[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135853  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-10-03
Written: (4022 days ago)

It's really pathetic when someone feels the need to have to write a status like this:

My favourite aspect of FB is interacting on friends posts.
If I comment on or like someone's post It does not mean I am after a marriage proposal. It does not mean I am after your man and it does not mean I am flirting — feeling frustrated.

Say what? O.O What's really sad and pathetic is the fact that you, (name), have to feel the need to make this clarification because of people who judge others in accordance with themselves. Those who do, should wake up, smarten up, and realise that when they do such, they aren't displaying "your" character, but in actuality, "their own".

You are a remarkable person: loving, caring, kind, empathetic, understanding... and the list goes on. Only those who are lacking in character would feel intimidated by you and would therefore, make incorrect assumptions about you.

Instead of cultivating within themselves the self motivation and self discipline to work on making themselves better people, they choose to project onto others that which they don't like within themselves, fooling themselves into believing that they will make themselves "appear" better in the eyes of others.

Then when those who are good people and do work to better themselves, see through their fake facade, they then try anything and everything to demean and discredit those who are good. Pathetic!

(( hugs )) <3 xoxox

When there are people who resent and hate others because of what they do as part of good character, such people are pathetic. I have been resented, hated, and abused more in my life for doing what's right than for doing something wrong. But this doesn't deter me. Instead, it strengthens my incentive to continue because when those who are content to be cowardly, jealous, ego driven maniacs, self serving, etc., dislike who I am, then I know I'm on the "right" path. It is only when those who are content with as I've aforementioned like or approve of who I am, should I then be gravely concerned, because with the likes of such, I don't EVER want to feel like I fit in with them!
135846  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-09-28
Written: (4026 days ago)

Gah! No view counters will work "individually" or "separately" as in "per page" NOT all pages under one counter. No good! :(

If there was a view counter on wiki-pages, it would be great then to advertise them and nice to see the number of hits a wiki-page got. ..And then, outside comments no longer work either, so there's no point in sharing a page across the 'Net, inviting conversation, which could possibly generate interest from outsiders to join, if no one can comment.

135844  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-09-27
Written: (4028 days ago)



My new banner.

135843  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-09-27
Written: (4028 days ago)
Next in thread: 135847

So, I like to see what I can do digitally, almost always with Photoshop, and I came up with some variations of the Elfpack badge,
more specifically in this case, the "Trivia Staff" badge. Often I've heard this said, "Shiny, new badge". New may apply, but not the
"shiny" part. So, I've added, with both gold and silver versions, the missing shininess AND also added a "glass overlay" variation.

Take a peek!


135840  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-09-24
Written: (4031 days ago)

135839  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-09-24
Written: (4031 days ago)

Writersco.Heddate is not working. This is what is displayed: "start() didn't succeed. Check the logs!"

135837  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-09-22
Written: (4033 days ago)


"Portrait of Evah Jane Felixia Donnelly, age 2"

Coloured pencil with digital editing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Original Coloured pencil ©1990 - With digital editing ©2012

135836  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-09-22
Written: (4033 days ago)

























135835  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-09-21
Written: (4034 days ago)

Art By Artsieladie

<img650*0:http://i3.minus.com/ibvfGQHstK0Ewb.png> <img650*0:http://i4.minus.com/icqe3AmDqEXhg.png>


Digital Equine Art by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007/2013 All rights reserved.

135834  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-09-19
Written: (4035 days ago)

Ever so often, I like to get my wiki-page getting-the-max-out-of-the-pseudo-HTML fix. One thing I always LOVED doing, was working with wiki-pages. Well, not really 'working' per se, because I always enjoyed it so much. What so many others seemed to dread doing, I LOVED doing. Weird, eh? :P

Wiki-Editing_By-Artsieladie: Making an extensive amount of information not quite so overwhelming when one lands on the page.

135832  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-09-11
Written: (4044 days ago)


#Truth! Yes! Yes! and Yes! All the liars want
to do is shut you up, keep you from speak-
ing and telling the truth! ...And the more...
truth one uncovers and the closer one gets
to the core of the truth, the more agitated,
and so, belligerent the liars become! ...And
the more agitated and belligerent they be-
come? Well, THIS tells me to DIG, DIG, DIG
for MORE because there's more to uncover
and that I'm getting... CLOSER ..and CLOSER
..and CLOSER to.the.truth! ...And oh boy! Do
I have some TRUTH to disclose that CLEARLY
implicates my accuser! When lies catch up to
someone, they REALLY do and in no small
way either!

Oh dear, my accusers do mind,
My telling ze truth. It can be unkind!
Especially when they're covering up lies,
And trying to frame me, a foolish disguise,
Because you see, the truth, I seeketh,
And when I find, then I DO speaketh!
Too bad for them, they've had umpteen chances,
To come clean but yet, still doin' dances
Around the truth, though it's closing in,
Lying is losing, but truth is a win!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-09-10


135828  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-09-10
Written: (4044 days ago)


"Dragon Medallions"

Art/Design by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-29 All rights reserved.
135827  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)

#NoWarInSyria @BarackObama It's a HORRIBLE HEINOUS crime to levy such brutal attacks on innocent people, especially on one's OWN PEOPLE, isn't it, Mr. Prez? Well, how about telling the American People AND the People Worldwide, #TheTruthAbout911!!?? ..And when YOU are finished with #TellingTheTruth (IF this is even possible) about 911, PLEASE explain to us ALL again, how YOU can possibly JUSTIFY an attack on Syria!! ..And expect we, the American People, to go along with YOUR agenda!!??


Obama, YOU are crying foul, that Syria's leader used chemical weapons against its own people. How can YOU be so judgmental and accusatory of this, when I'm betting YOU know that the US government is GUILTY of the VERY SAME ...heinous acts AGAINST the American People!!??

An excellent video, although a bit lengthy, but VERY revealing of a lot of truth about what really led up to 911 is:

...And there's more information that implicates unequivocally about WHO was behind the attacks that took place AGAINST Americans on 9/11. ...Just NOT in mainstream media, because mainstream media is far too engrossed in serving this American CORRUPT government! 

135826  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)


"A Little, Red Heart"

Yes, the Mayor did, to my badge box, add
A little, red heart that made me very glad.
On the day after Valentine's, such a special touch,
It made me very happy. To me, it meant so much.
But when it came time for him to admit, declare,
He chickened out, I guess he didn't dare.

For if he did say he had done the deed,
Others would have then felt a likened need
To turn on him, just like they did with me.
So it became a secret, a secret that must be
Kept from all and hidden very well,
Not to be mentioned nor to ever tell.

When I thought that leaving would truly be the best,
Because of all the cruel mockery towards me and the jest,
This angered him. He became curt,
Decided to get even with me for his own hurt,
And so he removed the little, red heart
Knowing that my own, it would tear apart.

What's so really sad about this incident,
Is in its intention, what it truly meant,
For the person who gave it was too afraid to say,
That and why he did, so near Valentine's Day.
And so the recipient, me, myself, and I,
Can only think of it now and just, sadly cry.

Not because of the little heart I lost,
But because of its repercussive cost,
Leaving me to wonder what could have been,
If only he had had the courage to say so then.
For what he didn't know, and now likely never will,
Is how much he meant to me, and even does so still.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-25

135825  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)



If you can pretend, then so can I.
These feelings between us, they're just a lie.
Your dreams of me and mine of you,
They're all fabricated. They can't be true.

My thoughts of you that seem to persist,
They're not real. They don't exist.
My concern for you, my caring,
Of the same, you aren't sharing.

There is no flicker, hence no flame,
Not even an ember to try and tame,
For there is no passion. There is no fire,
To extinguish or quench, to cause desire.

There is no longing in this heart of mine,
For you, no ache or pain. It's just fine.
So my dearest, you're off the hook,
This chapter has ended. Now close the book.

If you can pretend, then so can I,
And feelings not living, can never die.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-09-04 All rights reserved.

135824  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)

"The greatness of a man is measured not in their 'muscle' or 'mouth', but through their heart, where sensibility is derived from a compassionate and humble spirit. Creditability is borne of these." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

135823  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4045 days ago)
135822  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-09-09
Written: (4046 days ago)


#TrueFriendship Thanks to Adam Jones for this share.:)

"True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient, it's being there when it's not."

So true! An excellent test of finding out who is a real friend and who isn't, is when you need support and/or help in some way.
Those who stick by you are REAL friends. Those who can't be bothered, aren't. ...And then REMEMBER for future reference who
did/does and who didn't/doesn't. Sadly and unfortunately, there aren't that many people who are willing to "inconvenience"
themselves. TREASURE those who are!

Then there's another test... a friend is going through a tough time. You stand by them and support/help them. They tell you
they're grateful and won't forget you were there for them. Then by and by, you enter a phase in your life that's tough, a time
when you need support/help reciprocated. If they reciprocate support/help, TREASURE them. If they make themselves scarce in
your life and time of need, REMEMBER for future reference. ..And also REMEMBER those who "pretend" to support you. These
will show and say they support you "in private", but when it comes time to stand up for you "in public", they don't. NO GUTS!

...Or worse, they take your opponent's side against you publicly AFTER they swore in private they support you. These types
are only "out for themselves" and can care less about you or anyone else really, except themselves, of course.

This is a difficult lesson in reality one must realise and then swallow. Many people on Elftown.com drove home and cruelly so,
just what type of people/friends they really are/were! But then, I also made some really awesome friends who proved to be
real and genuine, even among those who I didn't expect true support from.

135820  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-26
Written: (4060 days ago)

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! --> http://elftown.eu/_Christmas%20Art%2012%2c%20page%201

Here "August, 2013" is almost over with, and the "2012" Christmas Art Competition is STILL in its "voting stage"! 'Course, there's a WHOPPING "11" voters! Wow!

Things are being run SO EFFICIENTLY and RESPONSIBLY on Elftown! Perhaps, some sort of "medal" is in order for those in charge? LOL

135819  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-08-25
Written: (4060 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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