[no_little_angel]'s diary

36136  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-15
Written: (6959 days ago)

I saw a world enchanted, spirits and charms in the air, i always took for granted, i was the only one there, but your powers shone, brighter than any i've known. i'm under your spell, nothing i can do, you just took my soul with you!

28362  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (7023 days ago)

why does life have to be so nasty you think that when you have been through a lot of shit in your life that your life couldnt get any worse, you met someone you become happy, happy like you never have in your whole life feeling the warms of the other person touch your iner soul touch deep inside of you, an all you want is to be with that person you long so much to be able to hold that person an they want the same, you wake up an your thinking of that person an you go to bed in the same state.
All you wanna do is cry an let it all out, but you wanna cry on that persons shoulder but you cant, theres to much in the way, you reach out to take the hand but when you look again it gone it wasnt there in the first place, you fall to the floor your head in your hands little drops comong out your eyes an going down your face as you whipe them they come back its like a river you cant stop it flowing.
You walk around feeling numb theres nothing else to feel other than hurt an pain, you want to love you do love an your love loves you to so why is it so hard why cant you reach out to that person an hold there hand, you reach out an feel something take a hold of you then you feel them slipping away, you try with all your might to hold on but its to late the hand has gone but was it there was it there holding you, you'd like to think it was but it wasnt it faded with the dreams, the dreams you had for your life but maybe they will always be dreams, every dream has its meaning dont let them fade away you need then to hold on to what you want, but then it changes your dreams become life with there own meanings an eachday another dreams forms the deepest parts of you an you feel happy, happy at last like you never thought you ever could, an you know that the hand will come back an embrace your life an take you on a magical ride of your life time.
You reach the stage in witch your life couldnt get any better your as happy as you ever could be with your love in there arms feeling all they have an all they hold in you,
BUT then life gives you the bigest blow of it yet, the blow of death an its coming for you sooner than you thought you think you can cope but inside your srceaming for just another day another chance to tell your love you love them, tell them not to worry you will always be with them even tho inside you want to scream you want to cry but you have to be strong for them but you break down you dont want to go but your time is now an the last thing you want to say is, i love you never forget me... 

18395  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-22
Written: (7076 days ago)

As I sit here thinking of my death
I look back and there is nothing left
no one to hold, nothing
I thought that there could be, I thought there was something
as I draw the knife through my flesh and veins
I know I'm supposed to feel, I don't even feel pain
the blood pours out of me drop by drop
I want it to go forever, never to stop
I lie back as I start to faint
I look at my blood as it stains and taints
such glorious red I do see
not for long though, they're coming for me
as my light begins to fade
I am proud of the decision I have made
so as I take my last breath of misery and hate
I look forward to my unknown fate

 The logged in version 

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