[$*Miss Addi*$]'s diary

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Written about Monday 2005-06-20
Written: (7020 days ago)

hey itz the first time i wrote in here lol well ya um i like this guy but i can't be with him and i can't talk 2 him hes so special 2 me i feel so bad cuz hes heartbroken cuz he can't be with me the shows he watches i watch them and i think about him and it makes me want 2 cry he sleeps with two pillws and two blaknets so now i do but i dunno why itz werid im just like that realli werid we get along so well and im happy that i met him but then again im not cuz its mesed up how everytime good that i have turns out 2 be bad we have alot in common and my parents don't understand that i guess but who cares its what my parents what best for me aqnd thats what they get well g2g muahhhh bye bye

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