[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136349  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-08-19
Written: (3700 days ago)

It would be SO nice IF I could actually have a PRIVATE conversation on MY phone!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

136348  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-08-15
Written: (3704 days ago)


136347  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-08-15
Written: (3704 days ago)


For all those who don't have the guts to take a stand against another or others YOU know are doing wrong, YOU are as much a part
of the wrongdoing as the wrongdoer is. It's a FACT! If it hurts, well then it's up to YOU to make the adjustments, NOT THE VICTIM!!!

136345  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-08-14
Written: (3705 days ago)

"When we gain knowledge, we emancipate ourselves from the bondage of ignorance, but we are then obligated to the responsibility of applying the knowledge gained." ~ ‪#‎ArtsieladieQuotes‬

136343  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-08-13
Written: (3706 days ago)

#Poetry #Compassion #Love


Laugh and smile and the world will join you.
Cry and lament and the world will abandon you.
Drama is always drama when it's someone else's pain,
It only becomes real when it hits the home domain.

If we took just a little time to look just a little deeper,
Instead of passing judgment to appease our apathetic creature,
We might be able to help avert another's inner pain,
Bring them some sunshine through their pouring rain.

This is called Compassion, the world's in short supply
And instead of helping others, we simply pass them by,
Or we criticise and condemn, adding to their grief,
Instead of listening with intent to bring them some relief.

We must try not to be too busy for someone in need,
Never too preoccupied to hear another's plead.
Another's pain can be masked, hidden by disguise,
Concealed in their heart, behind 'happy' eyes;
Or their pain can be shown in ways we will reject,
Often and in ways obscured we will not expect.

Many times a person suffering from too great a pain
Will attempt to test the waters, trying to ascertain,
To see who'll care enough about what they're going through,
Genuinely concerned when they ask, "What can I do?"
Many put up walls to see who'll care enough
To climb over them just to call their bluff.

Sharing one's pain can be more painful to disclose,
Because of others' judgment, condemnation they impose.
There is no greater pain than the pain within.
Those without fault have forgotten their own sin.

When a person finds the courage to from others' help seek,
We must not criticise, make fun, or call them weak.
Instead, we must show Compassion, try to understand,
The courage it has taken them to seek a helping hand.

We may or may not be able to help them or assist,
But this doesn't mean that their pain does not exist.
That all too familiar, "There's nothing I can do",
Excusing one from caring, a convenient exit cue,
Is too often put in motion just to circumvent
One's lack of empathy of callous heart intent.

When others cry for help, express their own despair,
Often all they need is to know that others care.
A little validation of what they're going through,
Can make a world of difference, another's strength, renew.
But when with callous heart, a troubled soul's dismissed,
It may be the final straw and of death, the catalyst.

Oh, this world would be a much better place,
If we took a little time to see the heart behind the face,
A heart that may be suffering but too afraid to tell,
A heart that may be drowning in a painful swell.

Take a little time to listen to a heart caught in despair,
For you may need the same one day, someone that will care.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-08-13 08:00:00 (EST)


136342  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-08-13
Written: (3706 days ago)

"Laugh and smile and the world will join you.
Cry and lament and the world will abandon you.
Drama is always drama when it's someone else's pain,
It only becomes real when it hits the home domain." ~ #ArtsieladieQuotes

136341  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-08-12
Written: (3707 days ago)
Next in thread: 136355

‪#‎RobinWilliams‬ ‪#‎RIP‬ When those among us who are of the best that humanity has to offer, who are so generous with giving through their heart and spirit, who harbour the kindest and gentlest of souls, find this, our world, to be an unbearable place to remain in, we humans need to examine ourselves in search of ways we can change this horrible reality. When the most beautiful souls no longer feel welcome and/or at home in our world, then we, The People, remaining must work together to change this atrocity.

Being an ESP is not easy in this world because there are too many TIP's and THP's. Being a person who tries to be the best you can be, the best of who you are, sensitive to and caring about the woes of others, is an ongoing, uphill battle because of those who will fight you every inch of the way simply because they choose the opposite. It's no wonder most people choose the more traveled and easier road. TIP's and THP's are all about themselves. When they cross paths with a giving and caring person, a person who makes it a priority to be the best of who they are, their vindictiveness, resentment, and jealousy kicks in. Because they don't really give a damn what kind of people they are, they hate and resent those who do. It's not that they lack goodness. It's just that they lack self discipline, lack self motivation, lack gumption to take the initiative to cultivate the pluses in themselves and so, settle for the minuses to be representative of who they are instead.

136340  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-08-12
Written: (3707 days ago)


"Pathway Of Truth"

On the Pathway Of Truth
Is where I choose to walk,
Where my footing is solid,
Darkness cannot stalk.
When I walk in Truth,
My pathway is well lit,
Demons of deceit dispersed,
Exposed as counterfeit.
Truth is Light; Truth is Love
And when I walk in both,
I walk with God above.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-08-11 14:46:00 (EST)
Inspirational credit: Naomi and Qazi, two of the most awesome people I KNOW!!!

Poet's note: I do not walk the Pathway of Truth alone for the best examples of humanity walk with me. It is not a crowded path but I was
never one for big crowds anyway. I walk in the best of company, you, Qazi and Naomi, as the finest of examples and there are others too.

I've said this before but it's worth repeating. In life if we care about ourselves at all, we hope to gain the respect of others, and we will if
we make a conscious and determined effort at being the best of who we are but when we gain the respect of those who are of the finest
caliber of a human being there is, we can then know within ourselves, we are on the right road, that we ourselves have value and worth
as well. ..And those who choose to disrespect us, demean us, we needn't be concerned because such individuals don't have respect even
for themselves usually.

There is no greater validation of one's self worth when we are respected and revered as worthy individuals by those of 'quality of character'.
..And I'm not referring to social status whatsoever. High social status may or may not be present in a person of quality of character. I dare
say that very often there are those in the highest of social positions who are selfish and self absorbed individuals and play a major role in
what's wrong in our world today and work to keep this unchanged so they may continue to benefit for themselves. On the other hand I've
met people who have virtually nothing that I've felt in total awe of, have felt totally humbled to be in their presence. The TRUE value of our-
selves lies within our hearts, not in our wallets.

When we make a conscious effort to walk on the Pathway of Truth, this choice becomes our 'way of life' and to step off of it becomes foreign
to us, unfamiliar, and uncomfortable. We feel 'out of place' off this pathway. It is not an easy road with temptations around every bend but
each time we are able to resist and remain on the Pathway of Truth, we reinstate and validate our own self worth, sustaining our courage,
strength, and determination to keep on the right road as we move forward. ♥

136339  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-08-09
Written: (3710 days ago)

"When people think they can lay all the blame on you with vicious tongue, they revel in it. But when you prove them wrong, they suddenly lose the use of their tongue altogether." ~ ArtsieladieQuotes


136335  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-08-05
Written: (3714 days ago)
Next in thread: 136338
136333  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-07-27
Written: (3723 days ago)


136332  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-07-26
Written: (3724 days ago)

"One who's a user and an abuser, is then therefore, a total loser." ~ #ArtsieladieQuotes

136331  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-07-25
Written: (3725 days ago)

#Poetry #Love #Magic

This is a long poem but should you proceed,
Dare to venture through, dare to read,
You'll come to the end where it's unconcealed,
What's Magic in Magic will be revealed....


Magic is here, Magic is there,
Magic exists everywhere,
In every life, in every part,
In every breath, in every heart.

But before you can be really receiving,
You must first be truly believing.
For Magic to work, you must give
Magic, free rein to thrive, to Live,
And where the file was placed at birth,
Within each soul upon this Earth.

If your enable to off is set,
Closed to Magic will bring regret,
For Magic is special, custom software,
Installed in hearts with tender care,
With no need to scan for malicious content,
But fully open, releasing the pure intent
To warm the heart, to guide the mind,
To awaken the soul to which assigned.

This Magic-ware, once released,
Will auto update, will be increased,
For whatever ram or memory needed,
Since limitless can't be exceeded.
Plug-ins and effects come built in,
Are activated, sending to the recycle bin,
Negative files threatening, obstructive,
Designed of Magic to be destructive.

With every good program, there comes support,
Our dearly beloveds fill this court.
Partners, family, friends, all,
Help to strengthen our firewall.
But should our system come under attack
By a Magic-muted, invasive hack,
Who's gained access through a vulnerable port,
Magic scans thoroughly to seek and abort,
Whatever's been seeded or taken root,
Cleansing completely before reboot.

Magic is freeware, installed by default,
But it's up to us, to open the vault,
To turn on the program, to activate,
The natural defenses, to abate,
The nasty viruses that seek to affect,
Our heart's function to repel, reject,
The evil hovering like vultures, slick,
Waiting to strike should we click
On temptation, just to try,
To be bitten before we even buy.

So, turn on your Magic, welcome romance,
With peace and joy, your heart let dance.
As the Melody of Magic, the player plays,
Unfading even during the darkest of days,
Your heart will glow, illuminate,
Drawing others around to congregate,
To wonder, to ask, how, why your Light,
Shines so strong, shines so bright.

As they inquire, "What is the cause?"
You can tell them without pause,
How inside them is the same
A program installed bearing the name
Of Magic but they must hit the start
And in the menu, the controlling part,
Click to open, then click run.
Once activated, Magic's begun.

'Twill cleanse their heart, a thorough scan,
Deleting files to perma ban.
As Magic clears out their cluttered space,
Their hearts will lighten and thus embrace
A new found freedom from bugs and worms,
All those pesky, infected virus germs.
Their entire system will be under change,
Operation Magic will re-arrange,
Reformat with specific code
To maintain performance in Magic Mode

All new files downloaded to save
In special folders marked as fav',
Shall be scanned, closely inspected,
Anything foreign to Magic rejected.
Much more efficient, void of haste,
Their systems will run with little waste
Of energy, of time, on negative things,
Too preoccupied by what brings
Joy and peace, a contented heart,
Once Magic is run from the click on start.

This program called Magic, perfected and planned,
Designed by the Master Programmer's Hand
Is the best OS to run in one's heart
And never too late to click on start.
We need no faeries to cast their spells,
For within us all, Magic dwells.

I do indeed highly recommend,
This Magic Program, may it be the trend
That more and more will give it a try
For after all, they needn't buy!

What's this Magic I speak of?
The only REAL Magic, its name is Love.

Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly
©2014-07-25 07:11:00 (EST) All rights reserved.

This poem has been sponsored by Love. :) <3

136324  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-07-08
Written: (3742 days ago)


This is SO me! The ONLY people I ever have any difficulties with are those who are lying, trying to pull a fast one over on me and then they
realise I'm onto them. ..And I admit, I do Love to watch them make fools of themselves as they continue to try and buffalo me. I will even
apply effort into allowing them to 'think' they are fooling me and I silently chuckle as they tighten the noose around their own neck. THIS is
how I exposed WHOOO Ramanjit Garewal REALLY is and the WHOOO is among us here on Elfpack. It is said about psychopaths that they
are "master manipulators", "masters of disguise", "pathological liars", "without a conscience", and HATE being exposed for the superficial
and the fakes they are!

“Loud are the liars when lies they're spewing,
But silent they become when Truth is brewing.” 

“For Truth I'll speak, use my voice.
Truth is my weapon of choice.
Against my enemies, no sword I wield,
For Truth is also my protective shield.”

~ #ArtsieladieQuotes

136322  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-06-25
Written: (3755 days ago)

I recently came across something that's a little unsettling...

I was going back through my emails when I came across a notice from Twitter about having a new follower on January 23, 2014. The 'new' Twitter follower is the Twitter account of "Kyrinn" (name on Elftown.com), the account being:

Her name on and her Twitter account is: Kristen Bradley/Kianyth

I know she passed away quite awhile ago now. I heard it through the grapevine and then I read about it on Elftown.com's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elftowncom/17815116017

But just to be sure, I decided to go to Elftown's page just to double check and her passing is mentioned in this post on March 25, 2013 and WAAAAAY BEFORE her account following me on Twitter: (See bottom of image as well.)


This image is the screengrab of the mentioned info showing the email notification I received from Twitter, the time and date of AND of the post on Elftown's page.

Rather creepy? How can Kyrinn/Kristen Bradley start following me when she is no longer living?


136321  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-06-25
Written: (3755 days ago)

Your Spirit Animal is an Owl.

Like the owl, you are highly intuitive. You can trust your instincts above all else, and you listen to your inner guide. You can see what others don't or won't see. You see everyone for who they truly are, and that frightens them. You are a natural lie detector. You can see past masks and facades. No one can hide from you. You have a quiet and gentle wisdom. You don't go around bragging about how smart or wise you are. You are good at uncovering potential in yourself and others. You are a catalyst for positive growth and change. You have a lot of creative and dynamic energy. You are focused on all of the possibilities in life.

This is so spot on! :)

 The logged in version 

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