[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136022  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-01-12
Written: (3920 days ago)

Sharing a simple but so true statement from Amy Ames Christie: "If someone is hiding something they are doing something wrong."

Right! So the wiki-page, "Calls_To_Myself" was hidden from the public's view. The content on the wiki-page implicates the person "who hid it" (the latest author) with the tampering of "my" phone.

So.. again: "If someone is hiding something they are doing something wrong."

..And so... If the person implicated is the one who hides from public view the data that implicates him, I think it's more than reasonable to conclude that the person hiding it... IS DOING SOMETHING WRONG!

The proof is in the pudding:
Page name: Calls_To_Myself

Version: 29
2011-08-29 17:59:34
Last author: [Hedda]
Owner: Artsieladie

Here's the link to the wiki-page the "last author" HID from the public's view:

Again I ask: If "I" am the liar as the "last author" is claiming that I am and is doing so across the Internet and is using "this excuse" to STEAL MY WORKS, then WHY did "he hide" a wiki-page that contains data implicating "him" with the tampering of "my" phone?

..And if the staff, past and present, who run/have run the website of elftown.eu aren't "aiding and abetting" the "last author" (and website/server owner), wouldn't it also stand to reason that "they" would look further into and investigate this matter? So, WHY aren't they? Any answers, Faith?

"Calls To Myself" defined: By a "Call To Myself" I mean that "my" number was calling "my" number WHILE I was online AND using "dial-up" and with dial-up one CANNOT be online AND use their phone at the same time.

I had purchased International Calling for the sole purpose to call Hedda and give him a chance to explain things to me and I did so because I didn't want to believe that Hedda would tamper with 'anything' of mine, especially considering all I had done for, contributed, and donated to him which is a profound amount. I tried to call him MANY times, directly dialed each time, but every time I tried, my call would never go through. Instead, the line went dead and then back to dial tone again. ...With ONE exception.

One day I had thought of trying something a bit different and this was to call him IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING one of those "Calls To Myself" I kept getting. I entered his number in for direct dialing so all I'd have to do is hit the re-dial button and placed the phone right next to me for quick and immediate access. I moved the connection of my computer to my phoneline to easy to grab and disconnect access. All this was to disconnect my computer from the Internet immediately and not bothering to sign off with AOL because signing off took too long. ...And also while hitting the re-dial button simultaneously AND so I could make an IMMEDIATE call to him IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a "Call To Myself" whenever it would come through. I can't explain why I somehow knew the importance of making a call to him IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a "Call To Myself" other than my intuition told me it was key. I was READY!

By and by and not too awfully long did I have to wait when sure enough, another "Call To Myself" came through: https://sites.google.com/a/elftown.org/www/Mainstreet/CallToMyself_2009-06-23_6-47pm.png

WITHIN SECONDS I was disconnected from the Internet and placing a call to Sweden! I heard it ring 4 times. He answered and this is how the conversation unfolded:
Hedda: "Hello"
Me: "Hello. Is this Henrik Wallin?"
Hedda: "Yes"
Me: "Do you know who this is?"
Hedda: "Yes, Artsie."
Me: "I would just like to talk to you."
Hedda: "If you don't like me, please don't call me again."
Click... conversation ended.

This is my Verizon bill showing my call that finally went through: https://sites.google.com/a/elftown.org/www/Mainstreet/MyVerizonBill-518-634-2293_Calls2009-06-23.png

When he said the last statement and hung up, I was surprised at what he said and I didn't understand why he did say such a thing. So I did try again to call him back, but all I got then was automated Swedish talk that I couldn't understand and so hung up. But... the line was STILL open and not made so I was taken back to dial tone again as I had been in the MANY attempts before I was finally able to make a connection. I think I may have surprised him with a call IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a "Call To Myself" and I dare say, he wasn't expecting? ..And so he didn't have the time to open up the line, make the "Call To Myself" and then close it off BEFORE my callback came through. ..And being taken by surprise and so, not knowing just what to say, he blurted out the first thing that entered his head that would alleviate the pressure of being caught "red handed". I purchased International calling solely to give him the opportunity to clear things up, to explain to me why he wasn't behind all the bizarre incidents I kept experiencing. IF I didn't like him, would "I" have even bothered? Not likely.

Very important question is raised here though. How did Hedda KNOW "with NO hesitation" WHO was calling him? How many people live in the US? How many have phones? But yet, he KNEW EXACTLY "who" was calling him? Please notice, Hedda never asked, "Who is calling?" It's because he didn't have to ask because he already knew! What are the odds that Hedda would know right away just "who" was calling him and from another country? ..And even if my actual name came up, he didn't say, "Sharon". He said, "Artsie". ..And also, if my actual name came up, it still does not guarantee it's that person. It could be someone else "using my phone". But he stated "Artsie" without hesitation and with complete confidence he was correct.

But even so, with this interesting notation, there's something also that's very interesting. Those "Calls To Myself"? They STOPPED! After being able to finally reach him IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a "Call To Myself", these "Calls To Myself" STOPPED HAPPENING! ..Until that is, I began putting the wiki-page together almost 2 years later on 2011-03-01. If "he" had nothing to do with the "Calls To Myself", then WHY did they STOP when I made a surprise call to him IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a "Call To Myself"? Then to add to his 'obvious involvement' and so, guilt, he "hides" the data from public view?

..And he is calling ME the liar? Using THIS as an excuse to slander MY name and STEAL MY WORK?

Whether you go there or not any longer, Faith, is neither here nor there. The facts are still the facts and the facts raise SERIOUS questions that are not being addressed. If Hedda is NOT guilty, then WHY is he hiding evidence? One doesn't have to be active on the site now to answer this.

It is just SO amazing that when the staff who have and are running the site can use the slightest opportunity to belittle and humiliate me, they've done so. BUT... when I PROVIDE PROOF of what I'm saying IS TRUE, why suddenly, not one of them have anything to say? So what? Sweep it under the carpet "as is" so those involved will never be held accountable? ..And particularly the website's owner? Is this how you work, Faith? If so, then I am REALLY surprised because you've always seemed to be the person who wanted to KNOW the truth AND THIS IS what you also told me. Did you just say this? ..Or did you mean it?

Didn't you, Faith, and several other crew/staff members, past and present, tell me to just accept the fact that silverfire put the heart in my badge slot? ..And tell me to stop making up crap that wasn't true? Well, here's the proof that Hedda DID place the heart in my badge slot AND he also REMOVED IT when he banned me on 2009-04-08 (sunrose's birthday). So please, tell me again that I must "accept THIS lie"! Please tell me again to stop making up crap with the proof that shows I wasn't making ANYTHING up! Here's the link:

I'm NOT trying to be difficult. I'm just trying to get THIS I'm being subjected to, to STOP! If someone was "invading YOUR privacy" and to the extent mine is, wouldn't YOU want to have something done about it to stop it?

..And here's some more interesting "implicating" data:


136021  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-01-11
Written: (3921 days ago)

#Poetry #LoveUnitesHateDivides


In us all both resides,
But within us all we have a choice,
To choose which we'll in, rejoice.

Hate and darkness with jealousy and fear
Or love and light to value, endear.
We all have choices, are given free will,
To choose which vessel we will fulfill.

But remember...
For darkness there's always light,
To guide us, to keep us...
Onto the path of right.
So should the darkness ourselves consume,
Light awaits to release us from the gloom.
For the magic of love prevails in light,
Can pierce the darkest, the blackest of night.

In love and light, happiness reigns,
Unites in peace, everyone gains.
We each are one, but we're all "of One",
Unity is a must for the task to be done
Of peace and harmony for One and for All
And so we each must answer the call
To Unite in Love and against hate rebel,
So we all on Earth can in harmony dwell.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-01-11 15:26:00 (EST)

Inspirational credit: Thank you Qazi Qamaruddin for being such an inspiration, promoting and spreading the invaluable message of Love and Peace. <3

Offer love through its many wonderful components. If your adversary continues forward with their tactics of hatred and its dark and
negative components, still offer the components of love because just as the actions of the hater are a reflection of the hater, so will
your actions of love be a reflection of you. ..And I would much rather be able to claim and reflect positive actions of love than to be
like my haters with their negative reflections of hate. :) <3

So those who hate me? *shrugs* It's a reflection of YOU and NOT of me! :)

"Hate Imprisons; Love Frees"

So, if in your heart hate doth dwell,
I pity you in your darkened cell,
For hatred imprisons its captured soul,
And eventually will devour, a costly toll.

Meanwhile a heart filled with love,
Is filled with joy and light thereof.
And so a heart with love is free
To live contented in harmony.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-01-11 16:27:00 (EST)</center>
Missing: </center>
136020  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-01-11
Written: (3921 days ago)


"Smiles and Hugs"

:)'s and (( hugs ))

Smiles and hugs to give are free,
So no need to selfish be.
Give a hug with a smile,
Give a hug to bring a smile,
To another's heart,
To another's face.
Spread love and kindness EVERY place.

Since smiles and hugs nothing cost,
There's all to gain with nothing lost.
So be generous for the more you give,
The more and happier hearts will live.
Smiles and hugs, the magic of,
Is because they're made of love.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly 2014-01-10 18:07:00 (EST)</center>
Missing: </center>
136019  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-01-09
Written: (3923 days ago)


Thanks to Adam Jones for this share.. :)

THIS is SO true! Yup, you can give and give and give AND do and do and do for another or others and it will be accepted, taken, etc. and gladly. BUT.... should
you make ONE mistake, even a teensy-tinsy ONE... OR should you question or object to something THEY are doing wrong, either against you or others, and
DEFEND yourself and/or others against the wrongdoing,... all of a sudden YOU BECOME SH** and everything you've done for and given to is ALL DISMISSED
and FORGOTTEN. BUT... should you REMIND them of what you've gladly done and given, well, you are then said to be "glorifying yourself"! :(

However, there is and there never can be anything wrong in "the giving" when "given from the heart". The ONLY WRONG that can be is on the recipient's end,
should the recipient choose to be greedy, selfish, and unappreciative to receive. <3

A greedy, selfish, and unappreciative recipient is then nothing more than a low-life, a despicable human being.

So, yeah, I've been kicked to the curb by Mr. I Spy who's invading my privacy, my name is being smeared by Mr. I Spy, and he's STEALING MY WORK... but THIS
says a whole lot more negative in regards to Mr. I Spy than it does about me. I gave from my heart WILLINGLY in MEGA amounts without limits of time, effort,
and even gave money and how I've been treated in return is despicable. So THIS doesn't lessen "my integrity", but it sure "flatlines" his!!! ...And anyone and
everyone who are aiding and abetting him either by helping him or keeping silent about what they know is wrong (enablers/bystanders), share his "integrity
flatlined" status!!!

136014  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-01-06
Written: (3926 days ago)


"Thoughts, Words, Weapons"

Thoughts culminate in words. Words are then spoken.
If there's no caring in delivery, others can be broken.
Review thy weapons carefully, words to be unsheathed,
Before you release them onto others thus to be bequeathed.
Words can be weapons that can cut deeper than a knife,
Causing irrevocable damage and destroy another's life.
When we wag our tongues carelessly causing harm,
We fillet the hearts of others, attempting to disarm,
But in essence all we do is destroy our self respect,
Causing others to avoid us, our presence to reject.
When we wag our tongues in thoughtless fashion,
We invite bitterness to fuel our flame of passion,
Instead of love to keep our candle burning bright,
Snuffing out and smothering our own beacon, light.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-01-05 15:55:00 (EST)
136012  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-01-06
Written: (3927 days ago)

"A brand New Year; a brand New Start,
Let THIS be the year 'of the heart'!"

"Love returned and forward passed,
Keeps love ALIVE to ever last!"

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly #PoeticQuotes

136009  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-01-04
Written: (3928 days ago)

#Poetry "Hidden Within"

If my heart were opened and one would look inside,
There would then be seen all I guard and hide.
Everywhere would be, indelibly inscribed;
Indicative of a presence, neither forced nor bribed.
All the world would envy what a person does possess,
For it's what's desired by most without success.
But although the flame of, is burning very bright,
It must remain obscure and out of others' sight.
For if it were to venture outside the guarded lair,
It could be destroyed or damaged beyond repair.
There are others many, who would gladly undermine
Its sanctity and beauty, its purity so divine.
But its greatest threat lies within the soul it claims,
Pride with fear and doubt, among defying names.
And so, the battle must go on, the protection kept in place,
Until and if the day should come, the receiver doth embrace.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2012-01-17 07:11:47

136003  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-12-29
Written: (3934 days ago)


"My Conscience"

My Conscience is my guide, ever present and surreal,
Knowing what I think and knowing what I feel.
My Conscience is always with me, day and/or night,
Telling me what's wrong, but also what is right.
Whether I'm alone or lost in a crowd,
My Conscience speaks to me and sometimes rather loud.
From My Conscience, there is no place to hide,
Because I have chosen for it to be my guide.
So even though for others, it is out of sight,
My Conscience remains as my true and guiding light.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-12-28 21:47:00 (EST)</center>
Missing: </center>
136002  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-12-28
Written: (3935 days ago)
Next in thread: 136007

Because I refuse to conform and be a "sheeple", I've been cast out. Oh well, I never wanted to be "ordinary" or "normal" or "boring" anyway. "Extra-ordinary", ab(ove)normal is more to my liking. ALL the greats and extraordinaires throughout history were ab(ove)normal. So to be part of a societal clique? Rule me out! Expect me to go along with the program, a program? ROFLMAO! No thanks! To all those who choose to conform, be normal, be ordinary, be a sheeple, be miserable... whatever floats your boat! Settle for the lesser, be what society expects. But me? I'd rather be that which society rejects!


136000  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2013-12-28
Written: (3935 days ago)

“Unspoken words of today pave the way for unrequited regrets of tomorrow.”

"Yesterday was; tomorrow may never be;
Live for today, the only guarantee."


"Unrequited Regrets"

Choose to say just what you feel
For a chance again tomorrow may steal
And only regrets would then remain,
Unrequited with denial to gain
A chance once more to wipe away
The painful regret from failing to say
What's on your mind, what's in your heart,
What resides in your truest part.

Anger discolours, fear distorts,
Assumptions left open leave all sorts
Of warped perceptions to linger, to stay,
While the truth would have cast away
All doubt, all anger, all fear,
With nothing assumed but perfectly clear.

It is best to say just what we feel,
To leave no regrets without repeal.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2013-12-28 08:43:00 (EST)

Inspired by Ramanjit Garewal :) Thank you. <3

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