Page name: The BattleField [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-08-14 15:59:44
Last author: Legendary
Owner: Legendary
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The BattleField


Long ago, there was a great and terrible battle, the three champions of there respective nations faced down the demon that brought forth the apocolypse and the destruction of man, as the battle raged the world was decimated,when all was said and done the demon lay dead,But so did the Champions,because of this the demon was sealed behind another pitiful seal made by the human race,and within a few thousand years,the demon had returned and destroyed all of the human race,to stop this a being with no name,and no identity,traveled back in time and selected 3 young warriors and scholars,to send back in time,to the time of the elements,to make sure that the champions did not die,a second time,unfortunatly due to this meddeling time has been distorted,and new enemies not recorded in there history have emerged,has this meddeling been a blessing...or a curse

No God Modding unless under certain cirucumstances--> the enemies of this wiki are designed to be hard to beat,you cannot simply over power them because you want to,or because you wanna look badass,its just not gonna happen,if you do this i will delete the comment and have you type somthing different,only certain characters in this wiki are meant to be that strong.

Anime Ripoffs --> This wiki in order to remain epic as shit and relevant,has ripped off various anime's of the real world,from Dragonball Z to Inuyasha to Naruto,if that is a problem,leave,this wiki is a fanfiction meaning its our decision what we type,not the worlds.

Character Selection--> This wiki posseses 3 factions (Enduril Aldar and Demon) if you wish to have a character in all three thats great,but it is requested that you do not make your character with the impression that he/she is the greatest thing since ever (for example no demon can over power Cysero except one...spoiler) so tailor your self accordingly.

The Elemental Background Lore
The Aldar Background Lore
Battlefield Champions/Characters
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2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"Laters everyone."she dissappear in shadows.

Rayna groaned and opened her eyes,"K-Kotetsu?"she mubbled.

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Irene:wierd

Kotetsu:grabs her into his arms- your alive -actually crying :p-

2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna held him,"Of course I'm alive, baby."she kissed his cheek.

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:thank god

2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wiped his tears away.

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:why did he revive her

Irene:how should i know

2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"I have no idea but I'm glad he did."she kissed Kotetsu.

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:kissed her back-

Irene:how can we be happy...heatra is dead...-cries-

2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulled from him,"I need to get Annie."she stood up kinda shakly.

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:stands weaklly- ill help u

2010-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Jasmine comfert Irene, while we go and get Annie."

2010-01-28 [Legendary]: Jasmine:mmk -comforts-

Annie sleeps quietlly as if nothing happened-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna walks to her room to see Annie.

Annie sleeps more.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:smiles slightly cringing- mist...he is one strong darklord

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"So fucking right."she picks up Annie and holds her close,"She sletp threw the whole thing."she chuckled.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:takes after her mommy -he chuckled-

Irene:hey guys -sniffle-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"I never gave birth to her."she smiled then she looked at Irene,"Hey, how you holding up?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:just want to be around someone right now

Kotetsu:tending to arm wound-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Well you can chill with us. Oh and this is Annie by the way."

Annie sleeps.

Lisha appeared next to Heatra in Japan."I have news."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:she is adorable.....i missed alot -winks at her-

Heatra:were you successfull

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna chuckled,"I never gave birth to her. Annie is human."

Annie sleeps more.

Lisha,"Yes, he showed himself, finiely."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:excellent,we move for tokyo

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes, Heatra."she nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:very the way...did you harm him

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Kinda."she held up her blade showing some of the Mist's blood.

Rayna,"Right I'm going to put this one in her crib." she walked to Annie's room.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene::p

Heatra:excellent -puts hood over head and starts walking-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"He killed Rayna."she said as she followed him.

Rayna put Annie in her crib and tucked her in. She walked back to Irene and Kotetsu.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:sighed- who was that girl that fought mist?

Heatra:he then revived her right -still walking-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Not sure, I was busy to attack to Mist again."she said as she walked.

Rayna,"What girl?"she frowned.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:oh you werent concious,some girl with a death blade was fighting mist

Heatra:i see..very well mist will no doubt go to tokyo

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"I see."she sighed then she hugged Irene.

Lisha,"Then we will try and kill him."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:yes..then -looks at his hand- i will absorb his energy

Irene:hugs back-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded as she followed him.

Rayna,"We'll kill the mist for killing our brother."she held Irene.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:you got it :p

Kotetsu:well arent you 2 adorable

Heatra:laughs quietlly-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna chuckled.

Lisha,"Whats funny?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:well were sisters...half sisters..we know were gorgeous just suprised that my sisters powers are still dormante

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"Which sister?"

Rayna chuckled more.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiled- both of them

Irene:right sis

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded.

Rayna nodded

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:see we are amazingz :p

Heatra:-turns and keeps walking-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Yes we are." she sighed and sat on the bed,"But sadly we're not strong enough to kill the mist. Not even my phoenix form could kill it."

Lisha followed him.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:i mean what level was that thing?

Koetesu:no idea but strong

Heatra:keep up

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yeah."she ketp up with him.

Rayna,"I have no fucking idea."she groaned as she layed back on the bed.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:thank you

Irene:its ok rayna we will find a way

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded as she walked with him.

Rayna,"Fuck that Irene. That thing will fucking kill us all and take Annie from me. Ans why the fuck dose that Mist want her anyways?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i dont know....i have no idea what heatra was looking for

Irene:me either

Heatra:-see's the city in the distance-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walks with him.

Rayna,"Funcking helpful guys."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:well sorry

Irene:maybe annie has hidden powers like me

Heatra:-hears screams in the distance- ah mist is there

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighs,"Well it time to get to work."

Rayna sighed.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:if you wish to rest then you may

Irene:sorry we dont know much about the S class sis

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"It's fine Irene."

Lisha,"It's fine."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:as you wish -raises his hand slowlly and the walls around tokyo begin to shake-

Irene:snuggles rayna- least i still have you

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Yeah, we have each other."she snuggles Irene.

Lisha called her death blade to her.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiles- he is coming


2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna chuckled as she held Irene.

Lisha nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:what like this -kisses rayna's cheek-


Heatra:looks around smiling-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna kissed her head.

Lisha looked around.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:FLAME WAVE -starts to burn down the tree
s around us as mist can be seen dodging-

Irene:smiles and snuggles-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha glared at the mist.

Rayna smiles and snuggles her.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:blushes a little and sticks her tounge out at kotetsu-

Kotetsu: :o

Heatra:well look who it is

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"We meet again."

Rayna chuckled as she held Irene.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: your not dead


2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Mist:and heatra survived my judgement bolt also

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Mist:very well -places hand on dragon tooth-

Heatra:doesnt move and remains cloaked-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha raises her blade.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:allow me to show you somthing mist......


2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckled.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiles as fangs are visible even tho cloak hood only reveals his mouth-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her shourdlers.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Mobius:Seal of Oristoros -a large circle envelopes the area- now thanks to this technique you can only leave if we are dead

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Nice."she sighed.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:now observe my new powers....if thats alright with you my dear?

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes, it's fine with me."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:very well,now observe Oristoros Duos (a second layer is added onto the circle- now i am immnue to magic attacks.

Oristoros Tritos -a third layer is added- now i am immune to physical pain -laughs loudlly

Mist:...what power is this...its not light its....demonic

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiled evily.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:now that you basically have no magic and cant escape -two glowing green eyes appear from under the hood- its over -raises hand-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"We shall end it."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:Fire Style! Erupting Burning Finger -launches forward grabbing his face in the searing hand followed by a large explosion-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah protected herself in her death shield.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: -Smoke clears and mists body falls to the ground as if he was human-


2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"What a fool he was."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:-laughs- and he gave them so much trouble

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"They are not as powerful as you."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiles barring fangs- this is true

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha smiled back.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:fixes cloak-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Now what?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:we hide in tokyo -starts walking towards the cripled city-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah followed him

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:grins when a gaurd approaches him-

Gaurd: you 2 stop now!

Heatra smiles anda green aura envelopes him as the gaurd turns into a skeleton and falls-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckled as she followed him.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:-yells at the civilians- this town is under new owner ship,you will all Bow before the Oristoros

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded and smiled.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:raises hand and the seal appears on all there heads,looks up at a soldier he is controling- build me a army

Soldier:bows- yes master

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckled evily,"Oh this is so much fun."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:looked over at a nearby building- this will be my new abode-turns and looks at lisha- you will stay here with my protection

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha bow,"Of course, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:-turns and walks into building-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha followed him.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:-raises arm as a stone throne raises up and sits on it- ah excellent

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Is thier anything I can do for you, my lord?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:no my dear you may rest or walk around the city if you wish

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I will stay and protect you, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:as you wish

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:your power is vast...but my dear it can become more

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"How so, my lord?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:the seal of oristoros

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"Of course, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:i have a new mission for you my dear...

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Which would be?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:i wish for you to bring me somthing of value....the sword on the waist of kotetsu

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"Yes, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:wait..lisha..if you get in trouble use the technique oritoro's but only as a last resort your body cant take it,and also they cannot know i am alive

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes, my lord."she bowed before disappering in the shadows.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:thinks to self:soone i will control 4 of the 10 blades of power-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha appeared in the camp.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:awaits-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha heared them fucking and she turned in to shadows and got the sword, then she appeared back to Heatra,"Kotetsu's sword, my lord."she held it out to him.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:stands from the throne and takes the sword- ah now all the known swords arein my posetion

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"We will find the others, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:indeed we will -tosses cloak away only wearing jeans-soon i will win

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha bowed to him, so he didn't see her blush,"Yes, you will, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:for now i shall focus on building my army to take down those foolish human kingdoms

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"You shall have the most fieresone army the world has ever seen, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:indeed we shall my dear -walks past her to the large window-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:until then we will keep the others alive until they find the remaining blades

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Yes, my lord."she bit her lip,"But what about your sisters? And Kotetsu?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:they serve a greater purpose...the others will meet there fate...there fate has been chosen

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded as she walked to his side,"And that purpose would be?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:they are the one thing keeping my human half alive

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I see."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:turns and looks at her- this new form will only continue to grow stronger

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at him,"Yes, my lord."she nodded

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:puts hand on her chin- your eyes...they tell me you fear the oristoro's power

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I am sorry, my lord."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Heatra:it is fine -puts face really close to hers- you will embrace it in time -lets go and walks away-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha watches him go as she blushes lightly.

Rayna walks to Annie's room.

Jasmine was looking out for troble.

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:having fun out here jaz

Heatra:sits back on throne-

Kotetsu:wait...weres my sword

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine shrugged,"Not really."

Rayna picked up Annie and held her close. She walked to Kotetsu,"Annie's awake."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:aww she is adorable


2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Annie giggles.

Rayna smiled,"She is."


2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:sounds eventful

Kotetsu:bby have u seen my sword

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"No I haven't, sorry. Did you left it somewhere?"

Annie cryed.

Jasmine,"Eh not really."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:laughs-

Kotetsu:i cant remember

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shhed Annie.

Annie cryed more.

Rayna,"Do we have anyne baby milk here?"

Jasmine chuckled

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:umm i think so -looks outside at random cow-

Irene:laughs again- im tired

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine,"Why are you tired?"

Rayna,"Can you get her some milk, please?"she rocked Annie, who was screaming as she cryed

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:umm sure -walks out to apprehend a cow-

Irene:nothing really

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine nodded.

Rayna tryed to calm Annie down

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i have it -is carrying bottle and the cow-

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna took the bottle and fed Annie.

Annie ate

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:well heatra is gone and rayna has kotetsu

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine,"I herd."she sighed

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:now im the extra around offence to you

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine,"None taken."

Rayna finished feeding Annie then she burped her.

Annie burped

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:well...guess its just us left

otetsu:she burped:p

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine,"Yep."

Rayna smiled"And it was a good burp."she smiled at Annie,"Yes it was."

Annie giggles

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:id like to find my sword lol

irene:walks up beside jasmine- well what now

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine shrugged.

Rayna,"You might have left it outside or something."

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Irene:well....-turns jasmine around- what about this -kisses jasmine-

Kotetsu:looked there

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine kissed her back.

Rayna played with Annie, "You sure you check properly?"

2010-01-29 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:yes bby im sure

Irene:wow your good

2010-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Jasmine blushed,"Thanks, so are you."

Rayna sighed,"Well have you look in our room?" she play with Annie in Annie's room.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:yes bby everywere

Irene:blushed- well maybe we can be together

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Did you lose it when we found Annie?"

jasmine blushed more and nodded.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:huggles her-

Kotetsu: no im positive it was here when mist was here

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"Well do you think anyone would take it?"

Annie giggles.

Jasmine hugges her back.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:kisses her lightly- we gaurd together now

Kotetsu:other than mist no

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"It's just a sword, baby, you can get another."

Jasmine,"Yeah we are."she smiled and kissed her back.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:bby its one of the 10 swords the darklords want

Irene:gets up and walks into the room with rayna and kotetsu,walks past rayna touching her chin- hey guys

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Oh that's not good."she looked at Irene,"Hey sis."

Annie giggles more.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:smiles- that was fun earlier ;)

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Yeah it was. Hey Irene you seen Kotetsu's sword anywhere?"

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:sips some water- nope

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Thanks sis."

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:no problem guys

Kotetsu:you dont think......the shadow girl

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"maybe."

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:jasmine didnt see anything

Kotetsu:had to be her,no wonder she didnt see her its because she couldnt

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"I want to swear but can't cause Annie's in the room."

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:ill take her if ya want


2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Thanks." she handed Annie to Irene.

Annie pulled on Irene's hair as she giggles.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:oww you little cutey :p

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Annie giggles and pulls more.

Rayna,"Yeah she dose that alot and that is why my hair is up in a pony tail."

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Kotetsu and rayna say at same time:still hot tho

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna chuckled.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:what cant i think my sister is hot :p


2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna laughed.

Annie giggles as she pulled on Irene's hair more.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:owwie T.T

Kotetsu:sorry about that

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"I did warn you."she looked at Annie,"Stop that right now, Annie."

Annie looked at Rayna and let go off Irene's hair then she clapped her hands and giggles.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:smiles handing her to kotetsu-

Kotetsu:umm hey annie :p

Irene:sits on rayna's lap- she was ok -smiles-

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Annie giggles and claps her hands more.

Rayna smiled and held her close.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Irene:smiled and kisses rayna's cheek- love ya sis,in more than just one way

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Love you too sis."she kissed her cheek.

Annie giggles.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:you think anni knows that u 2 are kissing?

2010-01-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"We're not kissing, well only each others cheeks."

Annie yawned and nuzzled her face on his chest.

2010-01-30 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i think someone is sleepy

Irene:well not earlier XD

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