[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136126  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-03-02
Written: (3969 days ago)
Next in thread: 136127

Here's a hypothetical situation. I'm curious about how others would perceive this:

Susie is supposedly 'best' friends with Jack. Jack becomes interested in Linda. Susie makes Jack believe that she's okay with his interest in Linda, but when Suzie gets a chance to talk to Linda thinking that Jack won't be able to find out about it, Susie proceeds to tell Linda that Jack is a snoop and is looking through her private communications, that she (Linda) shouldn't be bothered with trying to please Jack or agree with him either, that she (Linda) should give up working with/on Jack's pet project and walk away from it because she (Suzie) did, that Jack only cared about anything when it benefited him, and then the clincher, that she (Susie) didn't think that Jack and her (Linda) would fit well together.

Now the questions:
1 - What kind of a friend do you think Susie is to Jack? A good friend or not really a friend at all?
2 - Why do you think Susie would try to make Linda think lesser of Jack?

I guess "my conclusions" weren't so wrong after all. I was repeatedly told that it was "all me", that "I" was the one who was misreading:

136124  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-03-01
Written: (3971 days ago)

Tell people unsubstantiated 'hearsay' and they'll buy it most often, hook, line, and sinker. Present people with facts and data supporting and verifying the truth, but still they will more often than not, choose to believe and support the unsubstantiated hearsay with little thought it could be solely based on lies. It must be easier to believe lies than it is to accept, believe, and deal with the truth even when it's placed before them. Even when they've realised they've been going along with trumped up lies for the sole purpose to keep persecuting the victim, they don't have the guts to stand up and say so. So when the truth is presented smack dab in front of them, they don't say bloody boo, but yet when they were duped into believing lies, they had so much to say. But... the path of least resistance is so over crowded, while the pathway of the truth is sparsely populated. Going along with an agenda even when shown to be a wrongful one, requires no self effort. It is just so much easier to be indifferent, insensitive, uncaring, and apathetic than it is to actually stand up for what's right. Turning a blind eye, a deaf ear, or whatever must be SO honourable and definitely something one can be SO proud of themselves for! The psychopathic, power hungry, controlling zealots AND MANIPULATORS of the world know this, count on this, and thrive on this. Is it really any wonder why things are the way they are in the world? Is it any wonder why people who do things to other people that are wrong are able to get away with their wrongful acts? Because very few have the guts to stand up and speak out against what's wrong! Enablers! :/

"When people who are aware of a wrongdoing being done, but choose to do absolutely nothing about it to help put a stop to it, such people are then 'party to' and are 'part of' the wrongdoing and are therefore, "enablers" because they are enabling and clearing the path to allow the wrongdoing to continue." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

136123  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-02-25
Written: (3975 days ago)


My "thank you" for all the Love I was shown on my birthday. So many wonderful wishes and greetings I received, including
even a call from Sweden, singing to me "Happy Birthday" with more warm and wonderful wishes. *smiling from ear to ear*

"Thank You"

Thank you for all the wishes,
You brightened up my day,
Placed a smile on my heart,
In a most beautiful kind of way.

Thank you for all the greetings,
Thank you all so very much,
Thank you all for the joy,
My heart you all did touch!

You added to my garden,
More beauty you have sown,
And I give thanks with Love
To you for your very own.

When we sow our gardens,
Tend with Love and care,
More the blooms will generate
With plenty more to share!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-22
Original photo by ©2008

All rights reserved.

136122  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-23
Written: (3977 days ago)

Observation: "People watching" is rather interesting. It's so easy to tell who sucks up to who and who's kissing who's ass. ;) I may be a lot of things, but an 'ass kissing, suck up' is not one of them, and when one who is all about feeding their ego is the leader of the pack, I will gladly and deliberately seek an alternate route. :-D

136120  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-23
Written: (3977 days ago)

I had so much fun creating and putting this together!

For Sis Martina ...Happy Birthday! Hope it brings you some smiles! ((hugs))

Now.. I couldn't quite think just what to make, to do...
It had to be unique and especially just for you...
So I thunk.. and thunk.. and thunk..
Til on thoughts I was drunk, drunk, drunk.
Then it came to me, at least where to start,
And so my dear Birthday Sis, this is from my heart!

(Can be sung with: “Over The River And Through The Woods” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AezS7u_t6eU )

Dear Martina.. “Birthday Sis”

Over the river and through the wood
To Martina’s house we go...
The birds do say
They know the way,
But we’re not sure they know.

Over the river and through the wood
To Martina’s house we go...
We’ve lost our sleigh
Forgotten the way
Through all the drifted snow.

Over the river and through the wood
To Martina’s house we go...
But lookie here
We’ve found a deer
With all his horns in tow! O.O Huh!? Say what!? *giggles*

Over the river and through the wood
To Martina’s house we’ve come,
We’ve drunk the wine
We’re feeling fine.
*hiccup* We’ve also drunk the rum!

Hap.. *hiccup* ..py *hiccup* Birth.. *hiccup* ..day!

XOX ♥ With Love, ♥ XOX
Forest Friends and Artsieladie,
aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-22
All rights reserved.
#Art #ArtsieladieArt

— with Martina.

136119  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-23
Written: (3977 days ago)

I've had a FANTASTIC day!!!! So much Love!!! My heart is filled with joy, and Love, and peace. ..And THIS is the finest in life there is! :)

136116  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-02-21
Written: (3978 days ago)


136115  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-02-20
Written: (3979 days ago)


Ahh... some REAL "wake up" java!

Wake up! Wake up! The coffee is served.
Time for zealots to reap what they've deserved.
For a very long time they've been calling the shots,
Robbing the rest of us into have nots.
The table is turning steadily around.
Hear the change, a triumphant sound.
Let's crank up the speed, full steam ahead
And let us not stop until all evil is dead!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-18 17:30:00 (EST)

<img0*350:https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1908138_1382710701995118_1286974475_n.jpg> <img0*350:https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1/1623790_487301834708256_2065312062_n.jpg>
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WikiLeaks consultant Gottfrid Svartholm Warg extradited from Sweden after alleged access to NSA...
Statement by WikiLeaks Publisher Julian Assange concerning Sweden’s extradition of WikiLeaks consultant Gottfrid "Anakata" Svartholm Warg:
The Pirate Bay Cofounder 'Gottfrid Svartholm Warg' will be extradited to Denmark:
- http://thehackernews.com/2013/11/the-pirate-bay-cofounder-gottfrid.html

136112  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-02-20
Written: (3980 days ago)

Wow, I finally had the opportunity to talk to someone having the same or similar amount of knowledge as Hedda, who also lives in Sweden btw. I explained some of the stuff I've been experiencing over the years and he explained to me a bit of how they certainly CAN be done and with just the small amount of info I gave him, he said quote." You are NOT imagining ANYTHING nor WHO!"

When you go through something like this, you experience many moments/times in which you begin to doubt yourself and when you deal with people who have not a clue as to just what you are experiencing, they will downplay and minimise what you are going through. But when you connect with someone who has the same or similar knowledge who knows that such profound surveillance abilities ARE possible AND when you provide them with accountings and supporting data and then they conclude the same as you have, it's a feeling I can't really describe. When what you have concluded by data and evidence collected along with logged events related and then hand this over to a person having the knowledge to and does draw the same conclusions as you have, then it actually does sink in that you're not just imagining everything as others who have no or little knowledge are trying to force you to think and/or want/expect you to believe.

He explained to me how I was able to ONLY be able to get through to Hedda IMMEDIATELY following a "Call_To_Myself" (a call from my 'own' number TO my 'own' number while online using dial-up), how access can be obtained of my landline phone conversations AND how the automated message from a non-working number can be transferred over to voicemail so that when anyone called me they were greeted with: "The number you have dialed is not in service." ..And he said that the reason likely why I didn't get any more "Calls To Myself" after I was able to finally make a phone connection was because the person doing it realised that I had figured out or would figure out just WHO was initiating the "Calls To Myself" AND having the data that I have and placing it where others could see would definitely make the person tampering very uncomfortable with such data out there and so naturally they would want to hide it from the public because they wouldn't want others knowing what they were doing.

He explained how access to my website can be obtained without the website owner even being the wiser and so that anything and everything that took place on that site, the info would then be transferred back to the person who had set such up and this info would include IP addresses, passwords, email, edits, etc.. He also told me that as soon as someone accesses a site, the person who owns the site/server knows all sorts of identifiable information which they can then use to track any user AND including their "specific device(s)". I explained to him that when I got my new computer, I made damn sure I never went to a heddate site from it. He said, yeah, but you went to your own and once you logged into your own site, a person with remote/anonymous access to it would automatically be provided with your 'new' identifiable information which would 'include' your new computer's ID.

I learned a wealth of information because we talked for over 3 hours. I've only mentioned a little here. It just feels so good to talk to someone who actually listens and then values not only what you have to say, but your reasoning, and your reasoning based on the data you were smart enough to collect and document. He said that I certainly have enough that definitely pinpoints one person and I hardly scratched the surface.

When I told him how I've been treated, told I'm a paranoid lunatic, told that I should just 'cease and desist', told and labeled as a liar, a drama queen, that I need mental help, etc. etc., he said that of course you'd get treated this way because they don't want to acknowledge that you're smarter than they are and they want to put you down to try and deter you from exposing them. If they can convince you that you're crazy then this lets them off the hook. But don't listen to them, don't let them tell you anything of the sort. You have the upper hand because you have what they are afraid of and you are what they aren't.

136111  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-02-19
Written: (3981 days ago)

"When a person can still love another who has brought them pain, then such a person is a 'keeper'." ~ #ArtsieladieQuotes

136104  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-02-17
Written: (3983 days ago)


Everywhere I go a monster tags along,
No matter what I do, everything is wrong. :'(
It seems he has attached himself to my life, to me,
No matter what I do I can't of him shake free.

I do not wish to slay the monster,
He just needs to get a life,
One that doesn't cause me
All this stress and strife.

Many friends fear the monster
And so their distance keep,
But I cannot blame them
For fear of what they'll reap,
If they stand too close,
Or stand in my defense
Because he is a jealous monster
Wrath he will dispense.

So this battle I must fight
Mostly by myself, alone,
Praying for the strength
I'll need to be my very own,
Until the day will come when,
At last I will be free
Of the monster who delights in
And lives to torment me.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-16 21:30:00

Inspirational credit: The Monster :'(

Gee, it's really so amazing how I can still see the rose inside the monster.... :'( ...but yet I'm accused of being consumed with hatred when there isn't even a spec of hatred in my heart. :'(

"The Rose Amidst The Thorns"

As my way is made among the thorns,
An inner beauty a rose adorns.
A darkness present, tries to hide,
Still, the rose blooms bright inside.

The thicket of thorns, of brambles too,
Meant to discourage my getting through
To reach the rose, the sweetness of,
To taste, to touch, to feel its love.

There's ice that's formed in places thick,
Yet, cause me not to make judgment quick.
For a rose to grow needs warmth and care,
So more than cold is dwelling there.

The blooming rose, its beauty showing,
Incites my senses, reminds my knowing,
Not easily held are treasures true,
Obstacles mount with search in lieu.

My intuition that lead me here
Detects not even an ounce of fear.
My curious nature now in command,
Right in sync with my heart's demand.

Inside my being there's building suspense,
Desire swelling, growing more intense.
As now the fragrance of the luring rose,
Perfumes the air, captures my nose.

Groping blindly through the dark,
While prickly thorns leave their mark.
The chilling cold, icicle forms,
Frozen remnants of painful storms.

The terrain is rough, ever daunting,
But abortive thoughts aren't haunting,
My curious nature, my intuitive heart,
Pushes me onward away from the start.

Until at last I'm bramble free,
A blessed warmth spreads over me.
The ice once thick is now all unfroze,
And I'm in the presence of a gorgeous rose!

As I stand in awe at this sight profound,
I know I'm standing on precious ground,
For the gorgeous rose glowing before my eyes,
Grows from the heart of the soul it beautifies.

I longed to touch but I refrained,
Such beauty before me mustn't be waned.
Should I touch, would it disappear?
Just the thought brought me fear.

My being possessed with adulation,
My heart touched, full transformation,
For suddenly I felt consumed by love
And all its magic, made hence, thereof.

All pain forgotten through my pursuit,
As I savour this delicious fruit.
For there is no greater than love to reap
And nothing more worthy than love to keep.

My way I made among the thorns,
I found the heart the rose adorns;
A journey again I'd gladly take,
Because and for the precious sake...
Of Love.

And now...
Through all the pain and all the grief,
I still can find such great relief,
For inside I see yet a gorgeous rose,
Still so beautiful and still it glows.
And yes, I feel and know it's true,
The beauty that beats inside of you!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-04 09:07:00 (EST)

Inspirational credit: The Monster :'(
136102  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-02-17
Written: (3983 days ago)

#Poetry #Stalking #Cyberstalking 


Everywhere I go a monster tags along,
No matter what I do, everything is wrong. :'(
It seems he has attached himself to my life, to me,
No matter what I do I can't of him shake free.

I do not wish to slay the monster,
He just needs to get a life,
One that doesn't cause me
All this stress and strife.

Many friends fear the monster
And so their distance keep,
But I cannot blame them
For fear of what they'll reap,
If they stand too close,
Or stand in my defense
Because he is a jealous monster
Wrath he will dispense.

So this battle I must fight
Mostly by myself, alone,
Praying for the strength
I'll need to be my very own,
Until the day will come when,
At last I will be free
Of the monster who delights in
And lives to torment me.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-02-16 21:30:00

Inspirational credit: The Monster :'(

136101  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-02-16
Written: (3984 days ago)


 The logged in version 

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