[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135758  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-18
Written: (4098 days ago)
135756  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-07-16
Written: (4100 days ago)

When one "professes to be" FOR "freedom of speech", "freedom of expression", and AGAINST "censorship", AGAINST "oppression", and FOR people's "right to privacy", one would tend to believe that that person would then "abide by" the very things they SAY they stand for, right? But when what they profess to stand for or against, whichever the case may be, and they have to DO or follow through on what they profess, and then don't abide by their own claims, what does this make such a person besides a fake, a hypocrite or a liar.. or both?

135755  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4101 days ago)

From my buddy, Adam...

<img:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1003443_10153025900325534_662208228_n.jpg>Bradley Manning, the soldier charged with providing secret material to WikiLeaks in the biggest leak
of classified files in US history. See:
Please Share :)


Shame on any American who isn't supporting Bradley Manning. Since when did exposing the truth
become a crime in America?

Threatening someone with charges of treason for wanting to give the public real facts about U.S.
initiated foreign conflicts is substantially damaging your country's image in the eyes of the world.

Now your government is doing the same with Snowden. When will you stand up for what is right
instead of hiding behind blind patriotism?

Bradley Manning's actions exposed those who would use the veil of classification and secrecy to commit crimes in America's name.
He is a brave altruistic soldier who has acted on his conscience.

“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public
domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?”

“God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms… I want people to see the truth… because
without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

(2:22:47 pm) Manning: i mean what if i were someone more malicious
(2:23:25 pm) Manning: i could've sold to russia or china, and made bank?
(2:23:36 pm) Lamo: why didn't you?
(2:23:58 pm) Manning: because it's public data
(2:24:15 pm) Lamo: i mean, the cables
(2:24:46 pm) Manning: it belongs in the public domain

To charge Manning with "aiding the enemy" is a dangerous over-prosecution of his case. The materials Bradley Manning's sent to
Wikileaks reveal evidence of abuses of power and human rights violations perpetrated by U.S. military and coalition forces, as well
as the Iraqi government the United States installed. Military logs released by Pfc Manning led to an investigation by the Guardian
newspaper, which discovered the Pentagon's role in setting up Iraqi-operated detention and torture centers that were responsible
for "some of the worst acts of torture during the U.S. occupation."

Have you ever made a decision to act on your conscience in disagreement with your family, employer, state or country?
— with Artsieladie Donnelly.


Comments to:

Artsieladie Donnelly: The ONLY thing that Manning has done and RIGHT is TELL THE #TRUTH!

Speaking of #TRUTH, here's some #Truth! If ANYONE deserves to be convicted of treason, it's
very clear in this video.

Thus my latest status and sharing it here:

#Awaken! #BeInformed! #Truth!

Want to learn the definitive truth about 9/11? I highly suggest to watch this video. IT WILL

O.O OMG! THIS is an example, just one out of many examples, of what our bloody wonderful
government doesn't want us to know!!! I have always felt in my gut that there was a whole
lot more to this horrible and tragic event than what we were ever told.

..And I have said more than once in conversation, that it appears Israel is "using" the US as
a means to serve its agenda. How many times has Israel instigated something and then
expects the US to have its back?

Just look at all the anti-Muslim hatred it has generated! I am so bloody sick about this!!! This
is why I have always reserved any negative judgment in this regard because I felt in my gut,
we weren't being told the "whole" truth, but rather just enough to herd us like sheep in the
direction those in control want and expect us to go in. GRRRR

Is it ANY wonder why the zealots want to take full control of the Internet!? They want to take
control of the Internet to CONTROL the "information highway", DECIDE "for us, The People
Worldwide" just "what" THEY will ALLOW us to see and know about. #WAKEUPPEOPLE!


Rufus Barba: Disclosing information about illegal acts being committed against American
citizens, as in the case of Snowden, or corruption within government itself should never be
viewed as treason. The role of government is to protect its citizens, not abuse them by vio-
lating the constitution. We have the right to know, by any and all means, and what is hap-
pening is just that right, by means of whistle blowers, who are then treated as common
criminals. People need to wake up to what is happening around them, and not just accept
what the media spoon-feeds them! We are not viewed as innocent in the eyes of government
anymore, but as potential threats. I applaud Manning and Snowden for doing the right thing.
It is the people of this country I am disappointed in, that supports a corrupt, immoral central
Artsieladie Donnelly: The heinous crimes that are being
committed by those running the show here in the US are
downright DESPICABLE!!! ..And yes, the American People
are being made out to be the monsters, when in fact, it's
those that are in charge doing their rotten heinous acts
and hiding them from the American People. This is why
People need to #WakeUp! Make it a priority to seek and
learn the #Truth. ..And this is why it is VITAL that the
Internet NOT EVER BE allowed to be controlled by the zeal-
ots, because if and when such should happen, we will then
be controlled and herded like sheep and brainwashed by
one sided propaganda, all for the intended purpose to
serve the zealots' agendas.

Artsieladie Donnelly: So much mention about treason and
oath taking being broken. I have ONE question: Didn't those
we elected to office place their hand on the Holy Bible and
swear to "serve The People", swear to "uphold the Consti-
tution", and hence "protect" our rights and freedoms? I don't
ever recall hearing any of them swearing to "serve them-
selves, the bankers, the big corporations, the violation of our
Constitution, and keeping secrets from the American People"!

When our government and its branches, subsidiaries, and
agencies of, each and every one of those running the show,
STAND UP and ACCEPT ACCOUNTABILITY for "their secret, un-
derhanded" tactics and agendas, THEN and ONLY THEN can
"they" point fingers, make judgment calls, and hand out de-
rogatory labels of those who are "exposing them"! But then,
IF "they" were to do such, there would no longer BE a reason
to, would there? We have a bunch of "spineless cowards" run-
ning the show, who haven't got the guts to accept and claim
what "they" do wrong, but sure like to project "their own guilt"
onto others who DARE to expose them!

"The only ones who hate the truth and truth tellers, are those
who are concealing it and are aiding and abetting its conceal-
ment." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

Hmmm.... all this is rather similar to what I've been handed in regards to Elftown. I, being the whistleblower and exposing the truth, in return, was ostracised, insulted, ridiculed, etc. and labeled just like Snowden, Manning, and Assange for delivering the truth. It isn't on the same level as what these have revealed, but it IS still pretty much the same, nonetheless.
135754  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4101 days ago)

“The more truth I find, uncover, the hungrier I become for more... truth.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“The only ones who hate the truth and truth tellers, are those who are concealing it and/or are aiding and abetting its concealment.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“Amidst the stench of lies, is the sweet, refreshing aroma of truth.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“Sweetness Of Truth”

Ah, the sweetness,
Breathe it in!
Suck in deeply,
Deeply within.
Savour the flavour.
Relish the taste.
Embed in your memory,
Want not to waste.
Know then the sweetness,
The cuisine to crave.
Lies, rebuke!
Truth, save!!!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-15

135753  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4102 days ago)

I just love well spoken #Truth!

"Disclosing information about illegal acts being committed against American citizens, as in the case of Snowden, or corruption within government itself should never be viewed as treason. The role of government is to protect its citizens, not abuse them by violating the constitution. We have the right to know, by any and all means, and what is happening is just that right, by means of whistle blowers, who are then treated as common criminals. People need to wake up to what is happening around them, and not just accept what the media spoon-feeds them! We are not viewed as innocent in the eyes of government anymore, but as potential threats. I applaud Manning and Snowden for doing the right thing. It is the people of this country I am disappointed in, that supports a corrupt, immoral central government." - Rufus Barba

I agree wholeheartedly.. and so am I.. disappointed as he states. :(

135751  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4102 days ago)

#Awaken! #BeInformed! #Truth!

Want to learn the definitive truth about 9/11? I highly suggest to watch this video. IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!!!

O.O OMG! THIS is an example, just one out of many examples, of what our bloody wonderful government doesn't want us to know!!! I have always felt in my gut that there was a whole lot more to this horrible and tragic event than what we were ever told.

..And I have said more than once in conversation, that it appears Israel is "using" the US as a means to serve its agenda. How many times has Israel instigated something and then expects the US to have its back?

Just look at all the anti-Muslim hatred it has generated! I am so bloody sick about this!!! This is why I have always reserved any negative judgment in this regard because I felt in my gut, we weren't being told the "whole" truth, but rather just enough to herd us like sheep in the direction those in control want and expect us to go in. GRRRR

Is it ANY wonder why the zealots want to take full control of the Internet!? They want to take control of the Internet to CONTROL the "information highway", DECIDE "for us, The People Worldwide" just "what" THEY will ALLOW us to see and know about. #WAKEUPPEOPLE!


135750  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-14
Written: (4103 days ago)

#Poetry #Awaken!

"The Tree Of Freedom"

There is a stately tree that stands proudly in the park.
Every day another chip is taken from its protective bark.
Days goes by, weeks, months, even years,
As the sound of the axe falls on closed, deafened ears.

Til one day the stately tree topples to the ground,
Its mighty thud is heard for miles and miles around.
As the people gather 'round, wondering why it fell,
There is a whisper in the breeze, a story it must tell.

"The tree, majestically it stood, so mighty and so tall,
Its value and its worth, for granted, taken by one and all.
People never noticed as it was chipped away,
For each tiny chip was taken day after day.
Not until the tree could no longer stand,
Have the people noticed its value, just how grand."

Like the stately tree that is chipped away,
Our rights and our freedoms, we're losing every day.
The government swings the axe as we pay no mind,
Each tiny chip taken, while we remain blind.

As the axe hits its mark, LISTEN to the sound,
SEE the chips fly and fall to the ground.
Now fast forward this, multiplied, ahead,
The math is very simple to do in one's head.

Are we going to wait until fallen is the tree,
Or are we going to save it, all for you and me?
It's time to take the axe from the abusive hand.
"People take back control! LET FREEDOM STAND!"

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-14
135749  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-14
Written: (4103 days ago)

Sharing an Adam Jones' status... :)


#Quotes: "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke

So right! When people know that there is wrong being done, but do nothing, they are then perpetrating and supporting both the wrongdoer(s) AND the wrongdoing. People who do such are "enablers" or "bystanders". I am neither an "enabler" or a "bystander", although I am expected to be. I have been called names, chastised, grossly humiliated, my character assassinated, barraged with cruel and very unkind treatment... but still... I seek the truth and I speak the truth, regardless of who likes it or not! If the person(s) responsible for my subjugation doesn't like this FACT, I suggest then, that they stop telling lies about me to protect their own neck(s), speak the TRUTH, and then I will no longer have to tell the TRUTH for them, about them!

135748  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-07-13
Written: (4104 days ago)


Yes, indeed! Build a mountain of lies and one fine day, the truth will waltz in and bring your mountain crumbling down ...and keeping the truth concealed won't and doesn't guarantee that the eruption of truth won't still take place, because it will erupt and the longer one hides and suppresses the truth, the more powerful and the more damaging are the results. You know what they say...

"The bigger they come, the harder they fall!"
The bigger the mountain, the higher the wall,
The bigger the lies, the bigger the fall!

There IS an explosion... on the horizon! Ka-BOOM!!!

"Mountain Of Lies"

So, build your mountain, build it high,
Lay your bricks, each made with a lie,
But be forewarned, truth is watching you,
Keeping tally of all the lies you spew.

Then when you've outsmarted it, or so you think,
The truth will erupt, in a flash, in a blink,
Bring your mountain down to ruins in a blast,
Catching up to you, present meet your past.

All your wussy minions, each of narrow mind,
Shall all be exposed with their deeds so unkind.
Lies, ultimately, cost the deceivers in the end,
Because truth is truth. There is no twist or bend.

When your mountain's crashed, the rubble amidst you stand,
Remember, truth beckoned with a warm, receptive hand.
But you rebuked it, scoffed at, spit in its face,
Welcomed in deceit to fill in its place.

With your stubborn self and arrogance applied,
Self serving attitude and your ego fed pride;
Your need to control, manipulate, and use,
Takes precedence and so, you live just to abuse.

Fill your heart with hatred, every tiny, little crack,
But don't be too surprised when it's what you're given back.
Love cannot live in a dark place of desolation,
Where all there's room for is self adulation.

The hate you feed with all your manifested lies,
Is in fact your burden you seek to disguise
And then you project it, onto others lay the blame,
Voiding you of decency, voiding you of shame.

You babble against censorship, oppression,
But you're just a hypocrite, full of self obsession,
For when it comes time for you to follow through,
You cannot abide by all the crap you spew.

As a god, you, yourself perceive,
Yet you say, God is only make believe.
The only make believe is this notion in your brain,
Caring and compassion can't thrive in the insane.

Being good or bad is a personal choice to make,
You choose the latter, any goodness is a fake.
Your superficial charm laced with deceit,
Now has surfaced and will yourself, defeat.

The only one you've really hurt is your pathetic self, a shell.
In such a place only loneliness and bitterness can dwell.
So tell yourself you're perfect, bring on the brass,
For Karma is awaiting to bite you in your ass!

So, build your mountain, build it tall,
If built on truth, it shall not fall;
If built on lies with bricks of deceit,
It will come crashing down at your feet!


"The Shoe..."

If the shoe fits, wear it then, smugly on your foot,
But if it smells foul, blackened with evil soot,
Then it's time to change it, take a different stroll,
Wash away the stench, relieve it of its soul.

Once the foulness has been thoroughly washed away,
What has been suppressed will be let out then to play.
Caring, kindness, hope, embers of, stifled, will ignite.
Smothering out the darkness, to shine with love and light.

Remember what you sow, is also what you reap,
Will the seeds you're planting bring you joy or will you weep?
Remember what you say, remember what you talk,
Is the path you must follow, the path you must walk.

"Path Of Least Resistance"

The Path Of Least Resistance whispers in your ear,
"Come hither, follow me, follow me my dear.
Come, take the easy route, eliminate your stress,
As far as pain and hardship, virtually none or less.

You will not feel the need, nor will you have to bear,
Nor will you have to harbour the pressure for to care.
You can skate through life, never on thin ice,
Escaping responsibility will be very nice.

You will need no passion, no desire, nor to dream,
Because you'll have no goals for, to aspire or esteem.
But your life will be full of lots of wasted time,
And there'll be no mountains you will face to climb.

You can plunder, take whatever you please
With no accountability, life will be a breeze,
And at the very end of your journey, though unfulfilled,
You can say you made it with nothing being tilled.

There will be no legacy for you to leave behind,
Nothing to remember you in each and every mind.
So, you will leave this ol' world as naked as you came,
And when you're dead and gone, forgotten be your name.

Do follow the Path Of Least Resistance, the much easier course,
Your journey will be uneventful; no joy. No remorse?"

All written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-13

135747  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-07-13
Written: (4104 days ago)

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice.

If we have brains or courage, then we are blessed and called on not to frit these qualities away, standing agape at the ideas of others, winning pissing contests, improving the efficiencies of the neocorporate state, or immersing ourselves in obscurantism, but rather to prove the vigor of our talents against the strongest opponents of love we can find.

If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers. Let it be with similar types, who's hearts and heads we may be proud of. Let our grandchildren delight to find the start of our stories in their ears but the endings all around in their wandering eyes.

The whole universe or the structure that perceives it is a worthy opponent, but try as I may I can not escape the sound of suffering.

Perhaps as an old man I will take great comfort in pottering around in a lab and gently talking to students in the summer evening and will accept suffering with insouciance. But not now; men in their prime, if they have convictions are tasked to act on them.”

― Julian Assange

135744  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-07
Written: (4110 days ago)


"Ignorance & arrogance walk hand in hand normally.. and provide the terrain for greed, hatred, power-abusement .. short .. mind sick selfishness . and on top.. the ppl being like that, do worship indirectly the "God" of the abusers.. as the most are total atheists but therefor openly believe in evil powers and /or do everything to hail satanic powers ( call that as you want.. fact is that its existing)."

...And this is spoken by one who actually works from an "intelligent mind", but WITHOUT bitterness, resentment, and hatred; instead, harbours love and caring in his heart, which is way more than what can be said in regards to a certain individual who likes to proudly claim how arrogant he is.

135743  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-07
Written: (4110 days ago)


A status I posted on Facebook (for those who cannot see it):

Artsieladie Donnelly:
A conversation on Adam Jones' timeline preempted some thoughts in moi. To fill readers in, I'm making reference to comments that led to my thoughts...

Facebook user made a comment about blocking another to avoid an argument due to differing viewpoints...

Adam Jones: "Blocking people who disagree with you? That's a VERY good way to make sure that you only surround yourself with people who align with your world view. That's the perfect way to keep your mind closed."


One religion teaches this; another religion teaches that; while another religion teaches something else altogether and so on. Meanwhile, each religion "claims to be" the true, right, and correct religion and that any and every other one is wrong. What ALL religions based on believing in God, seem to be forgetting is that God loves ALL His Children, believers or non-believers and all in between. God and Love are interchangeable. God is NOT about "dividing and separating" His Children. So, when any one religion teaches and preaches that 'their' religion is the 'only' way to God, to know God, to receive God, that religion "in essence" is doing so "against God", because that religion is working to "separate" God's Children, NOT "unite" them. ..And this is why I do not believe in any particular religion. I believe "in God". Religions are based on "man-made" theories, assumptions, and whatnot "about" God, but only God IS God!

We do not need to be "in" a building or structure "said to be a temple for God". "We" ARE each a "temple for God" within us, whether we realise this or not. When we think we need to be in a 'place' said to be a Holy place, to be close to God or to feel we must then behave as God wants us to, we are mistaken, because we are already in God's Holy Place, in God's Presence, "within Ourselves". When we attack, belittle, show hatred and judgment, etc. towards one another, we ARE in essence going against God, because we are not only dishonouring the temple of God "within Us", but we are also dishonouring the temple of the One or Ones we are doing so to. When we do so in God's name or in the name of a religion "professing" to teach about God, we are "betraying God", NOT upholding Him, because God.. IS.. Love.., period.

We may have different beliefs, come in different shapes, sizes, and colours, have varying opinions and points of view, make different personal choices, dress differently, walk differently, talk differently, come from a variety of backgrounds, customs and cultures, and a whole slew of other differences, BUT... the bottom line, the ONE common bond is that we are ALL human and we ALL inhabit this planet. So regardless of our differences, we ARE ONE and when ALL humans finally get this, ONLY then will we humans be able to live in and have peace with ONE another.

When we "preach" about God, these are "just words", and "empty words", unless we "LIVE our words", which does not mean we have to be "perfect", because none of us are and none of us will ever be. "Those without sin/mistakes, cast the first stone." We are all "works in progress" and each day we LIVE in LOVE, we are striving to better ourselves and so, since we are ALL ONE, we therefore, make better ALL.

When we preach...
We 'may' reach
But when we LIVE...
In God, In Love,
We touch hearts
And hug souls!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-06 06:22:00

135740  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-04
Written: (4113 days ago)


A birthday greeting I made for my buddy and mate, Adam. :)

135739  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-04
Written: (4113 days ago)
Next in thread: 135741, 135752


Only "one" member online... little ol' me. I can remember so well the many times I was the only one online on Elf12, working away, doing stuff for the site. But see where that got me. Being dedicated and devoted to heddate sites could very well get you great rewards of ostracizing, humiliation, character assassination, falsely accused, and a whole bunch of other "goodies". Oh yes, and having all your hard work destroyed besides, while on another site, I was accused that "I" was going to destroy "my" stuff. Now I know why. "I" wasn't supposed to destroy or have any say in regards to "my" stuff, so others could have the enjoyment of stealing it and destroying it, instead. I see! pfffffft

135737  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-03
Written: (4114 days ago)


Happy Birthday, Julian Assange!

Posted by my friend, Adam:

Happy 42nd Birthday Julian Assange!

He's still stuck in the Ecuadoran mission in London. Noting the European Union's 2012 winning of the Nobel Peace Prize, Assange said: "Europe must rise to the occasion and show its willingness to defend freedom of information, whatever its fears of political pressure from its 'best friend' the United States."
Article: http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/julian-assange-calls-on-europe-to-welcome-fugitive-edward-snowden-387503

For those who are interested, I recommend this collection of twelve interviews featuring an eclectic range of guests, who are stamping their mark on the future: politicians, revolutionaries, intellectuals, artists and visionaries.

Please show Julian some support by clicking that share link.

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice.

If we have brains or courage, then we are blessed and called on not to frit these qualities away, standing agape at the ideas of others, winning pissing contests, improving the efficiencies of the neocorporate state, or immersing ourselves in obscuranta, but rather to prove the vigor of our talents against the strongest opponents of love we can find.

If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers. Let it be with similar types whos hearts and heads we may be proud of. Let our grandchildren delight to find the start of our stories in their ears but the endings all around in their wandering eyes.
The whole universe or the structure that perceives it is a worthy opponent, but try as I may I can not escape the sound of suffering.

Perhaps as an old man I will take great comfort in pottering around in a lab and gently talking to students in the summer evening and will accept suffering with insouciance. But not now; men in their prime, if they have convictions are tasked to act on them.”
― Julian Assange

Your courage is contagious!


...And so, as much as others "think" that I should not "defend" against the injustices levied on and against both others AND myself, "THINK" again! I am not a wuss, nor a bystander, nor an "enabler". Anyone who thinks that I should not defend, then you must be an "enabler", because it's either or, with NO in between.

135736  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-03
Written: (4114 days ago)

“Fear not to shine your light,
Amidst the darkest places;
For your light may be the hope,
Needed by lost faces!”

By Artsieladie #Quotes #PoeticQuotes ©2013-07-03

135735  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-07-02
Written: (4115 days ago)

Umm... someone ought to inform [Hedda] that the preview feature is not working on his site: http://writersco.heddate.com

135734  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-01
Written: (4115 days ago)
Next in thread: 135742


"Wherever I gaze
Wherever I voyage
All I see is mine
Bow down to me
you petty minions
or suffer the wrath
of unspoken horrors"

Well, THIS says it all in a nutshell just HOW this person thinks: that everything automatically belongs to them, that everyone is made to be their minion and do as they want. THIS is the problem. This person can't CONTROL me and so, is determined to make my life hell because I won't bow down before them. It will NEVER EVER happen! Those that are willing to? Be minions! But I will NEVER be!

135732  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-06-28
Written: (4119 days ago)

“When we listen to others who do not have our best interests at heart, we allow them to feed our fears, thus preventing us from reaching our full and true potential.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

135731  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-06-24
Written: (4122 days ago)


When Karma comes a knockin'
To hand you your fate,
Don't be too surprised
By what's upon your plate.
If you spread love and goodness
Upon your daily bread,
You will receive the same
And so you will be fed.
But if you choose to
Spread hate and bitterness,
Then expect the same,
No need to even guess.

Karma keeps a record
Of all you say and do,
And when the time is right,
It sends it back to you.
If you spread kindness and caring,
Then this is what you'll reap
And if you spread the opposite,
Then do expect to weep.
We do not feel the impact
Of all that we so give
Until it is returned
And it, we're made to live.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-06-24 19:56:00

 The logged in version 

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