Page name: The BattleField [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-08-14 15:59:44
Last author: Legendary
Owner: Legendary
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The BattleField


Long ago, there was a great and terrible battle, the three champions of there respective nations faced down the demon that brought forth the apocolypse and the destruction of man, as the battle raged the world was decimated,when all was said and done the demon lay dead,But so did the Champions,because of this the demon was sealed behind another pitiful seal made by the human race,and within a few thousand years,the demon had returned and destroyed all of the human race,to stop this a being with no name,and no identity,traveled back in time and selected 3 young warriors and scholars,to send back in time,to the time of the elements,to make sure that the champions did not die,a second time,unfortunatly due to this meddeling time has been distorted,and new enemies not recorded in there history have emerged,has this meddeling been a blessing...or a curse

No God Modding unless under certain cirucumstances--> the enemies of this wiki are designed to be hard to beat,you cannot simply over power them because you want to,or because you wanna look badass,its just not gonna happen,if you do this i will delete the comment and have you type somthing different,only certain characters in this wiki are meant to be that strong.

Anime Ripoffs --> This wiki in order to remain epic as shit and relevant,has ripped off various anime's of the real world,from Dragonball Z to Inuyasha to Naruto,if that is a problem,leave,this wiki is a fanfiction meaning its our decision what we type,not the worlds.

Character Selection--> This wiki posseses 3 factions (Enduril Aldar and Demon) if you wish to have a character in all three thats great,but it is requested that you do not make your character with the impression that he/she is the greatest thing since ever (for example no demon can over power Cysero except one...spoiler) so tailor your self accordingly.

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The Aldar Background Lore
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2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna held onto him,"Yep he is. He use to call me names and hit me and stuff." she nuzzled her face on his neck.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:maybe i should kill him

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled against his neck,"You would do that for me?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:one less basterd in the world

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"True."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:lol

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled and she pulled away from him,"I'll run you a bath, so you can relax." she smiled and got up and walk to the bathroom.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:watches her ass as she walks out- damn

Heatra:banging head on tree- think think think

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna runs him a bath and she pours some bubble bath in and when the bath was done. She walked back to him,"Bath is ready." she smiled at him.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:thank you

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna held her hand out to him.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:takes her hand-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulled him up onto his feet and she smiled up at him.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:thank you sister -walks to bathroom-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Welcome brother." she smiled as she watched him leave the room.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:has left room-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled and she sat down on the sofa as she yawned.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotstesu takes bath-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna lays on the sofa and put her hands behind her head.I have a good brother, who is like me. But he's not my kin...I so can't go there....just no,, she thought as she shook her head.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:bathing-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"Oh..well." she said to herself.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:bathing and lays back- ah now this is relaxing

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna thought more about it.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:relaxing-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna thought more.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:ah that was refreshing -drying off-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna thought more as she did some yoga in the living room.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: -starts dresing-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna dose a very wired but kinda sexy yoga pose.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:comes walking in and see's it- wow

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna moves into a more sexy pose then she looks at him,"Hey, how was the bath?" she smiled.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: g-great

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled more,"That's good." she she layed on her front then pushed the top part of her body up with her hands.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:-goes into his room shuts door and covers mouth with hands-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowns a bit as she watched him leave the room,"Maybe he dosen't like yoga."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:practically bitting hand in his room-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"Better go say sorry." she stood up and walked to his room and knocked on the door.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:umm....ello

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Kotetsu?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:umm hang on getting dressed,i thought you were doing that great yoga stuff,it was hot -stops slf- i mean interesting

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Okay, and I've been doing yoga from about the age of 10 years old."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:sounds hot...i mean nice DAMN IT

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"You okay in there? You help or something?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:yea um im fine opens door but forgets fact that he is not clothed yet the towl is on the floor-


2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blinks at him as she blushed deep red,"Ummm...."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:what...OH! -raises hands and black cloak envelopes him- sorry about that

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushed more,"Ummm...." she blinked again.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:wait you here that

Kasumi:hear what?

Heatra:it cant be!

Kotetsu:suddenlly looks up:you hear that?

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blinks again,"Yeah, I do."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i know this is gonna sound wierd.....but go find Kasumi and would be good .....ill be following you

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned,"But...I don't want to." she hugged him,"I don't want to leave." she nuzzled her face on his chest.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i know...but we have to find them...because the 2 of use cant fight Dread alone

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked up at him,"Dread?" she still held him close to her.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:yes Dread one of the 10 lords of darkness

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed and nodded,"Okay, but you'll come with me right?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:ofcourse dear

Heatra:Dread is here!

Kasumi:should i warn Kotetsu?.....wait stupid question

Heatra:trust me he knows Dread is here

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled at him,"Thank you."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:but for your own protection,stay behind me k

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"Okay."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:teleports them to Heatra and KAsumi-

Heatra:stopped running yet?

Kotetsu:an oppurtunity to kill Dread...i wont run from that

Kasumi:putting on strange blue gloves- good were on the same page then

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna holds onto Kotetsu tightly as she hides her face on his chest.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:whats she hiding for?

Kasumi:eh we girls just do that -giggles-

Kotetsu:well were is he?

Heatra:well we all smell he is here

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pouts as she ketp her face hidden on his chest and ketp a tight hold on him

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:sweetite can you sit here for a minute

Kasumi:giant moving earth at 12 o clock

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked up at him,"Okay, be careful and don't get hurt." she looked at him with worry.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: KAsumi:should i hit him first?

Kotetsu:ladies first^^

Heatra:we have your back

-they charge-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed and she sat down as she put shield around herself.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:Spinning Shikaku (shadow dagger attack)

HEatra:Blazing Field Rain (multiple fireball attack)

Kasumi:Cresent Moon cannon (a energy blast in the cresent moon shape)

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna watched as she ketp her shield up.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:-takes all 3 hits and then stops- what do you 3 fools want!

All of them:Your Head

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed and watched as she ketp her shield up.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:usual plan!


KAsumi:Rave Element! Shield! -blue aura envelopes Heatra and Kotetsu-



2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned as she watched.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:ERUPTING BURNING FINGER

Kotetsu:Jorichi Slicer

Kasumi:Cresent Apocalyipticannon

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned more.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:i now cast the magic of "Mortality"

All of us:what...our powers......there gone

Dread:maniaclly laughing- now you all die

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned more as she shielded Heatra, Kotetsu and Kasumi.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:thank you love....i mean sistero-o

Heatra and Kasumi:0.0

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushed softly,"Welcome."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:im gonna ignore that

Dread:ah...these magic

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Yep, your right. It is fire magic."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:hmmmm

Kotetsu:-touches her hand and whispers- well done

HEatra:you want fire -hand lights up-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled at him,"Thanks." she whispered back as she held his hand gently.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: KAsumi:smiles at rayna- nice choice now our guys are the strongest fighters...-gets louder purposlly- even DREAD!

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded at her as she rolled her shoudlers,"Okay, I can't stand to see this Dread anymore." she looked up at Kotetsu,"Can I kill him?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:hmm guys why dont we all kill him?

Heatra:offers hand- truce?


2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked at Dread,There's something about him...but what is it?, she thought.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:TITAN

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned a bit,"Phoenix of re-birth!"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: attack stops-
Kotetsu:rayna...why a reborn spell

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blinks at him,"Not a reborn spell, silly. My acttack was to use the fire power of re-birth to kill him."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: ah i heard rebirth.....moving on

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded and she looked at Dread with a sigh,"Leave now."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:why would i pass up an oppurtunity to do that

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"What oppurtunity? And if your answer is to kill us then just don't say anything."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:remains quit-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"Though so." she rubbed her arm, where her birth mark was.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:that mark...

Kotetsu and Heatra:gaurd infront of her-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna rubbed her birth mark more with a frown,"What about my birth mark?" she walked around them.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotets:?.?

Dread:well if it isnt my daughter!

All of us:DAUGHTER

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned,"What the fuck?! I'm so not your fucking DAUGHTER!" She rubbed her mark more.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:then what about this -shows the same mark on his arm-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna's jaw dropped,"I...I..need to sit down." Her legs where shaking.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:leave my girlfrend.....i mean......leave her alone or you will burn in infinit space -raises hand-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked at Dread,"You can't be! I'm a Lapen! Not the daughter of fucking darkness!" she shook her head.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:ofcourse your not the daughter of darkness your the daughter of one of my many else was heatra born

-Kasumi and Kotetsu become quite-

Heatra:Rayna...with your permision......can i toast him

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna was in too much shook to answer,"So...I'm not a Lapen?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:may i assist you?

Heatra:Guys!......Bring them down!

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"NO! STOP!"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:-stops- and why cant i burn him off the face of the earth

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"I want fucking anwser!" she snapped at him then she looked at Dread,"So father, am I a Lapen?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:yes dear you are.... and heatra is not a Kasshu as you have probablly figured out.....because i raped your precious mother

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna relax,"I hate my mother with every bit of my icey heart."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Dread:and why do you think she was so evil....i made her that way

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"Yeah, sadly I know." she turned from him and she nodded at Heatra and Kotetsu,"Kill him."

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:oh boy
Kotetsu:this will be fun!

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Have fun." she sat down behind them and shielded herself.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kasumi:having fun

Kotetsu and Heatra:whipping ass-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna hummed to herself as she watches.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:well he crawled a little bit

Heatra:we so got him

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded and she stood up and walked to Kotetsu.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:why hello rayna -whistles-

Heatra:laughs with kasumi-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled at him and hugged him.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:hugs back- i take it were hunting the others?

Heatra:definetlly...our plan worked...try to kill eachother to lure them out then boom

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna held onto him tightly and she looked up at him with worry.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:it was an entire ploy to lure out the creatures of dark world,irene rayko jasmine there all fine,it was the best acting weve ever done

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned at him,"Huh?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:Kasumi faked her did Heatra

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Why?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:to lure out Dread and the others

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Why?"

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:to kill them....and if we wouldnt have done it....i wouldve never met -squeezes your hand- you

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: now then -leans down to rayna's face- may i?

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes and nods.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:despite fangs gently kisses rayna-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna kisses him back gently.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Heatra:well since there doing it -leans over kissing kasumi-
Kasumi:kisses heatra back-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wraps her arms around Kotetsu's neck as they kiss.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:smiles and keeps kising-
KAsumi:sits in Heatra's lap-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna keeps kissing Kotetsu.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:still kissing-

HEatra and KAsumi:Kissing yet still-

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still kissing him.

2009-12-17 [Legendary]: (holy crap its turned into a horn show lol)

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: (lolz)

2009-12-17 [WASHACKED]: (Wroed thing to read when your at school XD)

2009-12-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: (NiceXD)

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: (lol holy crap)

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: (Lolz, so we still rpging?)

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: (yep totsally)

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: (okay ^^)

Rayna pulled from the kiss slow as she blushes.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:wow O.O

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded as she blushed more.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:wonder were Heatra went...actually who cares right now

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna giggles.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:hmm wonder were Kasumi is also

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Kotetsu don't you know where they are? I mean they haven't seen each other in they're having sexy time with each other, silly." she giggled at him.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:ah i see....perhaps thats -touches her leg- were they are

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes and nods,"Perhaps."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:well -clears throat- i wonder maybe we could find they are

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes deep red as she nodded a bit.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:-winks- and your how old?

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"19."she said shyly.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i hope its ok that im 514

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"It's fine with me."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:lets...-clears throat- go look for them

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"Okay."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:offers a hand-

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna takes his hand gently.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: -brief intermission-

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna walk out the cave and looked around as she waited for Kotetsu.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:walks out exhausted- all my energy...taken by somthing besides fighting XD

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes and smiles,"Yeah, not fighting." XD

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:so not fighting lol

Heatra:hey -lowers from above- there you 2 are

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed,"What do you want Heatra?"

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Heatra:umm im on your team...kinda need to know were your at

Kotetsu:places hand on rayna's shoulder- relax...he is right he's on our side

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna raised an eyebrow at Heatra,"Where am at?"

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:were here love

Heatra:kasumi is at the campo.....Eating -_-

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shrugged.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Heatra:V.V

Kotetsu:to bad for you lol

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"We need to talk, about the other lords of darkness."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Heatra:whats there to discusss,we find and kill them

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna rolled her eyes,"Well duh. But they are gonna know it was you guys that killed Dread. So I was thinking that I could go looking for one of the other lords and show them my mark and..."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:whoa whoa whoa whoa do that and they will show you why they are dark lords

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked at Kotetsu,"I know what I'm doing." she snapped at him.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i know that dear...i just dont want you to get hurt

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"You know what I am, so you know I'll be fine."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:places arms around her- i know...i love you thats all

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna leaned on him,"I know and love you too."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Heatra:did i miss somthing

Kotetsu:ignores and kisses her-

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna kisses him back.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Heatra:yep im missing somthing

Kotetsu:trust me...-starts laughing- you did...ok bby you should go try to show them your mark

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"And when I tell them what I am, well let's say they wouldn't dare kill me." she smiled sweetly but deadly.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:i saw that smile earlier.....i new it

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled more.

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:but ofcourse when i saw that smile you were....-clears throat- never mind

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes,"Yeah, I was."

2009-12-19 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:blushes also-

Heatra:you mean.....O.O

2009-12-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna blushes more,"Anyways where can I find these lords of darkness?"

2009-12-21 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:eh they are as hard to find as we are

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