[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135686  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-05-17
Written: (4161 days ago)

Birthday Greeting...


Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-05-16 All rights reserved.

135680  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-05-14
Written: (4164 days ago)
Next in thread: 135681

"The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules The World"


Digital work by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007/2013 All rights reserved.

135678  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-05-11
Written: (4167 days ago)

This adorable picture, shared by my friend, Peter, on Facebook, stirred this poem within me to surface...


"The Wonder Of Nature; The Wonder Of Life"

Good morning! Good morning!
Good noon! Good day!
Two little bunnies are out to play.
As they frolic and romp,
With such joy and bliss,
They pause to embrace and steal a kiss.
On nature's green carpet,
Cleansed by the dew,
A rapture of dance is about to ensue.
As the sweet, little birds
Begin their song,
A breeze gently picks up and carries along,
Mixing the aromas
And the fragrance of flowers.
Nature's endowed with magical powers.
As the atmosphere
Is carefully set,
The wonder unfolding, not to forget.
As the melody begins,
A spell alluring
Is cast upon all, but reassuring.
With bees so busy
Buzzing around,
A special touch to the harmonic sound.
As the stage is set
For the curtain to raise,
A spectacular show is about to amaze.
The chirping choir sings,
The bunnies do dances,
Life succumbs as nature entrances,
With a harmony unique
Not to be outdone
Blessed with warmth by the smiling sun.
All of life forms
Each with their parts,
Play out their roles, to be etched on hearts.
The magic released,
Unseen by the eye,
Only felt in the heart. No one knows why.

Oh, the Wonder Of Nature truly abounds,
Alas behold, as its magic surrounds,
To touch us, affect us, in ways untold.
The Wonder Of Life never grows old.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-05-11 14:39:00

Inspiration credit: Thank you Peter Franz Tiefenbacher for sharing these cute little bunnies and preempting thus, this poem. :) ♥</center>
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135670  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-05-06
Written: (4171 days ago)

Sharing from my friend Rich....


"Good Morning, Friends!"

Good morning, good morning, rise and shine,
May your day be splendidly fine!
Embrace the adventures about to unfold,
While applying the knowledge of yesteryear old.
Soon it will be again time to rest,
And knowing that you have done your best,
Your dreams will then be, pleasant and sweet,
Preparing you for the tomorrow you'll greet!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly 2013-05-06 08:57:00

A share from Facebook...


Good morning with a smile...
May your day wear a very pleasant style.
May all of your endeavors be fruitful, come to life...
And hopefully not with any undue stress and strife.
May joy fill your heart! May peace fill your soul!
May all your dreams come true, as you reach your every goal. :) ♥

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly 2013-05-03 11:30:00 </center>
Missing: </center>

135668  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-05-06
Written: (4172 days ago)

Sharing a share from my friends, Naomi and Rich...


"To get up when you are down, to fight more intensely when you are struggling; to put in the extra effort when you are
in sheer pain, to comeback when nobody expects you to, and to stand tall when everyone is pulling you down.. are what
make a champion."

It isn't easy to forge through a path of adversity, especially when we are constantly tempted to just let ourselves
get sidelined onto an easier one, and those other side streets are being most traveled, but the reward of perse-
verance is knowing within yourself, you do have what it takes and the measure of self worth resulting, is priceless,
AND one will find that they will no longer need approval or validation from others. :)
135655  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-05-05
Written: (4173 days ago)

Sharing a share from Facebook....


"No one believes the sincere except the honest."

So true. If one is not honest and sincere themselves, then they can't believe that others will be either. ♥

135652  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-05-04
Written: (4174 days ago)
Next in thread: 135654

"Fertile Hearts"

Be careful what you sow in the garden of your heart,
Watch for any bad weeds trying to make a start.
Wisely choose your seeds,
Remove invasive weeds.
Nurture all that's good to reap more of the same,
Keep your garden blooming, brightly, be your aim.
Caring, kindness, love, so many different flowers,
With many different colours, all with magic powers.
When you grow a garden, keeping all of this in mind,
Others will want to grow their own of this very kind.
Soon many gardens will be growing love with care,
And hearts will then be blooming brightly everywhere!
Oh, to imagine a world such as this,
A world indeed magical, magical with bliss!
All because of in the Fertile Hearts was grown,
Seeds of love and caring, reaping what was sown.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly 2013-05-04 09:39:00

135650  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-05-02
Written: (4176 days ago)

Now the "text area" of my wiki-pages are being messed with as well as extra text being added to the bottom just as my house was being messed with. So I'm putting my "fixed version" of my wiki-page, Quotes-By-Artsieladie, here. (Please see page versions #19 and #20 to see how the text of the wiki-page was messed with under "Credits".) :(



Affiliated with: Artsieladie, [Faith.Hope.Love]

"Truth is my weapon of choice; I will seek it and I will speak it."

~ Quote by Artsieladie

Please note: Any stray text and/or links added to the bottom of this wiki-page after the [#] was
done so by something or someone other than myself! The same thing is happening in my house.

Total Number of Quotes: 91 - 2013-05-17

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

Greetings, everyone!

On this wiki-page quotes that I, Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Faith.Hope.Love], have written, are being displayed.

Anyone is free to share them "unaltered", with one stipulation, and this is, each of my quotes also must include my name:
Artsieladie and/or Sharon Donnelly" "accompanied with it", so the credit of writing the quote remains with its author, yours truly.
Thank you! :) ♥

In regards to any and ALL of my creative works, including written works, please also see: Public-Notice_By-Artsieladie.

When contacting me by email:
Text ONLY emails! NO attachments! NO hyper-links or urls of questionable origin. Non-compliance means deletion!

Thank you!

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Quotes By Artsieladie" - 54

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 01 ~ “An 'attitude of gratitude' is essential to 'know' happiness and then 'feel' it.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 02 ~ “A fool who looks in the mirror will never see a fool.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 03 ~ “A friend who supports you in private, but denies you before others, is NOT a friend.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 04 ~ “Agreement is not paramount for understanding to take place.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 05 ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 06 ~ “A person without values and principles for which they stand by, is a person without merit.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 07 ~ “Be careful who you trust, but beware of who you trust, "trusts"!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 08 ~ “Children: Today's wonder; tomorrow's promise.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 09 ~ “Concentrate on ‘beautifying yourself within’ and your outer self will reflect the same.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 10 ~ “Credit earned is credit due.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 11 ~ “Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one's heart.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 12 ~ “Emulation is flattery at its finest.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 13 ~ “Fear failure and you deny success.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 14 ~ “Forgiveness is the best foundation on which to begin healing of the heart, mind, and spirit.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 15 ~ “Inflation of humility maintains deflation of ego.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 16 ~ “Jealousy, a wasted energy, when used, validates the insecurity and immaturity... of its user.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 17 ~ “Know your limitations to ‘delimit’ yourself.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 18 ~ “Knowledge is power, but only when it is applied does it become ‘power-full’.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 19 ~ “May the love of God always touch and live within your heart.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 20 ~ “Money can be made and lost, but a shattered heart's a most expensive cost.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 21 ~ “Never put trust in foxes appointed guardianship of the hen house.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 22 ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 23 ~ “One prepared for the worst possible scenario, is therefore prepared for anything.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 24 ~ “One's eyes can be attracted to another, but only another's heart can impress!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 25 ~ “Polish your inner self and you'll shine brighter than a diamond.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 26 ~ “Revenge in thy soul is blind. It therefore distinguishes not the difference between the guilty and the innocent.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 27 ~ “Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 28 ~ “Show others the light, your light, so they may see to follow, perhaps out of their own trapping of darkness.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 29 ~ “Strong and confident people, inadvertently intimidate weak and insecure people.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 30 ~ “Success achieved at the expense of others, is not true success.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 31 ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 32 ~ “Talk is cheap; actions require investment.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 33 ~ “The best teacher in life... IS life.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 34 ~ “The cost of the truth can be high, but the cost of lies can be insurmountable.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 35 ~ “The more one has that money cannot buy, the richer one is.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 36 ~ “The simplest gestures borne of the heart, reap the greatest rewards.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 37 ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 38 ~ “Truth is my weapon of choice; I will seek it and I will speak it.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 39 ~ “Truth sets us free; lies hold us prisoner.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 40 ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 41 ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 42 ~ “Values and principles must be followed through on BEFORE one can "validate" them within themselves!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 43 ~ “Walk through life with an eraser handy for there'll be mistakes made along the way.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 44 ~ “Welcome your tomorrows, by loving living to the fullest... today.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 45 ~ “We live in a society where justification is widely accepted, while accountability is widely rejected.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 46 ~ “We seek answers only to find more questions.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 47 ~ “When it comes to kindness, caring, hope, and love, there is no distance between... hearts and souls connected.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 48 ~ “When justification is sought for an action, its morality becomes questionable.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 49 ~ “When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 50 ~ “When we follow our passions, we discover our gifts.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 51 ~ “Winners accept and deal with the truth; losers accept and work with the lies.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 52 ~ “Winners are willing to go the extra mile; losers take the short cuts.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 53 ~ “Words are just words, unless they are backed up by 'supporting' actions.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 54 ~ “Words are the spectrum of colours, a writer paints with.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Longer Quotes By Artsieladie" - 11

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 01 ~ “'Achieved' success is only success by and through the assistance of others, no matter how insignificant it may seem,
             AND a willingness to also help others along the way. 'Continued' success is maintained only by and through the con-
             tinued acknowledgment and gratitude towards those who have assisted you with your achievements, culminating
             into your success.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 02 ~ “Beware of the person who tells you what you want to hear; a true friend will tell you the truth, not perhaps, what you
             want to hear, but what you should hear.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 03 ~ “Boxes are wonderful to contain things, except for our thinking. Allow your thoughts freedom! Think 'outside' the box!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 04 ~ “By every good man's side is a good woman, for a good woman walks with her man, neither behind him in his shadow
             nor ahead of him to shadow him.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 05 ~ “It's easy to love those who are easy to love, but the true test of love is loving those who are more difficult to love.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 06 ~ “It's much easier to hate those who transgress against us and therefore, is often the route chosen. But forgiving our
             transgressors is where the real challenge lies”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 07 ~ “Mistakes are important tools of life, which we learn from, therefore live life. Without them we would be doomed to the
             monotony of perfection.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 08 ~ “Our own growth in strength and value of character is perpetuated by the enrichment of those we surround ourselves with.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 09 ~ “People who place themselves on pedestals are very lonely people, since few are interested in competing with 'flawlessness'.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 10 ~ “Seek not the approval of others; seek the approval of oneself. Be your own toughest, honest, but fair critic and the
             criticism of others shall be null and void.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 11 ~ “The more bad apples you encounter and place behind you, the closer you become to finding the 'good' apple for keeps.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Poetic Quotes By Artsieladie" - 06

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 01 ~ “Be careful on who you shut the door;
             It may be the Love you're searching for!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 02 ~ “Caring costs little,
             Forgiveness slightly more.
             Hugs are always free.
             Love is the total score!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 03 ~ “Emptiness:
             You can be in a crowd, can party till dawn,
             Can be busy with life, but when all is drawn;
             Without someone to share with, to hug and to hold,
             Leaves one inside... empty and cold.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 04 ~ “Tame your anger,
             Shine your light;
             Set free your dreams,
             Your passions ignite!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 05 ~ "The measure of a man is not in his physical strength, tough exterior, or financial successes,
             But in his gentleness of spirit, kindness of heart, and compassionate soul, that he possesses."

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 06 ~ “When, to the face of another, I bring a smile,
             It makes 'our' day, so worthwhile!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Newest Quotes By Artsieladie" - 20

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 01 ~ “A continued transgression kept in the present, cannot be placed in the past nor therefore, forgiven.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 02 ~ “Allow those who are filled with jealousy and hatred to reflect in themselves, this, they elect to
             indulge in, by not allowing the same to be reflected in and owned by yourself.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 03 ~ “Be easy to get and you'll be easy to 'forget'.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 04 ~ “Dare to dream, then DARE to LIVE your dreams!”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 05 ~ “Display ALL you have, there'll be nothing of mystery left to explore.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 06 ~ “Fear will hold us captive, denying us the freedom to attain what we desire in our heart.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 07 ~ “Hatred begets hatred; love begets love, but only love can dissolve hatred.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 08 ~ “Joy in the hearts of others, brings joy to one's own.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 09 ~ “Nurture an 'attitude of gratitude' and your garden of happiness will bloom brightly.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 10 ~ “Patronizing, placating, circumventing... are all 'stonewall' tactics applied and used to cover up the truth.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 11 ~ “Recipe for happiness: Minimise expectations, maximise gratitude.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 12 ~ “Stupidity and ignorance are buddies with fear.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 13 ~ “The closer one gets to the truth, the more uncomfortable and defensive liars become.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 14 ~ “The most beautiful things in life are not seen through the eyes, but are seen and felt through, with, and in the heart.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 15 ~ “The most painful to endure, is the "pain within".”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 16 ~ “The presence of love maintains the absence of hatred; the absence of love allows the presence of hatred.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 17 ~ “There's a time and place for everything, but.. not everything belongs in every place and time.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 18 ~ “We are responsible for what we say and do, not what is 'assumed' by others, we say and do.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 19 ~ “When one closes the door on 'fitting in', one then opens the door to 'extraordinary'.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> 20 ~ “When others resent within you, your light, then you KNOW you are doing something right!”

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All quotes on this page are copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love]. All rights reserved.

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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By Artsieladie

All creativity on this page is copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Faith.Hope.Love], unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.


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135645  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-04-30
Written: (4178 days ago)

Sharing this from Adam Jones... (network marketing)


▼ Reshared Post From The Guardian ▼

Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest markets - 6m US visitors and in the UK 1.4m fewer users checked in last month.

The declines are sustained. In the last six months, Facebook has lost nearly 9m monthly visitors in the US and 2m in the UK. Users are also switching off in Canada, Spain, France, Germany and Japan, where Facebook has some of its biggest followings


#facebook #socialmedia

The mass Exodus has begun. This is what happens when the lust for money supersedes the initial intent or purpose. When the lust for money takes over, the patrons, are increasingly treated like disposable objects, when in actuality and a very basic fundamental is, without patrons there IS no business/company.

A business succeeds by providing something people find useful and/or beneficial to them in some way or ways and a business then "continues to be successful" as long as the patrons feel like their patronage is appreciated. An "attitude of gratitude" is as key to the "continued successful" operation of a business as is the professionalism in how it's run. The patrons must feel like their time and their investment (regardless of what type), is worth it "to them" and that the same is appreciated by the business they're spending their time and/or money with/on. When THIS key element falls by the wayside, the business will steadily lose the investments of the patrons, and hence, eventually will become obsolete and so, abandoned by those who sustain it, the patrons.

Facebook is guilty of harassing and bullying its own patrons...

Facebook installed the "like" feature, but then if and when the users use it, then Facebook punishes its users for using it too much, but fails to explain what "too much" is.

Facebook encourages its users to friend other users, but then punishes its users for sending and accepting "friend requests".

Facebook implemented the ability to share, but then punishes its users for "sharing too much" without revealing any guidelines for what Facebook considers to BE too much.

Facebook frowns upon sexually explicit material, and banned a mother for a photo showing breastfeeding, but yet allows "sexual" ads using a woman's breasts to attract attention. Perhaps, someone should inform the Facebook staff that breasts were "originally made for the purpose of a mother providing food and nourishment to her young" and were not made for "sexual reasons".

..And there are countless other infractions practiced by Facebook that are creating a widespread distaste among the patrons/users. However, Facebook is out of touch with its users and exhibits no desire to correct this. There's no real "customer service" because Facebook doesn't want to be bothered apparently, with investing in listening to the grievances of its patrons. Facebook's "attitude of gratitude" is virtually non-existent.
135636  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-04-27
Written: (4181 days ago)


Once I saw a greatness, once I saw a heart.
Once I saw intelligence, one that was very smart.
Once I saw awesomeness, once I saw a man
That stood apart from others, I was your biggest fan.
Once I saw a charm, one that made me smile,
One that I was willing to go for, the extra mile.
Once I saw integrity, with character quite unique,
My heart lightened when your name I would speak.
Once I felt for you such deep admiration.
Once you were at the center of my inspiration.

But now it seems, I couldn't be more wrong,
For you've been singing a very different song.
I should have listened to your friends, what they had to say,
Because you are what they said, cruel in every way.
But instead I chose to place my faith in you
And now I'm reaping my rewards for what I chose to do,
And I didn't want to believe, you a selfish liar,
Just misunderstood, your goals and your desire.

Countless chances I gave you, regardless of my pain,
All I asked for was to understand, you to explain.
So many excuses I made for you, I refused to see the worst,
While you were laughing at me and with others, I, you cursed.
So as I poured my heart out, you, gave all I could for,
You just delighted in tormenting me more and more.
You steal from me, you try to ruin my name,
While, you stalk and threaten me, then on me, you lay the blame.

You think you are a god, expecting others to slave for you,
To clean up all your messes, all around you strew.
You think God is make believe, yet you desire His name,
You're just a pathetic being with no conscience and no shame.
Within you, there is no beating heart, nor a glimmer of light,
With evil lurking rampantly, you're blacker than the night.
You're nothing more than a thief, a vampiristic leech,
With a hypocritical tongue used in every word you preach.

You creep around in shadows, too cowardly to show your face,
Taunting all your victims, invading others' space.
You're ostentatious, a show-off; superficial and a snob,
With no real ambition, just a spineless, empty lob.
Yet, you think I'm going to give more of me to you?
Just one more thing, dear, try on this poetic shoe.
Ah, it fits you perfectly. It is just your size,
And so, I've uncovered your masterful disguise!

Your arrogance is profound, your highness self perceived,
But at last my eyes are opened and so, now I am relieved.
Finally I know, although it is so very late,
What you had in mind, your being is filled with hate.
But I'm not really sorry, because with love to you, I gave.
Hate holds YOU prisoner, its bondage, you're its slave.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-27 08:39:00

135635  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-04-27
Written: (4181 days ago)


"Kool" - Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013 All rights reserved.

135633  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-04-26
Written: (4182 days ago)

"Political Circus"

Oh, the political agenda, a circus ring indeed...
Write it up in lights, "See, it spells G.R.E.E.D!"
All the many stunts they pull, these idiotic clowns...
But funny they are not, stirring only frowns.
The stage is wide, reaching around the world...
Under so many flags raised, proudly unfurled.
They dress themselves in costumes, mostly costly suits...
Disguised as being honest, but are really cunning coots.
Lying is their nature, first and foremost...
But try to pass it off as truth as they loudly boast.
It is time to end this circus, dismantle and fold...
For their devious acts are REALLY getting old.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-26


This is shared on Facebook, with text, including a letter that an American citizen wrote to her state's senator (Wyoming: Sen. Alan Simpson) after he called senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. I'm including the text entered, here below the image. She really calls a spade, a spade, and puts the blame where it RIGHTFULLY BELONGS!!!


Kevin Kelly:
This was sent to me by a friend. Thanks, Susan.

I don't think 'pissed' really covers it...

Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!
"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!
1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.
4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" to your incompetence.
Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?
It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.

And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech.
That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.
P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!!
I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years “It's my money”-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .

EVERYONE!! If you agree with what a Montana citizen, Patty Myers, says, please PASS IT ON!!!!

135632  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-25
Written: (4183 days ago)

My new attitude I'm thinking about adopting because it seems the more you do for someone, the less you are appreciated. In fact, when you do do for someone, they seem to take pleasure in turning around and shitting on you as your reward. So.... I think it's high time that I return the shit right back to where it came FROM!!! ..And YOU! Why don't you grow to hell up and go play with YOURSELF!!! ..YOU KNOW who YOU are!! GFY! See this from your damn database!


135630  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-25
Written: (4183 days ago)

...And another poem of mine...

"Friendship Efflorescence, a Chrysalis de L’amour"

A friendship in love culminates in adulation.
Magnanimous effulgence, dulcet anticipation
For gratuitous ebullitions of innocuous intent,
Ingratiate forgiveness, nescience circumvent.
Narcissism has no place, slake, expatriate.
Foment ambrosial maleficence, amorously inebriate.
Altruistic deference, laden with the truth,
Idiosyncrasies abided, a fortuity, uncouth.
Compassionate understanding, intrinsically profound,
Perpetuate esteem of each, euphorically astound.
Rhapsodize conjointly all thy hopes and dreams,
Subjugate opposition, bring fruition to thy schemes.
Vacuous ambiguity, ostentatiousness spurned,
Acrimony, duplicity, umbrage, all adjourned.
Coquettish propositions, voluptuous rendezvous,
Delectable elation, exalted rapture ensues.

- Date Written © 2/8/2008 by Artsieladie

135629  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-25
Written: (4183 days ago)

I almost forgot about this poem I wrote. I've written so many works and worked on so many projects, and Hedda has taken possession, hence stole it all from me. :'( This is how one gets repaid for busting one's hump and for caring too much. I was warned that I was just being used, that the person doing this to me, was a selfish, self serving person. Oh but, did I listen? No! I SHOULD HAVE listened to his best online friend!

[Faith.Hope.Love] Galadriël's Last Hallow's Eve

Galadriël, dressed as an elf one Halloween night,
Was spotted and captured promptly on sight.
Now it being the eve of Halloween,
Anything possible can always be seen.
Through the woods, as she chose to roam,
After a party on her way home,
It was dark, not a star or a moon,
To shun any willies, 'twas humming a tune.
So quickly it happened, no time to spare,
With a blood curdling scream that curled her hair,
A dark, scary being, a beastly beast,
Jumped in her path, a giant at least!
In the darkness it stood with eyes of fire,
Escape wasn't possible, yet her only desire.
She was quickly reformed, helplessly entranced,
The beast cast a spell as 'round her he danced.
A cloak of musty, yet a sweet scent of pine,
Was draped over her by careful design.
The beast transformed into a handsome drow.
Galadriël's reaction visible, he smiled with a bow.
As he advanced, she stood motionless, still,
Her thoughts possessed, lacking free will.
Suddenly there shone a moonbeam nigh
From a moon once gone from a blackened sky.
Rúmil swept her up, ungrounding her feet.
They twirled and spun, gravity thus beat.
The shaft of light from the black magic moon
Carried them high in a voracious typhoon.
Upward and over the forest they rose.
Where they went, only the owl knows.
For he watched it all from his private tree.
He ain't saying anything, but "Whooo" to me!

© 10/21/2008 by Artsieladie

135628  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-25
Written: (4183 days ago)

My now fixed house (note: the colour Psuedo HTML doesn't work in diaries) Please notice the text area between my "United In Dreams" artwork and my Galadriel's Castle Grande artwork and then compare this area in this entry to the same area in my previous diary entry <diary:135627> and you'll see what I mean by my description's text area being messed with. This is just one example of what happens EVERY time I go to update my personal data, as well as having strange texts added to the bottom of my house, which is also happening on my wiki-pages as well. Yet, BEFORE I go to edit, either my house or a wiki-page, everything is as it's supposed to be. It is ONLY when I am in the "editing mode" that these strange things are occurring. But... if I simply "back out" using my browser "back", and make no changes, then once again, everything IS at it should be:



<dpurple>ALL creative works seen in my house: art, graphics, written (including poetry and quotes), are owned by and copyrighted to
yours truly, the creator, [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved!</dpurple>

As soon as a creative work is created, the work "BELONGS TO ITS CREATOR".

<blue>Please Note:</blue>

Any stray or additional texts and/or links after the [#] at the bottom of my house, are  
being added somehow and/or by someone "other than myself", and I'm documenting  
and saving it happening as it occurs.

<blue>"The closer one gets to the truth, the more uncomfortable and defensive liars become." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


<blue>Hello, everyone!</blue>

My name is Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. I like meeting new friends and reminiscing and chatting with those who are
already friends. If you want to know about me generally as a person, please read my extended bio a little farther down, but  
there is one key thought to keep in mind in regards to me, and this is:
<blue>"Truth is my weapon of choice;
I will seek it and I will speak it."

...If one tells lies about me, then one can expect me to tell the truth about them! Truth trumps lies!

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Public Notice:</blue> Public-Notice_By-Artsieladie!!!

<blue>Greetings, everyone!</blue>

Effective immediately, therefore currently and permanently:
Unless modified ONLY by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love], copyright owner.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>
All creativity on this site, including but not limited to, the art, writing, poetry, ideas/concepts, etc., created
and brought forth by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love], is therefore owned by and copyrighted to the
same, its creator, unless otherwise stated by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. It may NOT be used, copied,
modified/altered, reproduced, or anything else in any way, shape, or form for any reason whatsoever
without the expressed, written permission of its owner/creator PER ITEM, including the graphics made by
yours truly, Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, uploaded to this site. NO EXCEPTIONS unless a written waiver
stating the conditions and terms of its usage set forth by and at the sole discretion of the creator/owner is
in effect. Any non-compliance by the user permitted to use with an agreement granting a user permission,
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In regards to sharing the aforementioned creativity, all creativity in its ORIGINAL STATE, which means NO
alterations of any kind are permissible, must be accompanied by the creator's name (who is the copyright
holder unless otherwise stated) AND with a link back to, associated with, one or more of the websites/
domains owned by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, which are:

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Text ONLY emails! NO attachments! NO hyper-links or urls of questionable origin. Non-compliance means deletion!

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<blue>I love to write quotes and have written many. Here are some I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "A friend who supports you in private, but denies you before others, is NOT a friend."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Our own growth in strength and value of character is perpetuated by the enrichment of those we surround ourselves with."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When it comes to kindness, caring, hope, and love, there is no distance between... hearts and souls connected."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "We live in a society where justification is widely accepted, while accountability is widely rejected."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Knowledge is power, but only when it is applied does it become ‘power-full’."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one's heart."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "The simplest gestures borne of the heart, reap the greatest rewards."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Jealousy, a wasted energy, when used, validates the insecurity and immaturity... of its user.”

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"Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-30 All rights reserved.


<blue>Just finished this piece just a little while ago... hot out of my studio! lol</blue> It's now: 2013-03-30 19:28:21 (Elfpack time)

"An Invitation..."

                                 "Just taking a midday stroll,
                                 Decked out in my crimson hood,
                                 With yummies in my basket
                                 That do taste mighty goooood!
                                 Come hither, come hither!
                                 To sniff each tasty treat
                                 And I shall too enjoy,
                                 As YOU I will eat!"

 Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-06 12:31:00 EST 

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"Handle With Care"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-14 All rights reserved.



This digital piece is my Valentine Art for this year of 2013.

A romantic setting... My Cupids and arrows flying with some arrows hitting their marks, the hearts,
but a couple landing in the whipped cream and a strawberry in the bowl of chocolate. ..And what's
a romantic setting without roses? The bouquet has eleven and the one rose laying in the foreground  
is the one that completes the dozen. ..And then two glasses of wine.

The hearts are gift boxed, displayed in 'opened' gift boxes, glowing and the Cupids' arrows have hit
their marks. The ribbons the gift boxes were bound with are relaxed and lain out, criss crossing each
other under the twelfth rose of the bouquet. It is with these hearts from which the title was
derived, "Handle With Care".

The red lace tablecloth and doilies are made from my scrollie patterns I designed and my gold
metallic effect is present in the fancy scrollies seen just inside the inner frame and the candle
holder are of this effect as well.

This piece took me almost a month to design and put together, culminating into the finished work.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>My extended bio of philosophies, beliefs, etc. on which my values are centered around, because...</blue>

“<white>A person without values and principles for which they stand by, is a person without merit.</white>”

Quote by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©
My hero is my Mom. I worship God, am a proud mom of a beautiful daughter and person, who is a United States Army Servicewoman, am a romantic at heart, am a passionate person and believe any-
thing worth doing is worth giving it your best or don't bother at all, and just because something seems unlikely or improbable, it doesn't necessarily mean it is impossible. ...And my weapon of choice is
the “truth”. I will seek it and I will speak it.

I believe: in trust and respect, but these must be earned and then not abused or taken for granted; one's “true” value is not what's in their wallet, but what's in their heart, like the cultivating of values
such as compassion, understanding, forgiveness, good ethics and morals, and not only having principles, but standing by them as well, to name some; “true” success can be and is only achieved when
others haven't been used, walked on, and dumped along the pathway to and including upon its fruition; everyone is a “work in progress” and so, mistakes are eminent, but we learn by them and only
when we are willing to acknowledge them and then are accountable for them; the representing of oneself should not be through one's physical self, but through one's character, integrity, values, heart,
and mind; and in equality for all, rights and freedoms are privileges granted and must be respected, protected, and stood up for, both for ourselves and others. These are the “real” traits about a per-
son that impress me as well, along with intelligence, humility, modesty, common sense, and uniqueness of self. 

I loathe jealousy, greed, double standards, brown nosing, butt kissing, “fence sitters” (spineless are those who lack the ability to take a stand and stick to it, but rather are ready and willing to alter
their stance in accordance to and for their own self benefit without regard to whether it's right or wrong, “flip-floppers”), “cheap talkers” (those who say one thing, but do another; those who say they
will do something, but don't follow through; those who don't “keep their word” period), self gain at the expense of others, the “all about me” attitude, braggarts, non-accountability (shifting blame onto
another or others), bullying, lying (particularly for, but not limited to, the purpose of covering up one's own transgressions and lack of integrity, morals, etc.), hypocrisy, stealing from others (including
their work, their “earned” credit and credibility), the expecting of respect, trust, and positive recognition without “earning” such, the infringing on the rights of others, the “crying of foul” against another
when the one crying is the one guilty of the foul, the “silent” who see and know of a wrongdoing against another or others but choose to turn the other cheek and do nothing to defend a victim or vic-
tims, and the using of others for self gain and then dismissing them with malice afterwards especially.

Basically, I am a fair-minded, friendly, outgoing person, easy to communicate and negotiate with, unless: one is trying to pull something over on me, expecting of me what they wouldn't do or tolerate
themselves, and/or infringing upon or violating my rights and freedoms. I try to always better myself rather than try to be someone else whom I am not nor can I even be. I make mistakes and have
made many along my journey of life, learning mostly the hard way from them. I'm sure I have many yet to make and learn from, but I try not to repeat past ones.

My experiences in life are diversified, negative and positive, some traumatic, some ecstatic, but all are blessings, contributing to whom I am today and instilling a desire within me to always try to better
my self worth. I am not a “blind” follower. Instead of simply taking the “easy and most traveled” road, I prefer to forge my own path, even if it is the more difficult one and makes me unpopular, deter-
mined by my own life's experiences, good, bad, or in between, and knowledge gained from them, as well as from others' lessons and experiences whenever possible and I believe in sharing knowledge
gained with others so all may benefit.

I'm not hesitant... to “think outside the box”, to push the limits to the max as long as I do not bring harm to others and I stay within the law, to stand up for what's right, even if or perhaps especially if
I'm viewed unfavourably by doing so. I try to expect the maximum of myself, while the minimum of others, thus inducing less disappointment of/in myself and by/from others. I try not to sweat the small
stuff, but violate me, my core rights, and my integrity I have “earned”, and one will be met with a force to be reckoned with most definitely. It's not about revenge or even close, but about the rightful
defending and protection of oneself, one's self esteem, respect, and “earned” integrity and no one else has the right to strip me or another of any of these. One can also expect the same should they
do likewise against those who are dear to my heart.

I believe there is good and evil in everyone, but the choice of that which we aspire for, lies within ourselves, for we are all also given “free will”, the choice to pursue, be, and exhibit one or the other.
Karma is retaliatory. Good begets good and evil begets evil; love and all it encompasses begets the same and hatred begets hatred. I also believe that anyone can change their course of direction, if
they harbour the will, the desire within themselves to do so, for themselves first and foremost, because one must be able to respect and care about thyself before one can do likewise with/towards
others, and so, I believe that people do deserve second chances to rectify mistakes, bad choices, and decisions made and thus the chance to change their course of life into a more positive and better

Ultimately, we all have pluses and minuses, weaknesses and strengths. If we each concentrate on learning ourselves, so we may recognise and hence know the difference, we can then accept we are
not perfect, but rather, we are each a “work in progress” and learn how to sustain our strengths and minimise our weaknesses.

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<blue>I love to write poetry and have written many. Here are some I have written:</blue>

"Beware Of The Wolf"

Beware Of The Wolf who walks among the sheep,
For it is only after, hearts to break and reap!
It is cloaked in wool like all of the rest,
But it is deceit for which it's known, the best!

But.. when the wolf you spot, do NOT let IT know,
Until all the sheep are made aware, and so,
The wolf can be disbanded, driven from the flock,
Without any recourse and cast out is a lock!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-11 11:11:00  
"Out, Let Your Tears"

When we hold the hurt within and no escape, deliver,
The tears will drown our light, as they become a massive river. 
The river then becomes a tumultuous, angry sea,
And its waves consume our inner serenity.
Tears from pain and loss are a fact of life, a given,
But if we save and store them, they'll keep us from the livin'.
Living life is not about just the pouring rain,
For along with losses, there's also much to gain.
When we fill our hearts with accumulated tears,
We shut out all the light and feed ourselves with fears.
A river with no outlet will drown the seeds we sow.
But sun allowed to shine will make our gardens grow.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-07 16:44:00


Life's too short to on negatives dwell,
So grasp the pluses, then share and tell.
Spread light and love near and far,
Illuminate your own, make like a star!
So others may see, others may rise,
Out of darkness, perhaps in disguise.
Before words leave thy tongue,
Review carefully before they're flung.
Kindness and caring reap more of the same,
While contempt just adds burden to blame.
Within one's heart lies the truest eyes,
Use these to see, be more wise.
Be a reflection, a beacon of light,
Shine from within, ever so bright!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-25 01:25:00

"Enshrouded Love"

Sometimes.. what we feel
The deepest and strongest within us, conceal,
We never allow it to escape our lip,
Instead we give in so fear can grip
And hold it, securely chained inside,
While we show nothing on the outer side.
We deny, we shush, we cover, enshroud,
And never ever speak it out loud.
Though meanwhile, inside we writhe in pain,
The infected dagger programmed to slain,
Something so beautiful, so immense,
Killing us slowly as it burns, intense.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-14 21:05-00 

"The ONLY Fish For Me"

It is true what people say...
There's many fish in the sea.
But even so, of ALL the fish...
You are the ONLY fish for me!
Our seas may get rough,
With waves that toss us about,
But still, there's just ONE fish
That I simply can't be without!
Though there are other fish
Who flash their colours bright,
Your colours are my rainbow,
With hues that are just right!
Other fish seem flawless
With no blemish or no mark,
But with all their perfectness,
They still can't ignite a spark!
For the glowing of my candle,
Its aura and its reason,
Is fueled by your love,
Through each and every season!
So maybe there are other fish,
Tempting me to try,
But no matter what they offer,
They do not hold the why...
Why you are 'my'...
King of the Sea,
Why you are thee...
ONLY fish for me! ♥

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-20 00:08:00 

<blue>"Patronizing, placating, circumventing... are all 'stonewall' tactics applied and used to cover up the truth." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"One's Inner Strength and Value Is One's Inner and True Beauty"

Digital art, photo editing, design, and writing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013 All rights reserved.


<blue>Inner beauty, strength, and value is not "gender specific".
Both a man and a woman can "choose" to be, have, and project these.</blue>

There is an inner beauty, strength and value about a person:
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who believes in, accepts, likes, and respects themselves, which enables them to do and be likewise with others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows themselves, acknowledging both their pluses and their minuses.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who chooses empathy over apathy in regards to others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows they are capable of anything they put their mind to.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who forges and follows their own path, rather than blindly following along behind others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who is not thrown off by obstacles along the way, including by others who are determined to deter them.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who's reasoning and intelligence comes from experience and lessons learned therefrom.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows they can fall, can fail, but can and do pick themselves back up again and move forward as an
   'improved'... "work in progress".
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who, knowing they themselves can and do make mistakes from which they themselves learn from, accept that
   others must also be afforded the same courtesy.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who takes a stand and then stands by it, especially when tested.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who realises their own inner beauty, strengths, and values, can and will intimidate others who only wish for the
   same to be present within themselves.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who’s confidence is the result of... all of the aforementioned.

So often, as I wander around on social sites, across the Internet, I see many shares about the beauty and so forth of women.
Don't get me wrong, however, I'm not criticising this. But.. there are also many good and yes, beautiful men, not just or mainly
women. ..And so, in all fairness, I would like to see more credit given to good men as well. The true beauty of a "person" is
their inner beauty, in their strengths and in their values. <red>♥</red>

Photo background from: http://www.public-domain-image.com/ (Site with "public domain" or "free to use for ANY reason" photos)
Link to photo (background) - Photographer is Unknown:

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"So proud of my daughter: [bluefaerie]!!!"

Digital art honouring my daughter, by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-02-10 All rights reserved.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Strong and confident people, inadvertently intimidate weak and insecure people."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When we follow our passions, we discover our gifts."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Fear failure and you deny success."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "One's eyes can be attracted to another, but only another's heart can impress!"
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Values and principles must be followed through on BEFORE one can "validate" them within themselves!"
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Words are the spectrum of colours, a writer paints with."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Emulation is flattery at its finest."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When justification is sought for an action, its morality becomes questionable."

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"United In Dreams"

Digital art with poem, both by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-12-11, explicitly inspired by, the person's name shall remain unmentioned. All rights reserved.


<blue>"United In Dreams"</blue>

    United In Dreams, a connection unique;    
    Forbidden reality, no words can speak.    
    The light of day can never come dawning    
    For two souls met in slumber, spawning,    
    A magnetic energy but opposed with rage    
    With jealousy and hatred presetting the stage.    
    ...And so in dreams only, the two reunite,    
    Embrace each other, make luminous the night.    
    The stars in the heavens twinkle and shine,    
    Endorsing their passion, profoundly divine.    
    With the Magical Maiden along, close by his side    
    Brightening the night with shimmers of pride,    
    Thy great Pegasus on golden wings...    
    Supremely soars, the King of Kings!    

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-12-11 07:11:47

<blue>Thanks to Rich Patt! :<red>)</red> ...for this inspiration:</blue>

                                Tame your anger,
                                Shine your light;
                                Set free your dreams,
                                Your passions ignite!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-06 16:46:00

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

My Galadriël's "Castle Grande"

This digital work is actually several works within one.
The trees, the "magik flowers of love", the gold metallic effect (fencing), Galadriël herself, the castle... all brought together in this piece.
By and copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. ©2011 All rights reserved.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

Galadriël's Castle/Sunset In Sweden: "Grande Sunset"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011
Fabulous foto by Henrik Hedda Wallin ©2010


Photo (background) by Henrik Wallin!
Original photo: http://elftown.eu/stuff/Blue-red_sky.jpg
Located at: http://elftown.eu/_Sky%20Reference%20Pictures

Art/design/photo-editing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. ©2011 All rights reserved.

As can be seen, this is my "Galadriël's Castle Grande", a digital work, but at sunset in this piece. It is a
"combo piece", a combination of Hedda's marvelous sunset photo and my art, designing, and editing.

My castle here is a result of applying hue/saturation, burn/dodge, and contrast along with lighting effects.  
It was quite time consuming to get it just the way I wanted it to be. The trees at the forefront are my
"love trees" I call them, because the leaves are heart shaped with added "flower hearts".

Besides Hedda's fabulous foto for the background, everything else is made by yours truly, including the

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/LizardWizard-ElfpackMember-ByArtsieladie2013-04-12_400x484rev.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_220x220.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_170x170.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_120x120.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/LizardWizard-ElfpackMember-ByArtsieladie2013-04-12_400x484.png>

Buttons designed by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-09 All rights reserved.

In regards to the Koala, only:
Photo reference: http://elftown.eu/stuff/Pixie_Koala1.jpg
Photo by “pixish”: http://elftown.eu/member.html?membernr=11111


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2009-04-19 All rights reserved.


Galadriël is one of the main characters in a story I've written entitled: "The Magic Of The Unicorn".
This is only 'part' of a much larger artpiece of mine.

<blue>"The Unicorn's Tears"</blue>

                      Galadriël stands in the shadows, sad and helpless, without disguise,
                      As she watches the kingdom gradually crumble before her eyes.
                      The king she adores, tries desperately to regain back into a land
                      The essence of life once abundant, exceedingly grand.
                      The evil lurking, prevalent and rampant, destroying all good in its wake,
                      Built around jealousy, control, and scorn, conniving to take.
                      The good subjects are leaving, being driven away,
                      The evil breeds hopelessness. They can no longer stay.
                      She knows the hosts of evil vehemently do curse
                      Her presence and loyalty, they consistently rehearse,
                      Their plotting, their wicked schemes, to enable her fall,
                      For she has the power, the magic, to expose them all.
                      The mission, the goal, is to conquer, divide,
                      From Aikanáro and Galadriël, the truth must hide.
                      For should the king's eyes be opened to see,
                      The unicorn's magic would set him free
                      From emotional blackmail, torturing his soul,
                      Returning to him his own control.
                      The evil subjects, as sheep adorned,
                      Spew their venom, so none are warned.
                      Galadriël's heart so torn, badly bruised,
                      But abandon her king, she still refused.
                      Remain she must, strong, vigilant, and true,
                      Her faith in her king will carry him through,
                      The flames of destruction have spread across his land,
                      Sparked and ignited by treacherous hand.
                      Her tears run free and they shed galore,
                      To extinguish the flames and rebuild once more
                      A kingdom enriched, esquisitely defined,
                      Magically wondrous, uniquely designed.
                      Thousands of subjects now flock to its gate,
                      Anxiously hoping, for admittance they wait.
                      The evil subjects with angered rage,
                      Turn on each other and so engage,
                      Their own vile behavior conceived of self lust.
                      They destroy each other as they scatter like dust.
                      The king and the unicorn stand proud and tall,
                      As they watch over the kingdom, but a tear doth fall,
                      From the corner of the unicorn's eye of jade,
                      Remembering the days, she spent shunned in the shade.
                      Galadriël looks at her king, Aikanáro, gives him a smile of pride.
                      She kisses his cheek that warms him inside.
                      He no longer doubts his own self worth.
                      They celebrate each other and the kingdom's rebirth.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly © 2009-04-19 All rights reserved.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results."

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Elftown Crest/Seal"

Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.


One of the gazillion things I did for Elftown.com, one of the contests I created was the "Elftown Crest Contest".
The idea of a seal or crest for the site culminated into both this piece I made as well as the contest itself.

This piece represents all the awesomeness I saw in the site: community (circle of people representing completion,  
holding hands in unity); the two people near the bottom represent more people coming to join the community;
featured interests: writing, roleplaying, art, photography, and poetry (each represented by a jeweled sword); the
shield (representing fantasy and science fiction; with 'Elftown' on it with gold ivy leaves; and the swords all meet
together 'under the shield'); all the ivy leaves add prestige; and the world behind (background) with the shining
star representing Sweden, the country where Elftown's and site's owner call home, more specifically, Linkoping.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Elftown Shield"

Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.


This work is the Elftown Shield I designed, which can be seen in the center of the "Elftown Crest/Seal" piece I also created.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Be careful who you trust, but beware of who you trust, "trusts"!" 
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ ”Inflation of humility maintains deflation of ego.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Agreement is not paramount for understanding to take place.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Talk is cheap; actions require investment."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Winners are willing to go the extra mile; losers take the short cuts."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Truth sets us free; lies hold us prisoner.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Know your limitations to ‘delimit’ yourself."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Winners accept and deal with the truth; losers accept and work with the lies."


<blue>For more quotes I have written, drop by: Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


"Peering Through The Pane"


Through longing eyes she watches,
The games, the fun, the laughter.
Her heart longs to be a part
Before, during, after.
She winces as they point in her direction,
For the giggling only grows, as they revel in rejection.
A warm, wet tear rolls down her reddened cheek,
But she smiles anyway for words she cannot speak.
As she slowly turns away and fades into the shadows,
Silently she wishes for nevermore tomorrows.

But the dawning of new days arrive,
Commencing daylights in rebirth,
Peering through the pane still,
She questions her self worth.

Then one day, peering through the pane,
Suddenly she hears, yes, indeed, her name.
As the pounding in her chest increases, her vision becomes a blur.
Her ears must be hearing things for they can't be meaning her.
The crowd is persistent. They continue their request.
They're even adding words like, "Come on! You are the best!"
So, bravely she steps out from behind the pane.
She offers all the best she has, never thinking of self gain.
They gather 'round her with bubbly, eager chat.
Laughing and convincing her, she is where it's at.
Her heart is filled with gladness, perpetuated joy.
For she can't believe, her acceptance, they employ.

Now the task has been completed, drawn into a close.
Where is everyone? Hadn't her they chose?
With sadness and dismay, she stares in disbelief,
Feeling so forsaken by each a clever thief.

So, once again, she stands alone, on the outside looking in.
A deepened, swelling sorrow forges the unforgiving sin.
Discouraged and disheartened, more so than before,
She knows her strength has dissipated, gone forevermore.
Ne'er will she peer again through a cold, relentless pane.
Her heart, her spirit, shattered hopelessly by unmitigated pain.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007-05-06

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


Graphics/art/poetry/quotes by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love] unless otherwise specified.
© All rights reserved. About the usage and sharing of my creative works, please read:


This site: www.elfpack.com

                      For members: DONATE to Elfpack --> <URL:donate.html>, so...
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - You can enjoy using Pseudo HTML colours in your house!
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - You can enjoy having the limitations lifted from your house!

                      For visitors:
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - To become a member, click on: http://www.elfpack.com/newuser.html
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - Membership is FREE!

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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By Artsieladie

All creativity on this page is copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Faith.Hope.Love], unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.


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135627  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-25
Written: (4183 days ago)

My messed with house (note: the colour Psuedo HTML doesn't work in diaries) Please notice the text area between my "United In Dreams" artwork and my Galadriel's Castle Grande artwork:



<dpurple>ALL creative works seen in my house: art, graphics, written (including poetry and quotes), are owned by and copyrighted to
yours truly, the creator, [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved!</dpurple>

As soon as a creative work is created, the work "BELONGS TO ITS CREATOR".

<blue>Please Note:</blue>

Any stray or additional texts and/or links after the [#] at the bottom of my house, are  
being added somehow and/or by someone "other than myself", and I'm documenting  
and saving it happening as it occurs.

<blue>"The closer one gets to the truth, the more uncomfortable and defensive liars become." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


<blue>Hello, everyone!</blue>

My name is Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. I like meeting new friends and reminiscing and chatting with those who are
already friends. If you want to know about me generally as a person, please read my extended bio a little farther down, but  
there is one key thought to keep in mind in regards to me, and this is:
<blue>"Truth is my weapon of choice;
I will seek it and I will speak it."

...If one tells lies about me, then one can expect me to tell the truth about them! Truth trumps lies!

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Public Notice:</blue> Public-Notice_By-Artsieladie!!!

<blue>Greetings, everyone!</blue>

Effective immediately, therefore currently and permanently:
Unless modified ONLY by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love], copyright owner.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>
All creativity on this site, including but not limited to, the art, writing, poetry, ideas/concepts, etc., created
and brought forth by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love], is therefore owned by and copyrighted to the
same, its creator, unless otherwise stated by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. It may NOT be used, copied,
modified/altered, reproduced, or anything else in any way, shape, or form for any reason whatsoever
without the expressed, written permission of its owner/creator PER ITEM, including the graphics made by
yours truly, Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, uploaded to this site. NO EXCEPTIONS unless a written waiver
stating the conditions and terms of its usage set forth by and at the sole discretion of the creator/owner is
in effect. Any non-compliance by the user permitted to use with an agreement granting a user permission,
and as perceived to be so and IF ONLY BY the owner/creator, terminates said agreement, completely and

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In regards to sharing the aforementioned creativity, all creativity in its ORIGINAL STATE, which means NO
alterations of any kind are permissible, must be accompanied by the creator's name (who is the copyright
holder unless otherwise stated) AND with a link back to, associated with, one or more of the websites/
domains owned by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, which are:

<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.artsieladie.com
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.artsieladie.net
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.artsieladie.org
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.artsieladiegraphics.com
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.colourourworld.net
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.colourourworld.org
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.cyber-eagle.com
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.elftown.org
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ www.twitterscapesdesign.com
Online Places (some):
<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ http://artsieladie.minus.com/
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<img8*0:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ http://twitter.com/Artsie_ladie

Text ONLY emails! NO attachments! NO hyper-links or urls of questionable origin. Non-compliance means deletion!

Thank you!

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>I love to write quotes and have written many. Here are some I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "A friend who supports you in private, but denies you before others, is NOT a friend."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Our own growth in strength and value of character is perpetuated by the enrichment of those we surround ourselves with."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When it comes to kindness, caring, hope, and love, there is no distance between... hearts and souls connected."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "We live in a society where justification is widely accepted, while accountability is widely rejected."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Knowledge is power, but only when it is applied does it become ‘power-full’."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Dreams can hold the key to the true desire of one's heart."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "The simplest gestures borne of the heart, reap the greatest rewards."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Jealousy, a wasted energy, when used, validates the insecurity and immaturity... of its user.”

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-30 All rights reserved.


<blue>Just finished this piece just a little while ago... hot out of my studio! lol</blue> It's now: 2013-03-30 19:28:21 (Elfpack time)

"An Invitation..."

                                 "Just taking a midday stroll,
                                 Decked out in my crimson hood,
                                 With yummies in my basket
                                 That do taste mighty goooood!
                                 Come hither, come hither!
                                 To sniff each tasty treat
                                 And I shall too enjoy,
                                 As YOU I will eat!"

 Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-06 12:31:00 EST 

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Handle With Care"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-14 All rights reserved.



This digital piece is my Valentine Art for this year of 2013.

A romantic setting... My Cupids and arrows flying with some arrows hitting their marks, the hearts,
but a couple landing in the whipped cream and a strawberry in the bowl of chocolate. ..And what's
a romantic setting without roses? The bouquet has eleven and the one rose laying in the foreground  
is the one that completes the dozen. ..And then two glasses of wine.

The hearts are gift boxed, displayed in 'opened' gift boxes, glowing and the Cupids' arrows have hit
their marks. The ribbons the gift boxes were bound with are relaxed and lain out, criss crossing each
other under the twelfth rose of the bouquet. It is with these hearts from which the title was
derived, "Handle With Care".

The red lace tablecloth and doilies are made from my scrollie patterns I designed and my gold
metallic effect is present in the fancy scrollies seen just inside the inner frame and the candle
holder are of this effect as well.

This piece took me almost a month to design and put together, culminating into the finished work.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>My extended bio of philosophies, beliefs, etc. on which my values are centered around, because...</blue>

“<white>A person without values and principles for which they stand by, is a person without merit.</white>”

Quote by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©
My hero is my Mom. I worship God, am a proud mom of a beautiful daughter and person, who is a United States Army Servicewoman, am a romantic at heart, am a passionate person and believe any-
thing worth doing is worth giving it your best or don't bother at all, and just because something seems unlikely or improbable, it doesn't necessarily mean it is impossible. ...And my weapon of choice is
the “truth”. I will seek it and I will speak it.

I believe: in trust and respect, but these must be earned and then not abused or taken for granted; one's “true” value is not what's in their wallet, but what's in their heart, like the cultivating of values
such as compassion, understanding, forgiveness, good ethics and morals, and not only having principles, but standing by them as well, to name some; “true” success can be and is only achieved when
others haven't been used, walked on, and dumped along the pathway to and including upon its fruition; everyone is a “work in progress” and so, mistakes are eminent, but we learn by them and only
when we are willing to acknowledge them and then are accountable for them; the representing of oneself should not be through one's physical self, but through one's character, integrity, values, heart,
and mind; and in equality for all, rights and freedoms are privileges granted and must be respected, protected, and stood up for, both for ourselves and others. These are the “real” traits about a per-
son that impress me as well, along with intelligence, humility, modesty, common sense, and uniqueness of self. 

I loathe jealousy, greed, double standards, brown nosing, butt kissing, “fence sitters” (spineless are those who lack the ability to take a stand and stick to it, but rather are ready and willing to alter
their stance in accordance to and for their own self benefit without regard to whether it's right or wrong, “flip-floppers”), “cheap talkers” (those who say one thing, but do another; those who say they
will do something, but don't follow through; those who don't “keep their word” period), self gain at the expense of others, the “all about me” attitude, braggarts, non-accountability (shifting blame onto
another or others), bullying, lying (particularly for, but not limited to, the purpose of covering up one's own transgressions and lack of integrity, morals, etc.), hypocrisy, stealing from others (including
their work, their “earned” credit and credibility), the expecting of respect, trust, and positive recognition without “earning” such, the infringing on the rights of others, the “crying of foul” against another
when the one crying is the one guilty of the foul, the “silent” who see and know of a wrongdoing against another or others but choose to turn the other cheek and do nothing to defend a victim or vic-
tims, and the using of others for self gain and then dismissing them with malice afterwards especially.

Basically, I am a fair-minded, friendly, outgoing person, easy to communicate and negotiate with, unless: one is trying to pull something over on me, expecting of me what they wouldn't do or tolerate
themselves, and/or infringing upon or violating my rights and freedoms. I try to always better myself rather than try to be someone else whom I am not nor can I even be. I make mistakes and have
made many along my journey of life, learning mostly the hard way from them. I'm sure I have many yet to make and learn from, but I try not to repeat past ones.

My experiences in life are diversified, negative and positive, some traumatic, some ecstatic, but all are blessings, contributing to whom I am today and instilling a desire within me to always try to better
my self worth. I am not a “blind” follower. Instead of simply taking the “easy and most traveled” road, I prefer to forge my own path, even if it is the more difficult one and makes me unpopular, deter-
mined by my own life's experiences, good, bad, or in between, and knowledge gained from them, as well as from others' lessons and experiences whenever possible and I believe in sharing knowledge
gained with others so all may benefit.

I'm not hesitant... to “think outside the box”, to push the limits to the max as long as I do not bring harm to others and I stay within the law, to stand up for what's right, even if or perhaps especially if
I'm viewed unfavourably by doing so. I try to expect the maximum of myself, while the minimum of others, thus inducing less disappointment of/in myself and by/from others. I try not to sweat the small
stuff, but violate me, my core rights, and my integrity I have “earned”, and one will be met with a force to be reckoned with most definitely. It's not about revenge or even close, but about the rightful
defending and protection of oneself, one's self esteem, respect, and “earned” integrity and no one else has the right to strip me or another of any of these. One can also expect the same should they
do likewise against those who are dear to my heart.

I believe there is good and evil in everyone, but the choice of that which we aspire for, lies within ourselves, for we are all also given “free will”, the choice to pursue, be, and exhibit one or the other.
Karma is retaliatory. Good begets good and evil begets evil; love and all it encompasses begets the same and hatred begets hatred. I also believe that anyone can change their course of direction, if
they harbour the will, the desire within themselves to do so, for themselves first and foremost, because one must be able to respect and care about thyself before one can do likewise with/towards
others, and so, I believe that people do deserve second chances to rectify mistakes, bad choices, and decisions made and thus the chance to change their course of life into a more positive and better

Ultimately, we all have pluses and minuses, weaknesses and strengths. If we each concentrate on learning ourselves, so we may recognise and hence know the difference, we can then accept we are
not perfect, but rather, we are each a “work in progress” and learn how to sustain our strengths and minimise our weaknesses.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>I love to write poetry and have written many. Here are some I have written:</blue>

"Beware Of The Wolf"

Beware Of The Wolf who walks among the sheep,
For it is only after, hearts to break and reap!
It is cloaked in wool like all of the rest,
But it is deceit for which it's known, the best!

But.. when the wolf you spot, do NOT let IT know,
Until all the sheep are made aware, and so,
The wolf can be disbanded, driven from the flock,
Without any recourse and cast out is a lock!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-11 11:11:00  
"Out, Let Your Tears"

When we hold the hurt within and no escape, deliver,
The tears will drown our light, as they become a massive river. 
The river then becomes a tumultuous, angry sea,
And its waves consume our inner serenity.
Tears from pain and loss are a fact of life, a given,
But if we save and store them, they'll keep us from the livin'.
Living life is not about just the pouring rain,
For along with losses, there's also much to gain.
When we fill our hearts with accumulated tears,
We shut out all the light and feed ourselves with fears.
A river with no outlet will drown the seeds we sow.
But sun allowed to shine will make our gardens grow.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-03-07 16:44:00


Life's too short to on negatives dwell,
So grasp the pluses, then share and tell.
Spread light and love near and far,
Illuminate your own, make like a star!
So others may see, others may rise,
Out of darkness, perhaps in disguise.
Before words leave thy tongue,
Review carefully before they're flung.
Kindness and caring reap more of the same,
While contempt just adds burden to blame.
Within one's heart lies the truest eyes,
Use these to see, be more wise.
Be a reflection, a beacon of light,
Shine from within, ever so bright!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-25 01:25:00

"Enshrouded Love"

Sometimes.. what we feel
The deepest and strongest within us, conceal,
We never allow it to escape our lip,
Instead we give in so fear can grip
And hold it, securely chained inside,
While we show nothing on the outer side.
We deny, we shush, we cover, enshroud,
And never ever speak it out loud.
Though meanwhile, inside we writhe in pain,
The infected dagger programmed to slain,
Something so beautiful, so immense,
Killing us slowly as it burns, intense.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-14 21:05-00 

"The ONLY Fish For Me"

It is true what people say...
There's many fish in the sea.
But even so, of ALL the fish...
You are the ONLY fish for me!
Our seas may get rough,
With waves that toss us about,
But still, there's just ONE fish
That I simply can't be without!
Though there are other fish
Who flash their colours bright,
Your colours are my rainbow,
With hues that are just right!
Other fish seem flawless
With no blemish or no mark,
But with all their perfectness,
They still can't ignite a spark!
For the glowing of my candle,
Its aura and its reason,
Is fueled by your love,
Through each and every season!
So maybe there are other fish,
Tempting me to try,
But no matter what they offer,
They do not hold the why...
Why you are 'my'...
King of the Sea,
Why you are thee...
ONLY fish for me! ♥

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-02-20 00:08:00 

<blue>"Patronizing, placating, circumventing... are all 'stonewall' tactics applied and used to cover up the truth." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"One's Inner Strength and Value Is One's Inner and True Beauty"

Digital art, photo editing, design, and writing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013 All rights reserved.


<blue>Inner beauty, strength, and value is not "gender specific".
Both a man and a woman can "choose" to be, have, and project these.</blue>

There is an inner beauty, strength and value about a person:
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who believes in, accepts, likes, and respects themselves, which enables them to do and be likewise with others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows themselves, acknowledging both their pluses and their minuses.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who chooses empathy over apathy in regards to others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows they are capable of anything they put their mind to.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who forges and follows their own path, rather than blindly following along behind others.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who is not thrown off by obstacles along the way, including by others who are determined to deter them.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who's reasoning and intelligence comes from experience and lessons learned therefrom.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who knows they can fall, can fail, but can and do pick themselves back up again and move forward as an
   'improved'... "work in progress".
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who, knowing they themselves can and do make mistakes from which they themselves learn from, accept that
   others must also be afforded the same courtesy.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who takes a stand and then stands by it, especially when tested.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who realises their own inner beauty, strengths, and values, can and will intimidate others who only wish for the
   same to be present within themselves.
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> Who’s confidence is the result of... all of the aforementioned.

So often, as I wander around on social sites, across the Internet, I see many shares about the beauty and so forth of women.
Don't get me wrong, however, I'm not criticising this. But.. there are also many good and yes, beautiful men, not just or mainly
women. ..And so, in all fairness, I would like to see more credit given to good men as well. The true beauty of a "person" is
their inner beauty, in their strengths and in their values. <red>♥</red>

Photo background from: http://www.public-domain-image.com/ (Site with "public domain" or "free to use for ANY reason" photos)
Link to photo (background) - Photographer is Unknown:

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"So proud of my daughter: [bluefaerie]!!!"

Digital art honouring my daughter, by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-02-10 All rights reserved.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Strong and confident people, inadvertently intimidate weak and insecure people."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When we follow our passions, we discover our gifts."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Fear failure and you deny success."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "One's eyes can be attracted to another, but only another's heart can impress!"
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Values and principles must be followed through on BEFORE one can "validate" them within themselves!"
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Words are the spectrum of colours, a writer paints with."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Emulation is flattery at its finest."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When justification is sought for an action, its morality becomes questionable."

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"United In Dreams"

Digital art with poem, both by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-12-11, explicitly inspired by, the person's name shall remain unmentioned. All rights reserved.


<blue>"UThe closer one gets to the truth, the more uncomfortable and defensive liars become./tablet be without!
Though there are other fish
Who flash their colours bright,
Your colours are my rainbow,
With hues that are just right!
Other fish seem flawless
With no blemish or no mark,
But with all their perfectness,
They still cannited In Dreams"</blue>

    United In Dreams, a connection unique;    
    Forbidden reality, no words can speak.    
    The light of day can never come dawning    
    For two souls met in slumber, spawning,    
    A magnetic energy but opposed with rage    
    With jealousy and hatred presetting the stage.    
    ...And so in dreams only, the two reunite,    
    Embrace each other, make luminous the night.    
    The stars in the heavens twinkle and shine,    
    Endorsing their passion, profoundly divine.    
    With the Magical Maiden along, close by his side    
    Brightening the night with shimmers of pride,    
    Thy great Pegasus on golden wings...    
    Supremely soars, the King of Kings!    

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-12-11 07:11:47

<blue>Thanks to Rich Patt! :<red>)</red> ...for this inspiration:</blue>

                                Tame your anger,
                                Shine your light;
                                Set free your dreams,
                                Your passions ignite!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-06 16:46:00

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

My Galadriël's "Castle Grande"

This digital work is actually several works within one.
The trees, the "magik flowers of love", the gold metallic effect (fencing), Galadriël herself, the castle... all brought together in this piece.
By and copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. ©2011 All rights reserved.


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

Galadriël's Castle/Sunset In Sweden: "Grande Sunset"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011
Fabulous foto by Henrik Hedda Wallin ©2010


Photo (background) by Henrik Wallin!
Original photo: http://elftown.eu/stuff/Blue-red_sky.jpg
Located at: http://elftown.eu/_Sky%20Reference%20Pictures

Art/design/photo-editing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly. ©2011 All rights reserved.

As can be seen, this is my "Galadriël's Castle Grande", a digital work, but at sunset in this piece. It is a
"combo piece", a combination of Hedda's marvelous sunset photo and my art, designing, and editing.

My castle here is a result of applying hue/saturation, burn/dodge, and contrast along with lighting effects.  
It was quite time consuming to get it just the way I wanted it to be. The trees at the forefront are my
"love trees" I call them, because the leaves are heart shaped with added "flower hearts".

Besides Hedda's fabulous foto for the background, everything else is made by yours truly, including the

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/LizardWizard-ElfpackMember-ByArtsieladie2013-04-12_400x484rev.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_220x220.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_170x170.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EP-MemberKoalaButtonByArtsieladie2013-04-09_120x120.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/LizardWizard-ElfpackMember-ByArtsieladie2013-04-12_400x484.png>

Buttons designed by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-09 All rights reserved.

In regards to the Koala, only:
Photo reference: http://elftown.eu/stuff/Pixie_Koala1.jpg
Photo by “pixish”: http://elftown.eu/member.html?membernr=11111


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2009-04-19 All rights reserved.


Galadriël is one of the main characters in a story I've written entitled: "The Magic Of The Unicorn".
This is only 'part' of a much larger artpiece of mine.

<blue>"The Unicorn's Tears"</blue>

                      Galadriël stands in the shadows, sad and helpless, without disguise,
                      As she watches the kingdom gradually crumble before her eyes.
                      The king she adores, tries desperately to regain back into a land
                      The essence of life once abundant, exceedingly grand.
                      The evil lurking, prevalent and rampant, destroying all good in its wake,
                      Built around jealousy, control, and scorn, conniving to take.
                      The good subjects are leaving, being driven away,
                      The evil breeds hopelessness. They can no longer stay.
                      She knows the hosts of evil vehemently do curse
                      Her presence and loyalty, they consistently rehearse,
                      Their plotting, their wicked schemes, to enable her fall,
                      For she has the power, the magic, to expose them all.
                      The mission, the goal, is to conquer, divide,
                      From Aikanáro and Galadriël, the truth must hide.
                      For should the king's eyes be opened to see,
                      The unicorn's magic would set him free
                      From emotional blackmail, torturing his soul,
                      Returning to him his own control.
                      The evil subjects, as sheep adorned,
                      Spew their venom, so none are warned.
                      Galadriël's heart so torn, badly bruised,
                      But abandon her king, she still refused.
                      Remain she must, strong, vigilant, and true,
                      Her faith in her king will carry him through,
                      The flames of destruction have spread across his land,
                      Sparked and ignited by treacherous hand.
                      Her tears run free and they shed galore,
                      To extinguish the flames and rebuild once more
                      A kingdom enriched, esquisitely defined,
                      Magically wondrous, uniquely designed.
                      Thousands of subjects now flock to its gate,
                      Anxiously hoping, for admittance they wait.
                      The evil subjects with angered rage,
                      Turn on each other and so engage,
                      Their own vile behavior conceived of self lust.
                      They destroy each other as they scatter like dust.
                      The king and the unicorn stand proud and tall,
                      As they watch over the kingdom, but a tear doth fall,
                      From the corner of the unicorn's eye of jade,
                      Remembering the days, she spent shunned in the shade.
                      Galadriël looks at her king, Aikanáro, gives him a smile of pride.
                      She kisses his cheek that warms him inside.
                      He no longer doubts his own self worth.
                      They celebrate each other and the kingdom's rebirth.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly © 2009-04-19 All rights reserved.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results."

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Elftown Crest/Seal"

Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.


One of the gazillion things I did for Elftown.com, one of the contests I created was the "Elftown Crest Contest".
The idea of a seal or crest for the site culminated into both this piece I made as well as the contest itself.

This piece represents all the awesomeness I saw in the site: community (circle of people representing completion,  
holding hands in unity); the two people near the bottom represent more people coming to join the community;
featured interests: writing, roleplaying, art, photography, and poetry (each represented by a jeweled sword); the
shield (representing fantasy and science fiction; with 'Elftown' on it with gold ivy leaves; and the swords all meet
together 'under the shield'); all the ivy leaves add prestige; and the world behind (background) with the shining
star representing Sweden, the country where Elftown's and site's owner call home, more specifically, Linkoping.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

"Elftown Shield"

Designed/created by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.


This work is the Elftown Shield I designed, which can be seen in the center of the "Elftown Crest/Seal" piece I also created.

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>

<blue>Some more quotes I have written:</blue>

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Be careful who you trust, but beware of who you trust, "trusts"!" 
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ ”Inflation of humility maintains deflation of ego.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Agreement is not paramount for understanding to take place.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Talk is cheap; actions require investment."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Winners are willing to go the extra mile; losers take the short cuts."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Truth sets us free; lies hold us prisoner.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Know your limitations to ‘delimit’ yourself."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Winners accept and deal with the truth; losers accept and work with the lies."


<blue>For more quotes I have written, drop by: Quotes-By-Artsieladie</blue>


<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


"Peering Through The Pane"


Through longing eyes she watches,
The games, the fun, the laughter.
Her heart longs to be a part
Before, during, after.
She winces as they point in her direction,
For the giggling only grows, as they revel in rejection.
A warm, wet tear rolls down her reddened cheek,
But she smiles anyway for words she cannot speak.
As she slowly turns away and fades into the shadows,
Silently she wishes for nevermore tomorrows.

But the dawning of new days arrive,
Commencing daylights in rebirth,
Peering through the pane still,
She questions her self worth.

Then one day, peering through the pane,
Suddenly she hears, yes, indeed, her name.
As the pounding in her chest increases, her vision becomes a blur.
Her ears must be hearing things for they can't be meaning her.
The crowd is persistent. They continue their request.
They're even adding words like, "Come on! You are the best!"
So, bravely she steps out from behind the pane.
She offers all the best she has, never thinking of self gain.
They gather 'round her with bubbly, eager chat.
Laughing and convincing her, she is where it's at.
Her heart is filled with gladness, perpetuated joy.
For she can't believe, her acceptance, they employ.

Now the task has been completed, drawn into a close.
Where is everyone? Hadn't her they chose?
With sadness and dismay, she stares in disbelief,
Feeling so forsaken by each a clever thief.

So, once again, she stands alone, on the outside looking in.
A deepened, swelling sorrow forges the unforgiving sin.
Discouraged and disheartened, more so than before,
She knows her strength has dissipated, gone forevermore.
Ne'er will she peer again through a cold, relentless pane.
Her heart, her spirit, shattered hopelessly by unmitigated pain.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007-05-06

<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271042471/home/2-MetallicDividerThin750x8.png>  <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271083749/home/2-MetallicButton15x15.png>


Graphics/art/poetry/quotes by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, [Faith.Hope.Love] unless otherwise specified.
© All rights reserved. About the usage and sharing of my creative works, please read:


This site: www.elfpack.com

                      For members: DONATE to Elfpack --> <URL:donate.html>, so...
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - You can enjoy using Pseudo HTML colours in your house!
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - You can enjoy having the limitations lifted from your house!

                      For visitors:
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - To become a member, click on: http://www.elfpack.com/newuser.html
                        <img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> - Membership is FREE!

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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By Artsieladie

All creativity on this page is copyrighted to Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly, aka [Faith.Hope.Love], unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.


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img:http://i4.minus.com/iQFCOqOi9SIeh.png <-- This is also added text that "I" did NOT add.

Here's the messed up part/section as explained in my <diary:135557> I'm copying as it appears in my text area and pasting it here:
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “An idea ~ http://artsieladie.wordpress.com
img250:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1363734206492/home/FlyingCupidByArtsieladie2013-02-14_500x613.pngimg:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png held prisoner in the shadow of silence can never shine in the light of day.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Undermining the earned integrity of another... verifies the offender’s lack thereof.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “The true worth of a person is measured by the size of their heart, not the size of their wallet.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Unspoken words of today can become regrets of tomorrow.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “Suppression of evidence is admittance of guilt.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ “One can only be hurt as deep as they love and care.”
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility."
<img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png> ~ "When one's ego supersedes one's intelligence, erosion of one's intelligence results."
Agreement is not paramount for understanding to take place.” <-- More text that "I" did NOT add.
s rebirth.

img:https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladiegraphics.com/www/_/rsrc/1315271091886/home/2-MetallicButton10x10.png  ~ ”Inflation of humility maintains deflation of ego.”
 The logged in version 

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