[miss Lindsey]'s diary

64019  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6749 days ago)
Next in thread: 64029


im so frustrated right now with all this crap
63988  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6749 days ago)

ok i am so pissed of at the fucking world right now i just broke up with my bf cuz things wernt working out and now hes sayin hes gonna kill himself and beggin for a second chance he says he didnt mean to hurt me i cant fucking take this i just wanna


56996  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-28
Written: (6793 days ago)
Next in thread: 56997

hey every one im bored and so i thought id waste your time by writing this so u can read it lol ya this is so point less right now im listening to hinder get stoned gotta love that song well ok im done im gonna go so my math hw :)

50064  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-01-13
Written: (6840 days ago)
Next in thread: 50109

[Would you?]

Show me what it is like to be the last one standing.
Walk me to the edge , hold my hand and tell me not to jump.
Hold me when my life starts falling.
Wipe my tears when I cry.
When I go to bed sing me a lullaby.
Dance with me in the rain.
Don’t let this love go down the drain.
When I wake up from a bad dream will you be there next to me to hold me and tell me that I am ok?
Will you be there to fight away all of my fears ?
Will you be there for me in the coming years?
Will you be there for me when I feel alone for real not just over the phone?
Will you be by my side during those long sleepless nights?
When I am scared will you be there to turn on the lights?
If I told you I loved you would you say it back?
Or would you leave me hanging?

[Too many things I would miss]

I love you for all the wrong reasons.
But it feels so right .
Every night I come home and you hold me tight.
If I ever lost you I don’t know what I would do.
I would miss every thing about you.
Every thing form your sweet kiss and the way you hug me when I have had a bad day.
I love the way your always telling me that it will be ok.
I feel safe in your arms like nothing could ever cause any harm.
If this isn’t love baby then I don’t now what is .
I never want to give you that final kiss.
There are far too many things I would miss .

[ hey people tell me what ya think please !!!!]

26069  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (7036 days ago)
Next in thread: 50054

hey every one his is empty so i thought i would right in it well im tired right now i just got back from the dragg strip my car sucked today tho o well lol well ya im done now this is kinda weird

 The logged in version 

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