[Chemical Solitude]'s diary

13953  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-27
Written: (7100 days ago)

wooooo...lol...had a pretty groove weekend...met this guy...huh hum...*whispers* he's a great kisser!!
n e way heres some things that were on my description but took up too much space...

yeap heres another one:
[X]Ever Been Drunk? Yeah
[X]Ever Smoked Pot? Ahuh
[X]Ever Kissed a Member of The Opposite Sex? Yes
[X]Ever Kiss A Member Of The Same Sex? Not sexually!
[X]Ever Crashed A Friend's Car? No
[X]Ever Had Anal Sex? ick...No
[X]Ever Been In Love? Yeah
[X]Ever Had Sex? me to know!
[X]Ever Had Sex In Public? See above!
[X]Ever Been Dumped? Yeah
[X]Ever Shop Lifted? Never have never will
[X]Ever Been Fired? Never had a job
[X]Ever Been In A Fist Fight? Yeah...with a DUde
[X]Ever Had A Threesome? Uhh no
[X]Ever Snuck Out Of Your Parents House? Yeah
[X]Ever Been Tied Up(Sexually)? No
[X]Ever Been Caught Masterbating? Lol no
[X]Ever Pissed On Myself? Prolly when i was little
[X]Ever Been Arrested? No
[X]Ever Made Out With A Stranger? yeah kinda
[X]Ever Stolen Something From My Job? No
[X]Ever Been On A Blind Date? Noh
[X]Ever Lied To A Friend? Yeah T_T
[X]Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher? ick...No
[X]Ever Skipped School? hah ... yeap
[X]Ever Been Sky Diving? Noo
[X]Ever Put My Pants On My Head Randomly?
[X]Ever Walked In On Friends Having Sex? Just About!
[X]Ever Lied Just To Cover My Own Ass? Yeah
[X]Ever Cut Someone And Made Them Bleed? By accident!


I need : angel hair
I find : babies breath
I want : to be with someone
I have : so much i cant handle
I wish : i could be alone with someone
I hate : the way i feel right now
I fear : fear
I am : so not in the mood
I love : him *points*
I miss : being happy no matter what
I feel : so useless
I smell : gin...mmm
I hear : AFI - The leaving song part 2!
I know : i have to make a move
I crave : satisfaction
I should : stop screwing up
I search : the question, not the answer
I wonder : Why i feel so cheap and hollow
I regret : oh so much


13517  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (7107 days ago)

I think...im beginning to enjoy life...things are falling into place...its great *smiles*...but still old things linger...and they probably will for a while yet. All i can do is smile and try and work though them !! ^_^

13353  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-17
Written: (7111 days ago)

I don't know. Theres too many screwd up things happening right now. I dont know wether to be full of joy or lock myself in my room, turn some agressive music up and just sit back and watch blood trickly down my arm. Maybe ill just putt he two together and laugh as i scar my flesh. mmm.

 The logged in version 

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