# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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2006-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: We need to start a *Charity*, that will look good and we can get easy money....and more than likely we could get Gates to invest
2006-01-19 [Kaze]: hmm.... like save the Ethernopians..
2006-01-19 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: huhwha?!?
2006-01-19 [Lust]: *shrugs*
2006-01-19 [Kaze]: No..? hum..... what about a charity for future tattoo removal off of Generation X-ers
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Lmao!
2006-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: Ya know..that might not be too bad...
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Oh boy, next topic we need to discuss?
2006-01-19 [the_puetzj]: randomness?
2006-01-19 [Lust]: oi, nah!
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: Hmm, quite a nice place you have here...very organized
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Indeed, it does take a real women to run things.
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: I see, so what happened to the other don? what was his name, oh i cant remember now
2006-01-19 [Lust]: [Monkey Boy] He just left the mafia, I talked to him he said I could have it. So I am in charge now.
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: Ah, at least someone responsible took over than, he must have trusted you quite a bit
2006-01-19 [Lust]: He didnt date me for no reason, least I hope not. Why does it matter so much?
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: Oh it doesnt, just call it curiosity
2006-01-19 [Kaze]: I think she assassinated him.. *accusatory finger!*
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: Sorry, dont believe weve met, you are?
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Hah, you wish, he is moving on in life, being engaged and happy, its cute!
2006-01-19 [Kaze]: I are John.
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: Nice to meet you, folks here call me anton (Not my real name, rp name)
2006-01-19 [Kaze]: I seduce the infidels.
2006-01-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: I handle blades, its my specialty
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Lmao!
2006-01-20 [Frosty French Fry]: You own a gun, it originally came from me or my people, guranteed
2006-01-20 [Blinded Seraphim]: I beg your pardon?
2006-01-20 [Frosty French Fry]: haha...Kaze seduces infidels, You handle blades, I handle firearms
2006-01-20 [Blinded Seraphim]: Ah, thank you for the clarification
2006-01-20 [Frosty French Fry]: no problem
2006-01-20 [Blinded Seraphim]: and for future reference, you misspelled enemy incorrectly on the page
2006-01-20 [Lust]: Oh my I did.. SHAME! Erm, *fixes* But dont forget, I own everything, even you my family! BUH HA HA!
2006-01-20 [the_puetzj]: and i handle idiots.....err
2006-01-20 [Lust]: LMAO! Yeahh..... I like my page, it looks purrdy
2006-01-20 [Blinded Seraphim]: i meant no disrespect but if i may comment, it is small tings like that that may strike unprofessional with others who would like to apply to this particular facility
2006-01-20 [Frosty French Fry]: Yep
2006-01-20 [Lust]: Yeah and it is fixed...!
2006-01-22 [Lust]: Dun dun DUNNN..
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: la de da
2006-01-23 [Lust]: So what other issues must we address?
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: umm..none that I can think of right now
2006-01-23 [Lust]: Then what to talk bout?
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: *prods* seducing infidels..?
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: tricycles?
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Ice cream.
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: 0.o
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Ice crean & tricylces.
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: O.O .... or that... <.<;;
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: haha
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Yeah.
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: ...is the tricycle an infidel who opposes the movement..?
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: No, tricylces are like a bicyle, except they have three wheels. They are great for riding around on and bopping people on the head.
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Or riding while eating ice cream.
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: o.o ..... this scares me coming from someone who's job title involves both alcohol and explosions.
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: I never drink while on the job.
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: Maybe you should. =p
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Why?
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: Alcohol is flammable? And explosions look cooler when tipsy?
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Alcohol isn't that flammable. You could dip your hand in it and light it on fire without much injury.
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: *laughs* its the concept of 'much' that peaks my interest. And if you think alcohol isn't flammable, drink Everclear. :3
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: I <3 Alcohol that has warning labels that say "Warning, overconsumptio
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: lol I make alcohol like that, but it's not for consumption, by most people`
2006-01-23 [Lust]: Ohh boy! *locks a cabnit with everything in it* Their we go!
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: *sips his whiskey and coke*
2006-01-23 [Kaze]: Why do I picture this entire scenario as a mickey mouse episode? o__o
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Hmmmm... I dunno.
2006-01-23 [Lust]: I LIKE MICKEY MOUSE!
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: I like minnie
2006-01-23 [Lust]: I dont wanna know why =P
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: I like ishkeh...
2006-01-23 [Lust]: O.o
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: haha..shes hot
2006-01-23 [Lust]: As I barf..
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: what the hell...haha...
2006-01-23 [Lust]: *barfs* Your so cleaning that up!
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks out of the building*
2006-01-23 [Lust]: Get your ass back in here!
2006-01-23 [the_puetzj]: hmmm maybe i chose a bad time to enter the room *unlocks cabinet climbs inside to hide*
2006-01-23 [Lust]: Fine, You get your ass over hear and clean up! *growls, stomping off*
2006-01-23 [the_puetzj]: but i didnt make the mess *looks extremely innocent*
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: *sips his creme and orders a lackey to come take care of the mess*
2006-01-23 [Lust]: ... Just make sure its cleaned spotless!
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: Pu, this is the Mafia, here just get things done. Doesn't matter who's fault is was.
2006-01-23 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks in*..whats everyone fussin about
2006-01-23 [Fion Faolan]: There's puke on the floor bro, and Pu is freakin about it.
2006-01-23 [Lust]: .... I will kill some one.. *glares at them*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: who are you glaring at??
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: No need to kill anyone, Pu will take care of it. *looks at Pu balefully, hand on his .50 cannon*
2006-01-24 [Lust]: ... Both of you!
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ha
2006-01-24 [Lust]: ...
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *sips his drink*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *sips the bottle*
2006-01-24 [Lust]: CLEAN! Bof of you!
2006-01-24 [the_puetzj]: *goes to the bar and grabs half a dozen bottles and begins mixing drinks in his mouth*\
2006-01-24 [Lust]: ...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: YES!.....
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *pours OilDri on the puke*
2006-01-24 [Lust]: o.O
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Erm... *shakes head* guys
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: yes?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: What to do wif you
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Ma'am?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: huh?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Have fun boys, I'm going for a nap =P
2006-01-24 [the_puetzj]: ummm hmm that is a tough question
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Night boss.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: night
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *sips his drink and turns to Matt* so, what do you have in the way of handguns?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: umm..alot..you looking for anything inpaticular? If I dont have it I can order it
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: .50 handguns, I like them the bigger load, the better
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: so like a D-Eagle? I also have some 50cal revolvers on order
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Tell you what...tell me what you need and i will get it if you want...Im gonna go for now though...have a good one
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Alright, take care Matt.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: So, Im back for a lil while, what is it that you are looking for? Revolver maybe?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: What do you have in revolvers and semi automatics?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well I have a few D-Eagles in stock, a few S&W 50 cal revolvers on order
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: How much are the Eagles? And when will the revolvers be in?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: *looks at all the mumble* wadda who? *Realises this is why people are highered for it* Ohhh!
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Eagles are free of charge to family...the S&Ws should be here in a few days
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: We're a pair of hired killers, this is business talk of course.
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I'll have two Eagles for now then. What about holsters?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: *blinks*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: What do you carry Primo?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Let me go in the backroom and get those for ya...well..whe
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I think I'd like to try a pair of shoulder holsters, usually I carry my large guns slung low on my legs.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: I meant jacket..my bad..anyways..
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Can you check on a .45 Glock and a matching holster for the back of my pants, while you're back there?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *yells out* Ya sure can
2006-01-24 [Lust]: O.o... *realised how wrong that sounded*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: hahahaha
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *blinks* Huh?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: He is checking out your bum, I dun no >.>
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: *walk back to the front* well heres the Eagles and the holsters *puts them on table*, I have a Glock 40, will that work?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: lol ooo kay...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: so you want that Glock 40? I happened upon this pair of 50 cals while I was back there ---->
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Walks in and sits down, then starts polishing his sword*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Is .40 what you have? *stares entranced at the brace of dueling pistols* No way... who'd you kill for those?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: dont joke, this is the mafia aftere all, he very well could have killed for those...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ya thats all I got..I can get a 45 if you really want that.........I didnt kill anyone, you would be amazed at what people have in their houses....my target booked before I could get there, so I trashed his house and took whatever I wanted
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I wasn't joking, friend. I actually was wondering if I knew who he'd killed for these. *sights the dueling pistol* How much Matt?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: head assassin eh? hwat is your specialty? sniper rifle? or a more direct approach perhaps?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Oh, and I'll take the .40, I just want some new arms now. They actually confiscated my weapons when I reentered the States.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: for you, I'd have to say, ohh $500 for the pair, I can get more if I really really really wanted to
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: ok..take it then..its yours
2006-01-24 [Lust]: *Looks for stripers and maids to higher*
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: oh what the heck...*hands you the dueling pistols* take em..there yours
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Flips one of his daggers in the air and catches it at the blade end*
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *presses $500 into Matt's palm* Here, I insist. *takes up both pistols and sights down them* Sooo nice...
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: How ya been Forge?
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: been keeping busy, you?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well, if you insist....HEY BOSS, heres $500, get somethin nice eh
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I do insist. Been working friend, just got back from a job in Africa.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: No klidding?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Yeah, took down a warlord...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Sounds exciting
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Ohhh! money! What should I get? I need shoes! Or ... pants! I like pants, sexay bondage pants are nice! Ohh, i need gloves, hmm... Oh! Hair dye! Hmm, what to get! Ohh also need to get some systems for around here, some games! Ohh! *cough*
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: interesting, i just handle the blades around here, ive not been given an assignment yet
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: This job wasn't for the family...
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: I see...independ
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: *hears the Donna's cough* Need something Primo?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Yes, government contract...
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: I see, everything go smoothly i trust?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Oh, government contract huh....*is suspicous*
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Ohhh! So many things! I like money! Hmm... *humps the money* Erm..
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Yeah, private sector of the government thought a certain war machine in Zimbabwe needed to be shut down...
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Im starting to get antsy, i need something to do...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont like the government, they can fuck you over just as easily as they hire you
2006-01-24 [Lust]: You can do each other? WHOOPS!
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: The main arms of the government, but I personally know the director of this burea, and he knows me enough to pay up front...
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Do who??? Are you ready for that maids outfit Boss?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: well, if you can get away with it...
2006-01-24 [Lust]: WHAT!!!!!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!!
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Starts flinging knives into the ceiling and watching them stick* so bored...
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: I used to contract for the government through the CIA when we had a family business. I stopped doing that when my family was massacred by a group of their operatives...
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Ahh I see.....My family disowned me when they found me out
2006-01-24 [Lust]: [Blinded Seraphim] you are now Head weapon expert. The other one aint doing his job.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Well, I feel honored, thank you. I wont let you down
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Better fuckin not! *clears throat* erms.
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: Oh trust me, i know my weapons...so i dont mean to sound incompetent but what does the job generally entail?
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: what about the bouncer job?
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: My whole family and I were pilots, we had a wing of modified F-22 Interceptors. I guess we became a threat to someone in the Middle East, because we used to work for oil companies as defence contractors. Until they started having my relatives hit.
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Umm.. Your a bouncer yes... O.o *points to name* so now you just hang around and talk...
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Yes Fog you did a good job
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Hey Boss, just a suggestion, but I think you should go through the list of members and check these people out, send a note asking them if they still want to be a part and if they do, then become active in it
2006-01-24 [Lust]: I did, most just never replyed back, I took a bunch out when I came back. I'm thinking about just deleting half them, but need people to take thier spost first maybe?
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: I was thinking maybe just delete them anyways? then we could actively recruit
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Maybe, I shall see.
2006-01-24 [Frosty French Fry]: well, like it said, it was just a suggestion
2006-01-24 [Lust]: But people like [Orestez] my <3 Dosnt have time to do much in here, sense he is buzy with so much other stuff. But yeah. Also makes us look like we got peoples!
2006-01-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: pardon my impatience but you never answered my question
2006-01-24 [Fion Faolan]: Actively recruit
2006-01-24 [rage2k5]: wow i have a purpose.......
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Yes I did, I thought I did..! "02:49:50 Cocktease: Yes Fog you did a good job "
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Oh.. *blinks* I knew that...
2006-01-24 [Lust]: WAIT! now I have to answer it, right?
2006-01-24 [Lust]: Just do what you normaly do, if some one wnats to join in weapon I send them to you, you say if you like him or not and join em up!
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