Page name: the official wolvie fan club of doom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-07-02 04:20:29
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 15
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so you want me to stay on EP? Proove it show me some loving

add your name here with a reason why you want me to stay please [also doesn't hurt to stroke my ego a little >.> xD]
1. [Silverline] Wolvie is an amazing friend and if she leaves EP the world will cry.
2. [garbageman82] Wolvie is one of my best friends, the queen of the EP RPGs, and EP just wouldn't be the same if she left. :(
3. [Ritsuka-Kun] cause if you left ep would implode and bullet would forever be mad at chu o.o
4. [HeAVenShallBuRN] Because...if you leave elf pck..we'll all cry and the world would blow up into a billion gajillion spielling pieces >.> Then we'd have to call all the kings horses and all the kings put it back together again

Oy aprroves of this wiki

[wolvie] is proud to present...THE OFFICIAL [wolvie] FAN CLUB OF DOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a place to celebrate the amazingness that is [wolvie]!!!!!!!

Sign your name below if you lovers the amazing [wolvie]!!!!
.1: [GlassCasket] is this legal? XD
2.[~forgotten~] I LOVES YOU WOLVIE
3. [Ritsuka-Kun]
4.[Deg] OMG!!!!11!!@2! Wolvie loves the Dark Tower series!!
5.[¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦] WOLVIE ISH ME BEST FRIEND AND SISSY!
6. [Silverline] Wolvie is an amazing friend and if she leaves EP the world will cry.
7. [LinkTurrner] Ta wolive you wouldn't dare leave. :O I tis love you too much and and well than I would cry and tie you down and make you stay.
8. [HeAVenShallBuRN] Because! You'd totally need to come to me and Kitteh's ep wedding :o she needs a brides maid!


Want to tell [wolvie] how utterly amazing she is? (yeah i have an amazing self image at the moment ^^) go here!!! What do you think of Wolvie?

Feel free to decorate and add whatever you want to this wiki if you think it is amazing like the oh so awesome [wolvie] I ish too lazy to add pics right now so damnit you guys add some ^^

Drawn for me by the amazing Kimmi ^^

Hatty lovers elfpack ^^

Poltical Humor Time!!!!!!!!!


Cause this guy says you cant leave :D and you wouldnt want to make bullet cry would you? :D
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2008-11-10 [wolvie]: *hugs back* im torturing sarah ^^

2008-11-10 [Zenolia Rose]: ^^Hehe. I bet shes laughing. ^^

2008-11-10 [wolvie]: no she's growling ^^

2008-11-10 [Zenolia Rose]: Oh, I was totally off! lol

2008-11-10 [wolvie]: ^^


2008-11-17 [wolvie]: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT this i so know ^^



2011-07-01 [wolvie]:

just so you guys know if you want me to stay on here I would like some proof!!! yes I am feeling awesome but still I wanna know why you want me to stay!!!

2011-07-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: cause you rock the most and without you ep is pretty much dead :D

2011-07-02 [Silverline]: If wolvie left forever EP would explode and never return.

2011-07-02 [GlassCasket]: Agreed. Wolvie your too awesome not to un-leave. You definitely needs to stay otherwise i will miss you more than the E misses the P

2011-07-03 [Fallen Child Athena]: If chu left I would cry :(

2011-07-03 [wolvie]: awe damn i feel loved :O

2011-07-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: you should!

2011-07-03 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: what has 2 thumbs and is gonna help this situation? this guy

2011-07-03 [wolvie]: oh snap :O

2011-07-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Holy shit.

I leave elfpack for a few days and this shit happens? I demand to know what's going on to make an awesome person like Wolvie want to leave.

Dear Awesome Wolvie,

You, dear, are not a shitty rper. Trust me, you in my top file of good ones. Atleast you include detail, but don't fret the little stuff. You're right about the instant love crap, and hidden plot twists aren't twists at all...

Whoever made you feel that way is worthless. Ignore them and always remember that there are trolls on the interwebs, and that they're just fools.

Lovers yew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-07-05 [MON CAUCHEMAR CHIMIQUE]: mon is here to save the day wolvie why you leaving ? i'm back for a bit you gots to stayy

2011-07-05 [wolvie]: *huggles everyone* sorry guys I'm not leaving i was just having a really bad day and everything kept getting worse but pm or better yet send me a pm on fb seeing as how my nets are being beyond slow and i'll explain what happend better

2011-07-05 [Silverline]: *huggles back*

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