[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]'s diary

101058  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-18
Written: (6318 days ago)

rewriting my story, Howls Beneath A Blood Red Moon. here's what I have so far comment please.


-Her Mother, a man , gunfire, a second man, a sharp pain, eyes, blood.-

Dane’s eyes burst open as her hand slammed down on her alarm clock that was screeching in her ear. She rolled off the couch, and reached under it for her clothing. Her father, who tended to be drunk, could only afford a one bedroom apartment and since he had a girlfriend, he got the bedroom.
Dane went into the small bathroom to change, ignoring the disturbing noises coming from her father’s room. Dane pulled off her nightshirt, glancing in the mirror over her shoulder at the bright white scar across her pale back. The scar ran from her right shoulder to her left hip. Dane sighed, remembering where the scar came from. Dane dressed in her camouflage pants, black button up shirt and her only pair of black boots. She made sure the crescent moon necklace she inherited from her mother when she was killed, was around her slender neck.
When Dane opened the door, she felt her father’s hand collide with her cheekbone, her head snapping to the side, eyes seeming bored.
“What have I told you about going to the bathroom when I’m on the way?!” He seethed down at her. Dane stared passed him.
“When I got in here you were to busy with Trisha.” She muttered. She saw her father’s hand draw back again to slap her and she moved passed him. “I have to go to school.” She grabbed her messenger bag and her keys “I’ll be back…I might not be back...” Dane headed out the door and slammed it behind her, walking down to the first floor, looking for the lunch that was usually left for her by and Elderly woman that she had been friends with since they moved here, but her lunch wasn’t there. Dane tilted her head then sighed, checking her wallet to see if she had money. Dane got on her motorcycle and started it up, racing in and out of traffic till she got to the school.
Dane slammed her locker door shut and turned, sighing, heading for the stares that led down to the first floor of the school. A kid that she didn’t like was standing by the stairs. As Dane walked by the boy shoved her making her fall forward, down the stairs. Dane felt a pop in her ankle as it hit a step. She was sure she was going to hit the ground and bust her head wide open. Suddenly, she stopped. She felt herself lowered to the ground and her jade eyes opened to see a man walking up the stairs towards the other boy who was staring at him, slightly wide eyed. Once the man that had caught her was next to the other boy, it was easy to see why. He was TALL. The man grabbed the kid by his shirt and hauled him up off the ground at least two feet.
“Ty troop…” The words, Russian, rolled off of the man’s lips like silk. “You never and I mean NEVER hit or shove a lady again… If I catch word of you ever touching a lady in that form or fashion again, I shall make sure of it you are punished.” The younger man nodded slightly then was dropped, taking off down the hall once he got his bearings. The tall man strode smoothly down the stairs and to her side.
“Are you alright? I will assist you to the…eh…as I think it’s called, the Nurse…” He spoke softly now as he assisted Dane to her feet.
Dane’s eyes stared up at him. His skin was pale, features sharp, his eyes, the oddest color one would see. They seemed to be grey but if the light hit them a certain way, they would turn almost white.

Dane, Jaden and Xavier walked slowly to their vehicles when Dane heard a familiar voice behind them
“Dane? Dane!” She looked back to see Sergei jogging after them.
“Hey! What’cha need? Thanks for earlier too.” She smiled.
Sergei nodded then asked “Could you help me with my homework? I can speak English and all but… I cant read or write it...” His cheeks turned a soft red. He was embarrassed. Dane smiled up at him
“Sure. You got a car?” She pulled her keys out of her pockets as she glanced back at her bike and Xavier’s corvette.
“Uh… No I don’t...” Sergei said softly, once again, embarrassed.
“Oh well that’s okay. You can ride on the back of my bike considering Xavier’s corvette only holds two and Jaden’s bike is in the shop” Dane tossed him her helmet “Here. I cant afford for a friend to get hurt.” Dane swung a graceful leg over her bike and sat down, motioning Sergei to get on too. Jaden and Xavier were getting into Xavier’s corvette. Sergei got on behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He made a note that her waist was thin, bones easily felt. Dane didn’t eat much. If at all.
It took them about five minutes to get to Xavier’s house, Dane parking her bike in front of Xavier’s garage. She slid off her bike after Sergei got off and grabbed her helmet from him. By the time they got to the front door Xavier had opened it and was already inside, tossing his stuff to the couch as he walked towards the stereo, flashing a fairly new looking CD at Dane and Jaden who smirked. Sergei glanced around and sat in one of the chairs when Xavier motioned for him to. Dane sprawled out, upside down, in one of the chairs. Rock music started playing, a woman’s voice coming over the speakers.
After a few minutes Sergei asked “Dane?”
“Hm?” She looked from their English papers to him. They had a system. One person would do all the English papers, one would do all the math, one all the science and so on until they ran out of papers.
“What band is this? I listen to a few American bands and…this isn’t one of them…” Sergei watched her.
Dane glanced at Jaden and Xavier, all of them smiling.
“The band is called Eclipse.” Dane said.
“What’s the lead singer’s name?” Asked Sergei.
“Dane” Said Jaden, smirking at Sergei.
Sergei’s eyes widened at this as he connected the things together “Awesome…” he said softly.


Dane and Sergei walked out of Xavier’s house, Jaden only staying because she and Xavier were going out.
“Is your home close?” Dane asked
“No.” Sergei said
“Oh well I can give you a ride” Dane smiled and went to toss him her helmet.
“No.” Sergei said quickly.
Dane tilted her head at him “Why?”
“My home is not the best of places to be at dark...” He said.
Dane watched him then laughed for some reason. “Why? Are they like Vampires?” Dane believed in all the supernatural things but she just had to joke.
Sergei stared at her then turned, beginning to walk and said “Something like that.”
Dane stared at him as he walked down the side of the street until the darkness consumed him.
Dane awoke to her father’s shouting and grumbled, glancing at her clock. Four in the morning. She sat up and looked at her father who was shouting at her for sleeping.
“You should be cleaning this house! Look at it! It’s a MESS!!” He boomed at her. Around the couch Dane slept on, there was nothing but everywhere else there was trash. “I clean where I live.” She muttered and stood, having slept in her cloths, she picked up her things.
“And WHERE could YOU possibly be going?!” He shouted at her.
She didn’t even spare him a glance. “Out.” She walked to the door, swung it open, grabbed her bag and keys, and took off down the stairs quickly. She got on her bike, started it up and took off down the nearly empty rode. Her hands gripped the handle bars so hard that her knuckles were pure white, all the blood gone from her finger. Her teeth were gritted. Her eyes teary under the black visor of her helmet. She was speeding, her bike hitting well over 80 in a residence. She burst from the small streets out onto the highway, dodging what little cars there were. She heard a police siren and saw the lights on the metal of her bike but she kept going, spinning her bike into the helixes, her knee scraping the ground, tearing her jeans. The police car was joined by three others but she stayed away from them, staying on the highway. She spun her bike around and gassed it, popping the front wheel up onto one of the cars, launching off of it and off the highway.
Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl as she let go of the handle bars and closed her eyes, her body lifting off the bike. Suddenly she felt an arm around her and her eyes opened. She felt fur. Through the dark visor she could have sworn she saw a Wolf’s face. Her thoughts were confirmed when her bike hit the rocks and exploded, lighting up the area. She could see the outline perfectly. Her eyes got wide. She could feel the jolt of the creature that was holding her, landing on the ground. The creature knelt down and laid her on the ground. She couldn’t move her body at all, her jade eyes locked on the creature. A hand grabbed the bottom of her helmet and pulled it off, Dane closing her eyes as it went over them. When she opened them, Sergei was kneeling over her. Dane’s body jerked and she skittered back, looking around quickly, “Where’s.. Where’d it go?!” She was frantic.
“I ran it off calm down” Sergei moved to her side and wrapped his jacket around her. It was ripped slightly on the sleeves
“Where’d you come from? I mean I launched off the highway!” She stared at him, eyes still wide.
“Your bleeding” He looked at her knees that had torn open on the ground. Dane looked down then at Sergei who stood and picked her up softly.
“Mikhail!” he called and a simple car pulled up. “Get in.” Was all the brown haired man behind the wheel said. Sergei nodded and laid Dane down in the back seat of the car, sliding over the hood to swing his legs in to the open window as lights from cop cars could be heard. “Go!” He said quickly. Mikhail floored it and they took off.
“Why were you running, Dane?” Sergei asked once they’d been driving for some time.
“I had to get away…” She whispered, staring at the ceiling of the car.
“From them?” He asked.
“No…My father..” She relied softly. Sergei glanced back at her then looked at Mikhail who glanced at Sergei.
“Where are you taking me?” She asked.
“Hospital.” Mikhail had a more American accent but it still was Russian. One could tell.
“No! No, no, no, no, no!” Dane sat up quickly. “No hospitals! No!” She stared to shake.
Sergei turned around quickly and grabbed her arm softly. “Okay, okay! Don’t go to the Hospital, Mikhail.”
Mikhail looked at Sergei “Where then?”
“Home.” Was the reply. “Our home.”

Dane’s eyes burst open, she, finding herself lying in a huge bed, crimson silky sheets covering her, she, dressed in black silky pants and a long sleeve shirt. Dane rubbed the side of her head then pulled up her pant legs to check the cuts on her knees. They were wrapped up. She felt tired, bruised, but wanted to know where she was.
“You talk in your sleep.” Came a voice from beside the bed. Dane jumped and looked to see who it was. Sergei sat in a wooden chair by the bed, watching her with his grey eyes.
“How long have you been there? Where am I?” Dane looked around the room then back at Sergei who moved to sit on the side of the bed.
“Your at my home, we took care of your cuts.” He said, watching her.
“I thought you said your hose isn’t the best of places to be at night.” Dane stared at him.
“Well you didn’t want to go to the hospital.” He said, watching her.
Dane sighed and rubbed her head, swaying some. She noticed Sergei moving then felt his hand against her back. She shivered slightly and looked at him
“What’re you doing..?” She asked.
“Making you feel better..” He whispered softly, his accent soothing her. He began to massage her shoulders softly. Dane wanted to pull away but her body, nearly instantly, relaxed, her head tilting forward some. Sergei watched her, his hands staying on her shoulders and neck. He continued to massage her, until she turned around to face him, jade eyes staring up at him. He tilted his head to one side, watching her. She lifted up some, eyes locked on his.
“Dane, sit back down.” He said softly to her.
“Why?” She asked in a whisper, watching him.
“You need rest…” he laid her back down softly. “Your thoughts are wrong right now..” He stared at her. “Sleep the rest of the night away..” He brushed a strand of her black and red hair out of her face. He watched her fall asleep and let out a breath, standing, heading for the door. As he crossed the light of the moon that was coming from the window, he wasn’t a man, but a Werewolf. He looked back at her with his silver eyes.
“You probably wont ever love me… Its just a trick of my people…” He spoke softly so as not to wake her before he stepped out of the moonlight and out the door, shutting it behind himself.


101015  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-17
Written: (6320 days ago)


100876  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-13
Written: (6323 days ago)


100660  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-09
Written: (6327 days ago)

*Sings* 3 2 1 make some noise!

100386  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-03
Written: (6334 days ago)


(But serious can I keep it here? XD)

100305  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-01
Written: (6336 days ago)

A bottle of blood is all it takes,
A bottle of blood to make them shake,
A bottle of blood delicious indeed,
A bottle of blood is all you need,
A bottle of blood then we feed.

Still alot left...
Do you want some?
I'll pour some up.

99062  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-05-05
Written: (6362 days ago)
Next in thread: 99063

You know you're living in 2007 when...

1. You enter your pin number on the microwave.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
6. You go home after long days at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.
7. You make phone calls from home, you accidentally dial "9" to get an outside line.
8. You've sat at the same desk for four years and worked for three different companies.
10. You learn about your redundancy on the 11 o'clock news.
11. Your boss doesn't have the ability to do your job.
12. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home.
13. Every commercial on television has a website at the bottom of the screen.
14. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
15. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
16. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :)
17. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
18. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
19. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
20. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.

AND NOW You Are LAUGHING at yourself.

97604  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-02
Written: (6396 days ago)
Next in thread: 97648

Eryn: Ahh.. thease were the days...

Everyone 14 and older must read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before Sidekicks & iPods.


Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX.

Before the 5 hours(5min) of homework you put off every night.


When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.

When we recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie.

When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.

When 2Pac and Biggie where alive.

When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

Way back..........


Hide-n-Go Seek at dusk.

Red Light, Green Light.

Heads Up 7 Up.

Playing kickball & dodgeball until your porch light came on.



Tree Houses.

Hula Hoops.


Reading R.L. Stine's Goose Bumps.

The annoying Nano Pets & Furbies.

Running through the sprinklers.

Crying when Mufasa died in the Lion King.

Happy Meals where you chose a Barbie or a Hot Wheels car.

Getting the privelage to sit in the front seat of the car.

Drinking Sqeeze It "Squeeze The Fun Out Of It."

But wait....

Watching Saturday Morning Cartoons in your PJ's still wrapped up in your Garfield comforter.

Hey Arnold, Doug, Rugrats.

The original Power Rangers

Or what about....

The Secret Life of Alex Mac.

Ren & Stimpy.

Double Dare.

Rocko's Modern Life.


Wild & Crazy Kids.

Clarissa Explains it All.

Salute Your Shorts.

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

The original cast members of All That.

Kenan & Kel.

The Magic School Bus.

Flash Forward.

Pete and Pete.

Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Hey Dude.


Pinky and the Brain.


Hangin' With Mr. Copper.


Bill-Nye the Science Guy.


Who could forget Snick? & Nick @ Nite with Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, The Facts of Life, & I Love Lucy.

Where everyone wanted to be in love after watching The Wonder Years.

Or Nick Jr. with Face.

Gulah-Gulah Island.

Little Bear.

Under the Umbrella Tree.

The Busy World of Richard Scary.

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Kool-Aid was the drink of choice.

Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.

Class field trips.

When Christmas was the most exciting time of year.

When $5 seemed like a million, & another dollar a miracle.

When you begged to go to McDonalds for dinner everyday.

When Toys 'R' Us overuled the mall.

Go back to the time when.....

Argument's were only started when it came to who was gonna be the redranger.

Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'.

Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming 'do over!'

'Race issue' ment arguing about who ran the fastest.

Money issues were handled by whoever was banker in 'Monopoly'.

It wasn't odd to have two or three 'best' friends.

Being old referred to anyone over 20.

A chance to skate as a couple at the local roller rink was like winning the lottery.

Scrapes & bruises were kissed & made better.

It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the 'big people' rides at the fair.

When playing Nintendo was the hardest thing ever.

When Ninja Turtles ruled the world.

When Lisa Frank was the raddest thing ever.

When a candy bar at the grocery store was the highlight of your day.

When coupons collected all year could get you a prize in your class auction.

When the only thing you cried over was your mom being late to pick you up.

When stress was addition and subtraction.

When friendships were as complicated as who's house to sleep over.

When shaving cream was just meant for play.

When a first kiss only lead to cooties.

When Valentines Day meant cards for all.

When you said that you "like liked" someone.

When birthdays were a class event.

When a friend moving away was the saddest day of your life.

When the summer lasted forever.

When time didn't matter.

These were the days we hadn't realized escaped us until it's all brought back.

Repost if these things mean something to you, and you get the personal images of when you were a kid

97114  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6405 days ago)











96728  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6413 days ago)

SQUEE! I get to go horseback riding tomarrow >.>

96602  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6416 days ago)

Lets see its 5:11 in the morning..I'm bored..I Shall sleep..

96576  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-12
Written: (6416 days ago)

Zechs: "If the people let Mari Meia do as she wishes they will end up giving birth to a second Miliardo Peacecraft!"

Zechs: "Noin you really dont have to stick around with me"

Noin:"Zechs I told you a year ago that I will never leave your side...I've waited all this time...And I simply cant wait any longer..."
Zechs: "Understood"

Zechs: "We've reached out limit."
Noin: "I'm not saying any goodbyes yet, Zechs!"
Zechs: "Of coarse not."

96247  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-09
Written: (6419 days ago)

1. Your gender: Female
2. Are you liking someone: Dunno
3. Are you hungry: no
4. Are you bored: yes
5. Your birthday: 2/5/1992
6. Age you wish you were: what I am now
7. The color of your hair: brown with white/blonde hilights
8. Color you wish your hair was: I like it now.
9. The color of your eyes: green
10. Got any piercings: Ears
11. Want anything pierced: Lip
12. Tattoos: Want some
13. Who do you like: Dunno
14. Any siblings: Bro

15. Read the newspaper: si
16. Get told you're on crack: yep (but i'm not)
17. Talk to strangers: WHen I'm hyper
18. Take walks in the rain: Dah
19. Drive: No >.> I'm a scary driver.
20. Like to drive: Go-carts, yes
21. Been out of the country: no
22. Been in love: Dunno damnit! Quit asking those questions ><
23. Regret it: I SAID SHUDDUP!
24. Gone skinny dipping: no
25. Had a surgery: si
26. Ran away from home: yes
27. Played strip poker: no
28. Been loved: by my mom
29. Been on stage: Yes
30. Slept outdoors: yes
31. Made a Prank phone call: Duh XD
32. Pulled an all-nighter: WHO HASNT?!
33. Sleep Walked: Si!
34. Sleep Talked: "I wannah cookeh mommeh.."
35. Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
36. Slept all day: Nope
37. Killed someone: Wished I had
38. Made out with a stranger: Havnt even kissed anyone
39. Slept in the same bed with someone: My friends >.>
40. Kissed someone: See the "I wish I could kill someone" comment?!
41. Regret it: *Grabs knife*
42. Been betrayed: Yes...
43. Broken the law: Maybe >.>
44. Met a famous person: Si! I think >.>
45. Been on radio-tv: Radio and TV Yay
46. Been in a mosh-pit: What do you consider a mosh pit?
47. Had a nervous breakdown: Yes
48. Danced naked: NO
49. Repeated Dream: Dah
50. Shoe brand you prefer: Vans, Adio, T-U-K
51. Wear hats: I have a cowboy hat!
52. Judge people: I can some of the time
53. Listen to: I listen to alot of music. Listen to people? Not so much.
54. Own 10 pairs of shoes: more like 2 deary
55. Favorite place to shop: The Mall
56. Comfortable clothing: Jeans, T-shirt, denim jacket and shoes/boots.
57. What's your style: I dun have a style. my style changes every day.

58. Miracles: yes
59. Angels: yes
60. Magic: yes
61. Ghosts: yes
62. Shirt: ...eh..?
63. Birth: yes
64. Easter Bunny: No
65. Cupid: ''
67. The death penalty: yes
68. Best friends: Brittany, Laura, Jessee, Allie, Al
69. Everyone lies : yes
70. Ying and Yang: yes
71. Love at first sight: Kinda
72. Remember your first love: THE HELL IS UP WITH THEASE QUESTIONS?!
73. What do you find romantic: I dunno..stuff
74. Do you look at looks alone: I'm told I look lonely.
75. Flirt to get for attention: No
76. Time goes by too fast: yes
77. Like someone: *Stabs*

78. That you laughed at: Amanda
79. That laughed at you: Lizzie
80. Person that made you smile: Lizzie
81. You went shopping with: My mom
82. To disappoint you: Me! -.-
83. Last time you took shower: today
84. To brighten up your day: Amanda
85. Person you kissed: *Watches you bleed*
86. You Dumped : *Stabs more*
87. Food you ate: chicken salad
89. You Hugged: Lizzie
90. You texted: Mom
91. You were in love with: *Decapitates*
92. You Fought: James

93. Food: garlic chicken
94. Girl: Jessee
95. Boy: Sam
96. Park: I dont go to parks
97. Sport: Western Pleasure Horseback riding
99. Pet: Sadie (Whom passed away)
100. Quote: "I'll Break Everything But Your Neck" - Kankuro from Naruto.

95943  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-05
Written: (6424 days ago)

You stay up for 16 hours

He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.

He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.

He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.

He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.

He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.

He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.

He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.

He doesn't get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.

He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.

He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.

He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.

He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.

He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.

He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.

He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.

He does exactly what he is told.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.

He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him.

If only there were more men like him
If you support your troops, repost this

95939  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-05
Written: (6424 days ago)
95883  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6424 days ago)

Haha...PROOF that I'm obsessed with Kankuro from Naruto XD
It was my dream lastnight.


Alright. I went to bed around 12. My dream was this.

It looked like I was at school, but that scene changed quickly. I looked over my shoulder from one of the tables in the cafeteria, and there stood Kankuro, smiling, a hand in his pocket. I gasped and stood upright, turning. He pulled his hand from his pocket and offered it to me. I smiled and took his hand. We began walking and the scene changed to the forests. I blinked and looked at him. He simply smiled. We walked in silence for what seemed like forever before I spoke "Why did you come here?" He stopped walking, as did I. "Do you not want me here?" He asked, his voice different then the one on the show. "No! Its not that! I just didnt expect to see you!" I said, looking down, then noticing that I was dressed in an outfit much like his. At this I blinked and pulled out a small mirror I found somewhere on my person. I had the same type of hat that he had had on and I had blue markings on my face, similar to his but with their own twist to it. I looked back at Kankuro. He was smiling again. It made my heart skip a beat. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to my own.  I woke up.

I know I know I'm a nerd leave me alone =.= *Hugs Kankuro*

94918  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6440 days ago)

Tom picked little Alexandria up and hugged her tight, she, wrapping her little arms around his neck. "Who's daddy's favorite girl?" He asked her. "Me!" Young Alex replied, giggling. "Thats right" Tom smiled "What about me?" Lily asked as she walked to the two. She'd been watching. Tom looked at her and smiled then looked at Alex "Sorry, Alexandria, you've been moved to second." He smiled "Dats ok Daddeh!" Tom then kissed Lily softly. Alex made a face and got them both to laugh "Dance more!" Alex clapped her hands. Tom smiled "Ok, dance more" He set her down on his own feet and began to dance again. Lily watched with a smile. The scene faded as Lily dove infront of her son, Harry, shouting "NO, TOM! STOP!" Before she was hit with the spell.
Tom sat upright in bed, panting, eyes wide, his hand grabbing his wand. He looked over at Lily then at the side of the bed where little Alexandria was. "Daddeh..You was muttering in your sleep.. You ok? I got worried..an' I had a bad dweam." She said. Tom picked her up gently and rocked her, sighing "I'm fine, Alex. Thank you though.. Go back to sleep.. Daddy's got you.. He wont let anyone hurt you..." Little Alex nodded and cuddled into her father's strong chest. "Ni ni daddeh..Don have no more bad dweams, kay? I wont let anything hurt you either daddeh.. I got you.." Alex said softly, before slipping into sleep. Tom stared at his little girl..his pride and joy...He laid back, still holding her, thinking of the man he'd seem Lily with the day before.. His old friend James Potter.. For some reason when he was around James he felt odd now..He didnt know why.. Thinking of this he went back to sleep.

94838  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-16
Written: (6441 days ago)

Ay, iyaiyai,
Ay, iyaiyai
A-a-a iyaiyai,
Where's my samurai

I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need, I need my samurai

Ay, ay, ay,
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky

I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need, I need my samurai

Ay, ay, ay,
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky
Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue,
Make the colours in the sky

Ay, iyaiyai,
Ay, iyaiyai
A-a-a iyaiyai,
Where's my samurai

Ay, iyaiyai,
Ay, iyaiyai
A-a-a iyaiyai,
Where's my samurai

94311  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6446 days ago)
Next in thread: 94801


93903  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6452 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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