro Heatra
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki v.v "awe dammit i couldnt do it"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra is walking back towards the cave- lisha...you gotta come see NEkro...she is all giggles
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha turned to Heatra and hugged him
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra huged back- miss me?
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki sits down leaning against a tree.
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"more like worried, so yes. Where Nekro?"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro sits infront of him and tilts her head-
Heatra smiles- with loki
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki giggles then pounces Rail "Mine" XD
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Who?"sh
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro gigles-
Rail almost yells but cant help but laugh-
Heatra smiles- relax he is ok...nekro went right up to him it was incredible
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked at Rail and Loki and chuckles
Lisha nodded a little
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki "k i claim you or do ya wanna claim me?" he giggles wondering if rail will understand the joke he made
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Rail looks confused- im sudenlly wierded out
Nekro claps hands giggling-
Heatra:come watch how happy she looks
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Okay."s
Kesha laughed
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki pats his head "tay strange man"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro kept giggling-
HEatra held lisha and smiled- she is really heppy
Rail smiled- why not pounce her -points at Kesha-
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki playfully and jokingly put his arms around Rail's neck "cause i like you more" he smirks and giggles
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha laughed
Lisha leaned on him,"Yeah, she is."
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro giggles louder-
Heatra smiles- im glad we have her
Rail:i am freaked out again XD
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha laughed more
Lisha,"Me too."
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles "ya insensitive bastard"
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Heatra smiles- and im also glad i have you
Nekro runs up and grabs loki again-loki -she says without studering-
Rail smiles- well look at that
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles hugging Nekro "mine too" he giggles
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Glad I have you too."she smiles
Kesha smiles a little
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: Nekro gigles-
Heatra smiles- well...now that she has latched onto him...clown boy hangs with us i guess
2010-02-09 [Legendary]: heatra laughs-
2010-02-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Loki smiles "k i dub rail and nekro as mine :D"
2010-02-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Awww bless this is too funny."she laughes.
Lisha chuckled lightly
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