Page name: The Creature Within [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-12 14:55:52
Last author: Neurotic Obsession
Owner: fu**(fuse)
# of watchers: 4
D20: 2
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"Wake Up.."

" Yeah You.."

You open your eyes, rubbing at them. You thought you heard a voice, telling you to waken. "Hm?" You groan, just waking up. Suddenly you jump, not knowing where you are...
" Hello.."

...Says a loud echoing voice. You look around to see where it came from, but you see no one.
"Over Here.."

Echos the voice again, you turn, spotting a odd shaped stone.."Who's there? Show yourself.." You call out, a bit frightened.

"Ah..but I'm right in front of you.. I'm the egg before you. And I am yours..."

Says the odd colored egg.. You look around, searching for someone as if this was all just a joke.. suddenly, the 'egg' start to hatch..

"You're in a different age of time now, so you'll need a weapon.
The date is 1842. We need you, along with several others, this time is in trouble. You need to save it, and I, your creature, is your guide."

You suddenly spot a crate of weapons in the corner of the room..

"Choose your weapon carefully. It'll help you on your way..
Good Luck."

Hello. And Welcome To The Creature Within. Alright, you wake up in a odd place and some odd egg starts speaking to you.. Now It's hatching?!?! Yeah, well what do you do?

In essence this rpg's plot unfolds as you go along with whatever story idea you decide to bring in so have fun ^^

The Creature Within Rules Please read this before starting!
The Creature Within Characters Put your information here and in this order:


Weapon choice:
Creature's Name:
[pic is optional]

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks up to the doorway, shocked at the odd man standing there. "Who are you?!" She asked, standing. Rose looked at the man, wrapping her tail around Bekah's shoulder as she balanced on the other.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: "I should ask you the same thing." His eyes flick to the dragon on her shoulder. "Aw man, how come you get a dragon!" He bends down and picks up his creature, "I get.. this." Suddenly his eyes glaze over and he speaks in an odd voice, "I'm a Crick, and my kind have been known to take down anything, even dragons." Darius shakes his head. "I hate it when you do that!" He looks to the girl in the doorway, sizing her up scornfully. "You wouldn't even know what to do with a dragon." he says as he leans against the doorway, his Crick in his arms.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah glared at the man and rolled her eyes,"My name Is Bekah. Now excuse me.." she said, walking toward him and pushing past him, "to your right, at the end of the hall go through the large double doors Bekah" instructed Rose. Bekah nodded and headed towards the doors..

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "Oh and Rose says, from your persionality, thats how your creature is asigned for you.." Bekah called over her shoulder.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius speaks in the odd voice again, "Follow, and be nice, you need to work together." Darius sighs and follows Bekah to the doors. "Where are we going? Not that I want to follow you, but this thing isn't really giving me a choi-OW!" Darius looks at his finger, bloodied where his Crick pecked him. "I am a Crick, not a thing, Darius." Darius growls, "Fine."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah opened the doors and stepped out into the light, sheilding her eyes from the bright sun. "Umm. What do dr--" Before she could even finish her question, Rose leaped from her shoulder and caught a rat, swallowing it whole. Bekah watched in awe and horror..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius laughs at the scene and pulls out his sunglasses. Ugly leaps from his arms and digs into the ground. "Now what? I lost my... wait, I'm asking the wrong questions.. what am I doing here? And why is there a kid here too? Where am I? What year is this? What's going on?"

"You will know in time, now wait and strike when the time is ready."

Darius clasps his hands over his mouth, "Stop that! I hate it when you do that! I don't like being told what to say or having my mind controlled!" He stomps on the hole that Ugly made in frustration.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked at Darius and rolled her eyes. "It's 1842." She answered his question, looking down at her weapons..suddenly Rose flew into the air, "Bekah, time for training, you need to learn how to weild your claws.." informed Rose.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks down and follows the trail of upturned dirt that Ugly is making. He picks up his cane and unsheathes his sword from it, just in case. "1842, huh? Okay, and where are we?"

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "You will practice on Darius, attack when ready." Informed Rose, flying overhead. "Dunno." answered Bekah, sizing Darius up, he was much taller than she and he seemed tough. Her stomach flipped of nerves and she clutched her claws..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks up and turns toward the distance, his long black and white hair flowing in the wind. He blinks and looks at the kid, "Don't even think about it, kid." he says, facing her and holding his sword towards her. "Strike her, Darius, she only wants to steal the glamor from you." he says in Ugly's voice.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked at him, confused, "How did you..? I thought I could only hear Rose's voice?!" She asked, peering up at Rose.. "pay attention to him, not me.. he's the one your you have a lot to learn.." said Rose.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: "You're holding weapons, I had my back turned to you and when I turned, I noticed you out of the corner of my eye, gripping your claws and looking at me oddly. Common sense, kid. I can't hear your dragon." He holds his stance as Ugly emerges from the dirt, about a foot longer than he was when he went in.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "Oh, well then.." Bekah shrugged, and punched the air.. "I'm new at this, so be nice. Tis only practice.." she warned Darius, eyeing him.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: "I don't need any practice. I have sparred many times before. I'm far more advanced than you. Maybe you should practice on that." he says, his thumb over his shoulder pointing at a tree. "It's more around your level."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked at the tree, "good idea.." she said and started walking towards it, "What are you doing, fight him.." Instructed rose. Bekah smiled as she passed Darius, suddenly turning and attacking him..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius spins quickly and holds up his sword to block the attack, "Stubborn, are we? Fine. Let's dance." He grins and takes a few steps back before lunging.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles and dodges, taking a step toward him and upper cuts, aiming at gut...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius backs away quickly, his sword clashing against her claws. He stops and looks at her, "Why are we fighting? What are we training for?"

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah stopped as well, "I don't know..Time." she called, looking up at Rose, "Whats this for?" Rose swooped down and landed on the ground, already doubled in size. "The more you train, the larger I get. Likewise with 'ugly'..what a horrid name by the way.." Bekah repeated what her dragon said to Darius..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius laughs and looks at Ugly. "Suits him though." He sits down and pets Ugly, well, I'm not going to train anymore until I find out exactly what's going on. He looks at Ugly and says in the odd voice, "I grow each time you feel jealousy or anger. I expect to be gigantic within the next week." Darius grumbles and blinks as Ugly grows a bit more. "Great, I have to control my emotions to control you." He sighs and puts his sword back in his cane, looking at the kid. "So, your dragon doesn't control your mind?" He bows his head and rubs his temples, "I already have a splitting headache."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "Well I can hear her, and she can hear me. That's about it." Bekah informed, glancing at the tree. "I guess I will practice on the tree then, if you wont help me." she sighed and headed over to the tree, Rose followed her swooping up into the limbs of the tree. Bekah looked up at Rose, (You're already as big as a pony.. How big are you supost to grow?) Bekah thought to Rose, taking a swing at the tree.. "Larg enough for you to ride...umm about as tall as that house, I supose.." answered Rose.. Bekah peered up at the good sized house and smiled. "wow." she muttered, jabbing the trunk..Rose doubled in size again...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius lays back and dozes. After a few minutes he gets jabbed by Ugly, "Ow! You little cu-" He blinks as Ugly moves to about 7 feet long and about a foot thick, his tentacles long and strong looking, the suckers on them fierce. "Oh, I get it, you're trying to piss me off, well, I won't bite. Try all yo-- OW!" He grabs his leg and kicks Ugly as he moves to about 10 feet long and 2 feet thick. Darius sighs and sits down, "Not now, Ugly, I have a headache. I'll get angry later, right now, I just want this throbbing pain to go away." He sighs again, "Don't suppose any of you guys have any mystical healing powers, do you? Of course not. What was I thinking."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah trains for a while, soon after a few minutes, Rose landed on the ground, already to big for the tree. "Good. Already full grown..take a rest.." Bekah smiled tiredly up at Rose. "Wow. Great..Okay.." Bekah breathed, plopping down at the beat up tree trunk. "Later, I'll take you flying." purred Rose, laying down also..Bekah looked over at Darius, his ugly already pretty large. "wow.. how big is he supost to grow?" she wondered outloud.. "Larger than this Oak.Mush larger. " answered Rose.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius gets up and walks over to the kid, sitting beside her. "Good job, kid. Maybe you're not a hopeless cause after all." He grins and takes a deep breath before letting off a string of swear words, Ugly quickly turning to full size and goes underground. "Did you see the size of that sucker? He was a big as a skyscraper! And those tentacles! Holy sweet mother of-- I'll be underground from now on, appearing only when you're in danger, I'll be watching you, never leaving your side." Darius blinks and rubs his temples again, "Alright."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah's eyes grew wide, "Wow. He's like.. wow. Big." she looked down at her weapons, then up at her dragon. "How many people can ride you at a time?" she asked Rose. "Two is the max. You want to ride now?" Replied Rose, glancing at Darius, then back at Bekah. Bekah nodded and stood, climbing onto Rose's back. "You want to come with?" she invited Darius, looking down at him. "You never know when you'll need the practice." she offered.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at the dragon and to the kid, "You're not going to drop me, mid flight, are you? Because I can fight, but I have yet to perfect the skill of flying."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "of course not..unless you'd want me to Bekah.." Bekah laughed, "She said of course not. Now are you coming or not?"

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sighs and climbs on the dragon, "Ugly will protect me if you try something, anyway." he says, his cane in one hand and looks for something to hold onto.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "Hold onto one of my spikes or hair .it wont hurt." Bekah nods and holds on. "Grab onto the hair Darius." Instructed Bekah just as Rose stood..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius leans forward and grabs onto the dragon's hair. "Are you sure this is safe, kid?" he asks, frowning.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "I have no clue." bekah answered just as Rose took off..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Bekah, shocked, "What?!" He clings to the dragon as she takes off, one hand on his cane, and the other clinging to the dragon. He looks down, seeing Ugly's dirt trail chasing them.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughs and repeats a word Rose told her to repeat, "Glukan?" bekah gasped as she could see everything Rose could. "This is just like Eragon!" bekah excaimed excitedly, hanging on.. Rose made a laughing sound and flew higher, several feet over the tree tops..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius blinks and closes his eyes, waiting for the ride to be over, his knuckles white from clutching the cane and the dragons hair so tight.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah repeated another word and her eye sight went back to normal, she smiled over at the nervous Darius, "Chill. It's safe. I doubt my dragon would put us into harm's way.." she informed, losening her grasp on Rose's hair and relaxing..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: "I will chill when I can touch soil again" He growls, eyes still clenched shut.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "fine. Bekah Hold on." Rose said, and Bekah held on tight just as Rose went spiraling down to the Earth and landing in a clearing..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius climbs off the dragon and collapses on the ground. "Go on without me, I'll take the low road."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughs at him, "Alright, C'mon Rose." Bekah smiled as Rose took to the sky once more...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius watches them leave and tries to gain his footing as Ugly pops his head out of the ground. He leans against him and looks up, He really has grown he thinks. "Do you want to join them?" Darius blinks and looks up at Ugly, "How?" Darius watches as Ugly leaves the ground completely and climbs up on him. He balances on Ugly's head and begins to glide along the ground.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked back at Ugly and Darius, "" she gasped at the sight of them, and she waved.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks up at Bekah and Rose and waves back. He lays on his stomach and holds on tight as Ugly rises higher, almost to the level of the dragon, "So why are we doing this?" He asks.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah shrugs. "It's fun. Besides, you'll never know when it'll come in handy." she replied. [I have to think of something for us to do -.- I'll all writer's block]

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius nods and heads back to the ground, getting hungry. "I need food, I don't feed by anger and jealousy unlike you, Ugly." He heads back in the house, wondering why no one else has awakened yet.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah points at the house and Rose flys down and lands. Bekah hops down and pets her. "Thanks", Bekah smiled at rose, going inside.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius explores the house some more, looking for a kitchen. "Why is this place so big?"

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah follows, "I dunno." she turnes a corner and finds the kitchen. Aha ^^ she thought as she looked in the food suply..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius follows her in and leans against the door frame, "Hurry up and cook up something, I'm starving."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked back at him and arched an brow, "Excuse me? I'm not your servant girl, make your own food."

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: "I don't cook, that a female's job." He walks in and sits at the table, leaning back on a chair and putting his muddy boots up on the table.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah rolled her eyes at him and washed her hands, then pulls some vegies out and starts cutting them. "Fine, but you're eating whatever I make." she grumbles.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius shrugs, "Whatever kid." and ties up his hair.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: About an hour later Bekah plops a plate infront of him. "Here." she rolles her eyes at him as she ate her peice of home made pizza...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius leans forward and looks at the pizza. "What is this? This isn't food. Make something else."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "NO! I worked hard on that! You eat it, or go hungry!"

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius rises to his feet and slides his cane across the table, knocking the plate and the pizza on the floor. "Oops, clumsy me. Looks like you have some cleaning to do, as well." He walks around the kitchen, searing for something else to eat.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah staired at him in disbelief.. "I cant believe you, you know what? Whatever. Go hungry." she sniffed, cleaning up the ruined pizza and tossing it outside..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: He turns around and grins, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He walks over to Bekah, "What's the problem, kid? Miss mommy and daddy? Can't handle this big bad world?" He chuckles and goes back to looking for some food.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah glowerd at him, her anger at it's peek. Out of pure rage, she grabes a knife and hurls it at him. It missed his head by half an inch and stuck deep into the wall behind him. "If you don't show me some respect, Next time you wont be so lucky." She hissed darkly and walked out of the room...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius laughs and takes the knife out of the wall before heading out to follow her. "What will you do? Bend me over your knee and spank me with a wooden spoon?" He smiles.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: She turned toward him again, sticking her claws to his throat.."You only wish." she growls ((Rose. Come pick me up.)) she thought, instantly Rose appered out of no where and snatched Bekah up with her hands, flying away. ((That was so cool!)) Bekah thought to Her, smiling down at Darius.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: He looks up and watches her leave, a smirk still on his face before heading back to the kitchen to cook for himself, singing to himself. A while later he sits at the table and eats his meal. After finishing he gets up and cleans his plate then heads back outside to think exactly about what's going on.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sits under the Oak she was training on, and leans against Rose, she suddenly looks over to see him standing there and Bekah glares at him.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: He waves and chuckles to himself. The ground begins to rumble under his feet as Ugly comes back up to the surface, letting lose a terrifying screech. He plugs his ears and looks up at Ugly, "Was that necessary? Really.." He sighs and leans against Ugly.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah covers her ears at the screech, "Was That really necessary?" she called to him, standing.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: He yells back, "If it annoyed you, then yes, it was!" He laughs and then speaks again, "Work together, she's against you but you need to be patient with her, she's an amateur, you're the only important one here." Darius smiles, "I like you, Ugly. You're alright."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: "Dont mind them Bekah.." Rose soothed, knowing bekah was about to lose her temper again.. (( Well now I know why ugly was paired up with him..)) They both smirked and bekah climbed on Rose's back. (( I know this time is in trouble, but how?)) " We need more people to wake up. Theres nothing two people can do on their own. But you're here to keep the peice in James Town. Evil Monsters are attacking the town and you're here to figure out why, and who's behind it all.." Noted Rose.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius watches them leave and looks at Ugly, sizing him up, "So.. is there anyway I can travel underground? It would be nice to get away from babysitting for a while." He backs up as Ugly dives underground again, and looks at the many craters he made from his diving and rising again. "Nice, underground tunnels." He jumps in a tunnel and disappears from view.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah watches from the sky, ((I wonder if you could fly down there..)) "No! I hate underground stuff. The Sky Is My Limit!" argues Rose. Bekah smiles and nods. "Alright.."

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius emerges from another hole, dirty and muddy. "Ugh.." He attempts to clean himself off the best he could but fails.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks down and laughs at the sight of him. Rose made a laughing sound and landed.

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks up at her and gives her the finger, still trying to clean himself off.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah grinned at him, and walked into the house agian..

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius walks into the house for a shower, tracking muddy prints through the house, just to be an ass, he smears his hands along the walls and rubs against a few corners, looking for the bathroom. He finds one finally and looks back at the mess he made. With a smile he yells out, "Kid, bad mess going through the hall. Should clean it before someone sees it!" He closes the door behind him and heads to the shower.

[gotta take one irl.. brb]

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah walks by the hall in which Darius destroyed.."Oh..My..DARIUS!" She exclaimes, beating on the door. "You're the one who's gonna clean this! Not ME!" [i'll brb too ^^]

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: After a few minutes Darius steps out of the bathroom, clean and smelling sweetly, "I'm clean now, no use getting dirty again and wasting more water."

2009-08-10 [wolvie]: Marty yawns and looks around confused

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius leaves the mess where it is and checks to see if anyone else woke up. He opens a few doors before finding someone. "Oh, hello." He says, leaning against the doorway.

2009-08-10 [wolvie]: Marty blinks and looks over at Darius, "What happend? Where am I?"

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: He shrugs "Answer that, and come back to me when you find out." He points over to an egg in the corner, "Something is going to come out of that." With that, he closes the door and leaves to go back outside to visit Ugly.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah steps into the hallway again, seeing it's still a mess and sighs, going to work.. ((I swear Rose, I'm going to kill him..)) she thought..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks confused and looks at the egg curiously then jumps when Balto 'hatches'

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: After several minutes of cleaning furiously the hallway was clean. "Bekah, someone else is awake, and someone else hatched..go check it out." informed Rose. Bekah smiled and checks a few doors, suddenly coming across a male and a hatching egg. "Oh. Hello." Bekah greeted.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks over at Bekah, "What's going on? Whats that that thing?" he asks and points to the egg

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah shrugged, "I supose it's your creature.." She said, leaning against the door frame.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius walks up behind Bekah and looks at the guy in the other room, "Quite the slow one, ain't he." He says and takes a bite of his apple.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah glared up at Darius's rudeness. "Go clean the rest of your mess."

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: He looks at Bekah and laughs, "You started cleaning. You need to learn to finish what you started."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty just looks confused and frowns

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "and you need to learn how to stop being a Twat." she glares at him.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius pats Bekah's head and smiles, "All in due time, kid. One thing at a time. Can't rush these things." He turns to Marty, "Who are you?" he asks rudely, as if he was in control as to who gets picked.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "Not an ass unlike you" he replies to Darius then jumps when Balto finishes hatching

Balto, hello Marty

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks down at the highly confused man on the floor, then at the extremly slow hatching egg in the corner..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius arches an eyebrow, "I'm no ass. I'm just not an idiot. Unlike two people I have met so far that I do not care to name." He smiles and leaves the room, throwing the half eaten apple behind him.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty backs away from Balto a little

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah stabes the apple with her Tiger claw and throws it in a nearby trash can. "I'm sorry.." she apologised, looking at the wolf like creature then back to the man. "Go ahead, say something to it.." she told Marty.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Soft music begins drifting through the halls.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked back into the hallway, then came inside the room and shut the door.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty gulps a little then looks at Balto, "Ummm....hi?"

Balto smiles, hello

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sits next to Marty. "No need to be afraid. This is your creature...umm.." she turned to the wolf thing, "Sorry, but what are you? And your name is?" she asked the wolf.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Balto, I am a wolf spirit and my name is Balto

Marty frowns a little

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Suddenly the door busts in and Darius pokes his head in, "There's a music room in here, filled with many instruments. Maybe we're supposed to fight them off with Llllooooovvvvvveeeeee." He laughs and looks at the wolf spirit. "What's that? Ugly could floss with that thing."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Ah, welcome." she greeted, ignoring Darius, and turned to Marty. "I know this is weird but.. You're in a different age of time now, so you'll need a weapon.
The date is 1842. We need you, along with several others, this time is in trouble. You need to save it, along with me and Mr. Dumbass, and some others that haven't awakened. Balto here has chosen you from your time, whenever that may have been to save this one." Bekah informed. "And yes, we all have creatures. Now please, pick an weapon.." she added, pointing at a crate of weapons near the door.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty ignores Darius, looking confused as he tries to take all of this information in, " I need a weapon?"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius nods, being serious and lifts his cane, he holds it with both hands and unsheathes a sword. "For some reason, it is vital that we're all trained in combat."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nods, moving the crate toward him. [omg! I g2g just because my mom's going to bed >< I hate my family! Sorry! <3]

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: [No big, we'll pick up from here tomorrow, thankfully we're all on all the time.. and I'll be on tomorrow after my chemo.]

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [Alrighty bye <3]

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty nods and frowns then looks around in the crate [tay ^^ don't dies ^Y^]

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smirked watching the city from below idiots what idiots

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius wakes up with a yawn and looks around, "Still in this dump, I see." He frowns and heads outside for some fresh air, I'm surrounded by morons and kids. Why the hell did they put me here? I'm much better than them, not to mention, much more good looking too. He heads to a lake and splashes some of the cool water in his face, admiring his own reflection before each splash.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty tries out a few different weapons and frowns, I don't know how to use any of these...I'm not a warrior or anything...

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius heads back in the house after dozing in the sun for a while and watches Marty with a smirk on his face.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks over at Darius, "What? Why're you smirking?"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "You're amusing, that's all." He walks over and kneels beside Marty, looking in the box. "So, did you wolf..thing, tell you anything about this place yet? Ugly is gone underground and I don't see much of him unless I go under too." He looks over at the wolf spirit and snorts, "..Barely a snack for Ugly."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty sighs and shakes his head, "No not really"

Balto growls slightly at Darius

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "Well, apparently, there's something evil around, and we have to train in combat in order for our..pets.. to grow full size. Apparently, our pets are assigned to us by our personality. I have a Crick. Looks like a worm with a beak and four tentacles. Ugly son-of-a-bitch. So I named him Ugly. He grows with my hatred and jealousy. He's about the size of a skyscraper now, but he stays underground. By the way, my name is Darius." He smiles charmingly, flicking his long black hair behind his shoulders. "That's about all I know. There are others in the other rooms, but they didn't wake up yet." He shrugs and rises to his feet. "Also, I will be taking charge around here, I seem to be the only one with a head on his shoulders."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty rolls his eyes at the last part of Darius' little speach, "If you say so bub but I am leaving"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "Where are you going? We can't go anywhere, well, we can go outside, but that's about it. Doesn't seem to be much going on anyways." He shrugs and makes his way to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty shrugs and picks out a few knives then gets up and stretches, "I'll find a way back home, I sure as hell aint staying here with a poumpous ass like you who thinks he know's everything, I've got better things to do" he says then heads outside.

Balto shakes his head but follows after Marty

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius yells after him, "I don't know what the hell is going on, which is why I'm pissed off! While you and the kid do everything your pet says, I'm the one trying to get answers!"

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty ignores him and keeps walking

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath, looking for some food.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: marty's stomach growls, k first things first I need food

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sighs and continues looking through the cupboards, "Where is that kid when you need her?" He picks up a turnip, "..The hell is this?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah wakes up in the shade of the oak.Leaning against her dragon. She streched and smiled at her sleeping Rose. Suddenly she stands silently and walks into the house, looking for some food..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Bekah, "About time you got here. I want some breakfast."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty keeps walking and frowns, what if they were telling the truth? Maybe I should go back...

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Oh no, I already made you something to eat." she pointed out the window at the bug eaten pizza on the dirt. "I'm not making you anything else." She growled, turning back and heading outside, looking for some fruit or something. Suddenly she spotted Marty, and smiled. "Hey!" she called to him, running over to his side...

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sighs and crosses his arms, he growls and picks up his cane, storming outside and disappearing in a tunnel made by Ugly.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks over then smiles back at Bekah a little, "Hey"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "Hey, where are you going?" she smiles at him..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "I...I was trying to go back home but I don't think I can"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius emerges from another hole and heads to the lake for a quick swim, not knowing where Ugly took off to.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles at Marty, "I don't think you can either...I mean.. you're not even in the same time zone as you were before..." she said, waiting for it to sink in for him..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: [sorry peanut's kinda in a bad mood today]

Marty sighs and looks down, "I know...but I don't belong here...I can't fight or...or anything..."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: [Oh, it's cool ^^]
Bekah shrugs, "Nor could I, but all you really have to do is practice, thats what I did to make my Rose grow to her full size.." she smiles and points over at the sleeping white dragon over by the Oak tree

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius walks back to the group, drying off his hair. "Practice makes perfect, you know. Everyone starts from somewhere."

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "But I don't even know what I'm supposed to do or's all so confusing"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah nodded an agreement. "True. But all we have to do right now is practice and train for whatever."

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius draws his sword and looks at Marty, "Did you choose a weapon yet? You should practice with all of them and see what one you're best with." He puts his sword back in the cane and snaps his knuckles.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "I found some knives that I liked but...I don't know..."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue walked calmly to a meadow with Ariel and sat down to meditate.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Bekah, "Actually, what we have to do right now is get something to eat. We'll do no good fighting on empty stomachs."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sighed and looked around, spotting a wakened Rose, {{Rolse, Mind fetching us some food to eat?}} she asked.
Instantly Rose gotn up and flew away. "Rose is finding us something to eat now, give her a moment.." she sighed..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns and sits down

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius winks at Bekah, "Not bad, she does your bidding, huh? Be damned if I could find Ugly. Should change his name to Useless."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel barked loudly.

Rogue looked over kinda glaring Ariel, "would you be quiet for five minutes Ariel? Im trying to collect my thoughts"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Suddenly a shadow fell over Ariel and Rogue sweeping over them, suddenly Rose swooped down and plucked a cow from a nearby cow patch, kills it and flys off with it

Bekah smirked up at Darius, "Of course, Thats why Dragons are better than..whatever your ugly is." she shrugged. Suddenly out of no where, Rose dropped the cow before them, and cooked it with her fire breath. "Dig in."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looked up and raised her brow as she attempted to go back to meditating.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty looks at the cow in disgust, "Uh...nothank you..."

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius shields his eyes from the heat of the flame then falls over as the ground rumbles beneath them. Ugly raises from the earth with two dead humans in his tentacles. Darius watches as Ugly drops them at his feet. "...Uhh.. Thanks, but I think I'll stick with the cow. Good to see you, though." He says weakly, looking at how big Ugly has gotten. Did he get even bigger?... What's going on? he thinks to himself as Ugly dives underground again.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel barked and started running.

Rogue -,- then got up and chased after Ariel, "get back her you mangy mutt"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiled up at Rose and thanked her before slashing off some meat for herself, and eating it.

Rose landed and frowned at Marty, suddenly hitting her tail at a nearby plum tree and knocking down some plums for him.

Bekah looked up and pointed at the plums, "She asked, 'Better?'"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius rises to his feet and uses his sword to slash off a piece of meat for himself. "Now we need something to drink." He says. Seconds later the ground rumbles and Ugly comes back up and spits water down on him, drenching him from head to toe before quickly diving back down. "...Thanks Ugly..."

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel ran by the group quickly.

Rogue stopped panting for breath glaring at Ariel, "I hate you you freakin mutt >.<"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at the woman, food raised to his open mouth. "Who the hell are you?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah laughed at Darius, "Ugly, if you can hear me.. I like you, you're not bad." she laughed again picking up some plums and and squishing them into a nearby bowl, drinking the juice..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty smiles a little and grabs a plum, "Yeah thanks..."

Balto stretches then runs off to get something to drink

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks up then at Rogue, questionably..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looked over, "Im name not that important to you im just tryin to catch my stupid animal"

Ariel barked and ran around playfully.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius shrugs and shoves a chunk of meat in his mouth, then raises his hands to ring out his hair. "Fine by me."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah shrugs, "Well, are you hungry?" she asked Rogue, tring to be friendly...

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "a little but i should really catch that dumb dog"

Ariel comes back and sits down wagging her tail.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles at the dog and cut off a peice of meat, throwing it at the dog. ^-^ "well take some meat. we have plenty." bekah smiled at Rogue.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at the two newcomers suspiciously. "So, you didn't come from the house, so who are you? And where did you come from?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel happily ate the meat.

Rogue, "Im a mutant thats all you need to know and im from Louisianna when i decide to tell you my name is up to me but if ya want you can call me Marie"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "Mutant?" He sizes her up, eating some more meat. "Yeah, I would say you are."

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked at Marie suspicously, "A muntant?" she asked, unsure..

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty, "What's a mutant?"

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "it just means i have special abilities like super strength or some shit like that unfortunately mine is the ability to drain energies or if you have a special ability i can drain that as well so im warning you now dont touch my skin its activated by physical contact"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: "No worries about me touching you." Darius says, rising to his feet and heading to the lake for some water to drink.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked at her oddly, "Yeah. That's going to come in handy I of these days." she smiles at 'Marie', "but for now, here take some meat." she geastured toward the cow.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns and goes back to eating

Balto trots back with a full water bottle

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back, "im not too hungry you can feed ariel though"

Ariel was rolling around on the ground

Rogue, "she's mental or something"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks at Balto oddly, taking the bottle from him. "Where did you get this?"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius drinks from the water and heads back to the group, gripping his cane.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel barks at Balto.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looks up from Balto and back towards Marie, "Well if you change your mind, we have cow.. and human. I'm not sure what mutants eat so we have a wide selection." she commented.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue chuckled, "Mutants dont eat humans trust me and as for cow i'll consider it"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sits next to Bekah, watching the new girl and her mutt.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah shruged and drank some juice. "Alright." [Wow, we really need something to do. :P] Bekah looks at Darius a bit oddly, wondering why he was sitting so close...

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looked behind her real quick needed time to go she gets up and turns as she starts walking, "come Ariel now"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at Bekah and winks slyly before looking at the new girl, "Leaving so soon?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah turnes a couple shades of red at the wink and looks up to the new kid, wondering where she was going..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "yep" she says briskly and keeps walking.

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns and watches Rogue curiosuly [gah sorry internet issues -,-]

Balto wags his tail a little and ignores Bekah's question

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah, "well where are you going?" she asked, standing and following her..

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "doesnt matter to you nor does it concern you"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah, "well perhaps I could help?" she offered, still following, determined to find out what was up.

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius whispers, "Ugly.." The ground rumbles and Ugly appears. "Follow them, dive under, don't let them know." Ugly lets out a horrifying roar and dives under.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Rose flys overhead, and out of sight.

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue, "its just boyfriend problems nothin to worry yourself about"

Ariel growled scratching at the ground.

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah stopped, letting Rogue walk several feet ahead of her and watched Ariel.."?"

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius sits back down, watching, "Who exactly is she? And where did she come from?"

2009-08-11 [fu**(fuse)]: "I dont trust her.." thought Rose. Bekah looked overhead and saw an outline of a dragon. ((I dont either..))

2009-08-11 [wolvie]: Marty frowns, "Balto follow her"

Balto nods and follows Rogue

2009-08-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Ariel barked lightly at Rogue

Rogue nods and walks to an abandoned building they dont need to know and wont get to know what im doing im just going to have to wait..

2009-08-11 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius yawns and lays back. "This place is boring, I'm going for another swim I guess." He rises to his feet and makes his way to the lake, stripping down to just his underwear and dives in.

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