[ZaraAwesome]'s diary

31108  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7119 days ago)

Ok.. me and James my friend since like 5th grade are talkin and he tells me he's had a crush on me since 7th grade.. I'm like what? I've had a crush on you since the 6th grade.. So we're sitting here and the more we talk the more i like him. And It's really hard to move away when you like someone so bad.. Someone talk to me get me outta this misery..
When he told me he hadda go I said "Ok sweetie I'll talk to you later." I Said Bye, and he said "Bye Beautiful" I've never had anyone call me beautiful, it's always been pretty or cutie, but never beautiful... God I Love Him..
<3 Zara..

 The logged in version 

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