[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135790  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"Castle Grande"

Just the castle without Galadriël to show the entire background.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011 All rights reserved.
135789  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)

╔═════════ ๑ ƸӜƷ ๑ ♥ ๑ ƸӜƷ ๑ ═════════╗
ƸӜƷ . ღ ♥ ღ  Have a Blessed Day! ღ ♥ ღ . ƸӜƷ
╚═════════ ๑ ƸӜƷ ๑ ♥ ๑ ƸӜƷ ๑ ═════════╝

135788  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf"

Digital art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2013-03-30 All rights reserved.

"An Invitation..."

"Just taking a midday stroll,
Decked out in my crimson hood,
With yummies in my basket
That do taste mighty goooood!
Come hither, come hither!
To sniff each tasty treat
And I shall too enjoy,
As YOU I will eat!"

Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2013-04-06 12:31:00 All rights reserved.</center>
Missing: </center>
135787  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"United In Dreams"

United in dreams, a connection unique;
Forbidden reality, no words can speak.
The light of day can never come dawning
For two souls met in slumber, spawning.
A magnetic energy but opposed with rage
With jealousy and hatred presetting the stage...
...And so in dreams only, the two reunite,
Embrace each other, make luminous the night.
The stars in the heavens twinkle and shine,
Endorsing their passion, profoundly divine.
With the Magical Maiden along, close by his side
Brightening the night with shimmers of pride...
...Thy great Pegasus on golden wings...
Supremely soars, the King of Kings!

My Galadriel and Golden Promise Pegasus together with poem.
My Golden Promise Pegasus is representative of the same person
no longer, for he no longer is deserving of this.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
© 2011-12-11 07:11:47 All rights reserved.

135786  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)



Galadriël is one of the main characters in a story I'm writing entitled:
"The Magic Of The Unicorn".
This is only 'part' of a much larger art piece of mine.

"The Unicorn's Tears"

Galadriël stands in the shadows, sad and helpless, without disguise,
As she watches the kingdom gradually crumble before her eyes.
The king she adores, tries desperately to regain back into a land
The essence of life once abundant, exceedingly grand.
The evil lurking, prevalent and rampant, destroying all good in its wake,
Built around jealousy, control, and scorn, conniving to take.
The good subjects are leaving, being driven away,
The evil breeds hopelessness. They can no longer stay.
She knows the hosts of evil vehemently do curse
Her presence and loyalty, they consistently rehearse,
Their plotting, their wicked schemes, to enable her fall,
For she has the power, the magic, to expose them all.
The mission, the goal, is to conquer, divide,
From Aikanáro and Galadriël, the truth must hide.
For should the king's eyes be opened to see,
The unicorn's magic would set him free
From emotional blackmail, torturing his soul,
Returning to him his own control.
The evil subjects, as sheep adorned,
Spew their venom, so none are warned.
    Galadriël's heart so torn, badly bruised,
But abandon her king, she still refused.
Remain she must, strong, vigilant, and true,
Her faith in her king will carry him through,
The flames of destruction have spread across his land,
Sparked and ignited by treacherous hand.
Her tears run free and they shed galore,
To extinguish the flames and rebuild once more
A kingdom enriched, exquisitely defined,
Magically wondrous, uniquely designed.
Thousands of subjects now flock to its gate,
Anxiously hoping, for admittance they wait.
The evil subjects with angered rage,
Turn on each other and so engage,
Their own vile behavior conceived of self lust.
They destroy each other as they scatter like dust.
The king and the unicorn stand proud and tall,
As they watch over the kingdom, but a tear doth fall,
From the corner of the unicorn's eye of jade,
Remembering the days, she spent shunned in the shade.

Galadriël looks at her king, Aikanáro, gives him a smile of pride.
She kisses his cheek that warms him inside.
He no longer doubts his own self worth.
They celebrate each other and the kingdom's rebirth.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2009-04-19 All rights reserved.

"The Unicorn's Plea"

I'm the purity, the light, the truth.
I live deep in your dungeon, deep inside of you.
But will you allow me to shine, have my debut?

I am the way. I'm magical. I am healing.
You cage my spirit deep inside,
The place where only darkness can reside.

Misery has consumed you. You have succumbed.
Sadly you have forgotten all about me,
That I am still here. I can set you free.

For although I am trapped, locked within,
My light still flickers, hoping yet to see,
That you will come, that you will come for me.

You look to those that treat you as a fool.
You no longer have the hunger, nor do you care,
To release yourself from that you needn't bear.
    Your polyester friends speak with forked tongue,
But you see not the tangled webs they have spun,
Nor the tightly woven wool, covering what they've done.

Even though in darkness, your prisoner I am kept,
My tears still flood to wash your burning eyes,
The persistent void, you cannot from me disguise.

If I could only pierce your heart to heal thy pain,
But first you must see me, know that I am here.
You drown me with alcohol to abate your fear.

I yearn for your happiness, an epitome of joy.
I stir within. I shudder from the chill.
My pleading screams go unheard, but still...

My faith in you is strong and so I wait
For you to see, to hear, to come...
To release us, this prison, from.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©11/20/2008

...And I used to see... but no more...

"The Beauty Within"

Oh, great King, Aikanáro be thy name,
Have seen your mighty strength, been singed by your flame.
With an air of arrogance, a mountain full of pride,
A thicket of projections methodically applied;
High upon a pedestal, although up there alone,
You present yourself to which no one can atone.

But, you cannot hide what's deep within, concealed,
In spite intentions driven, for magic has revealed
A warm heart beating, romantically inclined,
Kind, gentle, yet strong, with an independent mind.
      Only one that cares enough to pursue beyond your cover,
Will appreciate the soul within, be pleased to discover,
The elements of a rogue are just a masterful disguise,
But for a true believer, the reflections in your eyes
Speak in silence clearly, to tell a different tale,
For a rose lies in waiting, its beauty to unveil.

When the day has come, in the mirror you do see,
The greatest power within you has yet to be set free,
It is then you will be granted, a power unsurpassed,
And the darkness in your heart shall be out forever cast.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-01-11 02:20:47

Official home website of "Artsieladie":
Was: elftown.eu Now: www.artsieladie.com/
135785  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)

"It's not the number of mistakes that makes a person less.
It's the lack of willingness to see and confess." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

"Truly Supportive"

If I support you among your friends,
I will support you amidst your foes.
If I share in your happiness,
I will share in your woes.
A friend who supports in private,
But reneges when there's a crowd,
Is really not a friend
For which to be proud.
A true friend is consistent
And shall stand their ground,
No matter if alone with you
Or with others all around.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-05

135784  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"Ready For Battle"

(For and inspired by 'my Knight': Sir Hans)

This steed and mounted warrior is with a very basic background here, but it is part of
a much larger piece of work of mine, where they are in the courtyard in the larger work.

"Sir Hans"

Take me in your arms,
Bring me aboard your steed;
Whisk me away with you to a place
Untouched by jealousy, hate, and greed.

Into the sunset, together let us ride,
Arm in arm and always side by side.
Rescue my weary heart with your velvet touch;
Protect it from evil forces having tread on it so much.

Take me to a place where truth and love prevail,
Free from shark infested waters, calmer seas to sail.
Fight off all the demons like you always do.
Wrap me in your arms and keep me close to you!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-10-02 All rights reserved.

Full size PNGs:


My buddy, Hans' comment. Such a sweet man he is! He doesn't play games or hide like a coward. He's not afraid to say what he's thinking nor
what's in his heart. Now THIS is the type of man I'll stand by ANY day! This comment got me banned, but at least, it show's the type of man
Hans is and the one who banned me because of it, is not.

We were trying to get prepared for hurricane Irene, a deadly storm, which was fast approaching, and Hans didn't want to leave what he felt for
me up for chance, in case something were to happen to either of us. For a person to hold a grudge because of this, certainly says all there is to
say about them, which isn't much good, that is.

135783  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"Cupid's Painted Love"

A digital work, one of my cupids with my pinto coloured unicorn. Desktop size: 1920x1080.

Art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2012 All rights reserved.

135781  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


"The Flower of L♥ve"

The Flower Of L♥ve is a rose of red.
It's significance stands, indelible tread.
To a lady, its power, will passion ignite,
The candle of love will thus burn bright.

Given the signal, the color of green,
She'll unveil her feelings, allow them seen.
All that touches her heart, relating to him,
Will burst into bloom over the brim.

The Flower Of L♥ve is a rose of red.
Its clarity unique, never misread.
An exquisite expression of touch, velour,
Exclusively given with intentions so pure.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Poem: ©2008-03-02
Art: ©2012-07-07
All rights reserved.

135780  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-05
Written: (4081 days ago)


Happy Birthday - Pamela! ♥

"Birthday Celebration"

Today is a special day,
No more time to wait.
May it be a super day,
There’s much to celebrate!

Even Mother Nature
Has come to make a call,
Along with some friends,
Both great and small.
    Across the grassy meadow
Through even the deepest wood,
There’s a common knowledge
Whispered, widely understood.

The big day has arrived,
With so much to rejoice,
The birds are singing too
In their sweetest voice.
    There’s joy in every heart,
As all gather ‘round;
A symphony of happiness,
A most harmonic sound.

The butterflies are dancing,
Sipping nectar wine,
From the flowers dressed,
In attire, oh so fine.
    There’s gaiety and frolic,
Laughter and much play,
Indelible memories
Are well underway.

Have a Happy Birthday,
May it be most splendid
And may your joy continue
Even when your day has ended!

Art/Poem By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-04 All rights reserved.

135782  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-03
Written: (4081 days ago)



Beauty is all around us.
We just need to look.
Beauty is free for all to behold
In this, our living colouring book!

For this beauty so profound,
Mother Earth does at least deserve,
All of our respect and honour
And her, to nurture and preserve!

Art/Poem By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2012-08-04 All rights reserved.

PS... I wrote another poem about beauty, but the owner of elftown.eu is denying me access to
MY work, which IS therefore, "stealing MY work"! In fact he has stolen MANY, MANY (many thousands of </i>
) of MY art AND written works!! Isn't stealing the works of others against the laws of copyright?

135779  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-03
Written: (4082 days ago)


"The Vanquished Rose"

The vibrant flower of beauty, once exquisitely defined,
Has succumbed to tragedy, lifeless and resigned.

Where it once stood proudly, representative of
A magic so profound, this magic being love;
It now has wept its last, its elegance thusly lost,
Two hearts once united now must pay the cost.

The effulgent rose, so stately and supreme
Sadly has been forsaken, as is each and every dream.
Two souls formerly connected, spirits entwined as one,
Now are disengaged. The opposition has begun.

The flames of passion that burned in unison before,
Have now divided and instead are waging war
Not against the world but each other they oppose,
Clearly can be seen with the destruction of the rose.

One by one the petals withered, draining magic power,
Until at last the rose became another dying flower.
Its beauty and its elegance turned to bitter shame,
Because the two who shared it, now refuse to claim.

So the vibrant flower with the magic it once bore,
Sadly has been vanquished, now gone forevermore.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
© 2012-07-15 10:44:50 - Poem
© 2012-07-25 11:47:22 - Art/Poem
135778  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-03
Written: (4082 days ago)



#‎Awaken‬! ‪#‎Love‬! THIS "message" by Charlie Chaplin I hope will get around and so, hopefully EVERYONE will "get it"! It is only when
we ALL understand and so then "OWN THIS MESSAGE" ourselves, will we then be able to stamp out the greed, the tyranny and control
by the select, self serving few, and then make our world a peaceful place and home where harmony, love, peace, and tranquility can
and will be the way, will be realised by ONE and ALL.

We all need to find "common ground" because it is on "common ground" we can therefore UNITE AS ONE for THIS is where the POWER
of The People is.. in the UNITY. When we allow our differences to "divide us", then we keep the stage set, for the select, greedy few to
"conquer us", to "control us", to have and instill dominion over us! When are people going to get it? We UNITE through "love" and its
components! We are "divided" through "hate" and its components!

Thanks to Adam Jones for sharing this AWESOME, POWER-FULL message! ♥ Namasté

Sharing with Rising Byte! ♥ Namasté

This is probably one of the best posted shares I've come across on Facebook, shared by my buddy, Adam...

"I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business.
I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone
- if possible - Jew, Gentile - black man - white. We all want to help one
another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s
happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and
despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the
good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be
free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate,
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed
speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance
has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness,
hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machin-
ery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gen-
tleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost....

The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very
nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out
for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is
reaching millions throughout the world - millions of despairing men, wo-
men, and little children - victims of a system that makes men torture and
imprison innocent people.

To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is
now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who
fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dicta-
tors die, and the power they took from the people will return to the peo-
ple. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. .....

Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you -
enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think
and what to feel! Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as
cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine
men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You
are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts!
You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural!
Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you!
You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to cre-ate happiness! You, the people, have the power to
make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

Then - in the name of democracy - let us use that power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give men
a chance to work - that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But
they lie! They do not fulfill that promise. They never will!

Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world - to do away
with national barriers - to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and
progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!"

The video of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsgaFKwUA6g

"Only the "unloved" hate."

#‎Awaken‬! Don't just 'listen' to this video. Hear its message! Absorb it! Own it! Live it! Share it! ♥ Namasté

Thanks to Adam for sharing this.

To Adam ♥ :
“The measure of a man is not in his physical strength,
Tough exterior, or financial successes,
But in his gentleness of spirit, kindness of heart,
And compassionate soul, he possesses.”

~ Artsieladie Donnelly ©2013

135777  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-03
Written: (4083 days ago)

"The Tree Of Freedom"

There is a stately tree that stands proudly in the park.
Every day another chip is taken from its protective bark.
Days goes by, weeks, months, even years,
As the sound of the axe falls on closed, deafened ears.

Til one day the stately tree topples to the ground,
Its mighty thud is heard for miles and miles around.
As the people gather 'round, wondering why it fell,
There is a whisper in the breeze, a story it must tell.

"The tree, majestically it stood, so mighty and so tall,
Its value and its worth, for granted, taken by one and all.
People never noticed as it was chipped away,
As each tiny chip was taken day after day.
Not until the tree could no longer stand,
Have the people noticed its value, just how grand."

Like the stately tree that is chipped away,
Our rights and our freedoms, we're losing every day.
The government swings the axe as we pay no mind,
Each tiny chip taken, while we remain blind.

As the axe hits its mark, LISTEN to the sound,
SEE the chips fly and fall to the ground.
Now fast forward this, multiplied, ahead,
The math is very simple to do in one's head.

Are we going to wait until fallen is the tree,
Or are we going to save it, all for you and me?
It's time to take the axe from the abusive hand.
"People take back control! LET FREEDOM STAND!"

Written by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-07-14

"Our Mayor, Our King!"

There's a fellow here on Elftown,
We think you all should know.
The creator of our town,
That aides us all to grow.
He rules this great land
With our happiness in mind.
A mayor with compassion,
Well, this is rare to find!
When there's an ugly bug
And things go on the blink,
Who's the one that fixes them?
Do you really need to think?
For all our little problems,
We plague upon his head,
I think it's time we honour him,
Without an ounce of dread!

Written by [Faith.Hope.Love], aka Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007-12-02
(I wrote this poem as can be seen in regards to [Hedda] and Elftown,
back when I thought the world of him.)

135776  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-08-02
Written: (4084 days ago)


"Happy Birthday - Saurabh" ♥

Hope your day is superb, wonderful in every way;
Hope it’s as sweet as chocolate. May blessed be your day.
Hope your every wish and your every dream comes true
And may all this continue even when your day is through.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-01 All rights reserved.

135774  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-08-01
Written: (4085 days ago)

I can't comprehend how gullible the majority of people are. When they're fed nothing but lies, they believe the lies, but when they are fed the truth, they are so pulled in by the lies, they no longer recognise the truth!

So Manning has been found guilty. So what about those at the top giving the orders to carry out heinous acts on innocent lives? They get away with their crimes!? Apparently. This world is being run asshole-backwards!

I just love how there are people saying that Manning should have followed the chain of command and gone to his superiors. Right. When his superiors are corrupt? I can relate. "I" did exactly this. I went straight to the very top about what I was concerned about. By doing so, all I did was give him forewarning. So the next step, I went to the next in line and all I got then was that person cutting down the person at the top! ...And then later on, I find out, the second in line had it on their agenda for nearly a year to get rid of me. So, do I think I should have followed the chain of command? Hell no!

The one sitting at the top is just like our stinking, rotten governments run by self serving zealots with their hidden, self serving agendas, thinking they've been given inalienable rights to take from the people whatever they want and the majority of people are too damn blind to see it.

135773  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-08-01
Written: (4085 days ago)


"The Trunk Dragon Family"

We are dragons of
A unique, different sort,
Breathing fire still, but
With our trunks, we snort.

We are not aggressive,
But if we must defend,
Our trunk is then a torch from,
Shooting flames we send.
      Legend has it stated
That many years ago,
Among the royal elephants,
Their prince met a foe.

His life was in danger,
Sure to meet demise,
But a family of dragons
Heard his desperate cries.
      With empathy and heart,
Of union one and whole,
They defeated the enemy
And saved his little soul.

The elephants were so grateful,
That saved was their prince,
They granted trunks be given
To the dragons then and since.

And so...
The dragon family became
The Trunk Dragons, Grand,
Kindred with the elephants,
As royal throughout the land.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007/2013-07-31 All rights reserved.

I originally created this piece for a Trunk Dragon Art contest on Elftown, which it won. It took me over 5 weeks
to complete. But that was then when I was working with a monitor that was dark for some reason, even set at
full brightness. So now from time to time, I redo an older piece, with my new, large and high definition monitor
my sweetheart, Hans, gave me for Christmas, 2011, and to be able to really see what I'm doing makes a world
of difference. The poem I just wrote though.

135772  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-31
Written: (4086 days ago)

#Awareness #Stalking If You Are Being Stalked...

For ALL those who think I am doing the WRONG thing in regards to my stalking subjugation. MANY people, particularly those involved to one extent or another on Elftown, have had their jollies by telling me that "only a crazy, lunatic person would save, document, and log data with time, date, and any relevant information about the NUMEROUS incidents" I've experienced. For these "know-it-alls", please then read below:

Any person who suspects that he or she is being stalked should report all contacts and incidents to local law enforcement. To make arrest and prosecution more likely, stalking victims should document every incident as thoroughly as possible, including collecting/keeping videotapes, audiotapes, phone answering machine messages, photos of property damage, letters received, objects left, affidavits from eyewitnesses, and notes. Experts also recommend that victims keep a journal to document all incidents, including the time, date, and other relevant information for each. Regardless of how much evidence they have gathered, victims should file a complaint with law enforcement as soon as possible.

As a result of the stalking, you may experience a variety of physical, emotional, and financial consequences. The emotional trauma of constantly being on alert for the stalker, or the next harassment, may seem to use up all the energy you have. You may feel vulnerable and out of control of your life. You may have nightmares. Your eating and sleeping habits may change. You may feel depressed or hopeless and lack interest in things you once enjoyed. This is not unusual. The constant stress in stalking situations is very real and harmful. Realize that what is happening to you is not normal, not your fault, and not caused by anything you have done.

Any person who suspects they are being stalked:

• should report all contacts and incidents to law enforcement - √
• should document every incident as thoroughly as possible - √
• (experts also recommend) victims keep a journal to document all incidents, including the time, date, and other relevant information for each - √

Stalking victims experience a variety of physical, emotional, and financial consequences:
• The emotional trauma of constantly being on alert for the stalker, or the next harassment, may seem to use up all the energy you have.
  - Tell me about it. I'm always feeling tired, in need of sleep.
• You may feel vulnerable and out of control of your life.
  - Oh yeah, and it seems the more you try to gain back the control, the more you feel like it's a losing battle.
• You may have nightmares.
  - Yup! Horrible, sometimes because of the present situation; sometimes because the depressed state resurfaces old scars.
• Your eating and sleeping habits may change.
  - Yup! Sometimes I go for days with eating next to nothing because I get so I don't care if I eat or not. ..And sleeping? Sleeping is in increments.
• You may feel depressed or hopeless and lack interest in things you once enjoyed.
  - Depression, hopelessness... definitely and to the point you just want to end it all and a number of times. Not only lack of interest, but a lack of "sustained concentration".

Title: Stalking Victimization
Series: Help Series Brochure
Author: Office for Victims of Crime
Published: February 2002
Subject: victims, victim assistance, stalking

OVC Help Series
Stalking Victimization
Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair Treatment of Crime Victims
The National Center for Victims of Crime


This brochure was developed by the National Center for Victims of Crime under a project supported by Grant No. 97-VF-GX-K007 awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

135771  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-07-31
Written: (4086 days ago)

#Awareness #Stalking Resources for Information and Assistance (United States)

National Center for Victims of Crime
1-800-FYI-CALL or 1-800-394-2255

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-799-7233
TTY 1-800-787-3224

National Organization for Victim Assistance
1-800-TRY-NOVA or 1-800-879-6682

Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center
TTY 1-877-712-9279

Violence Against Women Office


This brochure was developed by the National Center for Victims of Crime
under a project supported by Grant No. 97-VF-GX-K007 awarded by the
Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department
of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do
not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S.
Department of Justice.

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#Awareness #Stalking What is stalking?

Stalking statutes vary from state to state. In general, stalking refers to
repeated harassing or threatening behavior by an individual
, such as
following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business,
making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or
vandalizing a person's property. Virtually any unwanted contact between
two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the
victim in fear can be considered stalking

Anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking victim.

Stalking is a crime that can touch anyone, regardless of gender, race,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic location, or personal
associations. Most stalkers are young to middle-aged men with
above-average intelligence

Unfortunately, there is no single psychological or behavioral profile for
stalkers. Every stalker is different. This makes it virtually impossible to
devise a single effective strategy that can be applied to every situation. It is
vital that stalking victims immediately seek the advice of local victim
specialists who can work with them to devise a safety plan for their unique
situation and circumstances.

Some stalkers develop an obsession for another person with whom they
have no personal relationship. When the victim does not respond as the
stalker hopes
, the stalker may attempt to force the victim to comply by use
of threats and intimidation. When threats and intimidation fail, some
stalkers turn to violence

The most prevalent type of stalking case involves some previous personal
or romantic relationship between the stalker and the victim. This includes
domestic violence cases and relationships in which there is no history of
violence. In these cases, stalkers try to control every aspect of their
victims' lives
. The victim becomes the stalker's source of self-esteem, and
the loss of the relationship becomes the stalker's greatest fear
. This
dynamic makes a stalker dangerous. Stalking cases that emerge from
domestic violence situations, however, are the most lethal type of stalking.

The stalker may attempt to renew the relationship by sending flowers,
gifts, and love letters. When the victim spurns these unwelcome advances,
the stalker often turns to intimidation. Attempts at intimidation typically
begin in the form of an unjustified and inappropriate intrusion into the
victim's life
. The intrusions become more frequent over time. This
harassing behavior often escalates to direct or indirect threats
Unfortunately, cases that reach this level of seriousness often end in

Title: Stalking Victimization
Series: Help Series Brochure
Author: Office for Victims of Crime
Published: February 2002
Subject: victims, victim assistance, stalking

OVC Help Series

Stalking Victimization

Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair Treatment of Crime Victims

The National Center for Victims of Crime


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