[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135588  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-04-12
Written: (4196 days ago)


*no comment*

135581  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-04-10
Written: (4199 days ago)

"More Than One"

Rome wasn't built in only one day.
There's more than a blade of grass in a field of hay.
A wave takes more than a droplet of rain
And a beach of sand, more than a grain.
It takes more than one road to travel paths diverse;
More than one heavenly body in the universe.

There's more than a ray of sun to the day bring light,
More than one star that twinkles at night.
There's more than one life to inhabit the earth,
More than one spring to bring forth rebirth.
There's more than one brook, river, or sea;
More than one seed, more than one tree.
There's more than one garden, more than one flower,
More than one bee working more than an hour.

It takes many molecules to make each thing living
And more than just one, to be generous with giving.
For there's more than one heart for love to entwine
And more than one way to show kindness divine.
There's more than one hand to help, to lend,
And there's more than one in need of a friend.
There's more than one dream to fulfill and pursue
And there's more than one wish to make come true.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-09 20:39:00 EST</i>

Thank you, James T R Buchanan, for your inspiration! :)
Missing: </i>

135577  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-04-08
Written: (4200 days ago)
135570  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-04-03
Written: (4205 days ago)

Included here is the link to an image containing two screengrabs combined into one image "of my desktop". The first one (top) shows I was finishing the Dell Stage install and the time showing in the lower right hand corner of my desktop image is "8:45 pm" (my time EST). The second one (bottom) shows Dell Stage is back and is displaying across the lower half of my desktop and the time also displayed is "8:46 pm" (my time EST). BUT... also in the second (bottom) image of my desktop, you can see at the top, just a little left of the center, the "temperature, date, and time" thingy showing data, but for NOT FOR MY AREA, but for "Linkoping, Ostergotland", which is Sweden, which is where a certain "person of interest" lives.

Now here's the accounting of...

On March 14th my computer installed updates and so, I needed to restart my computer for them to take effect. When my computer came back up from the restart, there was a prompt telling me that Dell Stage had an upgrade available. So I went online and proceeded to download it and then I installed it of course. But.. get this, once installed, I suddenly had something "NEW AND DIFFERENT" on my desktop telling me the temperature, date, and time, which had not been there previously, as can be seen also in the top image grabbed BEFORE the installation of the newer Dell Stage was completed. (Witnessed, screengrabbed, documented, and saved with the rest of the data I've collected.)

But... the real kicker? It doesn't show for "my" area or "my" time zone, which is EST (NY). It provides the data for... Linkoping, Ostergotland in "Sweden"!!!

"I" didn't put it there. So, doesn't it seem that there was some kind of intervention? Divine? lol ..And ESPECIALLY since it gives data for Linkoping, Sweden, doesn't it seem fitting to assume that a certain "person of interest" (umm.. divine person of interest... lol) who also, it just so happens, lives in Linkoping, Sweden, could very well have had a hand in its appearing? Am I to begin singing praises for this "person of interest"? lol (Am trying to maintain a sense of humour here. It isn't easy!)

I contemplated looking into its removal, but then I thought, "Eh, I'll just leave it on my desktop for now. I guess it can't hurt to know what time it is in Linkoping and what the temperature is." ...And I'm also a person who believes that some things can be beneficial in disguise if we just kinda' leave them be and just observe. We can learn much from "observation".

So, for about two weeks, it remained on my desktop, although I did need to move it over to the right, so when I displayed my desktop icons, I could see them without this temperature, date, and time thingy interfering. ..And since I screengrab EVERY time I connect and disconnect from the Internet, as well as anything else that may prove beneficial for future reference, I have a full and complete record of this date, time, and temperature thingy remaining on my desktop during a timeframe period of two weeks.

Apparently, however, I was only supposed to have it there for two weeks, because....

On the 27th of March, again, I needed to restart my computer for the same reason.. to install computer updates, but just having to do with my computer, nothing to do with Dell Stage this time. BUT... when I brought my computer back up from the restart, however, the temperature, time, and date thingy was GONE!!! Why, it left just as mysteriously as it came AND it left AFTER I shared this little story with others IN PRIVATE "on MY phone" in what were "supposed to be" PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS!! (Witnessed, screengrabbed, documented, and saved.)

Addressing "person of interest":

"So, you see, dear sweet, brilliant, resourceful, ingenious, clever man.... give one enough rope, and they will hang themselves. ..ESPECIALLY when the person also sees themselves as "invincible" and "infallible". When an individual deludes themselves, foolishly and fallaciously, into thinking they are "infallible", they then open wide the door and establish the prerequisite to the eventual and ominous fruition of their own "fallibility".

I have offered to you a way out that would not be harmful in any way to you, and in spite of everything, in spite of your childish and immature behaviour, but your stubborn pride and arrogance supersedes your intelligence, and so, therefore, erodes it. What a shame! What a waste!

For a person who advocates for rights and freedoms and resents greed as much as I do, you fail to see how you imprison yourself, all the while trying so diligently to control me, but yet, I'm the one who is free. Lies imprison, truth frees. Brilliance can only shine when practiced for good. ..And only a person who stands accountable for their actions, can expect and deserve respect. My forgiveness awaits, but it's you that has to accept and THIS I cannot do "for" you. Only you can remove the tarnish and allow your brilliance to shine, for it is you that has this choice, this power, and no one else.

I once had a great admiration and respect for you. You amazed me in many ways. ..And it's not that I have lost this sight, it's just that you allow this situation to discolour my sight and leave me with no recourse than to defend myself ..and I really would rather not defend myself against a person who still holds a very special place in my heart. ♥"

..And for ANYONE who can't understand what and or why I'm saying what I am, it's because you aren't in the same place and therefore, the essence of, is beyond your comprehension. We can't speak with conviction and have it hold any strength, if we aren't willing to back it up, especially when we are being put through the test of verification of that which we say. ♥


135564  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-04-01
Written: (4207 days ago)
Next in thread: 135565, 135571

Here are the screengrabs of my desktop from 2013-03-14, which I first addressed in <diary:135556> about a "temperature, date, and time" thingy appearing on my desktop immediately following a Dell Stage upgrade and installation. In the first screengrab one can see the installation is complete and the time showing in the lower right hand corner is "8:45 pm". My time is EST. In the second screengrab is immediately following and one can see Dell Stage is displayed across and in the lower half of my desktop window and up at the top, just to the left of the center, is the temperature, date, and time for "Linkoping, Ostergotland", which is Sweden. Please note the time displayed on my computer's desktop of "8:46 pm".

First screengrab:

Second screengrab:

So, I ask, WHY would "temperature, date, and time" data for "Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden" be placed on "my" desktop? Ring any bells!? O.O

135558  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-03-30
Written: (4209 days ago)

More screwiness with my house! Take a look! I just edited my house to add an Easter image and not only was 'new' text added to the bottom of my house, but then there's this! ...Which I didn't catch in the preview because I scrolled to the top quickly to preview it, but didn't pay any specific attention to the rest, except for the bottom, which I couldn't miss since it's displayed just over the edit area.

Here's what I'm referring to:


135557  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-03-30
Written: (4209 days ago)

There's something weird going on in my EP house and on my wiki-pages.

When I go to "edit" either, there is either the text area itself that's being messed with or there's text and/or links being added at the very bottom of the editing box. But... these 'newly' made, strange appearances and text disturbances aren't visible until I go to make an edit of the page/house. If I "back up" using my browser, making no new edits, everything is as it was before I hit edit or change personal data. If I re-hit to edit or change personal data, then the strange aforementioned appears once again. ..A few times with a 'different' messing with the text area.

I've been screengrabbing them as they have occurred and for the peculiar added texts and/or links placed in at the very bottom after the [#], I decided to just leave them there. When I first started experiencing this weird behaviour, I was just fixing or hiding it on the editing side.

Here's the latest episode taking place in my house (The highlighted is what's NOT supposed to be there):
1) <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea ~ http://artsieladie.wordpress.com
held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”

It's supposed to read like this:
2) <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”

This is what was thrown into the exampled text, which is highlighted in example #1:
~ http://artsieladie.wordpress.com img250:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1363734206492/home/FlyingCupidByArtsieladie2013-02-14_500x613.pngimg:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png

Next, I will upload screengrabs to show more of what I'm trying to explain... brb

Here are the screengrabs depicting what I'm talking about.

This is how example #1 is displaying. As can be clearly seen, it IS MESSED UP!!!!!

Now this is how it's SUPPOSED to look, as in example #2:

As can be CLEARLY seen, the text in the first image is definitely MESSED UP!!! grrrr

135556  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-03-30
Written: (4209 days ago)

Here's something really weird. On the evening of March 14th my computer installed updates and so, I needed to restart my computer for them to take effect. When my computer came back up, there was a prompt telling me that Dell Stage had an upgrade available. So I went online and proceeded to download it and then I installed it of course. But.. get this, once installed, I suddenly had something on my desk top telling me the "temperature, date, and time", which had not been there previously. (screengrabbed and witnessed)

But... wanna' know the real kicker? It didn't show for "my" area or "my" time zone. It provided the data for... Linkoping, Ostergotland in "Sweden"!!!

Now, on the 27th, again, I needed to restart my computer for the same reason.. to install computer updates, but only having to do with my computer, nothing to do with Dell Stage. When I brought my computer back up, however, the "temperature, time, and date" thingy was gone. (screengrabbed and witnessed)

So "I" didn't put it there AND "I" didn't remove it. So, doesn't it seem that there was some kind of "outside" intervention? ..And WHY would it be necessary for the "temperature, date, and time" to be placed on "my" computer and for Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden!!??

135545  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-03-28
Written: (4211 days ago)

*sigh* I can remember when the Heddate sites were busy and bustling. Now they are virtually dead. But then, Karma does circle back around, doesn't it?

There's nothing to do here, nothing to get interested in to get involved with and even if there was, there isn't anyone here to speak of to spark interest with. :(

135544  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-03-28
Written: (4211 days ago)

Now this is an excellent example of some REAL "eye candy"! LOVE horses! --> http://tinyurl.com/FriesianStallion-EyeCandy

135518  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-03-20
Written: (4219 days ago)

Something weird is going on. When I look at my house, the quotes under my Galadriel's Castle Grand work and before the Elftown Crest/Seal work, are just fine. But yet, when I go in to update my house, the text for this same area reads like this:


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<h3><blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue></h3>
<table><img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/hoDreams can hold the key to the true desire of one me/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results." </table>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<h2>"Elftown Crest/Seal"</h2>
>Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.

There's something screwy going on. However, if I back out of my house using the browser "back", then my house displays just fine. Since I still have my house also still open "in editing mode" in another tab, this is what it loaded as a little before midnight, my time:


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<h3><blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue></h3>
<table><img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results." </table>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png> <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<h2>"Elftown Crest/Seal"</h2>
>Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.

Basically, from my first batch of quotes, part of or almost all of the quote: "Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one's heart." -> Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one -> was inserted into the blue button link, in the middle of the word "home", like so: <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/hoDreams can hold the key to the true desire of one me/2-MetallicButton10x10.png>

Like I said previously, I backed out of editing using the browser, so nothing would be disturbed. Then looked at my house and there's no such thing going on. So, I again hit the "change personal data" and when I again arrived at the edit box, again, the text was messed up just as it was the first time I was going to edit, but when I refreshed my house's appearance in another tab, everything was still just fine.

I have also taken screen grabs of this strange goings on.

Now: 5:57 am (my time)

135503  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-03-16
Written: (4223 days ago)
Next in thread: 135504

The Stalkers' page isn't even remotely funny and the REAL LIFE and most invasive stalker isn't even mentioned. Guess who? :(

134413  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-12-28
Written: (4667 days ago)

No Helkern Worms now, eh? Ooops! Did I say something wrong? Oh... shucks! The truth!

134305  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-12-14
Written: (4681 days ago)

The active members' status statistics for heddate sites:

On the date of 2008-03-07:

- 6506 members; 36 active
- 589 members; 40 active
- 51,275 members; 2519 active
- 185,134 members; 4482 active

On the 'current' date of 2011-12-14:

- 6583 members; 7 active
- 661 members; 3 active
- 56,152 members; 393 active
- 192,272 members; 724 active

134275  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-12-08
Written: (4687 days ago)

The active members' status statistics for heddate sites:

On the date of 2008-03-07:

- 6506 members; 36 active
- 589 members; 40 active
- 51,275 members; 2519 active
- 185,134 members; 4482 active

On the 'current' date of 2011-12-08:

- 6583 members; 9 active
- 661 members; 6 active
- 56,146 members; 387 active
- 192,248 members; 750 active

 The logged in version 

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