[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136464  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2015-06-28
Written: (3387 days ago)

Yes, defend the clone and condone,
Excellence of character, lacking.
Criticise, condemn the truthful, but
For lies, give loyalty and backing.

"Feed people lies and they'll eat every bite!
Gobble them up! Swear they are right!
Feed people the Truth they'll reject the taste,
Throw it away, treat it like waste."

Ignorance can be rectified by obtaining knowledge,
But stupidity is hopeless even with 100 years of college!


Listen to the buzzards. Hear the vultures cry.
Awaiting anxiously for the pit of snakes to die.
Listen to their sound, their screams give a chill,
As Karma is persistent with the paying of one's bill.

It's okay with some to on others foul play,
Until what's given returns in a Karma Ricochet.
When Karma comes a knockin' to collect a debt,
Payback is a bitch for Karma never does forget.

As many enjoyed dispensing their deeds and acts unkind,
The Karma bill they racked high without paying any mind.
So now the time is coming, drawing very near,
As the vultures circle, the sign is very clear.

The smell of death is hanging heavy in the air,
A scent sweet and pleasing to buzzards everywhere.
The stench is strong, repugnant with rotting in the pit,
As slithering slimes must wallow in their own sh**.

I knew this day would come. I warned of its arrival,
Carefully laid out plans to bring about revival.
But all of my efforts were ridiculed and jeered,
And I was cast out with my name wrongly smeared.

O, the kingdom of fantasy, once it was so grand,
Abounding rich with creativeness, a true and happy land.
But self serving egos were allowed to take control,
Destroying community spirit, the embodiment and soul.

Now, soon will be left just skeletal remains
Of a land once thriving, promising with gains,
As the vultures pick clean, leaving no trace
Of inhabitants or life, a vacant, dead place.

As I watch from a distance, see death descending,
I can only shrug at the nearing of the ending.
All of my appeals made to alter this direction
Were met with insults, arrogant rejection.

There are no more tears of sadness or lament
And Justice is being served for all of the torment
That was cruelly levied upon me for believing
In the land of fantasy where the ruler is deceiving.

~ Artsieladie ©2015-06-28 12:55:00 (EST)

136439  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2015-02-19
Written: (3515 days ago)
Next in thread: 136458

Wow! Hedda is multiplying!

- Mortified Penguin (Bob's Diner!): Member #92105 created: 2004-10-27 21:22:54
- Bob'sDiner: Member #193926 created: 2015-02-11 04:55:15
- ob'sDinerB: Member #193927 created: 2015-02-11 04:55:32
- b'sDinerBo: Member #193928 created: 2015-02-11 04:56:26
- 'sDinerBob: Member #193929 created: 2015-02-11 04:57:50
- sDinerBob': Member #193930 created: 2015-02-11 04:58:37
- DinerBob's: Member #193931 created: 2015-02-11 04:58:53
- inerBob'sD: Member #193932 created: 2015-02-11 04:59:26
- nerBob'sDi: Member #193933 created: 2015-02-11 05:00:03
- erBob'sDin: Member #193934 created: 2015-02-11 05:00:23
- rBob'sDine: Member #193935 created: 2015-02-11 05:00:37

..And his applications, well 'he' can't accept them, only a clone and a clone of a clone can!!!!

...And hmmmm.... 257 'active' members! Whoa Betsy! Whoopee-do! Oh, but wait! How many 'clones' go through the gate!? Soon there'll be... on the site actively... only himself of a wide variety!! LOLOL

136415  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-11-15
Written: (3611 days ago)
Next in thread: 136425


"Heart Art"

When one is left speechless by beautiful pearls spoken,
When absent are the words adequate to show as a token
Of feeling humbled and honoured, with appreciation profound,
And totally overtaken by their sweet, melodic sound,
Then one must search, seek to find another, creative way
To express how touched their heart is, all to try and say.
When so delicious are the words, sweet cuisine for the heart,
One must express their elation from within their deepest part.

A thousand words, it's said, lies within a photo taken,
But within a work of art can be a message unmistaken
That words cannot say to describe what's in one's heart,
But only can be portrayed within one's work of art
And when is used the canvas, as well the paint and brush,
Is from the Vault of Love, only then can bring the rush
Of emotions, giving freedom to the passions deeply of,
What makes the heart beat faster, which only can be Love.

Art/Design/Poetry by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2014-11-15 10:44:00 (EST)
Inspired by Qazi Qamar Qamaruddin, both his words and character of excellence.
Website: www.artsieladie.com

What brought about this art and poem...

#‎Poetry‬ ‪#‎Love‬ ‪#‎ArtsieladiePoetry‬

"How Do I?"

How do I tell you how much you mean to me?
How can I convince you, make you ever see?
How do I show you all the Love for you in my heart?
How can I reveal to you, you're in my deepest part?

How do I let you know, I enjoy listening to all you have to say?
How can I portray to you I respect you highly in every kind of way?
How do I convey to you, my world, you, with colour fill?
How can I inform you I admire your each and every skill?

How do I tell you how honoured to know you I feel?
How can I convince you I am proud of you surreal?
How do I show you that just your presence brings me smiles?
How can I reveal to you I feel your warmth in spite the miles?

How do I let you know how much you amaze me?
How can I portray to you, your beautiful heart I see?
How do I convey to you I am thankful for you every day?
How can I inform you I'm blessed by you more than I can say?

How do I tell you, you inspire me without end?
How can I convince you I mean the words to you I send?
How do I show you how amazing you are to me?
How can I reveal to you your awesomeness I see?

Oh, how do I make sure you know all of these and more?
Do you really even want to know? I'm not even really sure.
But tomorrow is not promised, only is the here and now,
And I'm not one to chance losing, saying what I feel and how,
For I would regret more not saying what I feel,
Should tomorrow never come and my chance away, steal.

It is better to Love another heart even if it's not received,
Than it is to leave a heart barren with Love not born, conceived.
It is better to have Loved and lost than to have never Loved at all,
For there is no heart so broken as one that's missed Love's call.

To Love and to Love truly, a heart must be willing to take a chance,
To permit itself to be vulnerable, allow another heart to glance
And should the other heart be moved to a much faster beat,
True Love may be born as the two hearts touch and meet.

Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly/Love 2014-11-13 23:25:00 (EST)

Qazi Qamaruddin: Beautiful poetry, my dear friend Artsieladie!
Like rainbow colours,
Like rainy showers,
Like Bouquet of flowers,
God bless you forever ♥ ♥
Some random thoughts came to me, yet not within the fours of
poetic narrative but indeed a voice of my heart and mind..
Hope you don't mind my wise friend!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It's really,
Awesome my sweet friend Artsie!
Its amazing so pleasing,
whatever words

Its surreal and sweet,
What a truthful you tweet,
It's heart-to-heart,
and the soul to soul,
A feeling so beaut!

No need to tell,
it's both way, as well.

Two hearts, two minds,
are ever synchronise,
At the equal wavelength,
having solid strength!
It's a mystical mode,
In the hearts,tis abode!
on the single pathway,
having similar road!

Both walk and talk,
nowhere could block,
mesmerise, surprise,
both share,
eyes into eyes!

A gaze, amaze,
a charm to chase,
Two equal heartbeats,
same wishes, same needs!
unto the sky, they glide and fly,
And the Love multiply!
God bless you.
♥ ♥ :) :)

Sharon Donnelly: Dear Qazi Qamaruddin... :) :) ♥ ♥
Sorry for the delay, pause in my reply,
But with your words, I simply couldn't deny
My heart to have its say
In a different kind of way.
With these Precious Pearls, my words just can't compete
With words so very fragrant, delicious and so sweet.
My heart then only knew
What it wanted and must do.
The finest canvas with brushes just as fine,
And with special paint from this heart of mine,
Magic was released and directly from my heart
Comes with Love for you, my heart's work of art.
Mr. Moon was watching with on his face smiles,
As I added moonbeams to reach across the miles
To touch a special heart who illuminates my own
Much too brightly to conceal or to not be shown.

God bless you always and forever.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

In regards to your words and if I mind, my dear friend?
From your heart and mind are pearls that transcend!


136413  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-11-09
Written: (3617 days ago)

To all the liars and those who cohort with the liars!


Happy Haunting!!!

136407  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-10-25
Written: (3633 days ago)


"Hijra Mubarak" - Qazi Qamar

By Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2014-10-24
For Qazi Qamar Qamaruddin
All rights reserved.
Website: www.artsieladie.com

136406  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-10-24
Written: (3634 days ago)



When Enchanted by Love, Trust is the key
That unlocks the door to set Love free.
Pearls are the words, but actions of, measure,
When supporting, are then the gems to treasure.

Your words are fragrant like lilacs in the spring;
Serenading my heart, melodic, they sing.
Tranquil, soothing, when I despair.
Caressing my heart, cradling with care.
Hydrating my spirit through times of drought;
Soothing, smoothing, my wrinkles of doubt.

Repairing and strong when I feel broken;
Velvety gentle, carefully spoken.
Colouring my world when dulled with pain;
Bringing rays of sunshine through pouring rain.
Restoring my worth severely charred;
Respecting my character, though grossly marred.

Patiently supportive, breaking each fall;
Uplifting my short, making me tall.
My castle of comfort in a world so scathed;
My hearth of security, I'm warmly bathed.
My Rock of Gibraltar against crashing waves;
My beacon of Light from darkness, saves.
       Recharging my Faith, reciting His Word;
Living His Way, clearing my blurred.
Teaching me patiently, consistently kind;
Touching, inspiring, my heart and mind.
Blessing my life in countless ways;
Never ceasing my heart, to amaze.

My vessel of wine overflowing my flask;
Intoxicating joy for my heart to in, bask.
Showering my soul with the scent of serene;
Nurturing my heart with your delicious cuisine,
Basted in Love and with hugs so tight,
Making what's wrong, Magically right.

My passion capturing,
My joy enrapturing,
Magically woven, Magically spun
Magically cast, Magically done.

Words are just words, empty and bare,
Meaningless, common, never are rare,
Until they are kissed by the Magic of,
And so, are they, Enchanting with Love.

Poem by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2014-10-23 00:28:00 (EST) All rights reserved.
Inspirational credit: My Love, Qazi Qamaruddin
With graphics by Artsieladie...
Website: www.artsieladie.com
Website: http://pewter7.blogspot.com/

Without the words...


136400  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2014-10-16
Written: (3642 days ago)

Guess you didn't like my last secret diary entry, eh Mr. Snoop? Too bad! THIS is MY life and YOU have NO say!!!! pfffft

136397  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-10-14
Written: (3644 days ago)

You don't have a problem, now do you, Mr. Snoop? You threw me away like I was nothing. It seems someone else sees and treats me differently and much better than you ever could or would.
"King Of Manure"

Thank you so much for denying me access to your dying site,
Where all I was doing was spending all my time, day and night.
I have now since found there's a world beyond,
You set free this fish from your stagnant pond.
At first I was lost sadly at sea,
Until along came someone who rescued me.
He's everything wonderful, all that you're not,
And he has helped me to know better, and you I forgot.
In my mind and my heart, your presence is gone,
I've been brought to a brand new, wonderful dawn,
Where there's no hint of you, not even a trace,
Nor your vile friends who defile and deface.
Now I'm treated with admiration and respect,
Opening my eyes to see you're just a reject.

You've gotten your wish. I hope you're pleased,
For I've too got mine, my heart is appeased.
Have a nice life, may you reap what you sow,
Your garden of weeds where no flowers grow.
My new inspiration makes me so Loved feel,
Replacing your fake, with honest and real.
As you slammed the door shut, spit, and laughed in my face,
Another door opened and now joy is all I gladly embrace.
The pedestal you're on is one for sure,
Enjoy your throne, King, "King of Manure"!

~ Artsieladie 2014-10-14 05:40:00 (EST)

136395  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-10-07
Written: (3651 days ago)

Well, Hedda, that didn't take you too long, did it? A little less than an hour after posting my comment and bam! You knock me off the Internet. Has anyone ever told you that you oughta' GROW UP!? :/

136394  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-10-07
Written: (3651 days ago)

Be careful of the Truth because it just 'may' blow up in your face. This usually happens to those who try to hide the Truth. Then the one who exposes the Truth gets ostracised for exposing the Truth by liars who lie, deny, and defend their lies.

136393  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-10-07
Written: (3651 days ago)
136392  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-10-06
Written: (3651 days ago)

I came across this link, "Top Ten Fallacies About Islam". It is my strong, compelling wish for the world to learn the Truth about Islam, not fall for, believe, nor feed into the many misconceptions being spread around the world, designed to shed very negative concepts about and to turn people against Islam.

I have had the distinct pleasure and honour to become acquainted and close friends with many Muslim People. What the terrorist groups like ISIS spread is hatred and violence, not Love. These terrorist groups 'claim' to be following the Islamic Faith, but in actuality, they're using Islam to promote their evil agendas. True Islam is about Love and Peace.

When I think about it and look back over my life, I've always been distressed when I learn of another or others being unjustly treated and/or accused, mistreated, misunderstood, etc. and I will always root for and support the underdog, the wrongly accused, abused, etc.. This hasn't changed.

Being in situations where I was the receiver of the aforementioned examples, particularly in the most formidable years, set the stage I think for me to have a deepened compassion paired with a surreal understanding for those wrongly accused, abused, misunderstood, etc.. Therefore, the lessons, the less than pleasant situations, as a child and early adulthood particularly, but more of as well during my life, were/are the ground work, the tools, to prepare me for a much bigger purpose, which I may be just entering into now. Maybe not, but maybe.

Ever since 911 especially, Muslims have been increasingly targeted, criticised profusely, and labeled as spreaders of hatred and violence. Gradually since this awful day, I have felt an increased desire to learn what's real about Islam and what is propaganda designed to spread hatred against Muslims. I am now reading and studying The Noble Qur'an and I am delighted to say, I now have my very own.

136391  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-10-06
Written: (3652 days ago)
136388  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-09-30
Written: (3658 days ago)

My AWESOME, REAL, TRUE friend's words, a person of INTEGRITY, CLASS, VIRTUE, TRUTH, HONOUR, RESPECT, etc., etc..
...and even with all the success, awards, and highly respected social status, he is and remains humble. To be respected
and admired by him, a person of his "Caliber of Character", there are no words to describe what this means to me,
ESPECIALLY after being put through hell, so cruelly and viciously ostracised and bullied by Hedda and several others
involved on Elftown and then being made to have to put up with him invading my privacy STILL; listening in on my phone
conversations, getting into my computer, my online accounts, messing with my friends' accounts and devices, and the list
goes on and then people SUPPORTING THIS! HEINOUSLY DESPICABLE!!! Then "I" am expected to grovel, to accept the
blame for ALL of "their" wrongdoing! Yet, I'm called crazy, the lunatic because I refuse to go along with their will, their
INSANE line of thinking. pffffft

This makes Hedda's opinion and all those who support him's opinions dead in the water and shows them as the spine-
less, despicable people they are. So, let's see, a hacker and eavesdropper into peoples' private lives, stealing their work,
using people to abuse them, and then lying about them and slandering their names to cover up what you're guilty of doing?
Nice for your resume, Hedda. May I suggest you list "these beauties" first? Let people know who and what you REALLY are.
You can't even come close to be the kind of person Qazi is because you'd much rather be a rotten bastard. Users and
abusers are losers! Liars and deniers are expires! The REAL shame in all of this? Hedda IS capable of GREAT things, GREAT,
GOOD things. He's just unmotivated to and too lazy to pursue what's the best within him. Hedda would much rather be a
low-life instead.



136387  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-09-29
Written: (3658 days ago)


"Thee Master Of Love"

No hobble, no noose, no chain, nor rope,
Shall tame my spirit nor steal my hope.
My spirit, my heart, my soul, born free,
Shall remain unbroken as meant to be.

No form of control shall such a burden I bear
By those self serving, with arrogant air.
For I shall not be herded, corralled, restrained,
By those with agendas, for evil, ordained.

On the path least trodden, wild and free,
Where Love and Truth allures, entices me,
Not by force, but with Velvet Reins,
Not by deceit, but of Truthful Grains,
Is where my spirit, my heart does roam,
Is where my soul of loyalty rests at home.

For the Path of Truth, is Freedom’s Path,
The Path of Love and free of wrath.
From the Vineyards of Life’s Grapevine,
With Vessels of Love’s Sweetest Wine,
My thirst is quenched but still I aspire
To follow the Light, my internal desire.
My hunger satisfied, yet never completely,
For Grains of Truth appease me sweetly.

No hobble, no noose, no chain, nor rope,
Shall tame my spirit nor steal my hope.
My spirit, my heart, my soul, born free,
Thee Master of Love is Thee Master of me.

Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-09-20 05:05:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
Inspired by God/Allah ♥
Website: www.artsieladie.com


136386  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-09-29
Written: (3658 days ago)


"Inner Power"

Be the best of you, the best of who you are;
Emancipate yourself to illuminate your star!
Accentuate your positive, in yourself believe,
All that you perpetuate, you will then receive.

Weed out all the negative, meant to dim your Light,
Cultivate the best in you, keep this in your sight.
Life will throw us curve balls when we least expect,
But we're just being tested to know what to reject.

Keep your attitude positive, be grateful everyday
For each and all your blessings that have come your way.
Remember to be kind, considerate, show compassion,
These are key positives, never out of fashion.

Do onto others as you would like done onto you,
Show respect to receive respect, this remember too.
Do not let mistakes deter you from your mission,
For they must be made for success to reach fruition.

Lessons in life must be learned, scars, some will leave,
Let them be reminders of your courage, over, not to grieve.
Life is an adventure, with each day a brand new quest,
With new challenges to face, face them with your best.

There is an Inner Power in all of us called Love,
It is the very best from which we're all made of.
We release our Inner Power, when we're the best of who we are,
And the Light that emanates outshines the brightest star!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-08-23 17:22:00 (EST) All rights reserved.
Website: www.artsieladie.com

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