[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136155  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-03-08
Written: (3864 days ago)


"When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and
murderers and for a long time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it -- always." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

..And I do know this. The pathway of the truth is not just always the best, but it is always the right path.

136152  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-03-08
Written: (3865 days ago)


136151  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-03-07
Written: (3865 days ago)

Just RIDICULOUS!!!!! :( Love you Naomi. Have a super weekend. <3

Facebook: "Oh, peeps, this is a "social" site. We have installed many features for you to be 'social' and interact with each other. There's the 'like' feature, friend feature, sharing feature, tagging feature, commenting feature, etc.. We will and do encourage you every which way but loose to use these.

But... then we will and do enjoy being the Big Bully and we will and do use these same features to bully, ostracise, ban, jail, humiliate, embarrass, etc. you 'socialites' because we, Facebook, feel so much better about ourselves when we do these things to purposely annoy those who are the ones who really help us to make money hand over fist. Facebook just wants you users to feel "appreciated". We hope you all are enjoying your Facebook experience because we at Facebook certainly are!"
~ Facebook


So many people are under the impression, false assumption, that Facebook is doing its users a huge favour by offering 'free' signup and use of the site, when the truth of the matter is, there wouldn't BE a Facebook in existence IF there weren't "users" and by "using" the data and information the users post, tag, share, etc., Facebook makes billions of dollars off of its users. So the next time you think as a user, Facebook is being so generous, Facebook REALLY isn't.


136150  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-03-07
Written: (3865 days ago)

"In the darkest soul seek a Light
Something positive, beautiful, right,
And in your own heart will remain
No room for hatred's control to gain."
~ Poetic Quote by Artsieladie © <3
~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136149  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-03-07
Written: (3865 days ago)

“Only when our Love is tried and tested, do we know how deeply our own heart is invested.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136148  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-03-07
Written: (3865 days ago)

"Tested Love"

Loving someone at their best
Is easy to do when there's no test.
But when at their worst your Love remains
True and strong through storms and rains,
The Love is genuine and is true,
With anything you'll make it through.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-03-07 13:28:00 (EST)

“Only when our Love is tried and tested, do we know how deeply our own heart is invested.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie
Only when our Love is tested, do we know how deep and genuine it is.

136142  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-03-04
Written: (3869 days ago)

"I'd rather be hated for telling and standing by the truth, than loved for feeding and telling lies." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136141  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-03-03
Written: (3870 days ago)
136140  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-03-03
Written: (3870 days ago)

"When people who are aware of a wrongdoing being done, but choose to do absolutely nothing about it to help put a stop to it, such people are then 'party to' and are 'part of' the wrongdoing and are therefore, "enablers" because they are enabling and clearing the path to 'allow' the wrongdoing to continue." ~ Artsieladie #Quotes

136139  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-03-03
Written: (3870 days ago)

OMG! I watched a documentary where they were telling about a lesbian website. It was supposed to be an "all" women site. The users/members were encouraged to feel free to post nude pictures of themselves. Many did under the assumption there were only women and/or women allowed on the site. Well, guess what? The one who owned the site turned out to be a man but was in fact an imposter as a woman. So basically, he was having a field day looking at all the photos of the women and so, yes, of course, all the nude photos as well. Pretty creepy, eh? People think nothing of putting photos out there of themselves when there are so many creeps doing God knows what. But nope, not I! I know firsthand how what you may think is private, isn't really private at all. We're all just being led to believe it is.

136138  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-03-03
Written: (3870 days ago)



"HIV-AIDS made in the USA between 1962-1978 is a patented disease #4647773"

#AIDS #Awaken! #BeInformed! #HiddenFromPeople Some of what the US government doesn't want The American People to know about, in this case about AIDS.

136136  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-03-02
Written: (3870 days ago)

Me: May I ask you a question or are you too involved with your undertaking atm? If so, it can wait. :)

Reply: sure .. shoot :)

Me: Okay, thanks. :) The person who owns a website and the server it's on can see EVERYTHING on that website? ...And from the database?

Reply: everything..

Me: So everything means EVERYTHING including even users "private, personal" diaries? Private forums?

Reply: its simple.. when you have a book.. where you let others write in.. you make this with the promis, that you dont read it.. but its just a matter of trust and if that person IS trustworthy.. if he/she isnt,.. they will read ALL what you write

he is the administrator.. and can read, manipulate, delete whatever he wants

the admin.. is the God of the server

even when its encrypted.. he has possibilities to spy on it.. whilst yo0u send the password data to the server.. he can capture it and read it after

that is why admins are normally very well paid in companies.// because that trust-position

Me: I thought so because I was able to put together what I wrote/entered into my personal. secret diaries, some of the content/subject matter made its way out onto the site where members, mainly staff members, then would talk about and try and use what I said in private against me.

Reply: no matter what you wrote there.. He has access to it

as long as you go on the servers there.. what you have to when you want to work/share ? participate.. he ALWAYS will be able to track you and even gain access to your computer at home


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136130  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-03-02
Written: (3870 days ago)
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