[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135777  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-03
Written: (4083 days ago)

"The Tree Of Freedom"

There is a stately tree that stands proudly in the park.
Every day another chip is taken from its protective bark.
Days goes by, weeks, months, even years,
As the sound of the axe falls on closed, deafened ears.

Til one day the stately tree topples to the ground,
Its mighty thud is heard for miles and miles around.
As the people gather 'round, wondering why it fell,
There is a whisper in the breeze, a story it must tell.

"The tree, majestically it stood, so mighty and so tall,
Its value and its worth, for granted, taken by one and all.
People never noticed as it was chipped away,
As each tiny chip was taken day after day.
Not until the tree could no longer stand,
Have the people noticed its value, just how grand."

Like the stately tree that is chipped away,
Our rights and our freedoms, we're losing every day.
The government swings the axe as we pay no mind,
Each tiny chip taken, while we remain blind.

As the axe hits its mark, LISTEN to the sound,
SEE the chips fly and fall to the ground.
Now fast forward this, multiplied, ahead,
The math is very simple to do in one's head.

Are we going to wait until fallen is the tree,
Or are we going to save it, all for you and me?
It's time to take the axe from the abusive hand.
"People take back control! LET FREEDOM STAND!"

Written by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-14

"Our Mayor, Our King!"

There's a fellow here on Elftown,
We think you all should know.
The creator of our town,
That aides us all to grow.
He rules this great land
With our happiness in mind.
A mayor with compassion,
Well, this is rare to find!
When there's an ugly bug
And things go on the blink,
Who's the one that fixes them?
Do you really need to think?
For all our little problems,
We plague upon his head,
I think it's time we honour him,
Without an ounce of dread!

Written by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007-12-02
(I wrote this poem as can be seen in regards to [Hedda] and Elftown,
back when I thought the world of him.)

135776  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-08-02
Written: (4084 days ago)


"Happy Birthday - Saurabh" ♥

Hope your day is superb, wonderful in every way;
Hope it’s as sweet as chocolate. May blessed be your day.
Hope your every wish and your every dream comes true
And may all this continue even when your day is through.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-01 All rights reserved.

135774  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-08-01
Written: (4085 days ago)

I can't comprehend how gullible the majority of people are. When they're fed nothing but lies, they believe the lies, but when they are fed the truth, they are so pulled in by the lies, they no longer recognise the truth!

So Manning has been found guilty. So what about those at the top giving the orders to carry out heinous acts on innocent lives? They get away with their crimes!? Apparently. This world is being run asshole-backwards!

I just love how there are people saying that Manning should have followed the chain of command and gone to his superiors. Right. When his superiors are corrupt? I can relate. "I" did exactly this. I went straight to the very top about what I was concerned about. By doing so, all I did was give him forewarning. So the next step, I went to the next in line and all I got then was that person cutting down the person at the top! ...And then later on, I find out, the second in line had it on their agenda for nearly a year to get rid of me. So, do I think I should have followed the chain of command? Hell no!

The one sitting at the top is just like our stinking, rotten governments run by self serving zealots with their hidden, self serving agendas, thinking they've been given inalienable rights to take from the people whatever they want and the majority of people are too damn blind to see it.

135773  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-08-01
Written: (4085 days ago)


"The Trunk Dragon Family"

We are dragons of
A unique, different sort,
Breathing fire still, but
With our trunks, we snort.

We are not aggressive,
But if we must defend,
Our trunk is then a torch from,
Shooting flames we send.
      Legend has it stated
That many years ago,
Among the royal elephants,
Their prince met a foe.

His life was in danger,
Sure to meet demise,
But a family of dragons
Heard his desperate cries.
      With empathy and heart,
Of union one and whole,
They defeated the enemy
And saved his little soul.

The elephants were so grateful,
That saved was their prince,
They granted trunks be given
To the dragons then and since.

And so...
The dragon family became
The Trunk Dragons, Grand,
Kindred with the elephants,
As royal throughout the land.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007/2013-07-31 All rights reserved.

I originally created this piece for a Trunk Dragon Art contest on Elftown, which it won. It took me over 5 weeks
to complete. But that was then when I was working with a monitor that was dark for some reason, even set at
full brightness. So now from time to time, I redo an older piece, with my new, large and high definition monitor
my sweetheart, Hans, gave me for Christmas, 2011, and to be able to really see what I'm doing makes a world
of difference. The poem I just wrote though.

135772  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-31
Written: (4086 days ago)

#Awareness #Stalking If You Are Being Stalked...

For ALL those who think I am doing the WRONG thing in regards to my stalking subjugation. MANY people, particularly those involved to one extent or another on Elftown, have had their jollies by telling me that "only a crazy, lunatic person would save, document, and log data with time, date, and any relevant information about the NUMEROUS incidents" I've experienced. For these "know-it-alls", please then read below:

Any person who suspects that he or she is being stalked should report all contacts and incidents to local law enforcement. To make arrest and prosecution more likely, stalking victims should document every incident as thoroughly as possible, including collecting/keeping videotapes, audiotapes, phone answering machine messages, photos of property damage, letters received, objects left, affidavits from eyewitnesses, and notes. Experts also recommend that victims keep a journal to document all incidents, including the time, date, and other relevant information for each. Regardless of how much evidence they have gathered, victims should file a complaint with law enforcement as soon as possible.

As a result of the stalking, you may experience a variety of physical, emotional, and financial consequences. The emotional trauma of constantly being on alert for the stalker, or the next harassment, may seem to use up all the energy you have. You may feel vulnerable and out of control of your life. You may have nightmares. Your eating and sleeping habits may change. You may feel depressed or hopeless and lack interest in things you once enjoyed. This is not unusual. The constant stress in stalking situations is very real and harmful. Realize that what is happening to you is not normal, not your fault, and not caused by anything you have done.

Any person who suspects they are being stalked:

• should report all contacts and incidents to law enforcement - √
• should document every incident as thoroughly as possible - √
• (experts also recommend) victims keep a journal to document all incidents, including the time, date, and other relevant information for each - √

Stalking victims experience a variety of physical, emotional, and financial consequences:
• The emotional trauma of constantly being on alert for the stalker, or the next harassment, may seem to use up all the energy you have.
  - Tell me about it. I'm always feeling tired, in need of sleep.
• You may feel vulnerable and out of control of your life.
  - Oh yeah, and it seems the more you try to gain back the control, the more you feel like it's a losing battle.
• You may have nightmares.
  - Yup! Horrible, sometimes because of the present situation; sometimes because the depressed state resurfaces old scars.
• Your eating and sleeping habits may change.
  - Yup! Sometimes I go for days with eating next to nothing because I get so I don't care if I eat or not. ..And sleeping? Sleeping is in increments.
• You may feel depressed or hopeless and lack interest in things you once enjoyed.
  - Depression, hopelessness... definitely and to the point you just want to end it all and a number of times. Not only lack of interest, but a lack of "sustained concentration".

Title: Stalking Victimization
Series: Help Series Brochure
Author: Office for Victims of Crime
Published: February 2002
Subject: victims, victim assistance, stalking

OVC Help Series
Stalking Victimization
Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair Treatment of Crime Victims
The National Center for Victims of Crime


This brochure was developed by the National Center for Victims of Crime under a project supported by Grant No. 97-VF-GX-K007 awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

135771  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-31
Written: (4086 days ago)

#Awareness #Stalking Resources for Information and Assistance (United States)

National Center for Victims of Crime
1-800-FYI-CALL or 1-800-394-2255

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-799-7233
TTY 1-800-787-3224

National Organization for Victim Assistance
1-800-TRY-NOVA or 1-800-879-6682

Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center
TTY 1-877-712-9279

Violence Against Women Office


This brochure was developed by the National Center for Victims of Crime
under a project supported by Grant No. 97-VF-GX-K007 awarded by the
Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department
of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do
not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S.
Department of Justice.

135770  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-31
Written: (4086 days ago)

#Awareness #Stalking What is stalking?

Stalking statutes vary from state to state. In general, stalking refers to
repeated harassing or threatening behavior by an individual
, such as
following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business,
making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or
vandalizing a person's property. Virtually any unwanted contact between
two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the
victim in fear can be considered stalking

Anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking victim.

Stalking is a crime that can touch anyone, regardless of gender, race,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic location, or personal
associations. Most stalkers are young to middle-aged men with
above-average intelligence

Unfortunately, there is no single psychological or behavioral profile for
stalkers. Every stalker is different. This makes it virtually impossible to
devise a single effective strategy that can be applied to every situation. It is
vital that stalking victims immediately seek the advice of local victim
specialists who can work with them to devise a safety plan for their unique
situation and circumstances.

Some stalkers develop an obsession for another person with whom they
have no personal relationship. When the victim does not respond as the
stalker hopes
, the stalker may attempt to force the victim to comply by use
of threats and intimidation. When threats and intimidation fail, some
stalkers turn to violence

The most prevalent type of stalking case involves some previous personal
or romantic relationship between the stalker and the victim. This includes
domestic violence cases and relationships in which there is no history of
violence. In these cases, stalkers try to control every aspect of their
victims' lives
. The victim becomes the stalker's source of self-esteem, and
the loss of the relationship becomes the stalker's greatest fear
. This
dynamic makes a stalker dangerous. Stalking cases that emerge from
domestic violence situations, however, are the most lethal type of stalking.

The stalker may attempt to renew the relationship by sending flowers,
gifts, and love letters. When the victim spurns these unwelcome advances,
the stalker often turns to intimidation. Attempts at intimidation typically
begin in the form of an unjustified and inappropriate intrusion into the
victim's life
. The intrusions become more frequent over time. This
harassing behavior often escalates to direct or indirect threats
Unfortunately, cases that reach this level of seriousness often end in

Title: Stalking Victimization
Series: Help Series Brochure
Author: Office for Victims of Crime
Published: February 2002
Subject: victims, victim assistance, stalking

OVC Help Series

Stalking Victimization

Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair Treatment of Crime Victims

The National Center for Victims of Crime


135767  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-07-26
Written: (4091 days ago)

"A Brand New Star"

A life, a bond, has begun to grow.
The Good Lord is about to bestow.
From the first you look upon the face,
You'll feel the Blessed touch of His Grace.
Forever seek His Guidance from above,
Example by Him, His endurance and love
Keep in touch, close, personal and true.
Welcome His Greatness to prevail in you.
This precious gift is not to possess,
But guide and nurture for His Holiness.
Our Lord has entrusted this soul to you,
Remember this, each, everyday through.
Be a beacon in guiding this soul,
      For only God's Light can make one whole.
      So cuddle and love and nurture true,
      For the greatest award is awaiting you.
      The road is long with many trials
      And tribulations throughout the miles.
      Don't be disheartened or feel dismay,
      For there will be joys in everyday.
      Joys not worldly, but so immense,
      For this love is the most intense.
      Money can't measure nor can it be told,
      The greatest treasure you're about to behold.
      With two pairs of hands, touch and assure,
      Release your love and keep it pure.
      Though your eyes may fill with pride,
      Keep your mind open and wide.
      The babbling and cooing shall delight your ear,
      The pitters and patters you'll come to hear.
      Feel with your heart, hear as well
      See with your heart, for it will tell.
      The heart portrays, always reveals,
      God's spoken words, the mind repeals.
      On a most wonderful journey, you're about to begin,
      Soon you'll find it hard to remember when.
      The times before will seem distant, far
      For you're under the light of...
      A Brand New Star!

Coloured Pencil Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013/1994 All rights reserved.

135765  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-25
Written: (4092 days ago)


ROFLMAO!!! The "Virgin Slut" HAHAHA

Wow! I guess people who belong to this site don't think very much of themselves.

135764  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-25
Written: (4092 days ago)
135763  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-24
Written: (4093 days ago)

My privacy being invaded is one thing... but when people that I care about and are close to, begin experiencing serious problems with their communicating devices as a result of communicating with me, and the topic discussed was in regards to what I'm being subjected to with ALL the incidents of such tampering, THIS takes things to an all new level. I've had to put up with having my privacy invaded for now 6+ years and counting. Yet the person violating my privacy and stalking me thinks that I should just be silent about what he's doing to me, so he can continue to get away with his "secret activity". Because I refuse to be a silent victim, apparently, he will stop at nothing to make "me" pay for telling the truth about him. He has threatened me that if I didn't keep quiet, he would have me thrown off the Internet. He's slandering my name saying that I'm a liar, that I'm conjuring up conspiracy theories, that I've harassed others, he's taken a ton of my art and written works away from me (which is art theft), and much, much more and it's all due to the fact that I have within my possession a ton of information incriminating him, part of which, he even made inaccessible to the public, because he knows he is the one implicated with the data that points directly at him.

There are people who think I should be quiet about this, think I should just get over it, think I should just ignore this, and several other things they "think" I should do, so he can continue to control my life and abuse me. But the funny thing? If THEY were in my shoes, THEY wouldn't. But yet, THEY think I should.

Well, one way or another, I AM going to put a stop to this because it IS WRONG. No one has the right to violate another person and furthermore, has no right to abuse the person they are violating just because the person they're victimizing won't be silent about it. ..And people who stand by and say and do nothing when they know what's being done that's wrong, they are no better than the person doing the violating, because by keeping quiet, they ARE in fact, aiding and abetting the violator.

When people who know what's being done to me is wrong, but then say there's nothing they can do? Well, THIS IS the easy way to excuse themselves from caring, isn't it? Those who lack empathy always look for the quickest and easiest escape route, so they don't have to obligate themselves to care then. But... if THEY were in a predicament of needing help, THEY would expect someone/others to help them. The strange thing too? Some of the very people who turn their backs on me, are the very same who I have stuck up for, stood by, when they were going through something and needed support. But now that "I" need support, THEY can't be so bothered! Nice, isn't it?

Anyway, since the person invading my privacy and stalking me refuses to be willing to try and work this situation out, amicably and maturely, without malice and arrogant belligerence, it's past due time, to bring out the heavy artillery: TRUTH about him! (Which will also involve truth telling about others involved)



I'm completely fed up with being forced to have to live this bloody nightmare and now that people I care about are, as the data indicates, being affected and being made to put up with crap they shouldn't either have to put up with, my patience has run out. My stalker wants to act like a complete d***head, a**hole, creep, scumbag, and keep carrying on with his ego-fed pride? So be it, but even Napoleon Bonaparte met his demise. I hope you remember your history, Mr. I Spy. I can't move on or get past or forgive an ongoing violation. I can't understand why, if I'm not afforded the opportunity TO understand. ..And I can NOT allow the violating to continue without doing everything I can to stop it. So, the time has come when it's time to pay the Piper and at least, I don't have "your" bill to pay and I'm not referring to money.

135761  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-22
Written: (4095 days ago)




"When we understand there's
a purpose for our misfortunes
and learn to use them to help
others, to understand, have
compassion and empathy for
others, especially in their time
of need, we then empower our-
selves to invert the misfortunes
into blessings of unspeakable
value, affording us the ability to
negate the negative energy and
darkness and transform it into
positive energy and light."

By Artsieladie
♥ Namasté


135760  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-07-20
Written: (4097 days ago)


#Awaken! #SeekTruth! #BeInformed! Education is the learning from many and varied sources, not just from books. Books used for educating, for example, do not teach common sense. Since books are written by people, they carry to one degree or another, the perspective of the author or authors, and then those in charge of the educational institution determine which books are to be used and which ones not, which is yet again, another filter in respect to "selected" perspective.

Through my educational years, I do not recall any book learning or lessons in building good character or valuing values or encouragement to learn myself. Instead, it was more about "conforming to the norm", what was perceived by the teaching institution to be normal and not to stand out, but blend in with the rest. When everyone "conforms", they are easier to control. In my opinion this stunts growth of the mind and spirit and discourages children to venture outside the box, and is more then of a training institution than a teaching one.

We must educate ourselves and our children with as much truthful knowledge and information as possible, from as many different sources as possible, and this "hunger" for the same must become contagious among The People, all The People worldwide, so we may all or at least the major majority, unite with ONE common mission and this is to take the power out of the grasp of those who are currently in charge and place it back into the hands of The People, where it belongs. Those in power care not about the best interests of The People nor even about this planet we live on. They only care about using The People as a means to serve their glutinous and insatiable lust for money and power, and so, control.

There are too many around the globe in leadership positions that shouldn't be in the positions they are in and as long as they remain in the positions of power, The People's situation will continue to deteriorate and so worsen. We, The People, NEED to stop allowing our differences to divide us, and focus on the ONE common mission. When we allow our differences to divide us, we are then playing right into the hands of the current zealots in charge, because the old adage of "divide and conquer" is very much true.

One twig by itself can be easily broken, but a bunch of twigs bundled together aren't likely to be broken. One tiny flame can be easily extinguished, but a wall of fire, a union of flames, cannot so easily be put out. Instead of going against people like Snowden, Manning, and Assange, we should be standing "with" them, and then those in power will be less likely to be able to use them as examples to instill fear in the rest of us to keep us from resisting against the tyranny present.

Seek truthful information, but NOT through mainstream media, because mainstream media serves the best interests of those in charge and only allows enough news to be leaked to the public to make it "appear" like they are doing The People some huge favour, when in fact, mainstream media is feeding into placing focus on our differences to keep The People distracted and therefore, divided.

The Internet is the "information highway" where we, The People, can seek out and learn more than the one-sided information mainstream media is spoon feeding us. We mustn't be complacent and therefore, be willing to settle for anything less than the "whole truth". ..And we mustn't EVER allow the Internet to be controlled by those who only wish to control us, so they can continue onward with their business as usual agenda. Namasté

"We, The People, We Are ONE"

We, The People, we are ONE,
We have a mission that MUST be done.
We must UNITE, in LOVE embrace,
To keep us strong enough to face
Our opponents, the wolves as sheep,
Who strive to herd 'us' and to keep
Us trapped in fear should we rebel,
Show resistance against the hell
They are designing, have underway,
So they may reap and we must pay;
Meet their demands, supply their need,
Of lust for power, insatiable greed.

While among us, poverty abounds,
Starving children, hear the sounds.
People made sick with illness, disease,
They toy with lives as they please.
They claim to be leaders, us protect,
Honour and praise they do expect,
While they steal from us, rob us blind,
Feed us lies, poison our mind.
They have no conscience, no remorse,
For what they do and so, endorse.

We, The People, MUST take a stand,
UNITE as ONE, NOT disband.
We must prioritise what's at stake,
Let not our differences, divide us make.
For when we permit this dividing wedge,
We hand our opponents the cutting edge.
This is not a task for one or two,
ALL of us must follow through,
When those with courage face the wrath,
The rest of us should join their path,
For a single flame or two or three,
May be extinguished most easily.
But a wall of fire can relentless be,
And force surrender of the enemy.

We, The People, we are ONE,
We have a mission that MUST be done.

~ Artsieladie Donnelly, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-19

135758  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-07-18
Written: (4098 days ago)
135756  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-07-16
Written: (4100 days ago)

When one "professes to be" FOR "freedom of speech", "freedom of expression", and AGAINST "censorship", AGAINST "oppression", and FOR people's "right to privacy", one would tend to believe that that person would then "abide by" the very things they SAY they stand for, right? But when what they profess to stand for or against, whichever the case may be, and they have to DO or follow through on what they profess, and then don't abide by their own claims, what does this make such a person besides a fake, a hypocrite or a liar.. or both?

135755  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4101 days ago)

From my buddy, Adam...

<img:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1003443_10153025900325534_662208228_n.jpg>Bradley Manning, the soldier charged with providing secret material to WikiLeaks in the biggest leak
of classified files in US history. See:
Please Share :)


Shame on any American who isn't supporting Bradley Manning. Since when did exposing the truth
become a crime in America?

Threatening someone with charges of treason for wanting to give the public real facts about U.S.
initiated foreign conflicts is substantially damaging your country's image in the eyes of the world.

Now your government is doing the same with Snowden. When will you stand up for what is right
instead of hiding behind blind patriotism?

Bradley Manning's actions exposed those who would use the veil of classification and secrecy to commit crimes in America's name.
He is a brave altruistic soldier who has acted on his conscience.

“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public
domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?”

“God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms… I want people to see the truth… because
without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”

(2:22:47 pm) Manning: i mean what if i were someone more malicious
(2:23:25 pm) Manning: i could've sold to russia or china, and made bank?
(2:23:36 pm) Lamo: why didn't you?
(2:23:58 pm) Manning: because it's public data
(2:24:15 pm) Lamo: i mean, the cables
(2:24:46 pm) Manning: it belongs in the public domain

To charge Manning with "aiding the enemy" is a dangerous over-prosecution of his case. The materials Bradley Manning's sent to
Wikileaks reveal evidence of abuses of power and human rights violations perpetrated by U.S. military and coalition forces, as well
as the Iraqi government the United States installed. Military logs released by Pfc Manning led to an investigation by the Guardian
newspaper, which discovered the Pentagon's role in setting up Iraqi-operated detention and torture centers that were responsible
for "some of the worst acts of torture during the U.S. occupation."

Have you ever made a decision to act on your conscience in disagreement with your family, employer, state or country?
— with Artsieladie Donnelly.


Comments to:

Artsieladie Donnelly: The ONLY thing that Manning has done and RIGHT is TELL THE #TRUTH!

Speaking of #TRUTH, here's some #Truth! If ANYONE deserves to be convicted of treason, it's
very clear in this video.

Thus my latest status and sharing it here:

#Awaken! #BeInformed! #Truth!

Want to learn the definitive truth about 9/11? I highly suggest to watch this video. IT WILL

O.O OMG! THIS is an example, just one out of many examples, of what our bloody wonderful
government doesn't want us to know!!! I have always felt in my gut that there was a whole
lot more to this horrible and tragic event than what we were ever told.

..And I have said more than once in conversation, that it appears Israel is "using" the US as
a means to serve its agenda. How many times has Israel instigated something and then
expects the US to have its back?

Just look at all the anti-Muslim hatred it has generated! I am so bloody sick about this!!! This
is why I have always reserved any negative judgment in this regard because I felt in my gut,
we weren't being told the "whole" truth, but rather just enough to herd us like sheep in the
direction those in control want and expect us to go in. GRRRR

Is it ANY wonder why the zealots want to take full control of the Internet!? They want to take
control of the Internet to CONTROL the "information highway", DECIDE "for us, The People
Worldwide" just "what" THEY will ALLOW us to see and know about. #WAKEUPPEOPLE!


Rufus Barba: Disclosing information about illegal acts being committed against American
citizens, as in the case of Snowden, or corruption within government itself should never be
viewed as treason. The role of government is to protect its citizens, not abuse them by vio-
lating the constitution. We have the right to know, by any and all means, and what is hap-
pening is just that right, by means of whistle blowers, who are then treated as common
criminals. People need to wake up to what is happening around them, and not just accept
what the media spoon-feeds them! We are not viewed as innocent in the eyes of government
anymore, but as potential threats. I applaud Manning and Snowden for doing the right thing.
It is the people of this country I am disappointed in, that supports a corrupt, immoral central
Artsieladie Donnelly: The heinous crimes that are being
committed by those running the show here in the US are
downright DESPICABLE!!! ..And yes, the American People
are being made out to be the monsters, when in fact, it's
those that are in charge doing their rotten heinous acts
and hiding them from the American People. This is why
People need to #WakeUp! Make it a priority to seek and
learn the #Truth. ..And this is why it is VITAL that the
Internet NOT EVER BE allowed to be controlled by the zeal-
ots, because if and when such should happen, we will then
be controlled and herded like sheep and brainwashed by
one sided propaganda, all for the intended purpose to
serve the zealots' agendas.

Artsieladie Donnelly: So much mention about treason and
oath taking being broken. I have ONE question: Didn't those
we elected to office place their hand on the Holy Bible and
swear to "serve The People", swear to "uphold the Consti-
tution", and hence "protect" our rights and freedoms? I don't
ever recall hearing any of them swearing to "serve them-
selves, the bankers, the big corporations, the violation of our
Constitution, and keeping secrets from the American People"!

When our government and its branches, subsidiaries, and
agencies of, each and every one of those running the show,
STAND UP and ACCEPT ACCOUNTABILITY for "their secret, un-
derhanded" tactics and agendas, THEN and ONLY THEN can
"they" point fingers, make judgment calls, and hand out de-
rogatory labels of those who are "exposing them"! But then,
IF "they" were to do such, there would no longer BE a reason
to, would there? We have a bunch of "spineless cowards" run-
ning the show, who haven't got the guts to accept and claim
what "they" do wrong, but sure like to project "their own guilt"
onto others who DARE to expose them!

"The only ones who hate the truth and truth tellers, are those
who are concealing it and are aiding and abetting its conceal-
ment." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

Hmmm.... all this is rather similar to what I've been handed in regards to Elftown. I, being the whistleblower and exposing the truth, in return, was ostracised, insulted, ridiculed, etc. and labeled just like Snowden, Manning, and Assange for delivering the truth. It isn't on the same level as what these have revealed, but it IS still pretty much the same, nonetheless.
135754  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4101 days ago)

“The more truth I find, uncover, the hungrier I become for more... truth.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“The only ones who hate the truth and truth tellers, are those who are concealing it and/or are aiding and abetting its concealment.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“Amidst the stench of lies, is the sweet, refreshing aroma of truth.” ~ Artsieladie #Quotes ©

“Sweetness Of Truth”

Ah, the sweetness,
Breathe it in!
Suck in deeply,
Deeply within.
Savour the flavour.
Relish the taste.
Embed in your memory,
Want not to waste.
Know then the sweetness,
The cuisine to crave.
Lies, rebuke!
Truth, save!!!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-15

135753  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4102 days ago)

I just love well spoken #Truth!

"Disclosing information about illegal acts being committed against American citizens, as in the case of Snowden, or corruption within government itself should never be viewed as treason. The role of government is to protect its citizens, not abuse them by violating the constitution. We have the right to know, by any and all means, and what is happening is just that right, by means of whistle blowers, who are then treated as common criminals. People need to wake up to what is happening around them, and not just accept what the media spoon-feeds them! We are not viewed as innocent in the eyes of government anymore, but as potential threats. I applaud Manning and Snowden for doing the right thing. It is the people of this country I am disappointed in, that supports a corrupt, immoral central government." - Rufus Barba

I agree wholeheartedly.. and so am I.. disappointed as he states. :(

135751  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written: (4102 days ago)

#Awaken! #BeInformed! #Truth!

Want to learn the definitive truth about 9/11? I highly suggest to watch this video. IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!!!

O.O OMG! THIS is an example, just one out of many examples, of what our bloody wonderful government doesn't want us to know!!! I have always felt in my gut that there was a whole lot more to this horrible and tragic event than what we were ever told.

..And I have said more than once in conversation, that it appears Israel is "using" the US as a means to serve its agenda. How many times has Israel instigated something and then expects the US to have its back?

Just look at all the anti-Muslim hatred it has generated! I am so bloody sick about this!!! This is why I have always reserved any negative judgment in this regard because I felt in my gut, we weren't being told the "whole" truth, but rather just enough to herd us like sheep in the direction those in control want and expect us to go in. GRRRR

Is it ANY wonder why the zealots want to take full control of the Internet!? They want to take control of the Internet to CONTROL the "information highway", DECIDE "for us, The People Worldwide" just "what" THEY will ALLOW us to see and know about. #WAKEUPPEOPLE!


135750  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-14
Written: (4103 days ago)

#Poetry #Awaken!

"The Tree Of Freedom"

There is a stately tree that stands proudly in the park.
Every day another chip is taken from its protective bark.
Days goes by, weeks, months, even years,
As the sound of the axe falls on closed, deafened ears.

Til one day the stately tree topples to the ground,
Its mighty thud is heard for miles and miles around.
As the people gather 'round, wondering why it fell,
There is a whisper in the breeze, a story it must tell.

"The tree, majestically it stood, so mighty and so tall,
Its value and its worth, for granted, taken by one and all.
People never noticed as it was chipped away,
For each tiny chip was taken day after day.
Not until the tree could no longer stand,
Have the people noticed its value, just how grand."

Like the stately tree that is chipped away,
Our rights and our freedoms, we're losing every day.
The government swings the axe as we pay no mind,
Each tiny chip taken, while we remain blind.

As the axe hits its mark, LISTEN to the sound,
SEE the chips fly and fall to the ground.
Now fast forward this, multiplied, ahead,
The math is very simple to do in one's head.

Are we going to wait until fallen is the tree,
Or are we going to save it, all for you and me?
It's time to take the axe from the abusive hand.
"People take back control! LET FREEDOM STAND!"

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-14
 The logged in version 

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