[Faith.Hope.Love]'s diary

136592  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2018-07-17
Written: (2370 days ago)

#luciferian_worshipers #Wicked_elite #zionists_are_fake_jews #illuninati #masons #british_monarchy #vatican_one_world_church_to_worship_satan
It's important to remember: "Anti-zionism is NOT antisemitism", because zionists are NOT real or actual believers in Judaism. Zionists only 'use' Judaism as a false front so they can claim antisemitism whenever anyone or any group speaks out against their wicked acts against humanity, all to appease their insatiable lust for wealth and power. Zionists worship satan/lucifer and are driven to do satan's deeds and to raise lucifer up to rule over the world. The one world church as part of the new world order is intended for worshiping satan/lucifer NOT God.

Zionism is the greatest threat to world peace, period. The #zionists are the wicked 'master puppeteers', the 'string pullers', behind ALL the wars, the terrorism, etc.. All we see is the work and the horrible results of their puppets, who the zionists acquire the allegiance of their puppets to do their bidding for them through bribery, blackmail, extortion, manipulation, and whatever evil means they can think of.

For instance, the zionists love politicians who have skeletons in their closet and the bigger, the better. This is also how #pizzagate or #pedogate fits neatly into this zionist equation. When a person has a very dark, despicable secret, that person can be forced into doing most anything, if not in fact, anything, just to keep their secret(s) protected.

This is why we have such corruption in the US and in other countries around the world because of the zionist puppets deeply planted into the political systems and vital areas of countries. This is also referred to as the 'deep seat'. Here in the US, zionist puppets are covertly doing the zionist bidding in our CIA, MSM, military, political, judicial, banking, educational systems and have influence to control our health and well being, particularly with big pharma and the FDA.

The zionists, as part of their #NWO (control/rule the entire world) agenda, want to exterminate BILLIONS of people from the earth. They want WWIII and the way to pull it off is to have the super powers go to war with each other. Hence, the 'planted puppets' in the US are trying any angle they can to instigate war with Russia.

Then about #ISIS... ISIS is nothing more than a zionist agenda with the intent to have Christians and Muslims against each other, with the goal being that the two religious groups will eliminate each other. Since these two are the largest opposition, after these two are eliminated, all remaining religious groups will be easier to eliminate, with the atheists and the true Jewish people not exempt from this agenda, because zionists aren't 'true Jews', but are only operating under the 'umbrella of Judaism'.

Zionists are really 'satanists'. They've already gotten their claws into the Vatican because the Vatican is to become the one world church but not to worship God; rather to make all remaining people follow and worship lucifer or else be eliminated. Then the devil can have his ultimate revenge on God. The zionists, who aren't true followers of Judaism, will and do claim antisemitism whenever the truth about them is spoken but it's just a cunning tactic they use against those who dare tell about the real, dark, and wicked truth about them. Remember, satan is the master of deception.

It's acutely imperative that the mass majority of the 'peopleS' (plural) of the world awaken and see the full and complete picture of the zionist true mission so we all can comprehend how crucial it is that the 99% JOIN FORCES AGAINST zionism. If we don't join forces; if we continue to attack each other using our differences as an excuse, we will be leading humanity to its final doom. We must seek truth to share and awaken others through reliable sources, non-zionist controlled media, which excludes MSM because the zionists own and control all the major MSM news sources.

The only way to get rid of and not have to deal with symptoms, is to "eradicate the cause". So if we, the peopleS of the world, truly want to rid the world of wars, terrorism, starvation, etc., then we have to "eradicate the cause" TOGETHER, OUR ONE COMMON ENEMY, zionism. We, the "united 99%", can because the 1% against the "united 99%" has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving and the zionists know this.

This is why they direct our focus on subject matter, such as our differences, to drive wedges between us and so many fall right into the trap. EVERY time we bully, insult, show disrespect, prey on, use, abuse, assault, etc. another one of us, the 99%, we are then helping the wicked zionists to come closer to achieving their ultimate goal. We can speak out against zionism until the cows come home, but if we're still attacking one another, the speaking out is all for naught because in reality we're giving the zionists what they want: division of the masses. We have at our fingertips the ability, the tool, to unite all over the globe through the Internet. So, why aren't we using this unity tool to OUR advantage? Why are we catering to the zionists by dividing ourselves? The zionists are "banking on it", literally. If we Love each other, are kind and respectful towards each other, this will bring us together, and ultimately, destroy/eradicate zionism. <3

~ Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
Zionism - 2018-07-17

136591  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2018-07-16
Written: (2370 days ago)

I'm thinking it isn't worth the aggravation anymore to be online. The Internet is plagued with just too many vultures, predators, and parasites. Then besides this, the level of stupidity and ignorance is mind boggling. Then add in all the fake and superficial types, shallowness, spinelessness, and immaturity. Very few want to read past a line or two because they might actually learn something. To have any kind of 'intelligent' conversation is next to impossible. So many are content with being sheeple. Few cultivate having values and most can be bought for a price or some type of bribe. Is it any wonder we have so much corruption? Corrupted people love people who can't think for themselves; people who are self serving and are willing to kiss ass and suck up for the sole purpose of seeking favour for themselves. Corrupt people love people they can wave a promise of something under a suck up's nose and the suck up will then do their bidding for them. Corrupt people don't like people who have a mind of their own and use it nor people who can't be bribed/bought. It's gotten to the point most people can't be trusted and I don't like having to have my guard up all the time. I'm about ready to say, "Screw it!" <img:daN-gif.gif>

136590  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2018-06-19
Written: (2398 days ago)

So, 'this' is what Elftown's come to accepting now, porn? THIS is NOT 'artistic nudity'. It's porn. Someone ought to send them, member 6430, to fake, where people join who have no sense of human decency and definitely no self respect, which apparently this Elftown member has none of either, either.
Email: okay_fine@hotmail.com
Porn image:

136582  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2018-04-23
Written: (2454 days ago)

Love writing Limericks. Humour is always good!

"Should Have Learnt Bernt!"

There once was a man named Bernt
Who's name should have been Burnt
Because he burned me bad
And made me so mad
That I hadn't first about him learnt!

Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2018-04-23 19:16:00 (EDT)

"Cracker Hacker"

There once was a man who'd hack
Just so he could keep track
Of one he adored
But couldn't afford,
If she broke through his tarmac!

Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2018-04-21 15:44:00 (EDT)

"Community Site"

There once was a community site
That once was cheery and bright,
But the mayor spied
And about it lied
And now dead, it seems so right.

Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly
©2018-04-23 19:16:00 (EDT)

136581  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2018-04-21
Written: (2456 days ago)

For happy life shared by two,
It is said to be true,
'Happy wife, happy life',
But every good wife knows
How in men happy shows.
Happy penis, happy man,
Main goal, desired plan.
Unhappy penis, man's distressed,
Making man so depressed!

If you're gonna' love a man,
You'd better love his penis,
Since there is the brain he uses,
As is the ego of his genus!

136580  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2018-04-21
Written: (2457 days ago)

Loving Poetry Soup!!! Love the atmosphere. Love that Poetry Soup has a number of ways to encourage positive engagement and for increasing awareness among Soupers, poems other Soupers are writing and submitting. Besides a wide variety of contests, both premium and non, PS has a number of features for added exposure for all poems submitted. ..And they send emails to Soupers that also reinforce all these aspects. So professionally run. Some different than the heddate sites!

136575  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2018-03-29
Written: (2479 days ago)

"Scam Caller"

How do you choose the numbers, Bernt,
By random or by choice?
What's the point in calling me,
When you'll never hear my voice?
So much wasted time you spend
Ringing up my phone,
Aren't there better ways
To spend the time you own?

I do not answer calls
From a number I don't know,
Regardless where it's from
Or how many in a row.
And robo calls with messages,
Computer generated
Are so fake and phony,
A minus ten they're rated.

If you'll stoop this low,
To be annoying every day,
What about your character
Does your behaviour say?
Anyone who gains by stealing,
No matter how or what they steal,
Can't have self respect nor
Good about themselves, feel.

Are you really this desperate
In the misery where you wallow,
You can only in this rut
Stay in and follow?
Or are you just a narcissist
Who gets pleasure causing pain,
Havoc, and discord abundantly,
While promoting selfish gain?

A scam is a scam,
Built on/around deceit
No matter how it's cloaked,
A scammer is a cheat.
To paint yourself so clearly
In such an unbecoming light,
While you justify your actions,
Bending wrong into right,
Puts you in a class
Of the lowest form.
How can you be okay with this
And accept this as your norm?

By Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2018-03-29 21:54:00 (EST)

136574  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2018-03-28
Written: (2481 days ago)

I belong to a wonderful website for poets, called Poetry Soup, where I recently became a lifetime member. The website has plenty of resources, information, and tools to help poets with their poetry writing. It offers a number of contests for inspiration in a variety of poetic formats/styles. Poetry Soup is a professionally, well run website (which I find to be very refreshing), where member poets are encouraged to encourage and support other member poets, while inappropriate, disrespectful, and abusive behaviour is NOT tolerated, making the overall atmosphere warm and friendly and very conducive for making a 'creative environment'. I encourage poets who haven't found a website to fit your poetic expressive needs to checkout Poetry Soup. (https://www.poetrysoup.com/)

With this said, this poem and story was inspired by the picture I'm posting with it, presented in one of the contests on the site, called "Picture This", hosted by Joseph May. I've been missing being on a website with contests that inspire me to challenge my expression.


"Appear My Queen At The Pier"

(First half)
As the life of the day nears its last breath,
With a glow of crimson, forewarning its death,
Upon its cresting, the reflection, daunting,
The sea sets free a beauty, haunting
The depths of its treasures of unknown span,
The Queen Of Pearls, secluded from man.

This queen, a beauty of figure, a maiden so fair,
With glistening gold locks finer than Pele's hair
And eyes that blend with her homing sea green,
Lips sweeter than honey for a honeycomb's queen,
Once a fortnight, this Queen Of The Sea,
As Mr. Moon swoons, she comes for me.

I wander each eve along the sea's shore,
When near is the time, I long, live for,
Watching intently for the tell tale sign
Of soon again, she will be mine.
Though my patience is tried over many a night,
I know very soon the time will be right.

"Will I see her again; will she come out?"
Puncturing my heart with needles of doubt,
Is fear I'm pained with before each time we meet,
As though and worse than gripped by mesquite.
Then as the tide comes in, over the incoming foam,
For an auspicious clue, my eyes desperately roam.

The sign, the signal, I must not miss
For I can taste so sweet her magical kiss.
My heart couldn't take the grief of such woe,
If I were to become no longer her beau.
The pressure is on, for surrounding me
Is somewhere a message, elusive, a mystery.

Each time the message comes in by way of unique,
For I must earn and prove I'm worthy to seek
This maiden so fair of beauty unsurpassed
And continually I must, if our Love is to last.
Only one common factor am I to ever know;
A pearl will appear, in some way show.

Her signature, a pearl, confirms her request
And one of the finest, only the best.
My Love is not just a queen of the deep sea;
She is the Queen Of Pearls, her royal majesty.
Sometimes I wonder why it is I she chose,
But it's a secret kept, for the sea only knows.

Once a seagull brought and dropped one in the sand,
From the sky above, next to me to on purpose land.
Another time, a sea lion rolled in with the tide
And flipped a pearl to me as he winked with pride.
Yet, another time, I was beckoned out into the sea,
By a whale that spouted a pearl then straight to me.

As my anxiety grows to an unbearable state
And just when I feel I can no longer wait,
With flippers anchored and a look of daring,
In a coat of gold, his mischief, baring,
I knew at once that what I sought
Was now before me with a troubling thought.

For I knew a challenge he had predesigned,
To acquire this pearl would take wit of mind.
Since my heart's condition was at stake,
I had no room for error nor one mistake.
What would be tempting too much for him;
Catch him off guard to forfeit the gem?
      (Second half)
Through files of thoughts I ran a quick scan,
Searching to find the one fool proof plan.
Then he made a face at me and straight away
It triggered a thought from a yesterday,
When Andre, the seal, harboured a 'tude,
He stuck out his tongue and blew to be rude.

So, like Andre I leaned in and did the same,
At the seal's face, I took a precise aim.
I stuck out my tongue and blew in his face.
Surprised, he hadn't time to against me, brace.
The temptation too great, he returned the favour
And the pearl became mine only to savour.

Though he was unhappy he had been tricked,
I was elated as my dilemma had been licked.
With all my strength, clenched in my fist
Was my ticket to passion when I was kissed
By my maiden of Love to meet on the pier,
Where soon now I knew she would appear.

As though on wings, my feet did fly
To the pier in waiting where at last, I
Would be joined in Love with my queen,
As soon as she appeared upon the scene.
When I arrived, she was waiting there
To rise out of the sea, my maiden, fair.

As she rose, I pulled her so close to me
And as we locked our lips, she magically
Transformed into a lady, full human form,
Extraordinary and far from norm.
We danced, made Love; laughed and cried,
Baring all of our emotions from inside.

No moment was wasted, no second in time,
In sync we were with both rhythm and rhyme.
But time flies by too quickly it seems,
When you're with the only star of your dreams.
All too soon a new day was being born
And a sun of gold was greeting the morn.

As she stood on the pier elegantly dressed,
All onlookers couldn't have ever guessed
That my lady, my queen, lived in the sea
And transformed back, she soon would be.
As we were saying our sad good-bye,
A flock of witnesses then flew by.

Letting her go each time to return to the deep,
Is harder than the promise to her I made to keep.
Though I'm elated with joy, new memories made,
I must again for a fortnight through longing, wade.
As she slips quietly back into the waiting sea,
My tears like rivers, shower her adoringly.

The returning back to my homing place,
With my tears washing my distraught face,
I clutch the pearl, the precious stone,
And seek only now with myself to be alone.
Since there's nothing better than the best,
I can only look forward to her next request.

I hear a persistent knock upon my door,
As I awaken, for me, someone's looking for.
At first confused, I glanced around,
As again came that knocking sound.
"What a dream of fantasy. Wow!" I thought.
But then a pearl from my dream along I'd brought...

Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2018-03-27 23:29:00 (EST)

136573  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2018-03-23
Written: (2485 days ago)
136568  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2018-02-17
Written: (2519 days ago)


#Corrupt_government_is_enemy_one! When a government "fears the people", the first 'order of business' is/becomes to make the people "defenseless against that government" by taking measures to put into effect "gun control" laws that will disarm the people, making the people "obedient and expendable servants" of that government. Only a corrupt government with an underlying, covert, tyrannical agenda with intentions of controlling the people as slaves to/for that government will fear the power of the people, particularly an "armed people" who are able to rise against and dismantle and destroy a corrupt government. A "disarmed people" is POWERLESS against a corrupt government with a devious agenda.

As with anyone who is deceitful, who has mastered the skills of conning others into buying/accepting/believing what they are promoting and/or pushing, our U.S. government is NO different. Our government is trying desperately to get the American People to forfeit our guns, our first line of defense, our 2nd Amendment rights. If we Americans give in and give up our right to bear arms, then we might as well also kiss our beloved country of America as we know it, good-bye. What is called "gun control" today is to become ultimately and eventually the confiscation of ALL guns and weapons from the American People.

Is our government coming straight out and saying this to us? No, of course not simply because our government knows most Americans would NEVER go along with such. So then what? What does a con artist do? They manipulate us and find ways to "convince us" to do so by instigating and creating horrific and heinous situations that will make us believe that what we are against is really the best for us, if we concede to the wishes of our "seemingly harmless" but in actuality, a covertly, blood thirsty, elitist controlled government. ..And if you think it's not "our blood" they are thirsting for, wake up!

Our government, controlled by zionist elitist appointed puppets, commonly known as the 'deep seat' or the 'industrial complex', with the very willing assistance of MSM and all the giant corporations, who are being well compensated for their loyalty to the elites, are ALL covertly working together to force we, the American People, into submission.

All the false flags are deliberately designed to intimidate us, to turn us against each other, to exploit our weaknesses, to culminate in hatred among us instead of brotherly Love and all to 'divide and conquer' us. When we fall for and allow ourselves to be manipulated and fooled, we play right into our sham of a government's "lethal and deadly hands". It is NOT the guns that we should fear and then foolishly give up. It IS our corrupted government, the true and most lethal enemy of we, the American People. Our gun bearing is NOT the enemy. Our so-called 'government' IS!

This is why it IS imperative we make it a priority to seek the truth and educate to arm ourselves with the truth, so we can learn and know our true enemy and the intricately woven, wicked web of masterly designed lies the elites and their loyal puppets have calculatingly and cunningly orchestrated to not only take over America, but the entire world. #New_World_Order_agenda #NWO

WE must #celebrate #whistleblowers and #truthtellers for having the courage and the guts to come forward with the truth they've learned so that the rest of us can be "in the KNOW", instead of 'in the dark'. It is only #truth that will set us all and keep us all FREE. We must seek absolute truth and not fall for half truths and/or fake/false truths (lies woven as truth). All those practicing the latter, we must expose them and hold them accountable for they are party to the problem, not the solution.

We must oppose ALL things, including religion if need be, that create and cause division among us, for division makes us, the people, weak and vulnerable. We must "choose" to be a part of the solution and refuse being a part of the problem. If we aren't a part of the solution, then we can only be part of the problem, since there is no acceptable "in between" zone for us to rest on our laurels in. We must uplift and encourage each other, not the opposite, which then makes us a part of the problem.

Remember: The powerful elite number only a few, but the people of the world, the masses, number billions, it's true. So, are we going to concede to the few or will we fight, by coming together and against our enemy, as ONE, UNITE!? I, for one, refuse to comply with elites and their puppets who do nothing but lie. Spread Love, not hate for our elitist enemy can't tolerate when we Love one another to make us strong, so we can then exterminate who upon us, do wrong. <3

 The logged in version 

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