[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136285  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-04-19
Written: (3822 days ago)

"Universal Gift Of Love"


Oh, what we don't do with our Universal Gift...

Love... We try to...

Find it, lose it... Bind it, choose it;
Buy it, sell it... cry it, tell it;
Define it... confine it;
Label it... fable it;
Enable it... disable it;
Shame it... blame it;
Use it... abuse it;
Announce it... denounce it;
Save it... Enslave it;
Make it... fake it;
Protect it... reject it;
Bear it... dare it;
Deny it... defy it...

Love cannot be lost nor can it be found,
For Love is everywhere, Love is all around.
Love is not definable, it consumes every minute,
Nor is it confine-able but free and always infinite.
Love cannot be labeled, defined by any name,
Nor disabled nor branded, dressed in any shame.
Love cannot be announced. It is always present,
Nor denounced when things become unpleasant.
Love in abundance, is regenerative, no need to save,
Nor harness it nor try to capture it, enslave.
Love is powerfully resilient, needs no protection,
Nor will it dissipate when faced with rejection.
Love is not burdensome. Hence, it needs no bearing.
Love is dauntless, even against the mighty daring.

Love is everywhere, everywhere around;
In every bit of life, every sight and sound.

Even in the places where it is shunned, denied,
Like hearts of those who cultivate ego fed pride;
Like in the presence of hate, Love is always there,
Even if the hosts are completely unaware.

Although our receivers may not be up to par,
The Signal of Love's engraved in our registrar.
Love is always patient for of time it keeps no track,
Though it is invisible, in power there's no lack.

Love is everywhere, everywhere around;
Listen to its music, harmonically profound.

In every beat of heart, in every breath of life,
In every bit of joy, even through the strife,
Love dwells within every heart and soul,
The integral part completing all of us as whole.
With our Universal Gift of Love, every soul's anointed;
As the Keepers of The Gift, every soul equally appointed.

Receive Love; Give Love.
Believe Love; Live Love.

Of all the gifts, Love is the best,
Of which we're all so richly blessed!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-19 11:00:00 (EST)
Inspirational credit: ARshad Siddiqui



136284  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-04-18
Written: (3823 days ago)


"Fusion Of Hearts"

Although physically we are so very far apart,
Your presence is surreal, living in my heart.
When we weren't looking, paying little mind,
Our hearts met but then magically entwined.

There is no explanation, no words can be said,
There were no signs or signals either to be read.
When roses bloom in loving hearts of tender care,
Pollen in abundance of Love will saturate the air.
           Should the particles meet and cross pollinate,
Two hearts become united in a loving state.
Once Love is conceived, it cannot be undone,
The spell has been cast, two've become just one.

As the Love grows deeper, stronger with each day,
With the fusion of the hearts, there erupts an array
Of fireworks so colourful, a rainbow across the sky
Couldn't be more beautiful to the onlooker's eye.

When two hearts meet and Love casts its wondrous, magic spell,
Rendered helpless are the hosts, the hearts within doth dwell.
With the transformation completed, the fusion thus affirmed,
What the Magic of Love has unionized, the Universe has confirmed.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Poem: ©2014-03-20 21:09:00 (EST)
Art: ©2014-04-18 15:50:00 (EST)

Inspirational credit: Ramanjit Garewal



136280  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-15
Written: (3826 days ago)

#Number7 Some interesting info surrounding the Number 7. Quite a bit of reading though for those who don't like to read very much. But for those who like to read, enjoy!

Maybe since it's the 7th year of going through this, perhaps the power that goes with the number 7 will all come together to finally put an end to my situation once and for all. I am the 7th Child, my number in numerology is also 7. This is also a 7 year: 2014 -> 2+1+4 = 7 and it's the Year of the Horse, the 7th sign of the Chinese Zodiac.

Some interesting info about the number 7:

I was born the 7th child, my number is the number 7 and I am the 7th sign in the Chinese Zodiac. The number 7 is associated with the planet Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces. I am also a Pisces. The number 7 has certainly been bestowed on me.

A child of the 7th house, is kind and humble, but know when they are being fooled. They are the Light, but have the power to work with the darkness. Their anger can become deadly, should they decide to work the magics (which I do not practice).

There were seven planets in ancient astronomy, the world was created in seven days, each of the four phases of the moon lasts for seven days, seven notes on the musical scale, seven colours in the rainbow, seven is the number of wisdom, truth and harmony.

Have unique abilities; Animals understand these 7's and are attracted to them more than others around them.

The seventh daughter is said to possess supernatural powers.

This is a child that is granted special powers and abilities. These powers can be used without the aid of witch craft.

The 7th child is a returning spirit allowed to return to help someone of significance in this lifetime.

The reason why the Seventh Child as opposed to the first or the fifth for example-should have 'Special Powers' has it's roots in ancient beliefs. The number Seven has many mystical and religious associations. Apart from the Bible telling of God creating the world in Seven Days, the number features throughout the old and new testaments.

"The number 7 is the number of completion. Time and space. Duration, distance. Old age, dissipation, death, or endurance, stability, immortality. The seven seals, principles in man, notes and colors. The triad and quaternary; the cycle of evolution; wisdom, perfection, equipoise, balance, rest. Such people have a very high convincing power. It represents spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mystery. The number 7 is the number of illusions and delusion, sometimes deception - but also of healing and miracles, faith and dreams come true. It is the symbol of Neptune. The colors that harmonize with the number 7 vibration are: sea green, light yellow, aqua, pink and white. 7 people should avoid wearing black or dark colors."

A highly symbolic number in the Hebrew Bible, being, for example, the day on which God rested in Genesis.

The number of nations God told the Hebrews they would displace when they came to Israel. (Deut. 7:1)"When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and shall cast out many nations before thee, the Hittite, and the Girgash**e, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than thou."

The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha.

The number of heavens in Islamic tradition.

The number of Earths in Islamic tradition.

The numbers seven, seventy, seventy thousand, etc. are also used in Islamic traditions to denote an infinite or high number. In Arabic seventy, seventy thousand, etc. is used to mean infinite. This is because 1 is the smallest, 2 is just after 1, 5 and 10 are exact, 4 and 6 are just before and after 5, 9 is just before 10. This leaves 3, 7, and 8. 8 is closer to the end although it is larger. 8 is also an even number so divisible by 2. Between 3 and 7, 3 is smaller so 7 is chosen to represent infinite.

The number of the Deadly Sins: lust, avarice, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony and wrath.

The seven terraces of Mount Purgatory (one per deadly sin).

The number of sacraments in the Roman Catholic faith.

The number of palms in an Egyptian Sacred Cubit.

The number of heads of the beast of the book of Revelation, and of some other monsters, like the hydra.

The minor symbol number of yang from the Taoist yin-yang.

The number of times Cain will be avenged upon for the murder of his brother Abel.

The number of ranks in Mithraism.

The number of gateways traversed by Inanna during her descent into the underworld.

136279  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-15
Written: (3827 days ago)

https://www.facebook.com/Artsieladie/posts/10203064149260096?stream_ref=10 PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am the ONLY user on my website. I repeat, the ONLY user, but yet, I get messages such as these. How is it possible that "someone else" is editing the same page I am? SOMEONE ELSE!!???? WHO???? Three fucking guesses and the first two don't count. That's who! — feeling PISSED OFF!!!


136275  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-14
Written: (3827 days ago)


Weeeeell, me lost my "69" Klout Score. *sniffle sniffle" ..Ohhhh but! Me now haz... tada!!! Lookie!

Unfortunately, though, my Facebook profile is stuck at a "3" Google Pageranking, even-Stephen ( ;) lol) with
Elftown's Mainstreet and better than Elfpack's Mainstuff, which sets currently at a "1" Google Pagerank, which
is the same as what my website http://www.artsieladie.com currently stands at.

But still, it's pretty amazing for me because I really don't have a clue as to how to affect them either way in a + or - direction.

But I've never gotten a "70" Klout Score before. I am psyched!!! *doing the happy dance* :-D

136270  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-04-11
Written: (3830 days ago)

I LOVE the name of this Facebook page: "The karma of fucking over a good girl, is the bitch you end up with."


136269  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-04-11
Written: (3830 days ago)

So right. "When we lose the 'initial' spark, the copies of are never quite the same." ~ #ArtsieladieQuotes <3


"The Initial Spark"

When The Initial Spark is lost,
There is an expensive cost,
For duplicates and copies are never quite the same,
As what was the original spark igniting the initial flame.

The Initial Spark must be imbedded, cherished, bejeweled,
Then built on, expanded upon, and continually refueled.
The Initial Spark must never ever be allowed to fade,
For it's the nucleus on which the Love was made.

The Love cell can't survive when the nucleus is gone.
The sun will set eventually with no newly coming dawn.
Keep The Initial Spark alive,
Keep it richly fed;
Your cell of Love will thrive,
Never to be dead.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-11 07:47:00 (EST)

136268  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-04-10
Written: (3831 days ago)

GIVE ~ But don't allow yourself to be used.
LOVE ~ But don't let your heart to be abused.

So right!
GIVE... But don't allow yourself to be used. Takers and opportunists will suck you dry if you let them.

LOVE... But don't let your heart be abused. Abuse in ANY form is still abuse, whether it be physical or emotional.
             Be especially aware of emotional abuse because this type of abuse can be present without you even
             being the wiser. A manipulative person specialises in control. They hone their craft. ..And they will be hav-
             ing "you" thinking it is "you" when in fact it is them causing the problem(s). ..And it does not have any-
             thing necessarily to do with "your" level of intelligence. With 'master manipulators' the more intelligent a
             person is, the greater the reward they feel when they've manipulated a person of intelligence.

#Manipulation #Deception #Control


136266  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-08
Written: (3833 days ago)


Pure Pawsomeness! Woov, Woov You!

Animals Love us unconditionally. We humans can learn much from animals. Animals are also in tune
with their inner voice, called instinct. We humans also have an inner voice, called intuition. We need
to be in tune with our intuition and to learn to Love one another unconditionally.

"The Love in my heart Loves the Love in your heart!" <3

Photo edit by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly Edit ©2014

Original photo by: eda

Original photo link:


136265  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-08
Written: (3834 days ago)


136264  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-07
Written: (3834 days ago)

"Gift Of Love"

When you give the Gift of Love, you give the very best,
And when gifts are shared so others may be blessed,
The circle is completed, the gift is fulfilled
In many hearts and souls, Love is then instilled.

So give the Gift of Love, give it freely without request,
And in your own heart, you will then be richly blessed!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-07 06:57:00 (EST)

136263  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-07
Written: (3834 days ago)

“When Love we do display, we show others in the dark, there's a better way.” ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie


136262  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-07
Written: (3834 days ago)

"A Single Drop Of Kindness"

A Single Drop Of Kindness...
...goes a very long way.
...can make another's day.
...can wipe away tears.
...can rid someone's fears.

A Single Drop Of Kindness...
...has no monetary cost.
...can help find the lost.
...can another's hurt wane.
...can ease someone's pain.

A Single Drop Of Kindness...
...can put a smile on one's face.
...can make a heart a happy place.
...can to one's dark bring Light.
...can alter someone's plight.

A Single Drop Of Kindness...
...can add colour to one's day.
...can remove the dreary grey.
...can remember those forgot.
...can make hopelessness be not.

A Single Drop Of Kindness goes a very long way.
If we each made a point to give a drop every day,
We'd have an ocean full of kindness, an ocean made of,
An ocean full of waves, an ocean made of Love!

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-07 03:30:00 (EST)


136259  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-07
Written: (3835 days ago)


Every time we don’t stand down the primary abusers in our lives,

We lose a little ground, we fade into the night, we die a little inside.

Rising above it may be a temporary balm, but, at some point,

We have to come back into our bodies and speak it.

As important as it is to reach a stage of genuine forgiveness

Where possible,

It is even more important

To assert boundaries with those who have violated ours

It may well be why they came into our lives –

To force us to recognize and claim our own value

Speak it! <3

~ Jeff Brown

Art – ‘Deliberation’ by Mario Sánchez Nevado

So often I am criticised, even ostracised, for standing up against being disrespected, abused, and treated unjustly. Yes, we should be caring,
forgiving, and compassionate but this does not mean that others who use others, abuse others, disrespect others, etc. should just be allowed
to continue on with their callous, abrasive, and hurtful behaviour. EVERY time we allow others to abuse us in any way, we give the power to the
abusers. So Love, forgive, be kind, etc. but don't allow the abusers to BE abusers!


136258  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-06
Written: (3835 days ago)


"Happy Blessed Sunday!"

"Place a smile on another's face,
Create in their heart a happy place!"

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Photo edit and poetic quote ©2014-04-06 All rights reserved.

Original photo by Petr Kratochvil:

136257  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-06
Written: (3836 days ago)


#Poetry #Forgive #Love #Live

"Forgive, Love, Live"

Grudges, guilt, and regret
Tax the heart causing debt,
Building interest over time,
Spirit damage thus sublime.
Let go of grudges and forgive.
Be filled with Love, be free to live.
Truth and virtue for self seek.
Words of kindness freely speak.
Take not for granted, today you've got,
But come tomorrow it may or may not.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-05 23:34:00 (EST)

Thanks, Rich Patt, for being an inspiration! <3


136256  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-04-04
Written: (3838 days ago)


Thanks for this share, Rich.. :) <3

"Build your castle on the truth, the solid rock,
And the waves of lies shall never dock."
~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie


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