Page name: The BattleField [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-08-14 15:59:44
Last author: Legendary
Owner: Legendary
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The BattleField


Long ago, there was a great and terrible battle, the three champions of there respective nations faced down the demon that brought forth the apocolypse and the destruction of man, as the battle raged the world was decimated,when all was said and done the demon lay dead,But so did the Champions,because of this the demon was sealed behind another pitiful seal made by the human race,and within a few thousand years,the demon had returned and destroyed all of the human race,to stop this a being with no name,and no identity,traveled back in time and selected 3 young warriors and scholars,to send back in time,to the time of the elements,to make sure that the champions did not die,a second time,unfortunatly due to this meddeling time has been distorted,and new enemies not recorded in there history have emerged,has this meddeling been a blessing...or a curse

No God Modding unless under certain cirucumstances--> the enemies of this wiki are designed to be hard to beat,you cannot simply over power them because you want to,or because you wanna look badass,its just not gonna happen,if you do this i will delete the comment and have you type somthing different,only certain characters in this wiki are meant to be that strong.

Anime Ripoffs --> This wiki in order to remain epic as shit and relevant,has ripped off various anime's of the real world,from Dragonball Z to Inuyasha to Naruto,if that is a problem,leave,this wiki is a fanfiction meaning its our decision what we type,not the worlds.

Character Selection--> This wiki posseses 3 factions (Enduril Aldar and Demon) if you wish to have a character in all three thats great,but it is requested that you do not make your character with the impression that he/she is the greatest thing since ever (for example no demon can over power Cysero except one...spoiler) so tailor your self accordingly.

The Elemental Background Lore
The Aldar Background Lore
Battlefield Champions/Characters
Unique Skills

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2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:may i help rayna

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Sure kid, just don't kiss me, ok?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i wont cause you asked me to -starts to clean wound-

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace shot her a look

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "I'm going to kill Cole for lieing to me."

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at Jace,"What?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:relax rayna is rayna :D

Jasmine:me 2 :D

Rayko:umm...were is heatra

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace frouned, "You never answered my question."

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at Rayko,"He left us when we kill a group of demons, Why?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Rayko:oh no...-jumps up and takes off- im coming buddy

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowns at Rayko and then looks at Jace, "jasmine kissed me"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:blushes and looks down-


2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Oh."

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs then winces,"First I get hugs and kisses off Cole, then the dragon, now Jasmine. Who's next? You two kids?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene: :D sorry im taken

KJasmine:sighs- done

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace hugged Irene, "Yep so nope not from us."

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:yay and besides jace has an enourmous......never mind (lol couldnt resist)

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna rolls her eyes,"Thanks Jasmine." She walks to her bag and looks in it for a new top ti wear. [coz right now she is walking around in her bra and skin red jeans and shoes XD]

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:nice bra by the way

-echoing threw the forest as everyone hears:School of the undefeated of the east-

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "I have what?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:-whispers it to him before hearing the encantation- wiat isnt that...

2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin sits in a tree

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shakes her head and pulls out a white tank top and puts it on. "Ummmm did you guys head that?"

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace frouned, "What was that?"

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: -echo continues:THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE-

Irene:thats bro...

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked at her, "What is he talking about??":

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:its...

Jasmine:the attack he used before...

2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin drops out of the tree and starts running to the encantation

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna runs after the sound.

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:in the middle of an open field as a dark shadow begins to stand up from infront of him- YOU AR EDEAD!

Kotetsu:gimme your best shot

Rayko:on ground motionless and wounded severlly-

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked at Irene

2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin grabs rayko and moves him to a safer location

2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:were safe if we stay here

Jasmine:lets hope we are

2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna runs up to Rayko, "Rayko talk to me!"

2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace nodded, "OK.

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Rayko:stay...away.....from Kotetsu -falls unconcious-

Kotetsu:what are you waiting for...lets see your new power


2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks at rayna "we have to move"

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:waves hand and blast dissapears-please do better than that -rushes him-

Heatra:bleedingf from arm and head and is really ruffed up- BRING IT -rushes kotetsu-

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and pulls out th fire stone and put up a powerful shield.

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:grabs heatra's punch- please do somthing less predictable

Heatra:i did that before remember...and that why -grabs his wrist and toses kotetsu into the air- you only have one arm

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna yell, "Stop this Heatra now!!"

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Heatra:doesnt pay attention- KAIOKEN! -launches forward catching kotetsu offgaurd and punches him into a wall-

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna's body glowed red, "Leave him!" She keep the shield up.

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin picks up rayna and rayko moving them to the hut with the kids

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:lunged foreward and grabbed heatra by the face and kicks him in the face making a crater were heatra lands-

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna getsout the dragon's arm and puts up and powerful shield using the fire stone and her own powers. "Listen to me! No one is leaving ! I have put up a shield, so no on can get in or out."

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: HEatra:stands weaklly as kotetsu lands on his stonmach and begins punching-

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin nods then combines his blades creating a second shield inside the first "this way we know for a fact we will be safe but rayko needs to be treated now"

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Heatra:KAIOKEN X2! -punches kotetsu then kicks him into a nearby hill were the force of the kick makes a crater into the center of the hill-

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Jasmine please tell me you known how to heal someone with the thurder stone?"

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well...kinda

Kotetsu:rushes out of crater and kicks heatra into the ground again- is this all your power

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Well do it! just put your hand on his wounds and tap into the power of the stone as well as your own and heal him."

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin starts makeing both sheilds stronger "at this point Iam not going to be able to move"

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Vardin can you hold both shields?"

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin nods "as long as we don't suffer a direct hit that would go through them both"

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:starts pounding Heatra with blasts off of his fists-

Heatra:screams of agony-

Kotetsu:Die Mortal FOOL

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Good." She makes a hole in the shields and runs out,she taps into her power and the stones and sends it the Heatra,"Heatra take the power I'm giving you" she yells.

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Heatra:smiles-

Kotetsu:what...that girl......

Heatra:SEKIHATENKYOKEN! -send blast into Kotetsu-

Kotetsu:falls to ground wounded but dissapears but before he doe ssends a blade of dark enrgy in nicks chest

(warning no heal abilities work after a dark attack hits heatra)

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin mantains the hole so she can get back in

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna faints from enegry lost.

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Heatra:stands weaklly-

Kotetsu:stands weaklly- have mastered our...fathers attack have you until......we meet...again -dissappears-

Heatra:falls forward-

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin releases the shields and puts heatra in a stasis field

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: Heatra:-motionless-

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna fell to the ground hard but didn't wake up.

2009-10-22 [Legendary]: (gotta halt the wiki for now till angelus gets back)

2009-10-22 [bronze dragon]: vardin pours his energy into rayna as well as rayko healing him

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still didn't wake up but she did punch someone.

2009-10-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: -Solaria sits with her sisters, watching them-

"Kid, your going to have to get a life....watching us will be boring."

~nods~ Yea it is.

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wakes up and gets up."Is everyone ok? Anyone need healing or anything?" She looks around and then runs out the hole in the shield and runs to Heatra. She knelt by him."Heatra! wake up!" She takes off her necklace and places it on his chest, "Sayrrata." She use her family magic as well as her own power and the fire stones, trying to heal him.

2009-10-22 [WASHACKED]: [Thanks for wating.... I think XD]

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: [lolz]

2009-10-22 [WASHACKED]: [what was I doning last in this?]

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: [You and Irene and the others are in a shield back at camp.]

2009-10-22 [WASHACKED]: [OK I see... thanks... but now we need to wate for Nick.]

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: [true..but he won't be back on ep until X-mas :(]

2009-10-22 [WASHACKED]: [I forgot V.V]

2009-10-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: [no worries Max]

2009-10-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: ((Crap xD))

Veari looked over. "Nope, we three girls are good...I think."


-Solaria nods as well-

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks at the three girls "what are you three doing?"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still trying to heal Heatra with her family magic, her own and the fire stones.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin drops the shield adding that magic to the healing effort

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna yells,"Vardin! I need help over here!"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks over and inspects the wound "first we need to remove the dark magic"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "How the hell do we do that?!"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin takes out a obsidian tear and places it over the wound starting my ritual

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna watches and keeps up the shields.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin starts chanting in draconian

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna raise her eyebrow at the dragon, but keeps the shields up.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: the dark energy starts getting pulled into the obsidian tear

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna ketped watching.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: once all the energy is pulled into the stone it floats up and smashes into vardin's chest sending him flying through the shields

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna jumps up and runs to the dragon, "Vardin are you ok?"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin is unconscious the stone stuck in his chest so badly it can't be removed

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Shit! Wake up you stuiped dragon!"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin is still unconscious but his eyes flutter a little

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulls out the stone that is in his chest and gives him her energy.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: slowly comes to as the stone in her hand starts to react takes it from her be fore it discharges vardins hand instantly becomes covered in scales as the black light slowly dims "wou shouldn't of removed it I would have awoken in a few hours this is very dangerouse I will need to seal it away but heatra should be able to be healed now"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and runs back to Heatra and starts to heal him.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks away slowly coughing up a little blood

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the dragon, "Do you need healing?"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin shakes his head keeping his mouth covered then walks into the woods sitting below a tree starting to meditate

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs and turns back to heal Heatra.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin changes the from of his chest repairing the damage done when the stone smashed into him

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna picks up Heatra and walks back to camp and puts him down. She walks to Vardin, "You ok?"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin opens his eyes looking exausted "I will be once I get some rest but not in this form"looks down at his body and slowly transforms into his small dragon form that will fit on your shoulder

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and walks bck to camp and sits.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin glides in and lands on rayna's shoulder curling up to her passing out

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowns and pulls the silly dragon on her lap. the she falls asleep.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin snuggles closer to her keeping her warm

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna moans a bit in her sleep.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin wakes up a little

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna mubbles, "No..please stop!"

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin returns to human form and puts his arms around you whispering in your ear "rayna wake up its just a dream"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna's body shook , "No!...please don't ...hurt them...",and she brusted into fire.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin holds onto you and shakes you shin turned into dragon scales "rayna wake up"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wakes up with a scream.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin continues to hold rayna "you ok?"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pushes the dragon off her and growls, "I'm fine. I was just remembering the past that's all."

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: skin returns to that of a normal humsn "well it dosen't seam like it was ok" lightly touches rayna's shoulder "know I will be here for you"

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugged off his hand,"If I say I'm fine, I'm fine got it dragon?" se trys and gose back to sleep.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: "rayna my name is vardin not dragon" vardin gets up and leaves the camp

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs and fall asleep.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks back to her silently and lays next to rayna his back to hers

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna still asleep.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin has one wing come out and puts it around rayna falling into a light sleep

2009-10-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna falls into a deep sleep and frowns.

2009-10-23 [bronze dragon]: vardin keeps her warm after a little while vardin wakes up and goes to get more firewood

2009-10-23 [Fallen Child Athena]: Veari sits in a tree, looking at the sky.

~sits on a rock, watching for demons.

-Solaria snuggles up, trying to keep warm-

2009-10-24 [bronze dragon]: vardin puts more wood on the fire to keep it burning

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra: >.>

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayne wakes up and sits by Heatra.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin shrugs and stairs up at the nights sky

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:lo >.>

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Hey you feeling better?"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:better than i was.....-cringes-

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"You'll feel like crap for a bit. Vardin and I healed you. We took out the darkness and healed you."

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin gets up and walks off

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:i see -cringes again and holds ribs- i can still feel his fists

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"Like I said you'll feel like crap or feel like you have the mother of all hangovers." she shugged.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:i havent had a hangover in 200 years....forgot what they feel like.....well...did we kill Kotetsu or is he stil loose

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna's face went all hard,"He's on the loose still." And he saw me and now he knows I'm alive,she thought.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:dont worry...ill kill that basterd yet

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at him,"Your in no shape to fight him, but I am."

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin sits under a tree in a clearing

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:no offence Rayna...kotetsu would terminate you without his even no that

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna rasied an eyebrow,"You have no idea what I can do. And I will kill him or die trying. And plus he has seen me , so my guess would be that he's after me now. And that he has seen me with you he's gonna try and kill to birds with one stone."

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:tell you what why dont you go on up ahead and scout while i lay here (massive plot twist approaches XD)

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nodded,"Sure why not." she looked at Jasmine,"Jasmine look after him,okay?" she stood up.
(I can tell ^^)

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: (lol much indeeds) -scene cuts far up the road were rayna has walked were a shadow looms close-

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks back into the camp

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna walks about and her body is glowing red as she is ready for a fight.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: -the shadow looms overhead-

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowned and she looks around.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: -The shadow dispursed as Kotetsu launched forward and places his hand in burning finger fasion on rayna's face- if you move ill kill you

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna froze and she looked at him.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin's eyes glow as he reaches for his sword

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Kotetsu:listen to me and the Kaioken master are going to die but first you serve another must do what you were born to do,return me from the grave! you must tell no one..or you will...die.....and why not help out -removes mask only to reveal face- your brother! (OH SHIT EPIC GASP)-places mask back on face- and tell your dragon stay out of my affairs...and you rayna need to mind your temper -kotetsu turns and immedietlly dissappears-

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna growled.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:comes running up holding ribs- Were is he!

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugged and she walked away.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks pissed "he was here"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:Rayna...your sleeve..its singed.......he was here...wasnt he

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayne ketped walking.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks up hands still on his blades

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:he told her somthing...i intend to find out what

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna walked into camp and sat down and took off her necklace and looked at it.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin sits across from rayna "tell me whats going on now"

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Leave me alone,Vardin." she ketped her eyes on her necklace.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:dont upset her...Rayna we need to know

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugged,"Leave me alone now." she ketped her eyes on the necklace.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: the necklace flies into vardin's hand

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:very well.....Jasmine!

Jasmine:umm -skidishlly answers- yes

Heatra:watch after her....well...stay with her anyway

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayne,"I do not need nor want a babysitter, Heatra." she got up and walked out of camp.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:well then if you dont need and or want going to have to...-stops talking eyes widenend-

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna ketps walking as she held her family necklace in her hand.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin gets up and flies so he lands in front of rayne

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:starts to stagger-

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna walked around him and ketped walking.

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin grabs rane "please stop we still need you"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra(possesed will now be shown like this Heatra(p) )

Heatra(p):and were do you think your going Rayna...didnt i just tell you to watch that temper...and maybe being nice to your friends before i kill them all

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shook,"Just leave me alone,please." she begged and ran away.

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: - a loud scream can be heard as the Kotetsu spirit leaves Heatra-

Heatra:i saw into his mind.....Irene....HANG ON IM COMING -takes off towards the huts-

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin takes off ad grabs rayna flying up into the sky

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Let me go!"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: -heatra arrives at the huts to see them completelly destroyed,apon fiurther observing his heart sinks as he see's a piece of irene's clothing weged under a large collapsed stone wall-

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin flies higher "really want me to let you go?"

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna wiggled,"Let me go!"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra drops to knee's and watches the cloth float in the breeze-

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: "look down and then think again" vardin keeps going up

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looked down,"Put me down now !!"

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: (i find it awsome how you 2 are arguing in the air a mile away when im having one of those dramatic realizations lol )

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: (I know, me too XD)

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: (lol ok back to epic storyline)

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin whispers in her ear "you will die if I let go of you right now"

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna,"Then drop me."

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: (me on main story path while doofballa's are on sidelines arguing tsk tsk tsk lol)

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: "I don't want you to die I want to talk to you"

2009-11-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna sighed and she changed her hands into claws and cut his arm and he let go and she fell to the ground and she dose some flips and lands softy on the ground, not hurt one bit , and she walks into camp,"What happened here?"

2009-11-25 [bronze dragon]: vardin dives out of the air landing next to heatra

2009-11-25 [Legendary]: Heatra:tightens fist around the shard of clothing,tears for the first time in his entire life in his eyes-

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