[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135922  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-19
Written: (3974 days ago)


"A True Friend"

A True Friend is there for you in every kind of way,
And beside you, both in private AND public they will stay.
A True Friend doesn't whisper support just in the dark
And then simply disappear as daylight does embark.
A True Friend has your back, they won't let you fall.
When you stand accused, they will stand beside you tall.
A True Friend doesn't hesitate to support and to defend,
Because this is what it means to be a TRUE FRIEND!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-19 12:35:00 (EST)</i>

"A Smiling Face!"

I'd rather turn the corners up,
Than leave them pointing down.
The expression of a smiling face
Is always better than a frown!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2007-06-22 </i>

"My Kitty!"

My Kitty is my friend,
When no one wants to be.
She's tolerant of my quirks,
She's prrr-fect just for me.
She knows sometimes I'm lonely,
But she always does her best,
To lift my spirits up,
As she purrs upon my chest.

When I'm in the need
To talk about the part,
That lies in a secret place
Deep inside my heart,
She rubs her head against me,
As the aching, longing stirs,
But I know my secret's safe,
With her reassuring purrs.

For all the times, when the pain's so great
And I think there's nothing to console it or abate,
She once again comes through, my lack of faith, forgives,
Reminds me in my heart, is where she always lives.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2008-01-06</i>

"Samantha's Wings"

I have been a pal to you
For many, many years,
Through all the cherished moments;
The sad and happy tears.

I've been so honored
To be your loyal friend.
Just because I've had to part,
This journey needn't end.

I am with you always,
As I have been from the start
And you'll always find me
There, just inside your heart.

I have risen, now
To a more important role.
My duty comes with wings
To protect and guard your soul.

My tail is always wagging now
For I can always see;
I can always hear you all
So clear...my beloved family!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2005-10-30

135921  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-19
Written: (3974 days ago)

“Truth TRUMPS 'trumped up' lies.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

135917  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-11-16
Written: (3977 days ago)

“When we see with our eyes, instead of our heart,
We blind ourselves from the most beautiful part.” ~ Artsieladie

“Through our eyes, we have limited vision, but through our hearts, our vision is endless.” ~ Artsieladie

“It is through our greatest pain, we discover our greatest strength.”
“It is through our most trying and difficult times, we find our truest friends.” ~ Artsieladie

“Sometimes those who we think are the most critical of us, are the ones that care enough to want us to reach our fullest potential.” ~ Artsieladie

~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

135916  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-11-16
Written: (3977 days ago)

"The cost of truth can be high, but the cost of lies can be insurmountable." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

I think too often people who choose lying over telling the truth, do so because they lack faith in themselves to speak the truth. The truth isn't always easy to say. But on the other hand, making up a lie seems easier. A person who lacks faith in themselves opens up the door to allow self doubt in and an over inflation of the ego to fill in any missing and/or vacant spaces and will undermine or overshadow any humility present. Along with self doubt comes an array of fears and fears tend to constrain us, control us, and keep us from obtaining our fullest potential because a person will become afraid to try and will ultimately concede and give in to maintaining this "seemingly" but false, safer comfort zone. But with an over inflated ego also present, a person can fool themselves into believing that they have it all together. 

However, once the lying begins, more lies need to be told to protect the previous lies from the truth and lying then starts and continues into that like a "snowball effect". The bigger and bigger the snowball gets and grows, the increasingly harder it is to stop it. As this grows, becomes greater, so does the fear of the truth. ..And as it gains momentum, a person will cling for dear life onto this faster and faster, unstoppable snowball or moving train, way too afraid to jump off and if the person should try and stop it with the truth, where will it stop? Will it stop in a place of accountability? Likely it will. So still not having faith in oneself, the person still fears the truth, and even more so, because the truth has become not only more difficult to face, but now there is shame added to it. Shame injures pride. Pride is fed from ego and an over inflated ego gives the person harbouring it a false-positive reading, making the person believe still they have things in control and all together.

About pride... Pride is fed by our ego, but it is also fed by our self worth "as we perceive it". In other words, if we feel honestly good about ourselves, that we have self worth for real, and have a healthy sense of humility, our ego won't gain the dominant role or the upper hand in our pride. But if we aren't feeling all that good about ourselves, then ego can be used to fill in the gaps, and then in essence, it is our ego that will ultimately lie to us, convincing us we are okay as we are. The human spirit should be constantly evolving into a better and better version of oneself, a progressive "work in progress", not digressive or become stalemated. But if ego is allowed to take over, this evolving, this progression, is hindered, even stalemated, even digressive.

It does take a lot of guts to speak the truth, especially when we are constantly tempted to speak a lie instead. Anything appearing easier is tempting. It requires more strength and effort to follow the path of truth, but it is in this effort where we are then able to find and therefore, achieve self worth. When we have and KNOW we have self worth, we also then have a good self esteem, more self confidence, hence "faith in ourselves", which ultimately gives us greater courage and strength to continue on the pathway of truth, until eventually we become comfortable on this path and so comfortable, it is then our "true" safe zone. But not everyone reaches this place because it isn't easy to reach, especially with all the temptations to derail us along the way.

Once one has reached this arduous but very worthy goal, then they want others to reach the same, especially anyone they happen to care deeply about, because there is a certain, unexplainable freedom one feels by the truth. This is why "The truth will set one free" is the absolute truth, because it really does. But a person who chooses to follow the pathway of lies and lying, can't envision this, because lies blind people from the truth.

It's very difficult to encourage a person to believe in themselves, that they already have what it takes to be worthy or successful, if they don't really believe this to be true. If a person doesn't believe in themselves and that they have capabilities to do or achieve greater possibilities, they will ultimately choose the easiest route rather than try and tackle something that requires more effort, the effort they don't believe they have in them. ..And should they decide TO go for it, inevitable bumps in the road can easily discourage them.

A person who is battling within them a feeling of lacking self worth, therefore harbouring insecurity, will often make use of other traits/behaviours such as arrogance, conceitedness, defiance, apathy, belligerence, etc. as their "wall of armor". By implementing these, they think they are shielding themselves from others being able to detect their insecurity, which to such a person is seen as a weakness and/or vulnerability. What they don't realise however, the best way to resolve any issue is to take steps to eradicate the cause, rather than being satisfied, thus complacent, with "treatment through masking" the symptoms.

Anything that is fake or unreal is not true. If something is untrue then it is false and false sleeps comfortably with lies and lying. Therefore, if we project a false front, one that is untrue, we are then in fact, presenting a lie. If we continually do this, then we expose ourselves to being comfortable with other lies and forms of falsehoods and at some point, the line between the true and the false becomes blurred or blended and can even to the point we can no longer distinguish between the two and this loss of distinguishing ability bleeds out into and then affects other facets of ourselves and our lives. Ultimately, what's true and real becomes lost like that of a needle in a haystack.

But a person who believes in another, even when the other does not believe in themselves, will still be able to see what makes the other person shine. If they see the other person behaving in ways that diminish the other person's shine, it's disconcerting and troubling to the one who cares because a caring person wants to see a person they care about to be able to reach their greatest potential, to continue to shine as brightly as they know the other person can. A concerned person's criticism isn't really meant to demean but rather meant to encourage the other person to see that they are really demeaning themselves and one who cares for another isn't willing to settle for the lesser when they can still see the greater.

135913  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-11-15
Written: (3978 days ago)

"Happy Birthday - Star"


Today we celebrate a very special day,
The birthday of a Star,
And it can’t go by without saying
How special that you are!
May today shine just as bright,
As brilliant as you do,
And there’s a light shining in my heart,
The shining comes from you!

Art/Design/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2013-11-14 All rights reserved.

I know you don't come here much anymore, but this greeting will be waiting to greet you when you do.
*HUGS* ♥ ...Always!

135908  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-11-14
Written: (3980 days ago)
135907  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-11-13
Written: (3980 days ago)

#TrueFriendsSupport #BeatingBullying

"Sometimes in life, you find a special friend.
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times an dthe confused times.
If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.
Your forever friend hold your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend, and forever has no end."

Great words, Naomi, straight from the heart. :) Great photo to go with them too. <3

There aren't that many people who are willing to "inconvenience" themselves in another's time of need, but these same will expect others to be there for them when they are in need. If I had a dollar for every time I've been told 'with an attitude': "What do you expect me to do?" or "I don't get involved in the troubles of others." or "There's nothing I can do!" ..I'd have a considerable amount of money. These are generally convenient "cop out" excuses so they can justify their lack of caring and to reassure themselves although falsely, that they are exonerated from involvement.

I'm NOT speaking of here those who support friends and say, "I wish I could do something to help, but I don't know how I can help." There is a huge difference because oftentimes those who truly want to help, just can't, but they will offer their support "by listening without judgment" AND they WILL SUPPORT you "in public". Very often knowing that someone cares and are willing to listen, will have your back WHERE NEEDED, even though they can't actually do something tangible to help, is worth more than words can say.

Then there are those who will listen and show support "in private", but when you need their support in public where the issue is taking place, they become silent, say nothing, OR they will even go so far as to minimise your situation publicly and usually because they are afraid they might step on the toes of the offending party. THIS can AND often does, make the situation WORSE for the person being victimised.

This is how and why people who bully others get away with their assaulting behaviour. When a bully or bullies is/are met with people who refuse to allow them to behave badly towards others, they back down, because bullies are really cowards who pick on the defenseless, on those they know they can and likely they'll get away with it. When challenged, bullies recede, because they really have no guts.

A good example: When a child is bullied at school, the child is virtually 'alone' to deal with the bullies. When the child goes home to their family, they then are supported, but WHERE the child NEEDS the support the most, they are alone and left to defend themselves 'by themselves'. This is why "support groups" are needed "WHERE the offensive behaviour is taking place".

I speak from experience here. People aren't aware of how many people, "supposedly" friends, who have and do tell me "in private" that they know I have been and am being wronged on/by Elftown.com; that they can't believe with the amount of data and evidence I've provided and yet, I'm still being victimised... But when it comes time to stand up and SAY SO PUBLICLY, they are silent! They're afraid they'll step on some toes! ...OFFENDING toes! So because of the silence, the person(s) continues to do as they want to, unchecked, and I am left with having to "LIVE THIS HELL"! ..And then to add insult to injury, my subjugation is labeled as "drama". Oh gee, how considerate! grrrrr

..And another thing I would like to add. For those who like to throw around the term, "drama" because it's not something that's directly affecting them, remember then, anything that does or is adversely affecting your life, IS DRAMA too! So, don't complain! Deal with it! Get over it! ...Just like I've been told to do SO many times!

So definitely, TREASURE those who are "true friends"!

135906  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-12
Written: (3981 days ago)


"Words Unsheathed"

Words released, written or said,
Can have an impact or simply fall dead.
Words most powerful, are words that thrive,
Through supporting actions, kept alive.
For words that are spoken but not upheld,
Are words that are empty and so, be-felled.

But words can be used for good or bad,
To make others happy or make them sad.
Words can be used with consideration,
Or they can be used for obliteration.

Words of wisdom can truly inspire,
Others to care, change their desire.
Words of love, compassion, and caring,
Become infectious, contagious for sharing.

Words of hurt pack a powerful punch,
Devouring the innocent for their lunch.
When words as weapons are carelessly used,
Innocent targets are then abused.

We have freedom of speech for words to bequeath,
But we have responsibility BEFORE we unsheathe!
Words can be weapons or they can be tools,
But how they're used, defines wisdom from fools!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly </i>
<i>©2013-11-12 07:07:00 (EST)

"Of all the Gifts, Love is the best!
Give it freely, without request!"

~ Artsieladie #Quotes #Poetry #PoeticQuotes

"When our hearts are touched by love, magic happens!"

~ Artsieladie #Quotes

"The path of least resistance, is the path of least reward."

~ Artsieladie #Quotes

"Components Of Love"

When we offer kind words, lend a hand,
When we give forgiveness without reprimand,
When we open our hearts to genuine caring,
When we are with our blessings, freely sharing,
When we listen more closely with more than our ears,
When we see what's true beyond our fears,
When we truly accept differences among all others,
When we realise within, we're all sisters and brothers,
When we rid ourselves of hate and resentment,
We then KNOW Love and true contentment.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly </i>
<i>©2013-11-12 06:20:00 (EST)

"Friends Are Sparkles Shining My Diamond"

Friends like diamonds sparkle and shine,
Every one special of unique design.
Each one touches and warms my heart,
Igniting the passions that inspire my art!

Each friend is a sparkle in a diamond's shine,
And each friend sparkles in this heart of mine!
Without friends to love and for, to care,
There'd be no sparkles and no diamond there.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-05


My heart is tired, my soul is numb,
There is but one choice left, I must succumb.
There will be no peace until I do
And so it's time to bid adieu!

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-10

Inside all of us there is both light and darkness, good and evil and this is an internal battle we all are faced with.
But... who we are ultimately, is who we CHOOSE to be, aspire to either express and/or depress. We EACH have
THIS choice.

So if we CHOOSE love and light to express, we then exude and perpetuate the same and others will see our light
and be inspired we hope, to do likewise and this cultivates a oneness, a unity, a connection unbreakable among us.

If we CHOOSE darkness and resentment, we will also exude and perpetuate the same, but since people are natur-
ally drawn to love, light, and positiveness, instead of inspiring others, we will repel others, therefore instigating and
propagating separatism, disunity, and disconnection among us.

It IS not what we all harbour within, but rather what OF we harbour that we CHOOSE to shine ..OR not. Namasté

135905  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-11-11
Written: (3982 days ago)

“You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
You can lead a person to knowledge but you can't make them think.
You can lead a person to the truth but you can't make them believe.
You can lead a person to love but you can't make them receive.”
~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie #Quotes #Poetry #PoeticQuotes

135904  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-11-11
Written: (3982 days ago)

"It is not our mistakes that make us less, but it's when we refuse to acknowledge them and confess!" ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie #Quotes

THIS is an example of what makes a person worthy of respect and definitely worthy of being forgiven, when they are willing to admit their mistakes and make a heart felt apology as well... AND also acknowledged the criticism as constructive made against them that showed the error of their judgment. THIS is an excellent example of INTEGRITY! ..And THIS is why I completely respect the person who made this statement and with no reservation.

"I want to apologise for a post I made the other day regarding the number of gay people on Australian TV. On reflection, I can see why many people felt that I crossed the line... especially after I reread what I wrote and the constructive feedback I got from a few people. I apologise to those people who were insulted by what I wrote. I should have chosen my words more carefully or thought before blurting out a random thought. Sorry!"

This isn't something that is shown much anymore. Instead, when people are called out on their less than appropriate actions/behaviour, they tend to deny the proof of them being wrong, shift the blame onto another or others, lie to cover up the truth, and then choose to add insult to injury by flinging insults at the party or parties who do call them out on their wrongdoing, which the latter, IS EXACTLY what's being done to me. Even though I have FACTUAL DATA that supports my conclusions, that indicates at the very least, wrongdoing being done, that "disproves the lies" being spread about me all across the Internet, I am still EXPECTED to "swallow the lies", go along with them, and then also, get over it when the wrongdoing is STILL going on! As a result, I'm being punished for NOT going along with the pure denial and lies that are made/used to back up the denial.

Well, I say this to the one particularly guilty... punish me if you must, if it makes YOU feel "good about YOURself", ..want a medal? ...BUT... don't expect "me" to go along with "your lies"! If you're waiting for me to do this? Plan on waiting a VERY long time because it will be a "cold day in hell" before I do. ..And remember, it is YOUR behaviour that reflects just WHO YOU ARE and it is MY behaviour that reflects WHO I AM. At the end of the day, I live comfortably with WHO I am. My conscience is clear. Can you say the same and while doing so, be honest with yourself? Sleep well! ..But DO keep one eye open! I sleep with both eyes closed knowing that I try to do what's right, rather than giving in to what's wrong. ..And if you resent me for this? So be it!

135903  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-11-10
Written: (3984 days ago)
Next in thread: 135909

Wow! I guess news travels fast and I guess I hit a nerve! INCOMPETENCY!!!

Since when has [Hedda] liked having an official wiki-page "unexported"?


The wiki-page Halloween Art 13, Page 1 is not exported!

Boy, the TRUTH hurts, doesn't it? ..And nothing like showing it! But stupidity can't be fixed!
135902  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-11-09
Written: (3984 days ago)

"Wrongdoings cannot be righted when bathed in silence by bystanders." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

135901  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-11-09
Written: (3985 days ago)

“Yes, we have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, etc., but along with EVERY right, EVERY freedom, EVERY privilege, there also comes with each of them, RESPONSIBILITY to "respect the right to have been given the freedoms, rights, and privileges". Just because we are entitled to rights and freedoms, it does NOT give us a green light to degrade, insult, bully, etc., others, because when we do, we then no longer deserve the RIGHT to HAVE RIGHTS!” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

135900  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-11-09
Written: (3985 days ago)

A great source of entertainment I find Elftown.com to be. ROFLMAO!

The Mainstreet Calendar... whoever is running it, doesn't have a clue as to how it's supposed to be run. I could point out what's being done wrong -or- not being done period, but I won't because then it would become known and after what's been done to me on the site, mostly by some crew members, I'll continue to chuckle at the incompetency.

The Featured art hasn't been changed since 2013-04-28. The poem finally got changed after nearly a month. Featured Member hasn't been changed since 2013-08-07, Featured Member since 2013-08-10 and the Featured Story not since 2013-03-21.

Oh but, not opening a contest until the very last minute, and then taking months to give the results? This "used to be" unacceptable. Why, the Christmas Art Competition is STILL PENDING!!!! No Mainstreet poll for it, but on a page, and it's gone totally unnoticed! ...And how far away is Christmas, 2013? ROFLMAO!

Crew members took turns jumping me, getting on my case when I would always stay on top of just about everything and if something wasn't getting done, I just did it, just to make sure everything was done in a timely fashion. Oh but, I was accused of "interfering"! But... when crew members would deliberately interfere with what I was doing, "they" were said to be "helping". Awww...

Well, so much for competency on Elftown.com! What competency? THERE IS NONE!!!

135898  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-11-06
Written: (3987 days ago)

"World Of Colour"

My world is cold and dark and grey.
The sun never shines to be happy and play.
The dark clouds hanging, always loom overhead,
Day after day, I ache with such dread.

No one to love me, not even care,
If I'm hungry or cold or lost somewhere.
I long for a petting, a gentle touch,
From someone that loves me; I long so much.

Each day I look for a rainbow to cross my sky,
A promise of someone that I'll catch their eye.
But as each day closes, hope fades, becoming slimmer,
Darker than night and its shadows, much dimmer.

But in my dreams as sleep overtakes,
I'm off to a land of no tears or heartaches.
In this "World of Colour" is a rainbow glowing;
The sun always shines, not a cloud showing.

My heart is warmed with plenty of hugs.
I'm not even itchy from the biting bugs!
My bowl is full, garnished with treats;
My water is fresh, not from the streets.

My belly's not hurting from sickness or hunger.
There's someone to hold me when I'm scared of thunder.
A voice so kind of someone I hear,
Pleasant and cheerful, I harbour no fear.

A ball is thrown, a twig, a stick,
For me to fetch and return, reward with a lick.
My tail is wagging, overcome with joy;
Kisses by the dozens, I gladly deploy.

So much love, there's nothing I miss
In this "World of Colour", this heavenly bliss!
But.. then I awake in the first grey of morn,
And sadly.. I've returned to the land of forlorn.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2010-07-15 19:16:26 </center>
Missing: </center>
135896  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-05
Written: (3988 days ago)


"If My Heart Had Windows"
Written by FRAZIER

If my heart had windows,
You'd see a heart full of love just for you.

A tear may appear when I hold you near,
But that's for the sweet things you do.

If my heart had windows,
You'd see a heart full of love just for you.

By your side, I'll stay,
Till we're old and gray,
Reminiscing the moments we knew.

If my heart had windows,
You'd see a heart full of love just for you.

A thief couldn't steal the love that I feel,
Heaven for me has come true.

If my heart had windows,
You'd see a heart full of love just for you.

If my heart had windows,
You'd see a heart full of love just for you.

To my dear, sweet Hans, always so kind, always so sweet, no one can surmount, no one can beat! ♥

135895  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-05
Written: (3989 days ago)


Sharing from my friend/mate, Adam.... :)
"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's
punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our own soul when we look the other way."

I don't know how anyone can "live with themselves" when they look the other way or pretend they do not
see or know that another is being wronged. The phrases used so often, "There's nothing I can do" and "I
don't get involved" are cop outs and used as convenient excuses so the person(s) using it/them thinks they
have set themselves free from the responsibility of standing up against wrong, regardless of how the same
may attempt to "sugar coat" their "excuse(s)". :( At the end of the day, how can apathetic people even stand

135894  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-10-30
Written: (3989 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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