[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

135952  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-12-06
Written: (3957 days ago)


"Two Wolves ~Cherokee Legend~ "

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy...

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil ~ he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self~pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good ~ he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you ~ and inside every other person, too...”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win..?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed...”

Right. It is the part we CHOOSE to feed that ultimately is or becomes who we ARE. The CHOICE IS OURS, individually. We are not given, therefore, we're not meant to have control or dominion over others, but we are given dominion over ourselves and WHO we CHOOSE to BE! ♥

135950  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-12-06
Written: (3957 days ago)


"Nelson Mandela"

Humble and gracious,
Yet, determined and tenacious,
Selfless and giving,
His legacy still living
In the minds and hearts
Of generations ahead
Nelson Mandela lives on,
Shall never be dead.

The epitome of strength,
With courage, endurance,
Never lost hope or sight of,
Steadfast perseverance.
A man of principle,
A man of conviction,
A man of values,
And no contradiction.

Nelson Mandela, a true great,
Who walked the words he did state.
But with each step, a footprint, profound,
He made a positive difference, the world around.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-12-05

Such an extraordinary man who stood so strong against all odds, never lost sight of his mission, his goal, his dream of and for The People. Such a truly, truly phenomenal inspiration he was and hopefully his life and legacy will live on to continually inspire others to be more like him. He not only talked the talk, and then walked the walk, but with every step he took, he made it count and for the betterment of mankind all over the world.

He was asked when he was released from prison if he hated those who had held him captive and to which he replied: "If I hate them then I still allow them to hold me captive." He believed in reconciliation and not holding onto grudges, resentment, and hatred.

We need more just like him in our world. He believed in hope and in "The People" and he was a true servant, a true patriot, and a truly dedicated person FOR The People. Whereas in comparison, political leaders of today only believe in themselves, serve themselves, and money.

Another GREAT has been welcomed home and so the world loses another person who was about making it a better world for ALL and sadly, there aren't more greats rising like him. Today is a very, very sad day. :'(

135949  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-12-05
Written: (3958 days ago)

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreeWithSnow2ByArtsieladie2013-12-05_421x705.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreeWithSnow2ByArtsieladie2013-12-05_421x705rev.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreeWithSnowByArtsieladie2013-12-05_421x705rev.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreeWithSnowByArtsieladie2013-12-05_421x705.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreesWithSnowByArtsieladie2013-12-05_521x705.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/EvergreenTreesWithSnowByArtsieladie2013-12-05_521x705rev.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasCalico-ByArtsieladie2013-12-05_425x500.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasCalico-ByArtsieladie2013-12-05_425x500rev.png>

New Christmas graphics by yours truly, being showcased on: Christmas_Graphics-By-Artsieladie.</center>
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135947  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-12-02
Written: (3961 days ago)


With this beautiful image shared on Facebook:
"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." ~ William Shakespeare

"Loving someone deeply, regardless of what type of relationship it is, is loving someone "as they are", complete with whatever imperfections they harbour, because another's
imperfections play a role in another's "perfectness", since we all have imperfections." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie
135940  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-12-01
Written: (3963 days ago)

Do I KNOW this!!! I guess this is why many people never give all of themselves and/or the very
deepest part inside themselves they hide and guard with all they have/can. But the same can't
expect to receive all that's possible either. It's definitely risky, but one can only hope to receive
that which they are willing to give.


"One can only be hurt as deep as one is willing to love." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes


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135939  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-11-29
Written: (3964 days ago)

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasNoteCardByArtsieladie2013_450x225.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasNoteCard2-ByArtsieladie2013_450x225.png>



<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasKoalaSnow1-ByArtsieladie2013-11-30_500x547.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/ChristmasKoalaSnow3-ByArtsieladie2013-11-30_500x547rev.png>

<img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/SantaByArtsieladie2013-11-29_550x605.png> <img:http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/SantaByArtsieladie2013-11-29_550x605rev.png>


New Christmas graphics by yours truly, being showcased on: Christmas_Graphics-By-Artsieladie.</center>
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135937  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-11-28
Written: (3965 days ago)

#Poetry #BeThankful!

Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE!

Today is Thanksgiving all across America. "To"day we give thanks
and show kindness towards others. But.. I must ask, why can't
we give thanks EVERY day? Show kindness towards others EVERY
day? Why must we only delegate "just one day"? Aren't we thank-
ful the rest of the year? If we can show thankfulness, kindness,
and love on "one" day, can't we do likewise on ALL the rest of the


I am so thankful for, oh, so many things...
All the many blessings and what each blessing brings.
My life is thus enriched in ways I cannot count,
Nor can money buy, no matter the amount.

First I must exclaim, the blessing of my Mother,
In every way my hero, not like any other.
For my daughter, God entrusted me with her,
My love is unmeasurable, nothing can deter.
All my family, whether blood or not,
Love is that which binds, not to be forgot.
All my many friends, each one a blessed treasure,
All so very special in ways I cannot measure.

There's just so many things, indeed I'm thankful for,
It would take a book to say, still there would be more.

All the bumps and bruises, the mountains I have faced,
The pain I have endured, the bitterness I did taste,
But the lessons learned, though tough and hard to bear,
Are the badges of my character, I can proudly wear.
The stormy seas, the blackened skies, the rain so cold and wet,
Has taught me to appreciate sunshine, never to forget,
That when things are at their darkest, a rainbow's just ahead,
And I mustn't give up nor give in to any dread.

I'm thankful for all those who have sacrificed and gave,
The ultimate price, my freedoms they did save.
So I'm thankful too, for the fact we have choices,
And so, we must respect and wisely use our voices.
We must not take for granted our rights written, said,
Nor forget all the blood and given for them, shed.

My thanks wouldn't, couldn't, be complete without saying Grace,
I humbly give thanks to God, as I bow my lowly face,
For all His many gifts and blessings; patience, love, and more,
May His light guide me home to thy heavenly shore. ♥

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2012-11-22 08:18:00

135936  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-11-28
Written: (3965 days ago)



Showcase for my "new" graphics.


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135935  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-11-27
Written: (3966 days ago)


“A man who denies the desire of his heart,
Is a man who from his own happiness, shall depart.”

“There is no shame in the giving of love. There can only be shame in the receiving should the receiver choose to use and abuse the love given.”

~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

135934  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-11-27
Written: (3966 days ago)


"Please, Walk In My Shoes!"

Here's my shoes, please, try them on for size,
Since they seem to you so pleasant in your eyes.
Please now walk a bit, feel them fit so tight,
Tell me, are they wearing well and as right?

Now that you are wearing them, you cannot them remove.
Are they starting to hurt? Do you still approve?

Oh, what's that, you're beginning to distress?
Worry not my judge, for the pain will not digress.
Instead, the painful anguish will increase as you go along,
And the tune you've been singing will become a different song.

Please do, please enjoy their fitting,
Remember though you can't consider quitting,
Because there is no escape, you must endure,
Even though you'll reach a point you can take no more.

So, those who judge me? Please, take my dare!
Walk in my shoes and see how well YOU fare!
Please, Walk In My Shoes! Please be my guest!
You'll soon be making this very same request!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-27 12:59:00 (EST)
135933  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-26
Written: (3967 days ago)

“When we face a problem, we can find and choose a solution. When we turn our backs on a problem, the solution will choose to find us and usually NOT to our liking.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

"Guilt And Grudges"

Guilt is a burdensome thing. Grudges are the same.
Holding the hosts hostage, deceitfully laying claim.
These burdens grow heavier with the onward passing of time,
Pulling hosts deeper into an abyss, harder out of to climb.
Guilt holds one captive, imprisons and blackens the soul,
As darkness consumes the light from the host it has stole.
Grudges are emotional tumors, when rooted, inwardly grow,
Robbing the heart of forgiveness as resentment they will sow.
Guilt and grudges, each other they staunchly support,
The longer they live, the stronger they are, and much harder to abort.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-26 18:08:00 (EST)
135932  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-11-26
Written: (3967 days ago)



Indeed and true!

Never 'misuse' the One who likes you...
- who believes in you, who is accepting of you in spite of yourself and whatever negatives you harbour.

Never say 'busy' to the One who needs you...
- who would gladly help you if and when you needed the One and even after you turned your back on the One.

Never 'cheat' the One who really trusts you...
- who has given you chances to gain back the trust you broke, who has forgiven you for your mistakes especially
  time and time and time again and who is still willing to forgive you even more, who is still willing to give you
  another chance to gain back the trust you've so desecrated countless times.

Never 'forget' the One...
- Because when others have forgotten you and have abandoned you, the One will still be there for you, to sup-
  port you, to love you, and even though you have not been there for the One.

135931  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-11-25
Written: (3968 days ago)

I'm sorry but putting up MY work while MY work is being denied to me??? It's a damn low blow. It's a dirty mean stunt! Oh but wasn't "I" accused of
being the troublemaker? the drama queen? Well, WHO now is trying to instigate trouble? WHO is trying to stir up shit? It certainly isn't I! I didn't post
my poem! Oh but I should just get over it all, right? The heartlessness of some people is despicable! Elftown has become nothing more than a home
for a damn snake pit, a "human snake pit", the worst kind!

So, well, HERE'S SOME TRUTH! ~~~> Badge-n-Heart-From-Hedda <~~~ Try denying THIS evidence! WHO is THE LIAR? Tell me NOW WHO put the
additional, little, red heart in my badge slot on 2009-02-15 AND WHO removed it when he banned me on 2009-04-08!!! The evidence speaks the
TRUTH! It was NOT I and it was NOT SilverFire!

Then we wonder why we have so many problems in the world that can't be settled without some damn war. It's because some people can't stand up
and tell the truth. When they're caught red-handed, they think the thing to do is lie their way out. If everyone would just tell the bloody truth, there
wouldn't have even been THIS bloody mess! But blame me using lies! So commendable!

It's really so amazing that when people can use something against you and throw digs, they gladly like then to run their lips. Oh but, then when you
provide proof and evidence that gives them nothing to fire back at you with, then they suddenly have nothing to say! Truth trumps "trumped up" lies!


"A Little Red Heart"

Yes, the Mayor did, to my badge box, add
A little, red heart that made me very glad.
On the day after Valentine's, such a special touch,
It made me very happy. To me, it meant so much.
But when it came time for him to admit, declare,
He chickened out, I guess he didn't dare.

For if he did say he had done the deed,
Others would have then felt a likened need
To turn on him, just like they did with me.
So it became a secret, a secret that must be
Kept from all and hidden very well,
Not to be mentioned nor to ever tell.

When I thought that leaving would truly be the best,
Because of all the cruel mockery towards me and the jest,
This angered him. He became curt,
Decided to get even with me for his own hurt,
And so he removed the little, red heart
Knowing that my own, it would tear apart.

What's so really sad about this incident,
Is in its intention, what it truly meant,
For the person who gave it was too afraid to say,
That and why he did, so near Valentine's Day.
And so the recipient, me, myself, and I,
Can only think of it now and just, sadly cry.

Not because of the little heart I lost,
But because of its repercussive cost,
Leaving me to wonder what could have been,
If only he had had the courage to say so then.
For what he didn't know, and now likely never will,
Is how much he meant to me, and even does so still.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-08-25
135930  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-11-25
Written: (3968 days ago)

FOR THE RECORD... info...


One lash is
intertwined with
When one
the other follows.

Written by [Akayume]

How to submit a poem
Date: 2013-11-25 20:24:14
Poem #: 1705
Mod: wicked fae mage

2013-11-25 21:22:31

135930 Link to this entry
Written about Monday 2013-11-25
Written:21:20:44 (107s ago)

135929  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-11-25
Written: (3968 days ago)


Well gee, what's THIS for? To stick it up my ass? I haven't been hurt enough?
Since when is a poem or anything else featured, even acknowledged, that's by a banned member?

Just how cruel can people be?

"The Beauty Within"

Was on: http://elftown.eu/start.html
Now at: http://elftown.eu/poems.html?where=425

Oh, great King, Aikanáro be thy name,
Have seen your mighty strength, been singed by your flame.
With an air of arrogance, a mountain full of pride,
A thicket of projections methodically applied;
High upon a pedestal, although up there alone,
You present yourself to which no one can atone.
But, you cannot hide what's deep within, concealed,
In spite intentions driven, for magic has revealed
A warm heart beating, romantically inclined,
Kind, gentle, yet strong, with an independent mind.
Only one that cares enough to pursue beyond your cover,
Will appreciate the soul within, be pleased to discover,
The elements of a rogue are just a masterful disguise,
But for a true believer, the reflections in your eyes
Speak in silence clearly to tell a different tale,
For a rose lies in waiting, its beauty to unveil.
When the day has come, in the mirror you do see,
The greatest power within you has yet to be set free,
It is then you will be granted, a power unsurpassed,
And the darkness in your heart shall be out forever cast.

Written by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly ©2011-01-11 02:20:47
In case anyone is interested, THIS poem was written about how I perceived [Hedda].
If anyone has a problem with this? Tough cookies! Kiss my American ass!

I wrote this poem, inspired by the very same person who delights in causing me nothing but heartache now, apparently and in accordance with his actions.
But still, I offer to this person forgiveness and understanding and yes, even love. However, all the offering in the world cannot penetrate a heart that's hard-
ened and surrounded by a wall of resentment built on his own insecurity and lack of faith in himself and who listens to the concepts of others rather than
listening to and following his own heart, the heart I still see in spite of and even through the pain he causes me.

"There is no shame in the giving of love. There can only be shame in the receiver should the receiver choose to use and abuse the love given." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

How to submit a poem
Date: 2013-11-24 18:57:27
Poem #: 1704
Mod: wicked fae mage


135927  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-11-24
Written: (3969 days ago)

"Love given, but unreturned, leaves a heart badly burned." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie</i>

<i>#Poetry </i>

"Unreturned Love"

Although my love is real, deep, and very true,
I cannot seem to break down your wall to reach you.
Still reeling from the pain of a previous love gone bad,
The entrance to your heart is closed, leaving me so very sad.
This ache in my heart cuts just like a knife,
As I watch you struggle through your own strife.
Since you cannot strike against the cause of your grief,
Instead, I've become the one being used for your relief.
I'd gladly wipe away all your pain and your sorrow,
In hopes we could then be free to love through each tomorrow.
But here I am standing on the outside looking in,
Trying to make sense of a loss that should've been a win.
To describe how I feel, there are no words to say,
And would it really matter if I said them anyway?
I know you cannot see the pain you're causing me.
Your own inner turmoil holds you captive in pure agony.
So I'm left helpless to watch in dismay,
As you fight the demons day after day.
Love can only live in a heart that receives,
When given by a heart that in love, believes.

<i>Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-24 </i>
<i>I wrote this for a very close personal friend who is feeling/going through this right now. There isn't much worse to have to endure emotionally than </i>
<i>falling in love with someone who, because of issues they're battling within themselves, don't return the love, and even worse, will ultimately use the </i>
<i>person in love with them as their personal "grief release". :'(

135926  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-11-21
Written: (3972 days ago)


So call me crazy or whatever you like, but at least I have the guts to stand up and fight! Do you?
I have the guts to speak the truth. So tell me, do you?

135925  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-11-20
Written: (3973 days ago)

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth." — William Faulkner

So true!

It's not the truth that causes the damage. It's the lies that do. But yet, people resent the truth and blame it and why? Because it's the truth that exposes the lies. If lies weren't told in the first place, then truth wouldn't be seen as the enemy. If people would just choose to be truthful and not tell lies, then these same people wouldn't see those who choose to tell the truth as an enemy either.

A liar sees a truth teller as a nemesis, when in reality, the real nemesis is the liar themselves because by choosing to lie, they are demeaning their own character. By settling for what is deceptively easier, telling a lie versus telling the truth, THIS engraves in the human psyche the host doing so, is weak, doesn't have the strength to do what's right over what's wrong. Therefore, a person who chooses lying over telling the truth is a weak minded individual. On the other hand, a person who chooses to tell the truth, especially when lying is presenting itself as the favourable way to go, exhibits strength, courage, and tenacity, which are some of the vital components that cultivate and maintain a good sense of self worth, resulting in a person having integrity.

When people lie, they don't feel good about themselves, and guilt sets up shop and guilt has a way of eating at one's self worth and self esteem. When people don't feel good about themselves, they don't want others to feel good about themselves either and will resent others who do. Hence, "misery loves company". When people lie, they then think others do as well, because people judge others in accordance with themselves.

When people who have lied finally decide to tell the truth, they feel liberated and they feel liberated because they free themselves of the guilt that goes hand in hand with lies and lying. Hence, "the truth shall set one free".

..And speaking of the truth, here's some, but "I" was the one accused of lying.

I was told that I was lying when I said I had invited a member to Elftown. Here's the invite email:

So... apparently "I" didn't lie. Here's the member I invited: http://elftown.eu/member.html?membernr=187336
Hans even states this and displays a copy of the invite email in his house. But this isn't all. Right after Hans accepted. I was given credit in my house. The "invited members" button went from "invited 0 members" to "invited 1 members". Then when Hans wrote a comment on my "Love For A Community - Elftown" wiki-page in support of me, my credit of inviting 1 member went back to "invited 0 members" again. (I have the screengrabs that verify this.)

I was told that I was lying when I stated WHO put an additional, little, red heart in my badge slot. The proof about WHO "actually" did is on the this image's corresponding wiki-page:

2009-02-15 was MOST DEFINITELY an "Event To Be Remembered"! It isn't 'every' day that the Mayor of Elftown places a heart in a member's badge box ..and on Valentine's Day weekend no less! I mean how sweet and how 'speshul' is this!? It's just such a shame that he won't lay claim to about the most romantic gesture I could ever imagine a man would do! ..And for little ol' nobody me. Of all the stunts he pulled and still does pull stunts, it was this particular one I chose to focus on to bring awareness to my situation and I did so because THIS one would have made him look favourably in the eyes of other members. Well, other members EXCEPT the crew and its ringleader that is. But my concern was not in regards to the crew, considering several members of the crew used every opportunity they could to dog me and said basically, that I wasn't any 'thing' that he could ever possibly be interested in and like how dare I even entertain such a notion because I was nothing more than an ugly piece of crap to them. But I wanted the general community to be behind and support him, with or without the crew's blessing.

I was even told by a crew member that I oughta' come down a few pegs if I thought he would or could ever be interested in me. But this is just it. Even though I was contemplating this could possibly be the reason behind the watching, spying, "I" couldn't believe it to really be true, because I don't think I have the looks to attract someone like Hedda. To know me, one would also know that I don't think I'm anything great to look at. This is why I don't like my picture taken. ..And it's been this way since I was a child. I even tried to get out of going to school on pictures' day.

When I was growing up, I was extremely and severely made fun of, ostracised, and bullied... by the other kids AND by teachers. There was one teacher in particular, Mr. Hughes, who would make it the highlight of his day to single me out and call me all sorts of negative names, like ugly, stupid, retard, misfit, etc.. He would say things like, "I'm surprised your Mother didn't give you up for adoption when you were born, you're so ugly!" and "We should have a contest to see who's the homeliest kid. I bet you'd win!" and "A little retard like you can't be anything but stupid!" This behaviour towards me by him incited the other kids to use it as a green light and it fueled their cruel bullying of me. When a teacher bullies a kid, where and to whom is the kid supposed to feel comfortable with to go to about it?

Then like this wasn't enough, my stepfather gave me pretty much the same at home, along with slapping me almost daily and telling me that I was a waste, I should have died when I was an infant, and that I would never amount to a hill of beans, along with lots of other derogatory slurs towards me. Then add in the fact that my older brother molested me and threatened me that if I told, he would do something bad and blame me so our stepfather would then beat my ass with his belt, as he often did with us kids. So for members of the crew to accuse me of "glorifying myself"... they have no clue as to how wrong they are!

Yes, this happened when I was a kid, but they are very deep scars that never completely go away. Scars from childhood will and do carry through into and affect our adulthood. Just because they are in the past, it doesn't mean they can't rear their ugly heads from time to time, because they do, especially when you are subjected again in a similar way as I was so cruelly treated on Elftown.

So as a result of all the bullying on both fronts, I was an extremely shy and introverted, little kid. I didn't say much. I was too afraid to. But I did choose to seek out what I felt to be a "safe haven" and this safe haven was to go off into the woods and through the fields and such where I found acceptance and peace in nature and animals. This is why I love animals and nature so much. There is no cruel judgment imposed by either. I used to take a pad and pencil always with me because it was in this safe environment I could then release my inner self through poetry and drawing. With nature surrounding me I didn't feel ugly and useless. I just felt like me and "me" was just fine with nature. ..And so it was here I could release my inner self. As a result, I became not just a good artist, but a great one, and some teachers and kids who became aware of my talent would ask me to draw pictures for them and my art teacher especially would praise my work. So THIS gave me a sense that I did have some value or worth. :'( But for people now to say to me that I should just get over having MY work stolen from me?

So no, I don't like my picture taken. In fact I hate it taken. Because I was told I was so grossly ugly, I decided to pursue an avenue in which my looks didn't matter and this was who I was/am inside. I had no control over my looks, but I did have control over who I was as a person, and so, this is what I still choose to focus on to this day and this is why when anyone attacks my character, I will retaliate. I have made it a point in my life to try and be the best person I can be and I am a good person. So when others try to undermine my integrity, especially those who need to spend more time cleaning their own closets, I will not and do not take it lying down. ..And THIS is why I will stand up and defend others who I feel are being ostracised unjustly, for someone who I feel isn't being appreciated the way they should be, and I will always make a point to make sure credit is given when credit is due.

Not only did I decide to focus on being the best me I could, but since I was told continually of how "imperfect" I was, I had to then be as perfect as I could be AND everything I did, got involved with, also had to be as perfect as I could make it. Good was not good enough. It had to be great, awesome, and perfect! ..And so anything I get involved with, I don't do it halfway. I throw my whole self into whatever it is and this included Elftown and Elf12. When I am dedicated to a something and/or a someone, then I am truly dedicated and I will give with everything within my power I have to give. ..And THIS is how I was too with Elftown, Elf12, and because Hedda owns the sites, he became included in my devotion and dedication. This is why I didn't want to believe that he could be spying on me, even though there were/are countless incidents (with data confirmation) that indicate such.

But THIS, my dedication, was seen by members of the crew on Elftown as something I should be ashamed of, because my dedication and devotion was said to be obsessive, while their efforts were said to be "dedication". I was said to be interfering while their actions were said to be "helping". One of the things I've learned in life is that people who feel like they can't measure up to another's capabilities and standards WILL resent that person and fiercely so. It's not because this other person is doing something wrong, but simply because this other person is doing a whole lot right. Because of this, people who feel like they can't measure up, resort to resentment that manifests itself through jealous behaviour. I don't do jealousy because I know and have witnessed many times in my life just how damaging and destructive it can be.

But anyway, yet, "I" am said to be the trouble maker, the liar! Because I tell the truth that disproves the lies AND I provide data that supports and backs up the truth. I'm not a troublemaker. I just choose to deal with the truth and those who resent this, choose to work with the lies. I will NEVER go along with lies and lying when I know there's lying and deceit going on. I will NOT be party to such. I don't do ass kissing and I resent it if others try it with me. I don't lie for people either, even if they are a friend AND a true friend would never ask a friend TO lie for them in the first place.

I'm not one of the crowd of people all going along with an agenda just to feel like they fit in, afraid to step on some toes. I'm like the young peasant kid who instead says right out, "The emperor is naked!" My loyalty does NOT lie with the "crowd", that same crowd that shunned me and treated me as an outcast. At a very young age I had to find an alternative that would work for me and that I could work with. As a result, I am a survivor. Others can beat me down, but they can't KEEP me down. ..And if others don't want to support me, well, it's not like I haven't faced adversity before alone. It's not like being unpopular is foreign to me.

My level of determination is very high and mostly because I know all that I have had to get through and I've beaten the odds to not just survive but come out on the other side in a positive way. I've had to learn to rely on my self and my own merit and I've also learned that others one can't ever totally rely on to do what's right. I've had to learn the hard way that it's best to expect as little as possible of others, to depend as little as possible on others, because you will only open yourself up to more disappointment if you are too reliant or dependent on others. This is why I am so independent. I know what bleak and hopelessness is like and so, I also know how important having hope, perseverance, and determination really is. I ran a successful business for many years that relied heavily on trust from my clientele because they had to know that I would take the best care of their beloved pets when they left them in my care and I did.

I have deeply rooted empathy and I can relate with the woes of others on a much more profound level than many others because I know just how tough life can be at times and how wearisome and downing it can be. This is why I feel agitated when I see others putting themselves down because I don't like it when they do and I like to lift up others and to encourage others.

However, even though I learned to survive and thrive on my own, it doesn't mean that I didn't have residual pangs of wanting to be accepted rather than rejected, because I did, but this gradually diminished over the years, but not to the point of completely dissipating. When I joined Elftown, the site grew on me and the same when I joined Elf12. To say I loved Elftown and Elf12 would be a gross understatement! In fact it was because of my devotion and dedication that Lerune decided to ask me to be Grand Mog of Elf12. I still have her correspondence. I considered this to be a great honour and I didn't accept right away because I had to feel certain I could do the position justice. Then when Hedda told me that I had chased Lerune away from Elf12 and that ALL the crew members, past and present, had gone to him begging him to get rid of me as Grand Mog, I found this very hard to believe. But just for the record, I asked Lerune if this was true. She said it was not true. I still have these messages as well from both Hedda and Lerune.

As far as friendship and knowing first hand how fake and pretentious some can be, I take friendship seriously, not casually or as expendable. I don't pretend in private to be supportive and then when around others, change sides of whom I supported in private. If I support someone in private, I will support them publicly, and just because others may get on my case about this, makes NO difference. It doesn't mean I particularly like ostracising. It just means that my allegiance to the truth takes precedence over how I may be received when I do. Yes, it takes guts to make this choice, but the reward in knowing you did what was right over what was wrong is priceless and the only person who can give you this reward is you, but it all has to do with the choice "you" make and not the choices of others. But THIS wasn't the way I was treated by MANY who "claimed to be" my friend. In private conversations I was told how wrongly I was being treated, but when it came time for the same ones to stand up for me publicly, they switched horses in midstream and then joined in on the ostracisation imposed on me. ..And then would STILL insist that they were my FRIENDS! So instead of being able to obtain the help and support I needed to get my situation resolved, my situation was made worse by these traitors who were posing as my friends. They didn't have the guts to stand up to the plate.

This is one of the main problems in government too or especially. There are people who see wrongdoing, but because they're afraid they'll rock the boat, likely what they perceive as 'their boat to success', they keep silent and so not only does the wrongdoing and corruption continue, but it gets progressively worse and corrupt because it's left unchecked. Any issue that is left unaddressed or ignored is NOT going to get resolved. Problems or issues don't just fix themselves or just go away all on their own. Instead, the problem keeps brewing and brewing, all the while becoming an increasingly volatile and potent monster.

It's not until the corruption has gotten so huge and out of control so it is profoundly noticeable by others on the outside looking in that it finally gets attention, but a huge problem is a huge problem to try and fix. Whereas if it had been brought to the attention of others so as to get it addressed much sooner when it wasn't so big of a deal, it would have been much, much easier to set right, to fix. But when you have people who are more interested in climbing the ladder and locking in their social status so as to serve betterment for themselves, and so choose to look the other way, ignore the ominous situation, THIS lays the ground work for a psychopath to rise to power. Then we wonder "how" it happened. THIS IS how!

If other people who choose to lie, resent me for choosing truth, well it's something they need to address within themselves. If they can't speak the truth, it's not "my" problem. It is "theirs". But trying to place the blame for "their" choices, "their" actions, "their" behaviour, on a person who it's not fitting with, just drives home even more the type of people they "choose" to be. People who "choose to lie" also have the choice to tell the truth, just as I do have the same choice. For others who choose to lie but then also choose to blame others who choose not to lie, THIS is pretty twisted. Oh but it was "I" who was called a mental case. Go figure.

..And when people ostracise me for telling the truth and even label me as a liar for doing so, and for the whole world to see even, THIS tells everything about them and just what kind of people "they" are, especially when "I" have the data that proves that I'm NOT the one who IS lying! If those who accuse me of lying even when there's evidence that proves I'm not, THIS just compounds and reiterates what type of people "they choose" to be. When people have a field day bullying another, grabbing any opportunity they can to twist the victim's words against them, and then when the proof is showed to them supporting what the victim said to be true and then they have nothing to say, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see just what type of demented people they are. Guilty people behave in ways that give them up, but guilty people can't see this, but a person who is telling the truth can spot the tell-tale signs easily.

This proving that I'm not lying is not about revenge or getting back at people who have ostracised me, but it IS about "proving I'm NOT what I'm accused of being". Then when I'm left with having to deal with having my privacy invaded, my name slandered, my work stolen, etc. and all based on false accusations, I have NO choice but to continue to prove that I AM speaking the truth. Being punished wrongly IS WRONG regardless of how it's carried out. ..And then when there are people who think I should just let this go? It's because "they" aren't in "my" situation. If they were, "they" wouldn't simply allow and accept punishment for something they aren't guilty of and "they" KNOW THIS to be true. But yet, these same expect me to just let it go. pfffffft

Then when you have people who KNOW I'm being wrongly accused but "choose" to say nothing in my defense, "they" are "enablers". These enablers don't want to find themselves on the other side, on the outside, so they figure if they say nothing, they will remain in a group's good standing. So they choose to save themselves and serve their own best interests even though they do so at the expense of a person who's being wrongly accused. But WHO are they hurting really? WHO are they saving? WHO are they in essence really short changing? Themselves! What I can't understand is, how can people like this "live with themselves"? How can they think anything good about themselves, knowing they are party to wrongdoing being levied upon another who isn't deserving of it? Allowing another to be wrongly punished when one knows it is wrong, but does nothing, is just about as bad as the one or ones levying the wrongful punishment.

But there's also something else in regards to telling the truth versus telling lies and this is, the only thing that can stop the negative impact lies cause is by telling the truth and either the truth will ultimately reveal the truth and tell it "for" the liar OR the liar will choose to tell the truth themselves. If the liar tells the truth, the liar can then hope to gain back any respect they had previously. But if the truth winds up being the truth teller instead of the liar doing so, any hope for gaining back respect is either lost entirely or extremely difficult to get reinstated. When a liar tells the truth themselves, there's an important lesson the liar learns and this is that telling the truth is the better way to go. If the truth tells the truth, then the lesson is not learned usually. We learn mostly by our mistakes and feeling the impact of them.

Once one finds themselves aboard the lying train, which will continue to gain momentum and require more and more lying to keep it sustained, thus building a greater and greater sense of guilt, which increases the level of stress within the host, the only escape is acknowledging and telling the truth and either done so by the liar or the truth itself. As much as it can be difficult to choose to speak the truth initially, speaking the truth to stop a lying train is WAY more difficult and so, takes many times more the courage to do so. This is why there is a certain amount of respect that is earned, recouped when a person chooses to finally speak the truth after insisting the lies were the truth because it takes a hell of a lot of guts to admit the truth after one has been telling lies.

When you care about someone a lot and you know they are lying, you want 'them' to tell the truth because caring about another is also wanting the best for them.

"Self Worth"

At the end of the day when all is said and done...
When we have to face ourselves, of scrutiny, we're the one,
We have to be able to like ourselves, the person with whom we live,
And we can like who we are by the kindness and caring that we give,
And when we see the wrongs, we must try to set them right,
So when we close our eyes to sleep, we have peace throughout the night.

When we choose the tougher road of right over wrong,
We know within us, we have courage and we're strong,
And although we may be tempted to lie and to deceive,
We have faith within ourselves of which we can believe.

When we believe in ourselves and know our own self worth,
We are released and to a new freedom we give birth.
Our candle within burns clean, brightly and much stronger,
When not dependent on the approval of others any longer.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-11-20 20:04:00 (EST)

 The logged in version 

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