[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136306  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-12
Written: (3799 days ago)

║║██░░░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║██░░░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
▂ ▄ ▅ ▇ █ Charge your LOVE █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂
║║████░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║███████Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║█████████tery Low ░░░░ ─ ║║║
║║███████████y Low ░░░░ ─ ║║║
║║██████████████ ░░░░░░--║║║
║║█████████████████░░░ ─║║║
Don't just say ''I LOVE YOU'';
Make them FEEL It!
║║██████ Battery Full █████ ─║║║
╚══════════════════════╝ ·
You're filled now with LOVE!

136304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-05-10
Written: (3801 days ago)


"Happy Birthday - Suzette"

May your birthday be joyful and bright.
May you be richly blessed with Love and Light
And with every obstacle you may face,
May Love and Light surround you, embrace.

Art/Poem/Photo Editing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-05-09 All rights reserved.


Original Beagle photo link:
Author: MisterSuperstar07

136302  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-05-07
Written: (3804 days ago)

Yup! But when a person is so content with wallowing in their own negative and have no
desire to exhibit the best of themselves, at some point you give up beating a dead horse.

136301  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-05-07
Written: (3804 days ago)

Was just on #Klout a little while ago and I see my score went up again. Woo-hoo! I have a 72.
The funny thing is, I don't even know how to influence a Klout score, up or down. :)

136300  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)


Kathy, a dear friend of mine's status (2014-05-03), inspired me to write this poem and place it in a work of art as well:
"See ya after while, Crocodiles! :) Me and Momma are off to shop at Sam's Club! If ya need anything leave me your list! :-D"
Hence.. my list...

"Shopping List"

Sister Kathy's going shopping and she's asked me for my list,
Needing LOTS of help, so I could not her, resist...

I have a shopping list not too very long,
But the items listed must be sadly wrong.
My list was made awhile ago, still incomplete,
For it seems I'm shopping for things obsolete,
Or at the least rare, very scarce to uncover,
No longer cultivated, to find, to discover.

At the very top is Love, which should be everywhere,
But not so easy is it to find, leaving me in despair.
I can find ego alright, aplenty all around,
But humility? ..So little to be found.
There's apathy and indifference, an abundant supply,
But finding empathy and compassion, the well's gone dry.
Everywhere I turn, there's justification freely spread,
Yet, no accountability found, as others are on, tread.

Truth and honesty are on my list, second from the top,
It seems though, they're out of stock every place I shop.
While lying and deceitfulness are generously promoted,
Handed out like candy, so sweetly, sugar coated.
Honour and respect have become out of season.
Patience and acceptance have lost all their reason.
Gratitude and thankfulness left with news of yesterday;
Now everything is about 'me' the headlines read and say.

Other things I've listed like kindness, hope, and caring,
Compassion and forgiveness, not many up for sharing.
Understanding's not in style, a fad of yesterday,
Passing judgement onto others now on display.
Modesty and privacy, their contracts have run out,
With ostentatious behaviour flaunted all about.
Consideration for others, indefinitely placed on ice,
Manners and politeness gone, along with friendly, nice.

All the many values to build character needed,
Integrity and virtue, all practically depleted.
Principles and convictions, rocks on which to stand,
Have all but washed away, leaving only shifting sand.

I made my list awhile ago but without much success,
For all the shopping done has caused me great distress.
Even words I'm shopping for can't be found with ease,
Like, "I'm sorry" or "Thank you" or the one, "Please".
I never thought my list to be so arduous a task,
Until I went shopping and then I had to ask,
For items I thought to be to all near and dearly,
Their scarcity alarms me, saddens me severely.

Up and down I've searched, aisle after aisle,
A rarity indeed should I see a happy smile.
I enter every store, every shopping mart,
Hoping just to fill my empty shopping cart.
I am lucky if I can find just one or two or three
Of the items I've been searching for in every shopping spree.
But the saddest thing of all on my list, at the very top,
Is that genuine Love is hard to find no matter where I shop.

What's so really sad you ask about Love in short supply?
Because Love is within all of us, but still we shun it. Why?
It does seem my shopping list is much longer than I thought,
But surely ‘twould be nice to find everything I’ve sought.
It is my wish one day to find abundantly all of the above,
And shining in everyone’s hearts the item we know as Love.

Poem/Design/Quote by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Inspirational credit: Kathy Mantei


136299  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)

#Poetry #Love #Deceit
Sometimes a vagrant sneaks past the security of one's heart.
When they are discovered, they must be made to depart.
First, beef up security with more guards put in place,
Then thoroughly disinfect until there is no trace!


Now that I have recognised the toxin in my life,
Living in my heart causing me stress and strife,
Disinfection has begun, a thorough cleansing duty,
Every nook and cranny to wipe out the rabid booty,
To eradicate the infection that has held me in peril.
I won't stop until my heart is completely sterile.

Open wide the windows, air out the gruesome smell,
Good riddance to the garbage, extricate, expel.
All the filthy, rotten lies, the stench is so profound,
Fermenting in deceit, drowning every sound,
Of reason, of logic, of any common sense,
Designed just to cripple and stifle my defense.

All the daggers strewn around, with my blood, stained,
The walls of my heart shredded once my Love was gained.
The mutilation is evident everywhere I look,
As advantage of my Love without remorse he took.
I offered complete forgiveness, to understand, a chance,
But he was too enthralled with the wielding of his lance,
Making lacerations, gaping wounds, cutting deep,
Inflicting pain immense, with joy he watched me weep.

All the masquerading of his many twisted clones,
While others are so willing to be his spying, lying drones,
Has now come to a close with a sour, bitter end,
But with cleansing underway, my mangled heart can mend.
For the vagrant in my heart, the vampiristic leech,
I have now extricated with a ton of bleach.
No remnants shall remain, not even a spec of dust,
Not even a whisper silent, meticulous is a must.

The task shall be done, impeccably carried through,
Until my heart is healed and once again anew.
There will be no vacancy until this work's complete,
Never to be again seduced by a master of deceit.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-05-03 18:22:00 (EST)


136298  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)

#Quotes #PoeticQuotes
"We are the summary of the past brought into the present,
Of the memories made, some good, some not so pleasant.
We are the summary of all those who did, our lives, touch,
Some are blessin's, some are lessons, but all matter much,
Because each and every one has influenced who we are,
Whether in a positive way or have left us with a scar."

~ #ArtsieladieQuotes #ArtsieladiePoeticQuotes
~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136294  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-27
Written: (3814 days ago)

Interesting activity...

136293  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-27
Written: (3814 days ago)




In total surrender with passion on fire,
Drinking of Love’s Wine, sweet desire,
We come together in Love that’s true,
Bonding and blending into one from two...

As our eyes meet, our lips touch,
Our arms surround, each other clutch.
As touching progresses to places forbidden,
Passion is stirred, desire unhidden.
Little by little we each explore,
Wandering and roaming more and more.

In our adventure of Love we discover anew,
What triggers more heat to boil our brew.
A brew that's made from pure emotion,
Distilled by Love, a potent potion.

As we dwell and linger in zones of pleasure,
Composing Love's music measure by measure.
His pleasure is mine I seek to fulfill.
My pleasure is his, the root of his will.

Our hearts beat with rhythm and rhyme,
Two beating as one, keeping the time.
Ever increasing, growing more intense,
Are the swells of passion now immense.
For to be the Union of Love, complete and whole,
Fused must be our body, heart, mind, and soul.

With our flames of desire out of control,
Wildly leaping from soul to soul,
They mingle and mix, unite into one,
The pinnacle of passion has now begun.
As ecstasy erupts, all energy's depleted,
Two hearts now fused, Surrender completed.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-04-21 19:07:00 (EST) All rights reserved.



136292  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-27
Written: (3815 days ago)

#Poetry #Love #Deception

"Love, Blood Red"

I trusted with you my heart.
I trusted with you my Special Love.
I trusted with you, with YOU..
Everything I'm made of...

I was willing to wipe all your mistakes entirely away,
Your Light to keep shining dissolving all the grey.
But while I was busy Loving you, your mistakes and all,
You were busy knifing my heart, enjoying every fall
Of every tear, of every drop of blood you could drain,
Drinking from my misery, guzzling down my pain.
As you lick your lips, sucking my blood of rosy red,
Are you dreaming of the day when I'll at last be dead?
Are you looking for hatred in my heart to find,
While shredding it and torturing my mind?
Sorry to disappoint you dear, sorry I'm without,
But my heart is filled with Love, keeping hatred out.
In my heart I grow Love, Love grows just for YOU,
With forgiveness and understanding, always on renew.
But in your heart you grow hatred and ego fed pride,
So abundantly there's no room for Love to reside.
Because your heart for Love has no space or room,
Destroying mine became your mission to entomb.
As the last drops you suckle from my bleeding heart,
With my last breath I'll say I Love YOU as I leave, depart.
As you taste the final drop, will you smile at your victory then,
Knowing it's my last drop, you'll ever drink again?

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014/04/26 22:00:00 (EST)

Inspirational credit: Ramanjit Garewal [Hedda]


136286  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-04-21
Written: (3820 days ago)

#God #Love God sacrificed His only begotten Son for ALL of His children, for the entire world. If THIS isn't the epitome, the utmost pinnacle of Love, then what else could possibly be? We think about the sacrifices we make and we think, wow, how much we have done. But our sacrifices are miniscule in comparison to God's. We think about what we have forgiven others for and the chances we've given others to get something right and we think, wow, we are generous and compassionate. But our forgiving, our compassion, is nothing compared to all that God has forgiven us for, nothing compared to the gazillion chances God gives to us AND this is ongoing. We think we know what Love is but we haven't a clue until we allow ourselves to see and realise the endless capacity of God's Love. <3

"Ocean Of Tears"

When I look upon the ocean, I see an ocean full of tears,
God has shed for and because of all of us and our many fears.
We fear to Love, to forgive, to show what's in our heart,
Although God is alive and living within our deepest, truest part.

We have so little patience with our sisters and our brothers,
We allow our petty differences to separate us from others.
We condemn, we judge, we proclaim we are right.
We wallow in the darkness while snuffing out the Light.

We want others to care about the woes of our own,
But yet, we can't be bothered with others' woes shown.
We tend to make excuses for the error of our ways,
Instead of offering atonement to make morrows better days.
We aren't willing to give an inch but yet we'll take a mile,
Paint our face with a frown because we're too afraid to smile.

We expect so much by birthright to us be freely given,
But yet, we aren't willing to apply effort in our daily livin'.
Effort to be more worthy by being the best of who we are,
More worthy of God's Love, for we are each His shining star.
Words like, "I'm sorry" or "I apologise", simple enough to say,
But aren't on the lips of many, have been left with yesterday.

We are too quick to criticise, to angry words, unsheathe,
While words of kindness, compliments, we are slow to bequeath.
When things go wrong, we blame God, with Him we place the fault,
But when things go right for us, we then ourselves exalt.
We abundantly feed and nourish our egos with a false sense of pride,
While we starve humility and with values, we're reluctant to abide.

God has placed His Faith in us, His children, in the likeness of Him.
How have we repaid His Trust? Our world is looking mighty grim.
As He cries an ocean full of tears borne of His Heart so broken,
God's Love is still present for in each heart He placed a token,
A token of His Love, a seed for each of us to cultivate, to till,
To nourish and to blossom, for God's Dream to fulfill,
A dream He has kept, all along He has bore,
One day Waves Of Love would wash upon His shore,
So the Ocean of His tears would then be tears of joyful elation,
As His children of the world would bask in Love's celebration.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-21 10:08:00 (EST)
Inspirational credit: God/Love, Giselle Irsigler and Carol Rudolf Geiger

136285  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-04-19
Written: (3822 days ago)

"Universal Gift Of Love"


Oh, what we don't do with our Universal Gift...

Love... We try to...

Find it, lose it... Bind it, choose it;
Buy it, sell it... cry it, tell it;
Define it... confine it;
Label it... fable it;
Enable it... disable it;
Shame it... blame it;
Use it... abuse it;
Announce it... denounce it;
Save it... Enslave it;
Make it... fake it;
Protect it... reject it;
Bear it... dare it;
Deny it... defy it...

Love cannot be lost nor can it be found,
For Love is everywhere, Love is all around.
Love is not definable, it consumes every minute,
Nor is it confine-able but free and always infinite.
Love cannot be labeled, defined by any name,
Nor disabled nor branded, dressed in any shame.
Love cannot be announced. It is always present,
Nor denounced when things become unpleasant.
Love in abundance, is regenerative, no need to save,
Nor harness it nor try to capture it, enslave.
Love is powerfully resilient, needs no protection,
Nor will it dissipate when faced with rejection.
Love is not burdensome. Hence, it needs no bearing.
Love is dauntless, even against the mighty daring.

Love is everywhere, everywhere around;
In every bit of life, every sight and sound.

Even in the places where it is shunned, denied,
Like hearts of those who cultivate ego fed pride;
Like in the presence of hate, Love is always there,
Even if the hosts are completely unaware.

Although our receivers may not be up to par,
The Signal of Love's engraved in our registrar.
Love is always patient for of time it keeps no track,
Though it is invisible, in power there's no lack.

Love is everywhere, everywhere around;
Listen to its music, harmonically profound.

In every beat of heart, in every breath of life,
In every bit of joy, even through the strife,
Love dwells within every heart and soul,
The integral part completing all of us as whole.
With our Universal Gift of Love, every soul's anointed;
As the Keepers of The Gift, every soul equally appointed.

Receive Love; Give Love.
Believe Love; Live Love.

Of all the gifts, Love is the best,
Of which we're all so richly blessed!

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-19 11:00:00 (EST)
Inspirational credit: ARshad Siddiqui



136284  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-04-18
Written: (3823 days ago)


"Fusion Of Hearts"

Although physically we are so very far apart,
Your presence is surreal, living in my heart.
When we weren't looking, paying little mind,
Our hearts met but then magically entwined.

There is no explanation, no words can be said,
There were no signs or signals either to be read.
When roses bloom in loving hearts of tender care,
Pollen in abundance of Love will saturate the air.
           Should the particles meet and cross pollinate,
Two hearts become united in a loving state.
Once Love is conceived, it cannot be undone,
The spell has been cast, two've become just one.

As the Love grows deeper, stronger with each day,
With the fusion of the hearts, there erupts an array
Of fireworks so colourful, a rainbow across the sky
Couldn't be more beautiful to the onlooker's eye.

When two hearts meet and Love casts its wondrous, magic spell,
Rendered helpless are the hosts, the hearts within doth dwell.
With the transformation completed, the fusion thus affirmed,
What the Magic of Love has unionized, the Universe has confirmed.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Poem: ©2014-03-20 21:09:00 (EST)
Art: ©2014-04-18 15:50:00 (EST)

Inspirational credit: Ramanjit Garewal



136280  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-15
Written: (3826 days ago)

#Number7 Some interesting info surrounding the Number 7. Quite a bit of reading though for those who don't like to read very much. But for those who like to read, enjoy!

Maybe since it's the 7th year of going through this, perhaps the power that goes with the number 7 will all come together to finally put an end to my situation once and for all. I am the 7th Child, my number in numerology is also 7. This is also a 7 year: 2014 -> 2+1+4 = 7 and it's the Year of the Horse, the 7th sign of the Chinese Zodiac.

Some interesting info about the number 7:

I was born the 7th child, my number is the number 7 and I am the 7th sign in the Chinese Zodiac. The number 7 is associated with the planet Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces. I am also a Pisces. The number 7 has certainly been bestowed on me.

A child of the 7th house, is kind and humble, but know when they are being fooled. They are the Light, but have the power to work with the darkness. Their anger can become deadly, should they decide to work the magics (which I do not practice).

There were seven planets in ancient astronomy, the world was created in seven days, each of the four phases of the moon lasts for seven days, seven notes on the musical scale, seven colours in the rainbow, seven is the number of wisdom, truth and harmony.

Have unique abilities; Animals understand these 7's and are attracted to them more than others around them.

The seventh daughter is said to possess supernatural powers.

This is a child that is granted special powers and abilities. These powers can be used without the aid of witch craft.

The 7th child is a returning spirit allowed to return to help someone of significance in this lifetime.

The reason why the Seventh Child as opposed to the first or the fifth for example-should have 'Special Powers' has it's roots in ancient beliefs. The number Seven has many mystical and religious associations. Apart from the Bible telling of God creating the world in Seven Days, the number features throughout the old and new testaments.

"The number 7 is the number of completion. Time and space. Duration, distance. Old age, dissipation, death, or endurance, stability, immortality. The seven seals, principles in man, notes and colors. The triad and quaternary; the cycle of evolution; wisdom, perfection, equipoise, balance, rest. Such people have a very high convincing power. It represents spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mystery. The number 7 is the number of illusions and delusion, sometimes deception - but also of healing and miracles, faith and dreams come true. It is the symbol of Neptune. The colors that harmonize with the number 7 vibration are: sea green, light yellow, aqua, pink and white. 7 people should avoid wearing black or dark colors."

A highly symbolic number in the Hebrew Bible, being, for example, the day on which God rested in Genesis.

The number of nations God told the Hebrews they would displace when they came to Israel. (Deut. 7:1)"When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and shall cast out many nations before thee, the Hittite, and the Girgash**e, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than thou."

The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha.

The number of heavens in Islamic tradition.

The number of Earths in Islamic tradition.

The numbers seven, seventy, seventy thousand, etc. are also used in Islamic traditions to denote an infinite or high number. In Arabic seventy, seventy thousand, etc. is used to mean infinite. This is because 1 is the smallest, 2 is just after 1, 5 and 10 are exact, 4 and 6 are just before and after 5, 9 is just before 10. This leaves 3, 7, and 8. 8 is closer to the end although it is larger. 8 is also an even number so divisible by 2. Between 3 and 7, 3 is smaller so 7 is chosen to represent infinite.

The number of the Deadly Sins: lust, avarice, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony and wrath.

The seven terraces of Mount Purgatory (one per deadly sin).

The number of sacraments in the Roman Catholic faith.

The number of palms in an Egyptian Sacred Cubit.

The number of heads of the beast of the book of Revelation, and of some other monsters, like the hydra.

The minor symbol number of yang from the Taoist yin-yang.

The number of times Cain will be avenged upon for the murder of his brother Abel.

The number of ranks in Mithraism.

The number of gateways traversed by Inanna during her descent into the underworld.

136279  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-04-15
Written: (3826 days ago)

https://www.facebook.com/Artsieladie/posts/10203064149260096?stream_ref=10 PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am the ONLY user on my website. I repeat, the ONLY user, but yet, I get messages such as these. How is it possible that "someone else" is editing the same page I am? SOMEONE ELSE!!???? WHO???? Three fucking guesses and the first two don't count. That's who! — feeling PISSED OFF!!!


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