[~Forever Fallen~]'s diary

115717  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-16
Written: (5955 days ago)

Alright, its been forever so I figured that I would post something at least.
SO school has ended. Thats good. But I can't help but feel like I'm worthless when I'm not doing something. I could get a job, but I'm too nervous when I talk to people, and I am completely lazy. I need to break out of that habit.
Last time I wrote I talked about this problem with Shawn I was having. Well to be honest I find it stupid now that I even cared. (plus he got his ass kicked on the last day of school cause he was trying to prove he was straight by touching another guys girlfriend.  Karma's funny)
Oh, and this thing with Dillon is past me too. Yes its sad that I lost a friend, but no I will not cry about it for a year. Its just not worth my time.

I'm drawing a lot again. Something I'm really happy about cause I finally want to draw. I think that all the pressure I had on me from all those people that wanted me to draw for them, or kept pressuring me to do my best made me really uneasy, therefore taking away my inspiration. I've got it back for the moment, and I hope I can hold onto it for a while.

I've gone to the movies twice in the last two weeks. Both times I went with some friends and this guy Turtle (thats not his real name, but I like calling him that) He's really cute and really sweet. I don't know exactly what it is about him I like, but I like him. (he says he's straight though so thats a bummer. Oh well)

I've gained a little bit of weight cause I stopped working out. I should probably go walking again sometime, and perhaps I will. Maybe I'll go to the mountains and take a hike. (I hate that phrase but I don't know how else to put it).

I think I'm going to take a nap.

This has been blog number 9.

114995  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-23
Written: (5978 days ago)

My heart feels heavy lately. Earlier today I couldn't stop smiling. I was happy. I mean, I had some good music to listen to (thanks to my friend letting me borrow her mp3 player) I had a good chance of not having to take my math final, and idk. I seemed to get away from all the stress I have been going through for a while. Now it seems like a brick wall of emotions and stress has hit me.

This thing with Shawn, the fact that he would go as far to call me a "faggot" and start making fun of me really is hurting me. Perhaps I should say something about it. I don't know if I have that kind of will in me though. I'm not the kind of person to share my feelings. Maybe thats what I've been doing wrong.

Dillon hasn't talked to me for a while. I guess its not that big of a change, but what he said is still bothering me. I don't understand it. He said he didn't want to talk to someone if he couldn't progress the relationship further. Something about us being so far away. I guess I can understand that, but doesn't he understand that I put a lot of my own feelings past myself so that I could talk to him again. I didn't originally think it was a good idea to be honest. I thought that I would end up hurting him again, or vice versa. idk. I'm just a bit confused about the whole thing.

How did all of this happen. All of my friendships are falling apart. I'm loosing friends faster than I did my mind.

I think from now on I'm gonna start speaking my mind. More profound than before.

I'm so confused. but perhaps things will get better. I hope so anyways.

maybe caleb will help me get that job at the tattoo shop. that would really be nice.

that and getting these bugs away from me.
damn bugs

This has been blog number 8.

114776  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-17
Written: (5984 days ago)

It's becoming harder lately to stay happy, and look at the positive thing. I think it's because my depression is kicking in again. and this whole thing with dillon is just making it so much worse.

I'm not so sure that its Dillon I'm having a problem with, its just the realization that I'm loosing a lot of good friends. I mean, me and Paraic don't talk anymore. Every time we have, I've been such a jerk to him, but it's like....idk. I feel like he betrayed me a little, dissapearing and what not. Not to mention this thing with Sean, and with Stephan. It just seems like a lot of guys have fucked me over, and idk. Maybe it's my fault, or maybe I'm doing something wrong, you know?

I don't suppose anyone reads these anyways. I mean, why would someone want to listen to my problems. I'm sure that there are way too many problems in the lives of other people, and reading this would just depress someone; unless they thought my life was worse, which made theirs seem better. But all in all my life is good. I just feel....lonely.

When Dillon said he didn't want to talk to me, all those feelings I had before came rushing back. Loneliness, Sadness, Anger, Confusion, etc. Everything I thought I'd be able to deal with shot me worse than I'd expected. IDK, maybe I didn't live up to his expectations; just as he didn't to mine when I had set him on such a high position in my life. It's hard to live up to something like that. Maybe he thought I was someone I'm not (personality wise). I tried before, to meet someones expectations. I felt like I was a shadow, walking behind who they thought I was. Lately, I feel the same way, only I don't know who's shadow I am. Perhaps I'm my own shadow, lost in the expectations of others, and myself.

damn expectations.

The sad thing is, there is a lot in my life to be grateful for. I have my family, a home, a couple dollars in my pocket sometimes. I've got a good thing going for me with my art, and overall my life is ok. So why am I feeling so sad again?

Perhaps its just bottled emotions or something

damn depression

I hope things get better soon.

oh! I bought a new mp3 player today! I won't get it til next week, but I can't wait! It's gonna be amazing! Its 4GB and has a radio, pictures, 2000 songs (wma's though, and I don't even use those. I use mp3's. I'll get a converter) its amazing. I can't wait to get it. I'm going to love it.

see, something happy.

This has been blog number 7.

114745  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-16
Written: (5986 days ago)

OK, well today is the day that I show my immature teen side. But I need to get this out

So lets see, this guy Shawn (not the same one I like, but I liked him too at one point.) and me used to be friends. Everything was greatuntil SUDDENLY a rumor starts that he's gay. We talk about it, and he tells me that it's really bothering him. I can understand that, I mean it used to bother me when people would say that, but I really was, so I'm guessing it would bother him more. While I don't like the fact that he is so immature as to care about what the fat-ass rednecks are saying about him, I don't blame him for that. HOWEVER!!!!!, After he tells me it bothers him, he stops talking to me, for almost a week. The rumor continues, and things seem to only get worse. This should be where he realizes that those bastards aren't his friends at all. SO we were joking around before, saying we were secret lovers and stuff (you know, just joking around) and I sent him a text telling him I loved him, and wanted his body. XD It wasn't like he didn't know it was a joke. He even joked back. A couple days later though, after he stopped talking to me, I sent him another one. I apologized, for him and his gf breaking up, feeling that I might have had something to do with it, with the texts I sent him. He finally talked to me, telling me that the texts weren't the reason. I felt a little bit better, cause it seemed like we were finally going to get to talking again. However, just the next day I was walking in the hallway, and those guys that were making fun of him were once again making fun of him, and when I walked by he said "I'm not some faggot like that one!" pointing me out! OMFG! I could have killed the bastard. But, I didn't say anything. As far as I'm concerned, he's not a friend. He's just an immature fucker that thinks the rednecks that make fun of him are his friends. I mean..idk. Its just stupid. It's making me mad, and at the same time, I feel like crying cause he was such a good friend.

whatever. I hate guys.

I won something in the county art show!!!!! YAY! Now I can get my mp3 player! it's 4 GB and really really really nice (hopefully). It's going to be refurbished though. :( thats not good, but as long as it works and plays some music I'm GOOD! plus it has a warranty! YAY!.

I love music.

My painting is coming along nicely.

On the upside to my relationships, and emotions towards guys, I no longer feel like crying over Dillon. It's just spilled milk to me now you know? (spilled milk I feel too lazy to try and clean up or worry about)

This has been blog entry number 6.

114708  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-05-15
Written: (5986 days ago)

So I started on my painting today. I'm really happy about it. I think it looks good. It could stand to be better, but for my first painting (with acrylics) its good. I'm really enjoying painting it.

I also wrote a new phrase thingy the other day. I like it a lot :)

The last couple days I've felt like crying. It might be because of Dillon, it might be because of something else. I just feel so alone lately. I mean, Joey doesn't talk to me, Dillon doesn't want to. None of the people at school are worth talking to about my problems cause they will tell everyone, and it will just cause drama. Christian and Mark say I complain too much. Maybe I do. Perhaps I should just keep things to myself for a while. It's just...hard. it seems almost as if I'm supposed to feel lonely. Like I'm destined for lonesome. I think thats crazy though. It sounds a bit immature.

So I saw Sean (a guy I like) holding hands with his new gf. well, that was a great end to my day. X( haha, now that sounded immature. Oh well. I never said I was the most mature. It is only a crush, and I know that it wouldn't go anywhere. I guess its just those stupid hormones.

damn those Dark haired, dark eyed bastards. XD

This has been blog entry number 5.

114617  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-13
Written: (5988 days ago)

I have to say, I'm not nearly as sad as I was the other day. I guess letting go is getting easier for me. XD though if someone else saw how many goodbye messages have been going back and fourth between me and him, things would be different. XD. One thing I do wonder though is, why would someone that says they have been sober for 2 weeks make a profile, less than 2 weeks ago, that says they like drinking champagne? heh. Idk, guess it doesn't matter. It's not my life, nor is it my problem. Makes me wonder if he lied about it though...guess I'll never know.

I have two tests tomorrow, and I'm freaking out. It's scary cause one of them determines if I have to take a final! OH MAN! lol

I'm trying to get healthy again, at least partly until when summer starts, in which I'll start working out more and stuff. I'm drinking clear sodas, trying to get myself back onto water slowly. I don't like diving into a new habit, it seems when I do I always end up failing after a while, so I'm gonna take this one slow. Hopefully I'll be able to get back in good shape. I'd like that.

This has been blog entry number 4.

114588  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-05-12
Written: (5989 days ago)

haha 3 entries today. Its been an interesting day lol.

Well, I've said my goodbyes, and he has said his. It's still hard, especially considering the wound is still fresh. Heh. I guess I'll live, I mean, maybe this will make me stronger. I have been trying to work on being able to let people go, so maybe it'll help me. It's still hard though, but no one ever said life was easy right? (I think they did, but you get what I mean)

If you read this, which no one probably does, then check out Maria Mena. She's an amazing artist. Love her music.

This has been blog entry number 3.

114587  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-05-12
Written: (5989 days ago)

Well, I'm not going to lie about it, it hurt a lot. It's been such a long time since I've been really 'active' on this website, and coming back, hearing from him, was kind of a refreshment. It's been a really long time since I talked to Dillon, I mean, he was one of my main reasons for even coming back on here. I missed his friendship a lot, and he is/was one of the most influential people in my life. I mean, he helped me grow SOOOOO much, and I'm so thankful for that. I guess things between us got a bit personal, which I can understand. I mean, I put him through so much shit, and he didn't deserve it. Apologizing doesn't take that away, no matter how much I wish it did. When he said that he didn't want to talk to me though, man. It was like a million bricks being thrown at me. I even feel like I'm gonna cry, but idk. I guess its his decision, you know? If he doesn't want to talk to me, for whatever reasons, then I suppose I can't force him to. I wouldn't want him to either, especially if it was something he didn't want to do. I can't say it doesn't hurt though.

I guess there are still feelings there, you know? I mean he was someone I looked up to quite a bit, loved in a way, more than I should have I would like to think. I put him on such a high pedestal that it wasn't a surprise that he fell from it. I do that too much I think, but I'm learning from it. I guess its all for the best.

I just realized that no one ever really writes journals on here anymore. It's all quizzes or something. I guess its weird to write a blog on a journal page too though...heh. Oh well.

This has been blog entry number 2.

114558  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-05-11
Written: (5990 days ago)

Alright, well Its been such a very long time. OH SO LONG, since I've been on here. I just realized the other day, I don't remember any of the people in my relations. O.O oops! lol. I don't know what to do now. Should I message them, or delete them all? omgz! I just don't know what to do now.

I just found out that one of my friends has been drinking. I don't know if any of you know me, but I'm against drinking and drugs and stuff. Now don't get me wrong, I don't care if you're 21, and drink socially. That doesn't bother me, BUT I hate when people my age (17 or so) drink. I mean, its so stupid. Most of the people here do it cause they want to be "cool" I mean fuck, why the hell is that cool? So you get wasted and can't remember it. Thats so fucking amazing! Lets do this every night! *looks excited!* -sighs-. I mean...why not do something more fun? like go to a concert? or go into a grocery store and dance in some random isle? Isn't that fun!?!?. No wonder I have no friends. XD

I have a burrito, and no batteries for my remote. I should get off my fat ass and go get some. I'm too lazy.

This has been blog entry number 1.

 The logged in version 

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