[Inspiration]'s diary

12951  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (7218 days ago)
Next in thread: 12957, 12958

So I guess I'm joined up the rightful way eh? I feel like Im initiated into soem secret organization *grins* like that show what was it...on Nickolodeon a long time ago, after dark or whatever...man this is cool stuff..so I suppose you guys would liek to know about me maybe alittle? Well My name is there so you knwo that but my friends call me BD...lol...Im int he AF just havent gone to basic training yet awaiting my recruiter grrrr...thing is hes lazy lol...sad huh? lol...anyways Thats about it oh and I play bass in a band...or I would if I could gte me a new bass...The band is Intentionally left blank and we are unofficialy not a band hahaha...and unofficialy are a band...wierd that way huh? anywyas..thats msotly about me just waiting to go the airforce..int he mentime Ill be RPing in Ayenee (yahoo)...so maybe see ya then...

 The logged in version 

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