# of watchers: 11
| D20: 19 |
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2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm... O.O
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Ummm I ummm....."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin starts walking a way turning into dragon form
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:come on -smiles- you can tell me
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna jumps up, "Where is my fire stone?!?" She looks around.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:were you going Vardin
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:you dropped it when you passed out...-hands it to her tentivlly- i made sure it was safe
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin " Iam going for a flight two here can contact me if they are in trouble they know how"
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna takes the stone with a sigh and smiles at Jasmine, "Thank you Jasmine."
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Ummm well what where you thinking?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: (dang were getting type- tyed lol )
Jasmine:y-your welcome
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:whispers in his ear-
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "I was thinking that too."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:tehe
(may be slow internet is being ebil >.<)
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and walks to Heatra and knelt by him and she put her hand on his face and gave him enegry from the fire stone.
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace smiled
(tis OK)
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and walks to Heatra and knelt by him and she put her hand on his face and gave him enegry from the fire stone.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: (thanks for repeating my computer went poof :D)
Heatra:looks up- thanks..now im gonna sleep here..that ok ?
Irene:but now i has hole in mai leg >.<
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and gets up and walks to Irene, "Shall I heal this for you?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:ill be ok..but maybe you could make it speed up a little bit :D
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked up at Rayna and smiled
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled and pulled out the fire stone and put her hand on Irene's leg and it starts to heal."Don't worry Irene, I'll make it as good as new."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:thanks..
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace chukled, "Like you'll know what the diferance is.
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiled as she worked.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene: :P
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna pulled her hand back,"Right your leg is healed. Do you two need anything else to be healed?"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace shook his head, "Nope Im fine, or I think I am."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods at Jace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: (sorry went to make a sandwich :D)
Irene:thank you :D...please watch my brother incase it turns into more than resting
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and walks to Heatra and sat next to him and sighed. She looked around and saw Jasmine and she smiled at the girl.
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace looked over th Heatra
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:smiles back-
Heatra:asleep talking- teddy (NOT A WORD ABOUT HEATRA'S TEDDY :D)
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace started laughed, "Is that a stufed bear?"
(Too bad XD)
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna smiles again at the girl and checked Heatra's plue.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: (LOOSER XD)
Irene:he loves his teddy bear -tightens her grip on jaces arm- so do i
(RANDOM: a large audience appears and says AWWWWW then dissapears)
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:walks over slowly- need some help?
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at Jasmine, "Well not really. His plue is normal so far. Jasmine do you need healing?"
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:-think
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace rolled his eyes, "I'm a wolf not a teddy."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:ok wolf boy...dont make me make you howl XD
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace blushed, "I'll try."
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:XD perv -kisses him-
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin slowly glides back in compleatly silent
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods. "So your power is thunder? Dose this mean you have the thunder stone and your it's keeper?"
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace smiled and kissed he back
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well -shows her necklace with stone on it- yep thats me
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:you know...no one is watching us...the huts are right up the hill
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Keep it safe Jasmine. Don't let anyone take it from you." She sighs sadly.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:places hand softly on her back- you ok
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace nodded and grabed her hand, "OK, come on."
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the girl and sighed, "Yeah, just think about the past." she start to play with her necklace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:you so want it XD -runs up hill-
Rayko:oh gasp i wonder what they are up to -___-
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well i think about my past alot...-smiles at her slightly- but i kinda like my future
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace fallowed her
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Irene:opens hut door- this is mine :D
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin is sitting up in a tree takes out one blade and starts sharpening it
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna gave her a small smile and turned back to Heatra she checked his plue again.
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: walks back up to the group
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Shit I wasn;t aloud in there your brother told me not to," He shrugged and walked in any way/
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks up to see Vardin.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:hi Vardin
Irene:come here wolf boy -winks and walks into her room-
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: Jace smiled and fallowed her
(I have to go in 10 min V.V)
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: -times passes (1 and 3/4 hours)-
XD lol
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods to Vadin.
2009-10-20 [WASHACKED]: (XD nice)
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin says hello and sits down
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna checks Heatra's plue again and then plays with her necklace.
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Jasmine:smiles at rayna and then leans ona tree-
Rayko:were are the brats?
2009-10-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna gets up and walks to Rayko."I need to talk to you."
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin shrugs and takes out an old looking dagger
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Rayko:umm -stands- ok
2009-10-20 [bronze dragon]: vardin stares at the dagger then carefully cleans it
2009-10-20 [Legendary]: Heatra:opens eyes- wow..nap much needed
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Your right Rayko. I must kill those demons that killer my family. But I shall go alone. Please tell Heatra when he wakes up,ok?"
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin laughs a little "yea now its my turn"vardin sinks into the ground and falls asleep
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Rayko:alone i dont think so...take jasmine or myself,heatra will never let you leave alone
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:yawns looking at his sleeve covered in blood- damn that attack hurt
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shakes her head, "Jasmine dosen't know how to fight and I will not put anyone in danger or get them killed."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Rayko:at least if someone is with you if you get hurt they can come get us
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: RAyana's ring glows and vardin's voice comes out of it "she can always call for me"
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shakes her head, "I don't think anyone wants to come with me."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:id love to come with you :D
Rayko:see :D
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "So..."
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin walks out of the ground yawning "I would enjoy your company as well"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:sturs and wakes up slightly- wow..... morning wolf boy
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace smiled, "Morning."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:my legs hurt lol...you were right
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Why would you two want to help me?" her hand started to glow red.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "How was i right?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:your a friend and thats what friends do :D
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:tehe no ones better XD
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: "simple I like you and think this would be a good way to get to know you better besides things are always more interesting when Iam around you people" vardin smiles
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna growled at them."I do not need nor want your help!"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:Rayna you will be accomanied by jasmine..now you 2 behave and go..less demons for me to crush
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin looks at her "I know this is about vengance and thats ok I still want to go with you just to make sure you come back safe"
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace rolled his eyes
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at the dragon, "I have that silly ring you gave me, I'll call if I need you." She turns to Jasmine, "Can you fight?"
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin hugs both jasmine and rayna "come back safe" vardin seems to stare at the ground for a few moments then takes off
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna yells at the dragon, "Stop hugging and kissing me!"
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin just keeps flying looking back and forth
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks back at Jasmine, "So can you fight or not? Because am not taking you with me if you can't."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i can indeed:D
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Good. Please tell me that you can tap into the power of the thunder stone?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:smiles and closes eyes as rayna's hair frizzes- proof enough
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods,"Fine you can come with me."she sighs. She turns to Heatra, "You happy now?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:very much..but incase you dont come back...well how about a hug friend?
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna growls at him,"I told you am not the hugging kind."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:when i say hug i mean hand shake...i myself dont hug
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and holds out her hand, "Oh and Heatra I will be coming back with Jasmine. One way or the other we're coming back."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:shakes hand powerfully- id expect nothing less
Jasmine: :D
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and pulls her hand way.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:JAsmine
Jasmine:gotcha Master Heatra
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna snorts, " Master my ass." she shaking her head.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:huh -follows her away from camp- i figured he was our leader?
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shakes her head and yells, "See ya Rayko!" She looks at Jasmine, " He's a pain in the ass." She walks away from camp with Jasmine.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:sorry V.V
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs, "It's ok kid. I guess I'm still pissed at him for almost killing us all."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i wonder were that power came from
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods,"Yeah well if I didn't absord part of the blast into the fire stone and if the dragon didn't help to, we'd be ash in the wind right now."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i wonder -walks looking at her stone- can we harness that kind of energy
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "Yep, we can, but you have to focus on the stone and tap into the power and mix it with your power and well you can do anything. Didn't anyone teach you this stuff?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:im new to the powers
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna stops and looks at the girl, "What? Are you kidding me?" Her hands started to glow red as well as her eyes.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:does same and hands and eyes glow blue-
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "You'd better be joking kid or am taking you back to Heatra."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: JAsmine:i havent used them ina combat situation yet but i have practiced plenty
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace rolled his eyes
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: (WOLFIE!!!!)
Irene:oh by the way wolf boy.....you taste good XD
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "I swaer your going to get me killed, kid." Her hands and eyes stop glowing. and starts walking again.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i wont let you down...i promise
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: (the one and only^^)
Jace laughed
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:well...d
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods, "You'd better not or I'll fry you to a crisp Jasmine.I mean it, just ask Rayko."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:do we even know what rank this demon is
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace nodded, "Very, good." (no you didnt XD)
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:smiles and kisses his cheek- well...i hope you can hide^^
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shakes her head, "I was only ten when the group of demons killer my family and my grandma never spoke of it again." she sighs.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Hide?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:well when heatra smells your scent all over my bosy...he might burn you
JAsmine:i see
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace jumped, "Oh shit, I think I'll get a head start on hiding."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:so umm....can we stop and rest...i need to bath and the river is neer by
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:well difficult problem is that -points at heatra in the doorway-
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and walks to the river. "I'll be right over their, ok?" She walks to a rock by the river and turn her back on Jasmine.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace slowly turned to Heatra
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:remove
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace rasied an eyebrow at him
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:your scent.....is all over my baby sister
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna makes fire on her hand and plays with it.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace frouned, and shrugged
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:was it awsome -he says trying not to laugh-
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna could here Jasmine. She was still playing her blue fire.
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace chukled, "That's not for you to know."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:looks around- umm..rayna you can get a bath to you know......were both women after all
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:laughs and leaves-
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace turned to Irene with a smile
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna shugs, "I'm ok,Jasmine. But thanks for asking. I'll just keep watch in case anyone comes along."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:wow thats new
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:thanks :D
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace, "Not even a bit of fire."
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and looks around.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: JJasmine:uses her ability to fly and glides around the water-
Irene:i know :D
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace chukled
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna plays with her necklace.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:puttin
Irene: -stands up naked and gets dressed-
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace got up and got dressed quickly
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:you could leave your clothes off XD i like the wolf baetter like that XD
2009-10-21 [WASHACKED]: Jace laughed, "Yes but most have fur."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Irene:that would be hotter
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna yells at Jasmine, "You done yet?"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:i am now -wringing hair-
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks over at her and nods, "Now I can have a bath. You keep watch ok?" she walk to the river and throws some blue fire balls to make the water warm.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasminw:watche
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna takes her clothes off and gets into the very hot river and she sighs with pleasure. She starts to clean herself.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:fighti
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna yell, "Hey Jasmine! Could you get my stone and watch it? It by my clothes."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:turns bright red- umm...sure -walks down to the edge looking strait up in the air- (she is really respecting you :D)
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna moves around in the hot water. ( I know XD )
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin comes to land at an old alter
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:=finds stone but accidentlly see's Rayna- oh...O.O i uh
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at her, "Something wrong Jasmine? your face is red, you feeling ok?" She gets out and walks to the girl and looks at her.
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin sends out a telepathick wave to heatra asking him if the stones are kept in alters
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:umm...
Heatra:replies the same way- i do beileve one might
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna nods and takes off her ring and hands it to Jasmine, "look after this too, please?" She watchs the girl.
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin takes the stone out then appears next to heatra "hmm guess there is one for the arcane"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:gulps- ok..i..i will
Heatra:i sence no elemental power.....it must be a magic stone
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at her, "You sure your ok? Bceause your face is red and your sweating, do you want to go back cause I can always take Rayko with me." She frowns at her.
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: "the locals didn't know" takes out the amathyst stone and then takes my two blades combining them into there diamond form inserting the stone into the blade
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:yea im fine its just well -fights urge to kiss her-
Heatra:ah a new toy
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: "yea should increase the blades power so I can stop that attack of yours"
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Heatra:the symbol of the eleemntals ultimate attack..i dont think so
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin smiles "at least make it sronger and redirect it if they move"
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna frowns at her girl, "If your sure....ok."
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:well your..very...a
Heatra:eh maybe
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin takes off again fallowing a lead he got from an underling
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna looks at her, "Thanks Jasmine. Most people find my eyes and hair wierd and scary." she smiled at her.
2009-10-21 [Legendary]: Jasmine:your..
2009-10-21 [bronze dragon]: vardin lands in front of a cave
2009-10-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rayna, "Well am going to finsh my bath." She walks back to the river still in the nude. (this would look sooo funny XD)
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