[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136102  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-02-17
Written: (3884 days ago)

#Poetry #Stalking #Cyberstalking 


Everywhere I go a monster tags along,
No matter what I do, everything is wrong. :'(
It seems he has attached himself to my life, to me,
No matter what I do I can't of him shake free.

I do not wish to slay the monster,
He just needs to get a life,
One that doesn't cause me
All this stress and strife.

Many friends fear the monster
And so their distance keep,
But I cannot blame them
For fear of what they'll reap,
If they stand too close,
Or stand in my defense
Because he is a jealous monster
Wrath he will dispense.

So this battle I must fight
Mostly by myself, alone,
Praying for the strength
I'll need to be my very own,
Until the day will come when,
At last I will be free
Of the monster who delights in
And lives to torment me.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-16 21:30:00

Inspirational credit: The Monster :'(

136101  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-16
Written: (3885 days ago)


136100  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-02-15
Written: (3885 days ago)

"When we face a problem, we can find and choose a solution. When we turn our backs on a problem, the solution will choose to find us and usually NOT to our liking." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

136099  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-02-15
Written: (3885 days ago)

"Molting Of A Different Nature"

It is said, "Birds of a feather flock together".
Well, the birds are indeed flocking 'of a feather'!
Not to 'preen their feathers', but to 'preen their lies'
To try and keep them all straight and organised.
However, no matter how well they primp and preen,
A severe onset of "molting" is already on the scene.
The culprit causing this huge concern?
Why, it's the TRUTH which soon they'll learn!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-15 15:33:00 (EST)

136097  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-02-15
Written: (3886 days ago)
Next in thread: 136105


Being a person who is also having my work stolen, I certainly empathize with Albert Ransom. Granted it's not the same type of work, an app versus art, but the theft of someone else's work is still THEFT. Then should you dare and expose the thief, well you're the bad guy. People who help themselves and benefit from the work, effort, and time of others are nothing short of being downright despicable. Then add in the fact that they're doing this because of their immoral acts against the owner of the artwork, well this makes their already disgusting behaviour even more disgusting AND despicable! :/

..And gee, how dare Albert Ransom speak out against the injustice too, right? THIS is what many people think because I am speaking out against what's being done to me.

136096  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-02-15
Written: (3886 days ago)

"When you are dealt lemons, make lemonade! Sour lies can only be sweetened by the truth." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136095  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-02-14
Written: (3886 days ago)

Who's the real liar? The truth doesn't lie! :)



..And the screengrab of the "hidden" wiki-page that implicates the person who hid it with the tampering of my phone...

...if the person who hid it isn't guilty, why did he "hide" it?
The "hidden link": http://elftown.eu/wiki.html?name=Calls_To_Myself

..And some more truth... complete with my 'phone bill', my desktop incident "for Linkoping, Ostergotland. Sweden", someone stating needing "diplomatic immunity" to go to US ..and more!


Don't impose your own negatives onto me, accuse me of lying and making up shit, so you can continue to get away with your immoral acts, and then use all this aforementioned to justify
slandering me all over the Internet AND stealing MY work! It is unacceptable! I am NOT a bystander nor an enabler. Just because others don't have the guts to speak up for what's right,
it does not mean that "I" will follow suit. ..And don't bother trying to shift more blame onto me either, for telling the truth with data to back it up. You've been given umpteen chances to
avert this, but you'd rather be arrogant, stubborn, belligerent, and nasty. Guilt does have a way of making one act this way. I still believe you're better than this, but apparently you don't.
It's easier I guess to act like a bastard than it is to do what's right. This speaks volumes about you all by itself.

..And in regards to those "Calls To Myself"? I also have data that shows how comments on wiki-pages by the former vice mayor "correlated directly with" some of the "Calls To Myself" inci-
dents. Interesting to say the least but I'm to believe that they are 'just coincidences' too. Sorry to disappoint, but "I" am not stupid.

I guess the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" is true! This way they can "preen" each other's lies.. until of course, along comes the truth to cause severe molting! LOL

The real pathetic fact in all this is that I've been willing to talk with the person at the root of this to work things out that would be 'mutually beneficial' for us both so that all this truth tell-
ing would no longer be necessary. But... I guess he's wanting to be and enjoying keeping this all going on. Oh, but yet, I'm the one being called the 'drama queen'. If I was such as I'm
being labeled, "I" wouldn't be the one willing to negotiate, now would I? Just because I won't allow a certain person to have his cake and eat it too AT MY EXPENSE, it doesn't mean that
I'm the bad one here. The one and those who are helping him cover up the truth ARE. I have provided more than ample evidence that proves I am not lying or making up stuff but the
problem is, not a damn one involved wants to admit it. No guts!

If I'm the one who is providing the data that supports what I'm saying is true and the one(s) accusing just 'claim' I'm making things up, then WHO should be the one(s) in question? When
I prove that I'm not the one who is lying but still no one involved is willing to acknowledge the truth, who exactly should be held accountable? If what I'm providing is so incorrect, then
why doesn't the one at the root of this provide something tangible to counter what I'm providing? Just ignoring a situation does and proves absolutely nothing.

..And may I remind HIM, freshen HIS memory that I went to HIM "first" to keep this and resolve this issue just between HIM and I but it was HE who chose to ignore the situation and then
continue to play HIS games. So it's 'my' fault because it escalated? It's about time that the actual blame be placed on the one(s) where it rightfully belongs instead of making me the
scapegoat for another's wrongdoing.

It is HIS choice HE'S making to avoid me. It's common knowledge that a person who deliberately avoids another when there's a situation that needs resolving, they do so because they
are harbouring a guilty conscience. If I have no problem with discussing this to try and find a solution 'mutually beneficial' AND without animosity, then WHO is the one with the problem?
..And why? It's not like I am seeking to punish him or anyone else. I just want the truth. ..And only those who deal with and work with lies have a problem with the truth. It IS the truth
after all that will set everyone involved free because there would be no more lies to hide or cover up and this frees everyone from the burden of trying to keep their lies straight. If "I"
was the one lying, then it would be "I" who would be afraid of the truth. Do "I" look like "I" am afraid of the truth?

Anyone reading this: If you had overwhelming data and evidence that points to one person invading your privacy through your communication devices, can you honestly say that you
would say or do absolutely nothing? You would be perfectly okay with a person having access to ALL your PRIVATE communication? ..And then also, for seven plus years? ..And then you
would also be okay with such a person then "sharing" the information they collected through the privacy invasion with a person or persons who have it in for you? ..Invading your privacy
and then handing it all over to your enemy? You'd be fine with this too? Now add in, if you decided to try and get it stopped, you were then labeled as a liar, drama queen, troublemaker,
paranoid lunatic, etc., and then also threatened and told to shut your mouth about what you have and know or else, you'd be okay with this too? Then add in having your name slan-
dered all over the Internet AND having your own work taken from you besides because of your trying to get it stopped, you'd be okay with this too? You and I both know what your an-
swer would be. Yet this all is exactly what I'm expected to swallow and do nothing about.

This would be more than enough to make one's blood boil. But now add in the fact that the person doing all this to you is still also reaping benefits "from your name". ..And add in the
fact that you contributed a ton of work, time, and effort to/for HIS benefit, as well as a considerable amount of money. You would still be okay with being subjected to all this that I am?
Only a complete idiot, a fool, would do nothing. I am neither of these. In fact I am resented for the sheer fact that I'm smart enough to collect and log data and information. I was told
this on Elftown by staff and former staff members that only a crazy person would collect data. Really? Perhaps then they should run this concept by those involved with investigation, be-
cause those in law enforcement will tell you and have told me to save, log, and document when something, anything, seems suspicious. I suppose the Elftown staff know more than the
authorities and are the experts? I'm also smart enough to know that when people start acting belligerently defensive when you are onto them, you know you are on the RIGHT path to
the truth. ..And if what I have and know is so bloody wrong, then why would a person threaten me for saying and showing it? Hide the data I've provided?

..And I wouldn't HAVE TO show and tell anything IF the person at the root of this would just grow up and communicate with me. It's because he won't that I am left with no other choice
but to prove that it is not I who is lying or covering up anything. Don't accuse me falsely and then expect me not to retaliate. Don't blame me because I am defending myself and this
defending requires the exposing of your lies you're telling to save your neck. ..And don't blame me because you don't have the guts to face me and deal with this privately between us.

136094  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-02-14
Written: (3886 days ago)

I love it when some people aren't even aware they're being setup and then they reveal inadvertently their little head games they're trying to play. I suppose a little entertainment for some laughs around here is in order considering this place is so totally ..ummm... dead. *chuckling*

136092  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-02-14
Written: (3887 days ago)

Happy Valentine's Day!


136091  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-02-13
Written: (3888 days ago)

The traveling of folks and where they go is so interesting. :)

136090  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-02-13
Written: (3888 days ago)

Wow! I've never seen the number of online members SO low! The average number of members online is less than 20!? O.O I guess the site is dead ..or so damn close to it, it might as well be.

Hours ago:
Online members:


I guess various members telling me how dead it is aren't kidding!
136089  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-02-12
Written: (3889 days ago)

Here's a message from a member here who btw had NEVER "supposedly" spoken to me before, NEVER had ANY communication with period prior to this, 'his' writing to me, addressing me, for the very FIRST time. To say the least, this shows the level of mentality and maturity of this person, but as well the OBVIOUS factor present that he can't even stand himself. Such blatant animosity and belligerence when since he "supposedly" hadn't ever spoken to me before. It certainly was not called for or warranted, unless he's playing imposter and is carrying a grudge of the one being impostered.

As I've stated, I NEVER had ANY communication with this person prior to him sending me this message. Pure arrogant animosity at its finest:

"Really? You believe in God? Yet you live in a secular system... how the hell are you going to justify that once you die? I think God will have you dragged to hell for not supporting his Papacy on Earth & not forking over all your money to the Vatican City Catholic authority-- which is, up till today the ONLY Christian nation left on Earth.
You support a political cause that kills innocent men, women & children & an economy run by Israel & Jews... yet somehow, you find it allowable to justify yourself? Why you don't cower in shame defeats me. Especially seeing as that the United States has sunk & is now on its' way to becoming a Chinese puppet. I hope you do carry a second passport, or you will be dying for your ego in the most insufferable way haha.
In any case, I don't expect you to answer... you CAN'T actually discuss philosophy or morals (because yours are derived from your ego alone).

Funny how you put so much effort into trying to copyright your works, which are actually made up of pieces that are NOT in the public domain. Images you copy & paste from google are NOT all public domain except where directly specified so, & using them invalidates all that hard work you put into writing the nonsense of your copyright notice... which wouldn't stand up in court.

So do us both a favor & delete this message."

This message has a VERY clear undertone. What's really uncanny however, is how much this message sounds like how Hedda likes to talk to me, if and when he does. There's another very interesting coincidence to mention... this member left Elfpack and hasn't been seen since... SINCE I had a discussion "on my phone and ONLY on my phone" about the "red flags" pointing to him. Once I told someone on MY phone about my suspicions, the red flags, he hasn't been on Elfpack since! Seems a bit too 'coincidental' to me.

136088  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-02-12
Written: (3889 days ago)

#Art #ValentinesDay #Cupid #ArtsieladieArt

"Heartland Cupids"

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

If a Cupid hasn't hit his mark yet, watch out, he just might soon! 'Tis the season for Love. I wish all Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. ♥

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-14 All rights reserved.

Inspired by Love.

My official 'home' website:

136086  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-02-10
Written: (3891 days ago)


A "raving lunatic" you say? LOL THIS title sounds very familiar! ;) ;) I AM the raving lunatic who does and has spoken the truth with data that supports it as well.
People helping to hide it are going to be exposed! ..And I'm not going to stop telling the truth unless a certain person decides it's better to negotiate 'with me'
in a mutually beneficial way. I will NOT be an "enabler" as others involved are being! Ignoring the problem will NOT make it go away.

Another member I have enlightened with the truth and all supported with/by data that substantiates "the truth". Little by little the 'web of lies' spun will be un-
raveled and those who choose to cover up the truth will be left with egg on 'their' faces! But 'they' can't 'honestly' blame me because umpteen opportunities I
have offered to work things out.

Like Anonymous likes to say: "Expect me."



136085  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-09
Written: (3892 days ago)

#Quotes “Sell or give your soul to the evil serpent and eventually its venom will consume and destroy you.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136084  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-09
Written: (3892 days ago)


Don't I know this!!!

“Remember, when others are jealous and envious, they are so, because of who you are and they are not; what you have and they have not. Accept their feeling of jealousy graciously as an inverted, disguised compliment!”

“When others resent within you, your light, then you KNOW you are doing something right!”

~ #‎ArtsieladieQuotes‬

Jealousy and envy are very destructive energies/forces if they aren't curbed. Those who practice such are insecure people and think that by bringing another person down will somehow make themselves more important. But all this behaviour does is define their own weaknesses.

..And the irony is that the more they try to deny and cover up their jealousy, the more they ultimately reveal it. If they would acknowledge it, they could then work to minimise it and they wouldn't feel so compelled to undermine others but would use the energy instead to improve themselves. <3


136083  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-09
Written: (3892 days ago)
136082  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-09
Written: (3892 days ago)


The Return of the Divine Feminine - means, return of being conscious and responsible. It is us returning to her, as she exists within us and never left.

"Those animated by the Goddess, in her many forms, are concerned with all world problems: economy; justice; racial, sexual and species equality; education; ecological balance and many other concerns. TO acknowledge the Goddess is to open up immediately to issues which threaten our total existence. For we cannot deny our common heritage of life which the Goddess safeguards."

~ Caitlin Matthews

We all have an incredible responsibility as guardians and stewards of this planet. One of the most important things to wake up to, is that there is no separation between us and Nature and our Mother Earth. What impacts Nature directly impacts us and the only way we can put an end to the assaults on our environment through geo-engineering, chemtrails and GMO's in our food, is to inform, educate and spread awareness. We are part of the immune system of the planet, each one of us makes a difference, coming together as a powerful force is what it is going to take. Positive thoughts are not enough, nor is becoming complacent because we rely on others to do the work of spreading this information. Lets all take a stand in our own lives and contribute. We can reach critical mass, if we are all willing to be pro-active! If people think you are crazy or turn the other way, at least a seed may have been planted. This is the most important thing that we can address, so that people will feel more inspired and empowered to not enable or allow this to continue. It stops with us!

Check out www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org



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