[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135832  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-09-11
Written: (4044 days ago)


#Truth! Yes! Yes! and Yes! All the liars want
to do is shut you up, keep you from speak-
ing and telling the truth! ...And the more...
truth one uncovers and the closer one gets
to the core of the truth, the more agitated,
and so, belligerent the liars become! ...And
the more agitated and belligerent they be-
come? Well, THIS tells me to DIG, DIG, DIG
for MORE because there's more to uncover
and that I'm getting... CLOSER ..and CLOSER
..and CLOSER to.the.truth! ...And oh boy! Do
I have some TRUTH to disclose that CLEARLY
implicates my accuser! When lies catch up to
someone, they REALLY do and in no small
way either!

Oh dear, my accusers do mind,
My telling ze truth. It can be unkind!
Especially when they're covering up lies,
And trying to frame me, a foolish disguise,
Because you see, the truth, I seeketh,
And when I find, then I DO speaketh!
Too bad for them, they've had umpteen chances,
To come clean but yet, still doin' dances
Around the truth, though it's closing in,
Lying is losing, but truth is a win!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-09-10


135828  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-09-10
Written: (4044 days ago)


"Dragon Medallions"

Art/Design by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-29 All rights reserved.
135827  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)

#NoWarInSyria @BarackObama It's a HORRIBLE HEINOUS crime to levy such brutal attacks on innocent people, especially on one's OWN PEOPLE, isn't it, Mr. Prez? Well, how about telling the American People AND the People Worldwide, #TheTruthAbout911!!?? ..And when YOU are finished with #TellingTheTruth (IF this is even possible) about 911, PLEASE explain to us ALL again, how YOU can possibly JUSTIFY an attack on Syria!! ..And expect we, the American People, to go along with YOUR agenda!!??


Obama, YOU are crying foul, that Syria's leader used chemical weapons against its own people. How can YOU be so judgmental and accusatory of this, when I'm betting YOU know that the US government is GUILTY of the VERY SAME ...heinous acts AGAINST the American People!!??

An excellent video, although a bit lengthy, but VERY revealing of a lot of truth about what really led up to 911 is:

...And there's more information that implicates unequivocally about WHO was behind the attacks that took place AGAINST Americans on 9/11. ...Just NOT in mainstream media, because mainstream media is far too engrossed in serving this American CORRUPT government! 

135826  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)


"A Little, Red Heart"

Yes, the Mayor did, to my badge box, add
A little, red heart that made me very glad.
On the day after Valentine's, such a special touch,
It made me very happy. To me, it meant so much.
But when it came time for him to admit, declare,
He chickened out, I guess he didn't dare.

For if he did say he had done the deed,
Others would have then felt a likened need
To turn on him, just like they did with me.
So it became a secret, a secret that must be
Kept from all and hidden very well,
Not to be mentioned nor to ever tell.

When I thought that leaving would truly be the best,
Because of all the cruel mockery towards me and the jest,
This angered him. He became curt,
Decided to get even with me for his own hurt,
And so he removed the little, red heart
Knowing that my own, it would tear apart.

What's so really sad about this incident,
Is in its intention, what it truly meant,
For the person who gave it was too afraid to say,
That and why he did, so near Valentine's Day.
And so the recipient, me, myself, and I,
Can only think of it now and just, sadly cry.

Not because of the little heart I lost,
But because of its repercussive cost,
Leaving me to wonder what could have been,
If only he had had the courage to say so then.
For what he didn't know, and now likely never will,
Is how much he meant to me, and even does so still.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-25

135825  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)



If you can pretend, then so can I.
These feelings between us, they're just a lie.
Your dreams of me and mine of you,
They're all fabricated. They can't be true.

My thoughts of you that seem to persist,
They're not real. They don't exist.
My concern for you, my caring,
Of the same, you aren't sharing.

There is no flicker, hence no flame,
Not even an ember to try and tame,
For there is no passion. There is no fire,
To extinguish or quench, to cause desire.

There is no longing in this heart of mine,
For you, no ache or pain. It's just fine.
So my dearest, you're off the hook,
This chapter has ended. Now close the book.

If you can pretend, then so can I,
And feelings not living, can never die.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-09-04 All rights reserved.

135824  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)

"The greatness of a man is measured not in their 'muscle' or 'mouth', but through their heart, where sensibility is derived from a compassionate and humble spirit. Creditability is borne of these." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

135823  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)
135822  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)


#TrueFriendship Thanks to Adam Jones for this share.:)

"True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient, it's being there when it's not."

So true! An excellent test of finding out who is a real friend and who isn't, is when you need support and/or help in some way.
Those who stick by you are REAL friends. Those who can't be bothered, aren't. ...And then REMEMBER for future reference who
did/does and who didn't/doesn't. Sadly and unfortunately, there aren't that many people who are willing to "inconvenience"
themselves. TREASURE those who are!

Then there's another test... a friend is going through a tough time. You stand by them and support/help them. They tell you
they're grateful and won't forget you were there for them. Then by and by, you enter a phase in your life that's tough, a time
when you need support/help reciprocated. If they reciprocate support/help, TREASURE them. If they make themselves scarce in
your life and time of need, REMEMBER for future reference. ..And also REMEMBER those who "pretend" to support you. These
will show and say they support you "in private", but when it comes time to stand up for you "in public", they don't. NO GUTS!

...Or worse, they take your opponent's side against you publicly AFTER they swore in private they support you. These types
are only "out for themselves" and can care less about you or anyone else really, except themselves, of course.

This is a difficult lesson in reality one must realise and then swallow. Many people on Elftown.com drove home and cruelly so,
just what type of people/friends they really are/were! But then, I also made some really awesome friends who proved to be
real and genuine, even among those who I didn't expect true support from.

135820  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-26
Written: (4060 days ago)

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! --> http://elftown.eu/_Christmas%20Art%2012%2c%20page%201

Here "August, 2013" is almost over with, and the "2012" Christmas Art Competition is STILL in its "voting stage"! 'Course, there's a WHOPPING "11" voters! Wow!

Things are being run SO EFFICIENTLY and RESPONSIBLY on Elftown! Perhaps, some sort of "medal" is in order for those in charge? LOL

135819  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-25
Written: (4060 days ago)
135818  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-25
Written: (4060 days ago)


"Pegasus Badges"

Art/Design by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-25 All rights reserved.
135817  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-25
Written: (4060 days ago)


"Lizard Wizard Badges"

Art/Design by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-25 All rights reserved.

135816  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-25
Written: (4061 days ago)


This girl is both deaf and mute. She has only had access to this horse for "20 days"! But yet, she rides this horse completely without ANY means to control the horse through a bit or bridle or any other controlling device. She only communicates with this horse through her "physical contact" with the horse, such as with her hands and legs. Not even any voice command, because she doesn't speak. In just 20 days!!! She has this horse doing as she asks: canter, gallop, change leads and direction, stop, back-up, spin both to the right and left, and even to bow to the audience! Anyone who knows about horsemanship/equitation and training of horses, can really appreciate just how phenomenal this accomplishment is. Even those who know nothing about it, can!


135815  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-08-23
Written: (4063 days ago)

#TopPriority! #Awaken! #BeInformed! #Brainwashing! #Control!


THIS is likely the best 110 minutes of my time I have spent! ..And I plan on watching this several more times.

So, does... Anyone think that we aren't being subjected to brainwashing and mind control? Anyone think the few elite aren't working to make all the rest of us, their slaves? Anyone think this surveillance we're under, isn't for a greater purpose? Anyone think our so-called "education system" is really "to educate"? Anyone think that these diagnoses of example, ADHD, are "real"? Anyone think ANY of our political leaders are in their position to "serve the people"? Anyone think we, The People, aren't being "deliberately distracted"? Anyone think that we aren't being subjected to #mindcontrol and brainwashing via the television we watch? You won't after watching this! ...Unless one is completely stupid!

All "#sheeples", aka "#bubblepeople", need not bother watching this video, UNLESS you desire to become an "#antisheeple".


..And there are people who think I should just "conform" to the wrongdoing! ...Just blindly go along with the program. These and others can call me a lot of things, assign all sorts of labels to me, but at least I have the GUTS to stand up against the wrongdoing, and those who elect to give me labels and tell me that I "should" just let it go, look the other way... DON'T!!!! I would rather die as an "anti-sheeple", than live as a "sheeple"! People who are willing to accept and/or believe lies, don't have the guts to seek and follow the truth!!!

Thanks to Within Souls & Hearts for sharing this! <3 It will be interesting to see just how many will be brave enough and self disciplined enough to decide for themselves to watch some "#truth"!

135814  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-08-21
Written: (4065 days ago)


This is incredibly, incredibly awesome! :) ♥

135813  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-08-21
Written: (4065 days ago)


"Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologise for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you're right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind even if you are a minority of one. The truth is still the truth." ~ Mohandes Gandhi

..And even though I was banned for "speaking the truth", exposing the guilty, I WILL still always "speak the truth"!!!! Because I know, ONLY those who have something to hide, will mind.

135810  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-19
Written: (4067 days ago)


Indeed! ..and including the scars within, others cannot see. ♥ If we make a conscience effort to explore
in another what lies beneath the surface, without judgment, we then afford ourselves the opportunity to
understand them better and so, to understand why they do or don't do things, why they act or react the
way they do. Unfortunately, there are people who keep everything so close vested and won't allow anyone
in TO be able to understand.

"Scars Are Stars"

When you feel disheartened and dismayed,
Remember other costs you've already paid,
Not to relive previous battle grounds,
But to remind you of the winning rounds,
Where you made it through, stronger than before,
And you will again, make it to the shore.
Allow your scars to be testimonies from your past,
That you have strength enduring and made to last,
Through all the storms and bumpy roads ahead
Focus on accomplishments, minimising dread.

Wear your scars like badges, for strength from them to borrow.
Remember where you've been to look forward to tomorrow.
For all the lessons learned, you've earned your battle scars,
And in your book of life, they are your golden stars!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-18 23:02:00

Thanks to Greg Stockett for sharing this and so, inspiring me to write this poem! :) ♥ </center>
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135809  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-18
Written: (4068 days ago)

I spoke to a couple people the other day, friends of a long time friend of mine, who belong to a fairly large artist group, comprising of about a couple hundred members, mostly into fantasy art and design. We got to talking about websites for artists and they said the group was looking for a website where they all could join and still be able to stay connected or closely knit. For a split second, I thought about Elftown and how it would have been perfect for what they were looking for. But then, I bit my tongue and told them I didn't know of any such site. I can't recommend a site where my name is being slandered and my art is being stolen from me, now can I? ..And yes, denying me access to MY work, is the same as "stealing" it. I'm sure these artists wouldn't appreciate having their work kept from them, as mine has and is from me.

..And then, the owner isn't even mature enough to communicate with someone if they go to him with a concern. I know this first hand, because I went to him first, hoping to talk to him to resolve the situation before it could even get out of hand. Then because of his failure and unwillingness to respond, I wound up going to another for answers, only to find out later, she already had it on her agenda to get rid of me. But yet, all the blame for everything is being cast on me, when the real blame belongs squarely with these two individuals. But... that's the honourable and decent way to do things, you know? Don't accept accountability, but instead, project one's own guilt onto another! THIS is commendable, isn't it? *rolls eyes*

Most mature and intelligent people learn and so, know how to negotiate and work through issues, especially one in the top position should anyway! They don't stick their head in the sand and then expect others to fix their problems for them, especially when they're the cause of problems in the first place!

There's just too much immaturity along with a complete lack of professionalism and this group of artists is a serious group. Oh well, too bad! Hedda could have easily had a couple hundred more members.

I can remember a day when I would have jumped at the chance to plug and brag about this wonderful site I belonged to. Yeah! Not!! :( But these days are long gone I'm afraid. One can't have their cake and eat it too! When you treat someone like shit? Expect shit in return. ...And all the perfume in the world ain't going to alter the shit upon it's return either. If anything, when it returns, it's liable to be more foul smelling when it's sent back to the one who dished it out. lol

But I did say to them that if they happened to find a great site, where I could upload my art to, without having it taken from me, to please let me know. :)

Afterward, my friend and I were talking and she said, "I thought you belonged to some great site? You used to talk about it all the time."

I told her that I did belong to a website that I talked about a lot, that I practically lived on, even worked on it in my dreams for heaven's sake, even donated over $1000.00 to it mostly (because some, for 3 members, was donated to Elfpack), not to mention the years of work, effort, and time I spent on it and another, owned by the same person. Plus, I uploaded to the site at least 10,000 pieces of my art work, plus over 300 poems, plus a number of other written works. But now, the owner has banned me and won't allow me to have the thousands of my works and the banner is all over the Internet saying that I'm a liar, that I make up conspiracy theories and that I harass members and I showed it to her. She was flabbergasted.

"Oh my God!" she said. "What brought all of this on?"

So then I told her from the beginning about how the weird shit was happening on the site, but no one else was experiencing the things that I was and so I went to the owner, but he wouldn't respond. Then I went to the vice mayor hoping to get some kind of help, only to have her put down the owner to me (showed her the MSN conversation), and then how everything just escalated out of control and that everyone on the site that was in a position to help, wouldn't because they were loyal to the vice mayor and then I showed her the conversations that took place between the vice mayor and another person way before I went to her for help and my friend couldn't get over how someone could be so petty and jealous and still pretend to be my friend while stabbing me in the back. But not only me, but with the site owner as well.

We spent a number of hours talking about it and I showed her everything from the private forum where the crew was trashing me to all the degrading and insulting comments on various wiki-pages, particularly on my Love For A Community page (with the harassing comments from the vice mayor and a guard) and where I was goaded by the recently retired vice mayor on the ECM Conference page. I showed her private messages I had gotten from the owner (including the threatening ones) and crew members, plus guestbook messages and the many diaries where I was trashed in.

..And I also showed her my secret diaries and then some diaries and guestbooks where somehow the authors of seemed to have been told what had been written in my private diaries. She asked me how these other members had gotten a hold of what I had written in my private diaries and I said the only person who has access to a member's secret, private diaries, is the owner/operator of the server through its database.

She said then that he's reading private diaries and then telling others what's in them. "That is so wrong! He's misleading the members into thinking they're writing something private and he's reading it and sharing their private diaries! He has the nerve to accuse you of lying? He's lying to every member of his site!"

I also showed her the nasty emails I received from the owner and I told her about the little red heart incident in my badge slot, as I also showed her the screengrabs I took that show how the heart appeared in my badge slot when the owner delivered a badge and then I showed her his message where he denied doing it and said I had done it. But then how the recently retired vice mayor claimed she did, which conflicts with what the owner said (showed her three examples of the false claiming). ..And I also told her I had people at my house even and witnessed the incident, but yet, I was accused of lying about it and other crew members told me that I should knock off my crap and that if the vice mayor said she put it in there, then she did. They expected me to believe something I KNEW was not true.

I showed her my collection of the "Calls to myself", as I also showed her from my saved info, the wiki-page about this very same AND all the comments made on it. She couldn't believe as she said, "the pure ignorance and callousness" demonstrated in the comments. She said the topic on the page was clearly deliberately avoided and she felt that between this page and my LFAC page, it definitely looked like people were working together in a cover up because the data on the Calls To Myself page, most definitely implicates the site owner. When I showed her that the owner made the page so it can't be viewed by the public, she said what I've said all along, that only a guilty person conceals evidence.

I showed her lots and lots of goodies, including how when I invited a member, I was given credit. Then right after the member I invited made a comment in my defense on my LFAC page, my credit was removed. I showed her how a crew member accused me of lying about inviting a member and then I showed her the invite email proving I had.

I showed her how the owner accused me of chasing away the original mod of another site, Elf12, and then I showed her that the mod said it wasn't true. In fact, the original is the one who asked me to be the mod of Elf12. I showed her the owner said that every crew member on Elf12, past and present, which would include the original mod, had gone to him, begging him to get rid of me from Elf12 and then I showed her a slew of messages from those I asked if this was true, which they all said it wasn't. I showed her the email from the owner where he stated at the very end, that I could do with Elf12 as I saw fit because he didn't have anything to do with it, and then I showed her what he did on Dec. 20th, in Elf12's news, totally publicly humiliated me.

While we were on the subject of the "Calls To Myself", I showed her comments made by a former vice mayor, before the most recent former vice mayor, that "directly" correlate with Calls To Myself. The timing between the calls and the comments match perfectly. They took place during the three weeks of my first time banned. In fact, these Calls To Myself were the only ones I got during the three week period. She said that it definitely appears that the owner isn't the only person involved with the Calls To Myself.

I showed her so much stuff! I showed her the email the site owner sent to Hans slamming me and told her how not long after this, Hans' email account got 'somehow' deleted. ..And I showed her how the owner played with the Valentine art page, when I gave Hans the credit for requesting a love song on the After Midnite show. But when I showed her the sequence of events that took place on August 25, 2011, she said with everything else you've showed me, the owner banned you because he was jealous of what Hans wrote in your site's guestbook. It's way too obvious to be a coincidence.

Then I also showed her how what I do on my computer and the things I experience particularly when I talk about this very topic and the log of data I have of my phone conversations and what transpires because of this topic of conversation and she was completely mortified that a person could be so obsessed to go to such extremes to keep tabs on another person.

Needless to say, I showed her a heck of a lot of data, including the date, time, temperature gadget that was placed on my desktop for Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden. She said, "My God! This is like a horror show! I don't know how you've been able to cope with this. Just from what I've seen, makes me cringe. Then to have other people gang up on you and belittle you besides, is horrible by itself. All those who are accusing you of being crazy are the ones who are either completely bonkers or stupid then, because you certainly have more than enough to prove your case. It's very clear they are all in it together to try to keep you quiet. To continually tell you to let it go, that's what they're hoping so they'll be let off the hook. I can sure see why you didn't suggest this site!"

I must say, it felt good to actually show someone willing to listen and see what I have and just by what I've saved and documented, shows that this whole mess isn't all my fault as others have tried so damn hard to make me believe.

135807  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-17
Written: (4068 days ago)


Once I saw a greatness, once I saw a heart.
Once I saw intelligence, one that was very smart.
Once I saw awesomeness, once I saw a man
That stood apart from others, I was your biggest fan.
Once I saw a charm, one that made me smile,
One that I was willing to go for, the extra mile.
Once I saw integrity, with character quite unique,
My heart lightened when your name I would speak.
Once I felt for you such deep admiration.
Once you were at the center of my inspiration.

But now it seems, I couldn't be more wrong,
For you've been singing a very different song.
I should have listened to your friends, what they had to say,
Because you are what they said, cruel in every way.
But instead I chose to place my faith in you
And now I'm reaping my rewards for what I chose to do,
And I didn't want to believe, you a selfish liar,
Just misunderstood, your goals and your desire.

Countless chances I gave you, regardless of my pain,
All I asked for was to understand, you to explain.
So many excuses I made for you, I refused to see the worst,
While you were laughing at me and with others, I, you cursed.
So as I poured my heart out, you, gave all I could for,
You just delighted in tormenting me more and more.
You steal from me, you try to ruin my name,
While, you stalk and threaten me, then on me, you lay the blame.

You think you are a god, expecting others to slave for you,
To clean up all your messes, all around you strew.
You think God is make believe, yet you desire His name,
You're just a pathetic being with no conscience and no shame.
Within you, there is no beating heart, nor a glimmer of light,
With evil lurking rampantly, you're blacker than the night.
You're nothing more than a thief, a vampiristic leech,
With a hypocritical tongue used in every word you preach.

You creep around in shadows, too cowardly to show your face,
Taunting all your victims, invading others' space.
You're ostentatious, a show-off; superficial and a snob,
With no real ambition, just a spineless, empty lob.
Yet, you think I'm going to give more of me to you?
Just one more thing, dear, try on this poetic shoe.
Ah, it fits you perfectly. It is just your size,
And so, I've uncovered your masterful disguise!

Your arrogance is profound, your highness self perceived,
But at last my eyes are opened and so, now I am relieved.
Finally I know, although it is so very late,
What you had in mind, your being is filled with hate.
But I'm not really sorry, because with love to you, I gave.
Hate holds YOU prisoner, its bondage, you're its slave.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-04-27 08:39:00

"Loss Of Magic, Very Tragic"

What really is so very tragic,
Is one rebuking their own magic,
Choosing to feed the dark within,
To shun their light is such a sin.
When in themselves, their faith is lost,
And cannot see to them, the cost,
They follow along, forge construction
Of the path to their self destruction.
Their ears are deaf, their eyes are blind,
Their heart is closed and so, their mind.
As they become more consumed,
They seal their fate to one of doomed.

A caring person watching this,
Their sliding into a deep abyss,
Will over and over try to save
A loved one from an early grave.
Of physical death, not in this sense,
But of heart and soul, the consequence.
A vacant heart, an empty soul,
Is a deadened life, a costly toll.

It really is so tragic to watch a person allow themselves to deteriorate to where they lose all their value as a person.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-17 18:08:00 </center>
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135806  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-17
Written: (4068 days ago)

Boy, some people have such a boring life, with nothing better to do than going around and logging in "as other members"! Pathetic!

The "actual" active members' status is a bit tough to swallow, eh?

135805  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-08-17
Written: (4069 days ago)



"Where There Is Love..."

Where there is love, there is life.
Where there is love, there is sight.
Where there is love, there is hope.
Where there is love, there is light.
Where there is love, there is kindness.
Where there is love, there is caring.
Where there is love, there is giving.
Where there is love, there is sharing.
Where there is love, there is truth.
Where there is love, there is feeling.
Where there is love, there is heart.
Where there is love, there is healing.
Where there is love, there is peace.
Where there is love, there is forgiving.
Where there is love, there is joy.
Where there is love, there is living!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-15

Inspirational credit, thanks to: Stu Hannah :) ♥
 The logged in version 

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