[Skadia]'s diary

35899  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-12
Written: (7061 days ago)

v.v I still miss [On Any Given Night] so feckin' much, I waited a long time for her today.. She has a lot of reading on a certain wiki I invited her to catch up on.. :p

Other than that, no new updates.
Bored.. going to bed.. goodnight everyone, and sweet dreams.

35673  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-09
Written: (7063 days ago)


will always be

EvErYtHiNg To Me!

[Take Me HoMe FrOm DiS pWaCe N' mAkE mE.. Me..]


Work, school, work, school.. How mind numbingly lame.. Give me a break, I need one despirately..!

I miss [On Any Given Night] so fucking much.
Oui dumt sa dryd oui fana dra uha fru fuimt fetah so csema, yht oui ryja, so mujamo, tayn [On Any Given Night].
E fecr oui vun so ufh, yc udran'c tu.. Oui'na cu bnaleuic, E lyhhud ryns oui..
Ku uh, so muja. Ku yht pa rybbo. ^.^

[On Any Given Night] and [Kusu] are probably the only ones I know who will be able to figure that out, but it's only meant for [On Any Given Night]. ~Glares at [Kusu].~

I'll be home later tonight. Goodnight if I do not see you all later.

-Lady Skadia the Rogue.

35489  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-07
Written: (7066 days ago)


[Ayame Whitepaws] and [Skadia] are no more.
Although we had a good run,
We mutually decided that it was over.
Now, and from now on.

Although [On Any Given Night] loves me,
she is occupied and in love.
I wish her luck, and shall always love her.

[The Darkest Star.] is
as supportive as ever in this event.
I love you hun', thanks for the help.

Although eternity ended short...
I find myself happy with those whom I love.

With you always in my sight
I can manage to draw breath.

[Forever love: <3]

-Lady Skadia the Rogue.

[Typical update style:]

Okay, so, now that the dramatic part is over.. I am home from work, and very satisfied to find that I might be able to see [On Any Given Night], [The Darkest Star.], and [Ayame Whitepaws] tomorrow. (I.e: I don't work, kickass!)

Today was a great day at work, all of my favorite people on one shift, made it all the more fun.
Overall, it was a great night. The only downside was.. I got home thirty minutes too late, and [On Any Given Night] had already left. ~Tries not to pout.~ Oh well, I'll do my best to see her tomorrow. <3

School tomorrow, as always. ~Sigh.~ I seriously need a break, and some asprin. :p

Well, that about covers the updates in the life of [Skadia].

Goodnight all, sweet dreams, stay away from demonic possessed muffins. <3

35277  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (7068 days ago)

I wished Kawakins Happy Birthday on the exact minute that she was born! ^-^ Mwahaha! The first to officially wish her a happy birthday, ph33r mi!! <333!!

35274  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (7068 days ago)

Remember when me and Kara called you, "pup".. and you almost freaked..? <.< I found out why. ~Ebil smile.~ That's so not why we were calling you that, though. ;)


35273  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (7068 days ago)


Will she be honest with me yet?

35271  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (7068 days ago)

[Ayame Whitepaws] is a lying, cheating, slutwhore, is everyone satisfied now?
I listened. I realize it.
I KNOW she was wolf.of.Moons or whatever on USWest battle.net, I know that she was a dirty little.. you-know-what. >.<;'

I know, I know!!

Jess, we're over.
I'm tweeking, SO freaking much..

If I was suicidal.. this would be the time to slit up and never come back..
The sigh before the storm. I'm ready.

C'mon, make me cry... I'm already dead, anyways. </3

34116  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-25
Written: (7079 days ago)


I don't deserve to be the one...
I don't deserve to make you laugh...
I don't deserve to make you cry...
I don't deserve to hold your love...

I don't deserve to end your tears...
I don't deserve to be comforted from you...
I don't deserve to hold your heart cruely...
I don't deserve to make you pained...

I made you cry...
And that is unacceptable...
I hurt you, knowing all the time...
That I love you...

...I only wish...
That I deserved to call you mine...
To hold you in my arms...
And pretend that everything's...

..But I'm not that girl..
..And I don't deserve...
..to make you cry.

The above goes to Kawakins...
I refuse to make her cry anymore...

I know [Ayame Whitepaws] is going to majorly pissed that I said I loved [On Any Given Night] still, but hey.. at least I'm not lying or going behind anyone's backs..

I'll always love you both..
I'm sorry I'm not perfect..

Goodnight... and sweet dreams...
~Slowly kisswez bof dere cheekiez, tearing swightwy.~

33865  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-22
Written: (7082 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Ayame Whitepaws]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>

¤Make that last countdown¤
¤Read out a different number.¤

¤And make it three.¤

¤Still Together¤

¤Will she always...¤
¤Hold meh lyke dat...¤


[I Won'T RuN EveR AgaiN].

[I Won'T BacK DowN AnD BE UseD].

[YoU WanT ME TO BE YourS]?

[WelL GuesS WhaT, WuB]?

[YoU GottA BE MinE, ToO]!

Eh? Looks like I screwed up on my last journal entry a little bit... ~Slightly laughs.~ Seems... Olivia wasn't the only one guilty. ~Glares at Jess.~ Meh, we're still together though, because I haven't officially broken up with her over it.. <.<;'.. Eh? It's hard! v.v;'..

..o.o;'.. I... Really need to talk to her. ^-^""..

33642  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (7085 days ago)

Today has been fun so far.. I was absolutely right about my previous post!

Today, I handcuffed her, made her moan, and got her to call me, "Mistress"..
I'll leave your imagination to discover the rest!

We're staying together, so back the fuck off Olivia. >.o

-[Ayame Whitepaws]'s Lady Skadia the Rogue.

33604  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (7085 days ago)


I made up my mind long ago.. and long ago,
playtime was over... playtime is still over.
I'm through with the games, through with it all..
Not everything's meant to be broken.. not everyone.
I won't be broken.. I won't...

my choice has been made..
My path decided...
I'll follow it,
until the end.

33603  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (7085 days ago)


¤And now I lay alone¤
¤The strange and twisted remainders of reality¤
¤softly tearing and picking at my scarred flesh.¤
¤The remaining bits of my sanity dwelling over¤
¤the edge of complete and utter insanity.¤

¤The great sigh before the storm...¤

¤What secrets will be found tomorrow?¤
¤What was she hiding, but now refuses to hide? ¤
¤Why so suddenly has the darkness became reality?¤

¤As the time passes, no one answers.¤
¤Oblivions embrace awaits.. but then..¤
¤The future has not been determined yet.¤

..Err.. Sorry about the weirdo entry.. o.O;'.. Something someone said scared the shit out of me..
33462  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-17
Written: (7087 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Cure - Love Song]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

33303  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-16
Written: (7088 days ago)

Ph33r teh Numbness

Okay, so I'm getting forced into going to the dentist today.. I mean, I thought I was pretty much an adult, and got to make these decisions on my own, but apparently I *HaVe* to go to the dentist today, don't ask why, because I don't know either. And chances are they're going to put that numbing crap in my mouth again, and I won't be able to go to work because I'll be a drooler and pretty much unable to talk normally. Oh joy! Dentists scare me, they hurt me last time I went. e.e;'.. And my tongue was so dry that it went into shock when I gave it water. >.<;'..

Of course, this appointment mostly means that I won't be here a lot today.. Unless I ditch work, that'd be sweet. I think I might. e.e;'
I can just blame it on my dumbass mother, because it is ALL her fault.
Well.. in a nutshell, that about explains how my day is going to go. Yay?
I gotta go brush my teeth about sixty times now. e.e;'.. I need to be "presentable" for the complete strangers that I'll never see again in my entire life! (Yeah, whatever. :\)
...I hate dentists... somebody save me... v.v;'
33233  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-16
Written: (7088 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Ayame Whitepaws]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>


A gift from my love..
thanks sweetie!

Happy 2-week Anniversary.. <3
33218  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-15
Written: (7088 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Ayame Whitepaws]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>

Two weeks of CoMpLeTe N' ToTaL Love. <3 Going for 3, and forever after. <3

33095  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-14
Written: (7090 days ago)


I had the song above stuck in my head throughout pretty much my entire shift yesterday. Today is an eight hour shift, nine if you include my unpaid hour break. ~Sigh.~ I request 3 days a week, and get five.
I'm going to miss my Kitteh.
v.v;'.. I gotta go.

I'll be back tomorrow, I have it off, I think. <3
32842  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-11
Written: (7092 days ago)

So I request Monday and Wensday 4pm-10pm, along with sunday 9am-6pm for work, and what do they give me?

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4pm-10pm, Sunday 9am-6pm.
Wow, I think they got it a little off, especially with teh whole four days in a row thing. Work sucks. I only wanna work 9-6 shifts on sundays though, because that's when [Ayame Whitepaws] is least likely to be here during the day.

Wish me luck! I'm SO quiting my job and finding something else after I get a new computer. :\ Lol.

32803  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-11
Written: (7093 days ago)
Next in thread: 32827

Funky Dream World

So, last night I was in my typical dreamworld, and it was weird... I was a nazi, and I was a low-ranked one, who thought Hitler was an asshole. Weird yet?
I rebelled against Hitler, and he fell in love with me. EW!
So... For some reason, we were in the USA, but no one cared, and it was modern day, and all dese people were asking for Hitler's autograph. >.<;'

And... yeah... that's pretty much the story.. it scared me.. very much..
32286  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written: (7096 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Ayame Whitepaws]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>

Just making sure everyone knows... <.<;'... Me and [Ayame Whitepaws] are still on our one-week anniversary. XD..Until.. fourty minutes from now!

Today, someone told me to go fuck myself at work today, to which I replied, "I can't, it's not friday."
I love my strange come backs, it makes people's faces literally go, "o.O"..
So much fun.

Anyways, today was a relitively easy day of work, if it was any easier I'd think that my job was hitting on pasty faced twerps like Jason.

I did some shelving, some facing.. and sat around on a cart for the rest of the night. (Four out of six hours.)
I like being paid for nothing!

The less work I do.. the more I feel I'm getting out of my job.. that's somewhat conveniant, and convinces me to work a lot less while I'm at work. Probably a bad habbit, but a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is my day off. Yippee! I'm going to update my site(s) on here to better facilitate my new relationship. :p
Might as well work a little on a day off, right?

[Ayame Whitepaws] made me a site today, which made me, "O_O" ..
Very nice, Kitteh Kitteh. I lyke already. ;)

I love her so much, so stear clear unless you want to anger the vengeful [Skadia] of dooooooooooooooooooooooom...
(Yeah, whatever..)

She drew stuff for me, and I'm happy, because I *love* them, almost as much as I love her. ~Huggles her love.~

Anyways, that about summerizes my day in a nutshell! Night all!
32244  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-07
Written: (7097 days ago)

<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>[Ayame Whitepaws]<img:http://img155.exs.cx/img155/480/3bhfm0rw.gif>

Me and mah [Ayame Whitepaws] have officially been together for one week, and will be together forever! <3
 The logged in version 

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