[The Lost Boy]'s diary

110888  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-23
Written: (6099 days ago)

Hnmmm after a long absence from writing in my elfpack dairy, I’ve decided to return to it once more in the hope you’ll find what I actually write on this page, of some sort of interest.

Now as I can use elfpack a ton better than I could before (hence I’m on it more often), I think its high time a stared writing about my life, daily experiences, collective thoughts and idea, about the world. Quite poetic huh? (You can quote me if you like) but I still maintain the phrase: what’s going down in groove town, is a copyrighted property of mine, and mine only.

Soooooooooooo then… what can Liam [The Lost Boy] possibly write about himself, that I would find witty, debatable, and even intellectually challenging, the answer in short is nothing. The slightly longer version of that answer is nothing at all. I mean I just find it enjoyable to engage in the medium of writing, and generally give my mind a literacy workout, hehe “break a mental sweat” could be my new motto (oh wait I’ve just realised it sounds completely stupid) and doesn’t have any relevance to me anyway because, im basically very lazy.

I’m that lazy, that ive bought a guitar against my parents wishes, and dire warnings from friends and family, and decided I want to learn to play that (always trying to broaden my horizons yasee) but honestly im completely lost at sea, sure it LOOKS easy on tv, but I assure you in real life it’s a completely different story, im sure ill get the hang of it eventually, but right now, I cant even be bothered to practise,

My love of music is also another point I find enjoyable to write about, suuuuuuuure James blunt isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but Id just like to clear this “illusion” of me that he is infact, the only musical artist I like, pfft I mean c’mon…… just spend some friggin time reading my elfpack page, (refer to like of bands I like) although I suppose it must be said there’s certain types of music I simply CANNOT deal with…. Why does koRn spring instantly to mind?

Anyway to conclusion this piece of writing, because im running out of time, and the teacher keeps shooting furtive glances at me every so often as if she’s spying on me, Id just like to say one more thing,

Lonelness can break a mans heart,
Destory our lives,
And pull us apart,
But when we see,
That love conquers all,
We realise that the small things, do matter after all…

(Copyright Liam Noble 2008)

12707  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-06
Written: (7121 days ago)

so...this is elfpack?

 The logged in version 

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