[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136324  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-07-08
Written: (3742 days ago)


This is SO me! The ONLY people I ever have any difficulties with are those who are lying, trying to pull a fast one over on me and then they
realise I'm onto them. ..And I admit, I do Love to watch them make fools of themselves as they continue to try and buffalo me. I will even
apply effort into allowing them to 'think' they are fooling me and I silently chuckle as they tighten the noose around their own neck. THIS is
how I exposed WHOOO Ramanjit Garewal REALLY is and the WHOOO is among us here on Elfpack. It is said about psychopaths that they
are "master manipulators", "masters of disguise", "pathological liars", "without a conscience", and HATE being exposed for the superficial
and the fakes they are!

“Loud are the liars when lies they're spewing,
But silent they become when Truth is brewing.” 

“For Truth I'll speak, use my voice.
Truth is my weapon of choice.
Against my enemies, no sword I wield,
For Truth is also my protective shield.”

~ #ArtsieladieQuotes

136322  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-06-25
Written: (3755 days ago)

I recently came across something that's a little unsettling...

I was going back through my emails when I came across a notice from Twitter about having a new follower on January 23, 2014. The 'new' Twitter follower is the Twitter account of "Kyrinn" (name on Elftown.com), the account being:

Her name on and her Twitter account is: Kristen Bradley/Kianyth

I know she passed away quite awhile ago now. I heard it through the grapevine and then I read about it on Elftown.com's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elftowncom/17815116017

But just to be sure, I decided to go to Elftown's page just to double check and her passing is mentioned in this post on March 25, 2013 and WAAAAAY BEFORE her account following me on Twitter: (See bottom of image as well.)


This image is the screengrab of the mentioned info showing the email notification I received from Twitter, the time and date of AND of the post on Elftown's page.

Rather creepy? How can Kyrinn/Kristen Bradley start following me when she is no longer living?


136321  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-06-25
Written: (3755 days ago)

Your Spirit Animal is an Owl.

Like the owl, you are highly intuitive. You can trust your instincts above all else, and you listen to your inner guide. You can see what others don't or won't see. You see everyone for who they truly are, and that frightens them. You are a natural lie detector. You can see past masks and facades. No one can hide from you. You have a quiet and gentle wisdom. You don't go around bragging about how smart or wise you are. You are good at uncovering potential in yourself and others. You are a catalyst for positive growth and change. You have a lot of creative and dynamic energy. You are focused on all of the possibilities in life.

This is so spot on! :)

136317  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-06-07
Written: (3773 days ago)

"Quitting Time"

The draw bridge is up, firmly locked,
From my heart, you're completely blocked.
There is no need for this bridge again,
Because in this world, there are other men,
Who are real, true, and yes, sincere
And aren't fake and insecure.

The air of freedom my heart's now breathing,
No longer from pain is it seething,
Caused by a sick and twisted mind,
Driven by hate, to Love is blind.
Your heart's so infected with ego fed pride,
There's no room for good to live, reside.

Your comfort zone is lined with lies and deceit.
Those of the same are all you'll greet.
Anyone with a caring, true, and tender heart,
You revel in shredding, tearing apart.
You rob, you steal, you plunder and rake
Others o'er the coals as you greedily take
Anything, everything that yours is not,
Ethics and morals, dismissed, forgot.

You use and abuse with no remorse,
Causing pain and torment, you endorse.
With no social skills and superficial charm,
You live for drama, to create havoc and harm.
Your soul is a tundra, barren and cold,
Concealing a coward, to the devil, sold.
A loathsome creature yourself you reject,
Your despicable traits on others project.

Your heart is a desert, a desolate place,
When it comes to Love, there is no space.
Your only oasis but yet overflowing,
Is your garden of hatred you're fervently growing.
A self serving nature is your intended style,
With a carved agenda to match and guile.

You don't want peace, you want wars.
You don't want Love, you want whores.
You want minions who will blindly follow,
Weak in character, like you and shallow.
You're not interested in earning, you just take,
And not open for learning, except for your fake.

You preach freedom of expression and free speech
And you demand privacy but other's you breach.
You can't accept the truth because you feed on lies,
Then live to destroy those who reveal your disguise,
Because what you levy, on others place,
A coward can't deal with, especially face.
Your mind though brilliant is a mere wasteland,
Your ego controlling, has taken command.

You imprison and hold captive your very own self
With chains of guilt carried, you cannot shelf.
You're miserable, unhappy, but with stubborn objection,
To examine yourself, you refuse reflection,
Because underneath it all, you know down deep,
There's a much better you waiting to reap,
But the requirements needed just to start,
Are hidden and buried deep in your heart.
To dig them up would stir emotion,
Feelings exposed, put in motion.

So, the worst of yourself you place front and center,
And mastered so well, anything decent cannot enter.
For the lesser of you, you settle and cave.
You'll likely take this straight to your grave,
Because it's the easiest route to through life skate,
Denying your promise while sealing your fate.

No one can Love you not even you,
Though your ego tells you that you do.
It's all a facade and you're the fool
Buying it all and thinking it's cool,
When the reality is you're all alone,
Seeking comfort through a tech box clone.
A pathetic existence is what you live
But you can only receive what you give.
Since you give nothing, only take,
There are no rewards in this wake.

Just keep on living as you do,
Eventually you'll make it through,
As a waste of a soul, a brilliant mind,
The greatness concealed by a host kept blind.
That joke of an existence you call life,
You're married to, has become your wife.
Not even Love can pierce your walls so thick
Of a blackened heart turned to brick.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-06-07 12:45:00 (EST)

THIS poem, "Quitting Time", is just for you... and this next one too!
...And YOU know who 'you' are. Enjoy!

"Goodbye, Good Riddance"

I think it describes you to a T
Of the person you "choose" to be;
Sums the situation up very well
With nothing else left to tell.
To say to you, there's nothing more.
At last to you, I've closed the door.
I'm quite sure you'll continue to play
Your demented games day after day,
Because in your world there is no real,
Only with fake and fantasy can you deal.
You haven't the guts nor the ambition
To alter your own life, its fruition.
You're content to wallow in rotten quagmire
In company with those of equal desire.
But as for me the company I'll keep
Is with the man I've caused to weep.
I locked 'him' out, for you, his entry barred,
Though countless times my heart you've scarred.
But the table's turned, you're out, he's in,
And he'll weep no more, only grin.
As I finish writing this,
He's giving me a tender kiss,
And I think when I am done
I'll make Love to the One
Who Loves me truly, his Love is real,
My Love for him is right to feel.
So when I send this, put it through,
Just know this, I'm through with you.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-06-07 01:54:00 (EST)

136314  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-05-18
Written: (3793 days ago)

"It's Always Time To Love"


12) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to care.
It's always time for kindness,
To spread it everywhere.

01) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to hear.
It's always time for truth,
To keep our pathway clear.

02) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to forgive.
It's always time to let go,
So that peace may live!

03) It's always time to Love.
It's always time for joy.
It's always time to smile
And happiness deploy!

04) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to learn.
It's always time to grow,
More self worth to earn!

05) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to gift.
It's always time to share,
And other souls to lift!
      06) It's always time to Love,
It's always time for caring,
It's always time for kindness,
And for goodness sharing.

07) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to see.
It's always time to show,
And display some empathy.

08) It's always time to Love.
It's always time for respect.
It's always time to be considerate,
With patience to project.

09) It's always time to Love.
It's always time for politeness.
It's always time for manners,
Common courtesy is rightness.

10) It's always time to Love.
It's always time to be grateful.
It's always time to appreciate,
And never time for hateful.

11) It's always time to Love.
It's always time for humbleness.
It's always time for modesty,
And to show some selflessness.

By Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-05-18 07:27:00 (EST)


"How a soul is packaged is the least important part,
For the true beauty of a person lies within their heart.
Outward beauty fades slowly over time,
While inner beauty grows, becoming more sublime."
~ #ArtsieladiePoeticQuotes


"Don't Preach Without Enactment"

Don't preach about Love with bitterness in your heart dwelling.
Don't preach about truth when lies and deceit your tongue is telling.
Don't preach about giving if you're unwilling to share.
Don't preach about kindness if you're unwilling to care.
Don't preach about humility while clutching your ego fed pride.
Don't preach about forgiveness while grudges within you reside.
Don't preach about compassion when none you are bearing.
Don't preach about empathy when you aren't really caring.
Don't preach about understanding when your mind's narrow and closed.
Don't preach about acceptance when your beliefs on others you've imposed.
Don't preach about patience if you have none to express.
Don't preach about respect if you couldn't care less.
Don't preach about rights when others' you quickly suppress.
Don't preach about justice when against others you transgress.
Don't preach about peace when you are prolonging a war.
Don't preach about harmony when you're evening a score.
Don't preach about compromise when you are unyielding.
Don't preach about truce while weapons you're wielding.
Don't preach about anything your actions don't support.
Don't preach about anything your behaviours abort.

Practice what you preach! Practice what you post!
Be a living example, rather than a shallow host.
Words are just vacant vessels, seeds left untilled.
Only when they're enacted is their message then fulfilled.

~ Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-04-12 07:01:00 (EST)


"Practice what you preach! Practice what you post!
Be a living example, rather than a shallow host.
Words are just vacant vessels, seeds left untilled.
Only when they're enacted is their message then fulfilled."
~ #ArtsieladiePoeticQuotes

136310  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-05-14
Written: (3797 days ago)

Hmmm.... it's evident that someone told someone just what evidence I very recently gathered. So nice to know that someone pretends to be sympathetic with my plight of having my privacy invaded but is actually playing right along with it. ..And this isn't the first time this has been evident. It's just that when you collect data of 'seemingly' coincidences and these 'seemingly' coincidences take place on a number of occasions, they then are no longer 'coincidences'. Oh, but that's right, I'm crazy for saving and documenting data that implicates the one invading my privacy and those who are so willingly going along with the heinous act. :/

136306  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-12
Written: (3799 days ago)

║║██░░░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║██░░░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
▂ ▄ ▅ ▇ █ Charge your LOVE █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂
║║████░░░Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║███████Battery Low ░░░░ ─║║║
║║█████████tery Low ░░░░ ─ ║║║
║║███████████y Low ░░░░ ─ ║║║
║║██████████████ ░░░░░░--║║║
║║█████████████████░░░ ─║║║
Don't just say ''I LOVE YOU'';
Make them FEEL It!
║║██████ Battery Full █████ ─║║║
╚══════════════════════╝ ·
You're filled now with LOVE!

136304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-05-10
Written: (3801 days ago)


"Happy Birthday - Suzette"

May your birthday be joyful and bright.
May you be richly blessed with Love and Light
And with every obstacle you may face,
May Love and Light surround you, embrace.

Art/Poem/Photo Editing by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-05-09 All rights reserved.


Original Beagle photo link:
Author: MisterSuperstar07

136302  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-05-07
Written: (3804 days ago)

Yup! But when a person is so content with wallowing in their own negative and have no
desire to exhibit the best of themselves, at some point you give up beating a dead horse.

136301  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-05-07
Written: (3804 days ago)

Was just on #Klout a little while ago and I see my score went up again. Woo-hoo! I have a 72.
The funny thing is, I don't even know how to influence a Klout score, up or down. :)

136300  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)


Kathy, a dear friend of mine's status (2014-05-03), inspired me to write this poem and place it in a work of art as well:
"See ya after while, Crocodiles! :) Me and Momma are off to shop at Sam's Club! If ya need anything leave me your list! :-D"
Hence.. my list...

"Shopping List"

Sister Kathy's going shopping and she's asked me for my list,
Needing LOTS of help, so I could not her, resist...

I have a shopping list not too very long,
But the items listed must be sadly wrong.
My list was made awhile ago, still incomplete,
For it seems I'm shopping for things obsolete,
Or at the least rare, very scarce to uncover,
No longer cultivated, to find, to discover.

At the very top is Love, which should be everywhere,
But not so easy is it to find, leaving me in despair.
I can find ego alright, aplenty all around,
But humility? ..So little to be found.
There's apathy and indifference, an abundant supply,
But finding empathy and compassion, the well's gone dry.
Everywhere I turn, there's justification freely spread,
Yet, no accountability found, as others are on, tread.

Truth and honesty are on my list, second from the top,
It seems though, they're out of stock every place I shop.
While lying and deceitfulness are generously promoted,
Handed out like candy, so sweetly, sugar coated.
Honour and respect have become out of season.
Patience and acceptance have lost all their reason.
Gratitude and thankfulness left with news of yesterday;
Now everything is about 'me' the headlines read and say.

Other things I've listed like kindness, hope, and caring,
Compassion and forgiveness, not many up for sharing.
Understanding's not in style, a fad of yesterday,
Passing judgement onto others now on display.
Modesty and privacy, their contracts have run out,
With ostentatious behaviour flaunted all about.
Consideration for others, indefinitely placed on ice,
Manners and politeness gone, along with friendly, nice.

All the many values to build character needed,
Integrity and virtue, all practically depleted.
Principles and convictions, rocks on which to stand,
Have all but washed away, leaving only shifting sand.

I made my list awhile ago but without much success,
For all the shopping done has caused me great distress.
Even words I'm shopping for can't be found with ease,
Like, "I'm sorry" or "Thank you" or the one, "Please".
I never thought my list to be so arduous a task,
Until I went shopping and then I had to ask,
For items I thought to be to all near and dearly,
Their scarcity alarms me, saddens me severely.

Up and down I've searched, aisle after aisle,
A rarity indeed should I see a happy smile.
I enter every store, every shopping mart,
Hoping just to fill my empty shopping cart.
I am lucky if I can find just one or two or three
Of the items I've been searching for in every shopping spree.
But the saddest thing of all on my list, at the very top,
Is that genuine Love is hard to find no matter where I shop.

What's so really sad you ask about Love in short supply?
Because Love is within all of us, but still we shun it. Why?
It does seem my shopping list is much longer than I thought,
But surely ‘twould be nice to find everything I’ve sought.
It is my wish one day to find abundantly all of the above,
And shining in everyone’s hearts the item we know as Love.

Poem/Design/Quote by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
Inspirational credit: Kathy Mantei


136299  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)

#Poetry #Love #Deceit
Sometimes a vagrant sneaks past the security of one's heart.
When they are discovered, they must be made to depart.
First, beef up security with more guards put in place,
Then thoroughly disinfect until there is no trace!


Now that I have recognised the toxin in my life,
Living in my heart causing me stress and strife,
Disinfection has begun, a thorough cleansing duty,
Every nook and cranny to wipe out the rabid booty,
To eradicate the infection that has held me in peril.
I won't stop until my heart is completely sterile.

Open wide the windows, air out the gruesome smell,
Good riddance to the garbage, extricate, expel.
All the filthy, rotten lies, the stench is so profound,
Fermenting in deceit, drowning every sound,
Of reason, of logic, of any common sense,
Designed just to cripple and stifle my defense.

All the daggers strewn around, with my blood, stained,
The walls of my heart shredded once my Love was gained.
The mutilation is evident everywhere I look,
As advantage of my Love without remorse he took.
I offered complete forgiveness, to understand, a chance,
But he was too enthralled with the wielding of his lance,
Making lacerations, gaping wounds, cutting deep,
Inflicting pain immense, with joy he watched me weep.

All the masquerading of his many twisted clones,
While others are so willing to be his spying, lying drones,
Has now come to a close with a sour, bitter end,
But with cleansing underway, my mangled heart can mend.
For the vagrant in my heart, the vampiristic leech,
I have now extricated with a ton of bleach.
No remnants shall remain, not even a spec of dust,
Not even a whisper silent, meticulous is a must.

The task shall be done, impeccably carried through,
Until my heart is healed and once again anew.
There will be no vacancy until this work's complete,
Never to be again seduced by a master of deceit.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-05-03 18:22:00 (EST)


136298  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-05-05
Written: (3806 days ago)

#Quotes #PoeticQuotes
"We are the summary of the past brought into the present,
Of the memories made, some good, some not so pleasant.
We are the summary of all those who did, our lives, touch,
Some are blessin's, some are lessons, but all matter much,
Because each and every one has influenced who we are,
Whether in a positive way or have left us with a scar."

~ #ArtsieladieQuotes #ArtsieladiePoeticQuotes
~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie

136294  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-27
Written: (3814 days ago)

Interesting activity...

136293  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-04-27
Written: (3814 days ago)




In total surrender with passion on fire,
Drinking of Love’s Wine, sweet desire,
We come together in Love that’s true,
Bonding and blending into one from two...

As our eyes meet, our lips touch,
Our arms surround, each other clutch.
As touching progresses to places forbidden,
Passion is stirred, desire unhidden.
Little by little we each explore,
Wandering and roaming more and more.

In our adventure of Love we discover anew,
What triggers more heat to boil our brew.
A brew that's made from pure emotion,
Distilled by Love, a potent potion.

As we dwell and linger in zones of pleasure,
Composing Love's music measure by measure.
His pleasure is mine I seek to fulfill.
My pleasure is his, the root of his will.

Our hearts beat with rhythm and rhyme,
Two beating as one, keeping the time.
Ever increasing, growing more intense,
Are the swells of passion now immense.
For to be the Union of Love, complete and whole,
Fused must be our body, heart, mind, and soul.

With our flames of desire out of control,
Wildly leaping from soul to soul,
They mingle and mix, unite into one,
The pinnacle of passion has now begun.
As ecstasy erupts, all energy's depleted,
Two hearts now fused, Surrender completed.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-04-21 19:07:00 (EST) All rights reserved.



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