[.The Lovely Brie Monster.]'s diary

32578  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-10
Written: (6996 days ago)

The meeting day of school is over.

Took me two days to meet all my teachers, because I have A/B sceduling. For all those who don't know what that is, it is that one day, I go to one class and the next, I got to another class. Today I had to meet my Trig and my A.P. English teacher(<3). Yesterday, I met my Physics and my A.P. US History teacher. Along with the every other day, I have two classes I got to every day. Forensics (<3 <3) and Sex Ed (xP).

Yesterday, I got homework for BOTH my switching classes, so I'm jumping from reality TV to reading the 20 pages in my big ass book.
I swear, I think this book weighs more than I am.
Got to go read.

32072  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-05
Written: (7000 days ago)

School starts Monday..

31996  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-05
Written: (7000 days ago)



That's right. RAT.

This is really bad for me because
a. I don't kill things. I can't do it. I can't even kill a cockroach without having a bit of mourning for it.
b. I am one of the most paranoid people you'll ever find.

So I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. So I'm shut up in the room, with the door shut and a towel on the bottom part so he won't crawl in.


31169  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-31
Written: (7006 days ago)

My stomach is feeling queasy..
It may have been those damned Smarties, or the fact that tomorrow, I'm suppse to go get my hair cut.


That's right. I'm cutting it.

31157  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7006 days ago)

I hate it when people kiss my ass. After I get into a fight with them and they just realized I fucked their life up.

So if you piss me off to the point where you don't call me your friend, and then kiss my ass to try to make me forgive you, I won't forgive you.

this is aimed at one person in general.

31078  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7006 days ago)

Cell phone shopping is one of the most boring activity ever.
xP It's just comparing prices, and seeing which one is least likely to fuck me over.

31003  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

I found this guy over the internet today who had his dislikes listed as so:
“Abercrombie and Fitch, Animal Cruelty, Veganism”
How about my Dislikes huh?
“Dislikes: Complete dumbfucks who think they know what they are talking about, but really don’t know shit”.
That’s my dislike. I hate it when people think they know everything, and then when you tell them that they are wrong, they get pissed and defensive and start insulting me and that pisses me off to the point where I have to bitch you out. Bitch you out to the point where I have you crying under your bed, wishing for that day you had never met me. And you know what else? Your feeble attempts to make me cry don’t ever work because I’ve never met a person yet who has made me cry in a verbal bitching. Never. There have been people who made me laugh so hard I felt like I was going to cry, but never cried because my feelings were hurt.
And I think that’s because I’ve learned people are dumbfucks anyways and they really don’t know what they are talking about. Example: They guy above.

30996  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

::looks over at Napoleon Dynamite poster::

Oh..how I loathe how much that movie has become mainstream. It’s crazy. I wanted to see that movie when it was in limited theaters and nowhere near me. I wanted to see that movie when it was in theaters near my house. But I didn’t because I was seeing other crappy movies. So when that movie came out, I thought that no one would rent it. Guess what? I was dead wrong. Overnight, that movie became a hit. Everyone was quoting it and thinking they were the shit for seeing the movie. It just pissed me off so much that it took me two months after it came out to FINALLY see it and three months before I finally bought it. It just pisses me off how one group of people can totally fuck up one great movie. Case in point, Nightmare before Christmas. I can’t even walk though the halls of school without seeing one person sporting a Jack Skellington shirt or some other item. And they think that because they saw that movie a month ago, they are punk automatically. Throw on a John Deere hat, shop at Hot Topic and pop in the Nightmare before Christmas, and boom, suddenly they’re punk. I think the people that really should be able to talk about that movie and wear the memorabilia are people who have been fans of that movie for 10 or more years now, and were able to quote that movie word for word. And people think that Nightmare before Christmas is one of Tim Burton’s best works ever. Personally, I love that movie, I really do, but Edward Scissorhands was better. Or maybe Peewee’s Big Adventure (even though Peewee Herman scares the living shit out of me ever since that XXX movie theater incident). I guess what I’m saying is that it pisses me off how much one group of people can fuck up one great movie.

...At least they haven’t hit Garden State yet.

30893  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-28
Written: (7008 days ago)

Oh my God. Kids are fucktards.

I'm watching the kids Jeopardy, kicking ass, making me feel smart, and the final question was something like...
"Jonson Brown took one of the last known pictures of this off Ireland in April 11,1912." Off the bat, I knew it was Titanic. I mean, even a fucktard like myself could get that one.

So, the loser's answer pops up with "?"
So she loses the money.
The next guy puts "What is the lockness monster?"
-.- Wrong country, dumbass.
And I swear, this is no lie, the person with the most money puts "What is the Berlin Wall?"


I hope to God my kids aren't that retarded.

30892  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-28
Written: (7008 days ago)

I hate having crappy days.

Because I have bad days, I ingest large ammounts of sugar (today's mix was a 2 liter of Coke, 10 pixie sticks and a bag of Sour Skittles), which make me hyper as hell, and annoy other people in my house, and then I do stupid things, such as eat three slices of pizza and less than ten minutes later go spin in the desk chair to the point where I'm gonna throw up.

God. I hate this house.

30611  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7009 days ago)

Mr. Johnson and the mouse

Yes, I wrote this. It's mine!:

Mr. Johnson was a weird old man
Who lived in the tiniest weirdest house
He was very lonely, that Mr. Johnson,
Since his only friend was a mouse

So one fine day, that Mr. Johnson
Pulled that mouse up on his knee
He said to his tiny friend
“This house will soon be yours. You’ll see”

“You’ll own this house
Every board and brick and couch and chair
You will own this queer old house
To do with what you care.”

“You can do anything in this house.
Mouse parties, mouse sleepovers, mouse tea.
This house will soon be yours. Just you wait and see”

Well, one sad day,
Mr. Johnson ceased to breathe.
His family waited greedily
But at the reading of the will, they couldn’t believe

Mr. Johnson left everything,
From his money to his house
He left everything
To his dear friend the mouse.

That mouse still lives today,
Living it up in his very old queer house
Drop by anytime.
He’s not shy to tell you the story of Mr. Johnson and the mouse.

30004  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-24
Written: (7012 days ago)

Thanks to a few choice words (Lemon Party. XP) I can not sleep.

If you know what a Lemon Party is, you can understand why I can't sleep.

If you don't...use www.urbandictionary.com instead of goole.
Trust me.

29958  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-24
Written: (7013 days ago)

Me: xD My mom lost a chair
Gerri: XD
Gerri: how?
Me: She wanted to know where it went. I don't know. She lost a chair though
Gerri: XD it doesnt like her so it ran out into the street
Gerri: its going to be a whore now
Me: xD Oh yeah. Sex with a chair is much better than sex with a woman
Me: it doesn't say no 8-)
Me: Doesn't move either.
Gerri: XD
Me: and you don't have to worry about getting it pregnant.
Me: or disease
Me: or paying...
Me: but if you have sex with a chair, then you're basically giving something to your friends to tease you about for the rest of your life
Me: "Dude..did you just do that chair?"
Gerri: spliters
Gerri: XD
Me: xD Not if you wear a condom.
Me: xD God.. I'm weird
Gerri: .-. says:
yes but if the chair gets wet its gonna fall apart and be all prickly o_o
Gerri: XD i showed Jason our conversation
Gerri: and i said you can get spliters and
Me: xD Ah... but you can fix it easily. A little glue, some time, and some gloves. Just got to wait til it dries
Gerri: XD
Gerri: it'll still have its days
Me: otherwise you get glue on your penis and taking it off will hurt like hell.
Gerri: I'm here, laughing at you says:
but.. why wait till it dries.. just go all out
Me: xD And you can always get a new one from the store. Even better
Gerri: XD
Me: xD Because you don't want it breaking and getting stuck to your penis
Gerri: XD
Gerri: Me (9:09:21 PM): otherwise you get glue on your penis and taking it off will hurt like hell.
Gerri: showed him that
Me: Try going to the hospital.
"Sir..what's that on your penis?"
"um..the back of a chair"
Gerri: that would SUCK
Me: And that'll go on your medical record, so when you go in for a checkup, the doctor'll look at your record and say "Sir.. I see it said you had a bit of chair stuck to your penis".. and then they laugh at you and the nurse comes in to see the commotion, and the nurse laughs and it starts the chain of laughing
Gerri: XD
Gerri: aww
Me: Til that kid who's getting his checkup in the other room starts laughing his little kiddy ass off and goes off and tells his friends who laugh at you.
Gerri: and when the kid comes home, his mom and dad will laugh at him
Gerri: we have odd conversations
Me: xD So the moral is, let the glue dry before you hump a chair
Gerri: XD
Me: xD Boners and chairs stuck to penises.
Gerri: that boner lollipop
Gerri: XD
Gerri: i really want one
Me: xD I want a boner too. Those are awsome.
Gerri: i know
Gerri: i really want to say ," LICK MY BONER BITCH!"
Me: Flesh colored boner lollypops
Me: xD Order one
Gerri: XD
Me: xD God. we are so weird
Gerri: we are
Gerri: we'll be 60 years old and still talking about boner lollipops
Me: xD The retirement home, sitting in rocking chairs, and talking about boners.
The nurses would look so odd at us
Gerri: XD "i remember back in err 2005 when i had a boner"
Me: "Ah.. I remember that. That was after we had sex with the chair right?"
Gerri: "yes! and we our penises stuck on it*
Me: "And then we had to go to the doctor"
Gerri: "evvvvvvveryone laughed at us"
Me: "Including that little kid that was in the other room"
Gerri: "that poor kid, he go his dad when he messed with that whore of a chair"
Me: "Chairs are whores"
Gerri: "yup.....hey this rocking chair looks nice, we should take it up to our rooms for some alone time"
Gerri: XD
Me: xD it would move though. That's always hard to do a chair that moves
Gerri: haha
Me: Cause It'll come back and hit me hard in my sensitive area
Gerri: XD
Me: Rocking chairs are the teases of chairs.

29761  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-22
Written: (7014 days ago)

Ramble for 7/22

WASHINGTON (July 22) - The House voted to extend indefinitely the anti-terrorist USA Patriot Act, while limiting to 10 years two provisions of the law that have become linchpins in the ongoing congressional debate: allowing federal agents to use roving wiretaps and to search library and medical records.

Alright..so it's illegal to place a phone tap on someone's phone, but you can read someone's library and medical records?
This makes no sense to me. It's invasion of privacy, no matter how you look at it. You're reading someone's private information, probably without the person knowing.
I hate the goverment. They are just a bunch of fat, white, Christan males who believe since they are the typical man, they are better than anyone else. They think they can rule the country and they can rule the world. And people are actually handing it over to them.

xP Arg. Continue tomorrow.

29609  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (7015 days ago)

Ramble for 7/21

rule1989ja: why r u ignoring heather
rule1989ja: u r a ugly ass bitch
YogaMonkey17: Who the hell are you?
rule1989ja: ur daddy biotch
rule1989ja: god damn crackhead
YogaMonkey17: Oh..bitch. you're fucking with the wrong person.
rule1989ja: omg
rule1989ja: im so scared
rule1989ja: whats ur name
rule1989ja: hehe
YogaMonkey17: What's your name fucktard?
rule1989ja: is it sara??
YogaMonkey17: No..
rule1989ja: lol she said she wanted to know if u put her on ignore
rule1989ja: oh
rule1989ja: oops
rule1989ja: lol
rule1989ja: sorry
rule1989ja: i thought it was that crackhead sara mornimor
YogaMonkey17: If she has something to say to me, tell her to be a human and say it to my fucking face. Not send one of her dumbfuck lackeys.
rule1989ja: lol
rule1989ja: uhhhh
rule1989ja: she didnt
rule1989ja: she wanted me to see if u was online
rule1989ja: and i thought it was sara and i HATE sara
rule1989ja: so i was talkin shit
YogaMonkey17: So who the fuck are you?
rule1989ja: chris henderson
rule1989ja: her brother
rule1989ja: the boy who was arrested for marijuana
YogaMonkey17: And you bettter pray to the good lord I never meet you cause what you just called me I beat people over.
rule1989ja: okkkkkkkkkkk
rule1989ja: wait
rule1989ja: is it that other girl
rule1989ja: uhhhhhhhh the one who tried to drop dat bitch scratch n sniff
YogaMonkey17: Who?
rule1989ja: scrach and sniff
rule1989ja: uhhh shay??
YogaMonkey17: Oh..hell no. Thank god
rule1989ja: or is it jennas friend
rule1989ja: lol
YogaMonkey17: So she didn't tell you my name?
rule1989ja: noooooooo
rule1989ja: is it ricky
YogaMonkey17: Wow.....that's amazing. You're suppose to find something out from someone who you don't even know who it is
YogaMonkey17: My vagina says I'm not ricky..so go with that.
rule1989ja: no i was taking guesses
rule1989ja: ewwwwwwww
rule1989ja: i hate goths
rule1989ja: why arent u answering hhgarfields email is her question
YogaMonkey17: WTF?
YogaMonkey17: Because I don't answer emails from people who aren't my friends
rule1989ja: oh
rule1989ja: she said aww
YogaMonkey17: I don't give a fuck what she says. She's not my friend. She's told me that. And I don't care. She's told everyone how she isn't their friends. So I don't give a flying fuck what she says
rule1989ja: she said ok
YogaMonkey17: Does that answer her questions?
rule1989ja: do uaccept jesus in ur life
rule1989ja: ummmm yes
YogaMonkey17: Um..no. SATAN #1
rule1989ja: omg
rule1989ja: i hate goths
rule1989ja: of course u do
YogaMonkey17: xD Just kidding. I'm a Buddhist
rule1989ja: yea ok
rule1989ja: whatever
YogaMonkey17: whatever
rule1989ja: the ENTIRE school knows my name rather they like me or not...im way to popular for somebody like you
rule1989ja: so goodbye
YogaMonkey17: What teh fuck ever? You're a god damn lackey for your sister
rule1989ja: hahahahahahahahahaha
rule1989ja: scre u
rule1989ja: wyte girl
YogaMonkey17: You do whatever you're told.
rule1989ja: uhhhhhhh what is a lackey
YogaMonkey17: -.- God. Stupidity runs in the family doesn't it?
rule1989ja: hahahahahahahaha LMFAO omg hahahahaha...i dont listen to shit u bitch
rule1989ja: u dont even know me
rule1989ja: yea if i listened,i wouldnt have done anything i have done
rule1989ja: but i DONT
rule1989ja: hahahahahaha she does
rule1989ja: omfg thats holarious do u want me to show u my inmate release papers
rule1989ja: thatll prove i dont listen
YogaMonkey17: Not really. I don't care.
rule1989ja: ok
YogaMonkey17: I could pretend to care, but I don't really care
rule1989ja: good
rule1989ja: im well connected in my school
rule1989ja: unlike YOU
YogaMonkey17: Apparently not since you don't know who the fuck I am
rule1989ja: who r u
rule1989ja: oh yea u have a point
rule1989ja: who r u
YogaMonkey17: and Yeah. You're so cool cause you got arrested for weed in school..
YogaMonkey17: I'm so friggen jealous
rule1989ja: i neva said that
YogaMonkey17: rule1989ja: chris henderson
rule1989ja: her brother
rule1989ja: the boy who was arrested for marijuana
rule1989ja: ive been the same everysince a whole year and a half b4 i got arrested
rule1989ja: bihotch
rule1989ja: bizzzzzzzzzzzznitch
YogaMonkey17: Can't even say it right. It's BITCH!
rule1989ja: no
YogaMonkey17: Like "Shut the fuck up bitch"
rule1989ja: it would be biotch but u gotta fit the h in it so it is hotch
YogaMonkey17: No. It's bitch. Biotch is for little sissy boys to say to feel like they are something
rule1989ja: hhahahahaha
rule1989ja: yea
rule1989ja: opk
rule1989ja: ok*
YogaMonkey17: Hey. At least I can say it correctly
rule1989ja: uhhhhhhhhh...and i care................
YogaMonkey17: Nothing, little lackey sissy boy.
rule1989ja: haha yea u keep thinkin that
YogaMonkey17: I already do. Sissy boy
rule1989ja: what the hell...r u like 5
rule1989ja: who tha fuck says sissy boy thse dayz
YogaMonkey17: How old are you?
rule1989ja: 154
rule1989ja: 15
YogaMonkey17: I do. Cause I'm sweet 8-)
YogaMonkey17: and I'm 16 bitch
rule1989ja: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
YogaMonkey17: Whatever
YogaMonkey17: I'm done talking to you because I feel my brain dying slowly
rule1989ja: yea crack head
YogaMonkey17: So tell your sister if she wants to find something out, come straight to me, and not fuck around with some wannabe little brother.
YogaMonkey17: Hey. I'm not the one who got arrested for marijuana
rule1989ja: ummmm she couldnt come strait to you if she is on ignore u dumb fuckin bitch
rule1989ja: and............
rule1989ja: ur point
rule1989ja: god damn goodie goodie
YogaMonkey17: Her mail is coming in you dumbass pot had.
rule1989ja: had??

YogaMonkey17: And you come say that to me in 10 years, when you're in jail..
YogaMonkey17: head*
YogaMonkey17: bouncing three IMs.
rule1989ja: ummmmmmmmm
rule1989ja: ok if im in jail how could i say it to u...r u a GUY as a girl
rule1989ja: omfg
rule1989ja: u crossdresser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YogaMonkey17: xD You'll be in jail. bending over in the shower, with some guy's penis violating your ass, and I'll be living life. Then you can pick up the phone, call me, and then call me a pot head then, little boy
rule1989ja: ew
rule1989ja: u lesbean
YogaMonkey17: Wow..how mature. Same thing your sister did. Did you guys pick on the same little kids on the playground together?
rule1989ja: yes we did
YogaMonkey17: That's what I thought
rule1989ja: is that a problem
YogaMonkey17: It just tells me one of you isn't man enough to take on someone on their own. I'm guessing you.
rule1989ja: hahahahahahahahahaha
rule1989ja: ur funny
YogaMonkey17: And you're a dumbfuck ^^
rule1989ja: she never said anything..she just wanted to know if u put her on ignore
rule1989ja: so uhhhhhhh it was me
rule1989ja: bc i hate goths
rule1989ja: ew
rule1989ja: theyre so disguisting
YogaMonkey17: Of course I put her on ignore. Why wouldn't I? And I'm about to put you on there as well. ^^
rule1989ja: haha and yes i knew u were goth bc thats all she hangs out with
YogaMonkey17: xD It's ok. They don't you.
rule1989ja: besides dana borer
YogaMonkey17: How do you know I'm a goth? You don't know who I am still? Dumbass
rule1989ja: uhhhhhhhhhhh
rule1989ja: she showed my ur picture in the yearbook
rule1989ja: u UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YogaMonkey17: That's nice. Never did like that pic anyways
rule1989ja: haha r u tryin to say ur much prettier
rule1989ja: i look just like denzel washington
YogaMonkey17: No. Not at all. All I'm saying is that you don't know who the fuck I am so you can't call me goth
rule1989ja: r u goth?????????
YogaMonkey17: Denzel washington if he had gotten beaten with the ugly stick within a inch of his life right?
YogaMonkey17: What makes a goth anyways?
rule1989ja: she only hangs out at tha bell tower which is where the goths hang out
YogaMonkey17: That's where everyone who isn't an AE bitch hangs out
rule1989ja: ummmm ugly bitches who wear all black and smoke crack
YogaMonkey17: Everyone
YogaMonkey17: Wow..so you're a goth?
rule1989ja: excuse me sir....what is an AE??????
rule1989ja:  excuse me sir....what is an AE??????
rule1989ja: please answer the question young man
YogaMonkey17: I'm not a man..dumbass.
rule1989ja: ok
rule1989ja: ......
YogaMonkey17: And why don't you look it up?
rule1989ja: soooo.........................ur a CROSSDRESSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rule1989ja: lol
rule1989ja: bc it isnt an AE
rule1989ja: wait a sec
rule1989ja: AE is a channel dumbass
YogaMonkey17: -.- How can I be a cross dresser if I'm a female?
YogaMonkey17: That's A&E..god. Not very bright
rule1989ja: bc u said ull see me in prison which mean u were born as a...................MAN??????????????
YogaMonkey17: -.- you aren't even worth the fight. Neither is your sister.
rule1989ja signed off at 5:00 PM

Yes, I did block his sister, but its still.

People are so scared now a days that they can't even fight their own fights. She's got to send her brother in instead of sending me an email.
Not much of ramble, but still.

29475  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (7016 days ago)

Another interesting conversation between me and Gerri

Gerri: <img:http://www.labmed.org/catalog/images/bonepop_lg.jpg>
Gerri: XD
Me: xD They should call it Boner. And teh commercials should be
"Guess what kids? You've got a Boner!"
Me: I think I would laugh my ass off
Gerri: XD!
Me: If some cheesy voice, you know like the guy who used to wear the suit covered in questionmarks comesout and says "Hey Kids! Guess what? You've got a boner." and have some little girl licking a boner...that would kick ass
Me: Oh my god.. I'm so bad
Gerri: you are
Me: Would you buy one if that commercial came out??
Gerri: yes
Gerri: cause i would go around saying LICK MY BONER BITCH
Me: LMAO that would be hilarious if you got pulled in for telling some teacher to lick your boner. They'de write you up for sexual assault and you'de be like "It's just my lollypop".. and then the principle would be like "Aww..silly child" and break into a grin (:D) and over the screen it would say "Boners
Lick our boner bitch!"
Gerri: XD
Me: Man.. I want a boner right now.
Gerri: XD

29464  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (7016 days ago)

Ramble for 7/20

Don't feel like doing it. DEAl WITH IT BITCH.

29319  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-19
Written: (7017 days ago)

Ramble for 7/19

Found this article on AOL

"CHICAGO (July 18) - Maybe it's because young computer gurus are now enjoying the millionaire life. Perhaps it has something to do with the unexpected popularity last year of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite," about a quirky, dancing teen and his sleepy Idaho town.

Whatever the reason, being a nerd, a geek, a dork - whatever you want to call the tragically unhip - is becoming a source of pride.

Case in point: Steffi Weiss, a 15-year-old in the Chicago suburb of Lake Zurich, who plays violin in the school's orchestra.

This spring, she and a friend bought black mesh sports jerseys - something like the football team's - and added "ORCH DORKS" in white letters on the front, their last names on the back and their instrument on the sleeves (VLN I, for first violin, in Weiss' case).

"We used to not be able to stand the fact that we were in orchestra," says Weiss, who's been playing the violin since fourth grade and proudly wore the shirt to her high school this year. "Finally, we realized that's where all our friends are and that's where we have the most fun.

"So why not just say we're dorks?"

There was a time when teens who tried something like that would have been asking for some serious goofing. But today being smart and sensitive, even a little socially awkward, is often considered cool - and the signs are everywhere.

"The O.C.," a TV show popular with teens, has Seth, a comic-book loving nerd played by actor Adam Brody. Bands such as Weezer also feed off the dork image, complete with horn-rimmed glasses and a song about being OK with not fitting the Beverly Hills mold. "Napoleon Dynamite" has a fan club; its Web site claims 150,000 members.

And, increasingly, people are parading around in shirts that say "Dork Pride!" among other things. Such items have gotten so popular that CafePress.com, an online merchandiser, has created a special category for shirts and other items celebrating geeks, dorks and nerds.

Philip Kaplan, the 29-year-old founder of the startup online ad company AdBrite - and one who's long played upon his own dorky reputation - finds the whole phenomenon amusing.

"In high school, I didn't go to parties. I didn't have a lot of friends," says Kaplan, who lives in San Francisco and also created a tongue-in-cheek Web site that chronicled the dot-com bust. "Now all the people from high school are asking me if I have a job for them. So I guess it wasn't so bad to be a dork."

People who track youth trends have noticed the shift in attitude, too.

"It feels like, for a while there, we were hearing so much about bullying in schools - and this is almost a time for the geeks to stand up for themselves," says Schuyler Brown, a trendspotter for advertising and marketing firm Euro RSCG.

Michael Lee, a self-proclaimed nerd, is happy it's happening. "It's society validating who I am," says the 28-year-old marketing manager from in Perris, Calif.

"The label of geek actually has nothing to do with computers anymore. It's become about irony."
-Nick Ross, self-described dork 
But he also worries that the popularity will be short-lived, returning he and fellow nerds to a life of ridicule. "Because it is a trend," he says, "it'll become extremely untrendy."

For now, though, he's going with it and has put a bumper sticker on his motorcycle that says "Talk Nerdy To Me" so he attracts the kind of women he's looking for - "a librarian type girl," who likes to go to bookstores and art galleries and whose eyes don't glaze over when he starts talking about the finer points of "Babylon 5" or "Battlestar Galactica."

"It's like (the movie) 'American Pie' with the band geek girl," Lee says. "That is definitely part of the fantasy."

Still others are feeling a little territorial about their geek status.

Nick Ross, a 26-year-old freelance artist and animator, wrote The True Geek Test, a set of online questions aimed at weeding out the "posers." He says people often want to play the part but, in this case, know little about the worlds of computers and gaming - something Ross says is a must to truly be a geek.

"The label of geek actually has nothing to do with computers anymore. It's become about irony," says Ross, who lives in Ellington, Conn. "Among young people, liking something cool is uncool, and vice versa. There is no logic behind it at all."

But Uyen Mai says she knows how to spot a true geek, dork or nerd - and she likes what she sees.

"I see them as eccentrics or maybe smart, gentle people with a passion for something that may not be popular at the moment, like maybe computers, 'Star Wars,' physics," says Mai, a 28-year-old university employee who lives in Walnut, Calif. "Say, for instance, we're watching a dream movie with Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt and Topher Grace. I'd gush over Topher Grace," she adds, referring to an actor from "That '70s Show" who's known for his geek appeal.

To prove her point, Mai has an "I (Heart) Dorks" tank top, which she wears often.

"My husband is not nearly as amused by the shirt as I am. I thought he'd be flattered," she says. "Oh well.""

Damn..what is this world coming to when my being uncool is suddenly cool.

I really don't want to be "cool". I've been a geek all my life, and now that it's cool to be uncool, I feel like...well.. that girl that think's she's original because she's got this one shirt, but when she gets to school, EVERYONE has that shirt, and she just looks like another trendhopper.


I really don't want to be cool. That's why I'm uncool. That's the point of uncool. Not to be cool. So why is it cool all of a sudden?!?!

I've bolded out the part that I agree and yet, disagree with. I think that people are faking being uncool, and the test is a good idea, but being uncool and a geek doesn't mean you just deal with games and computers alone. It means you're a social outcast, thrown out because your hobbies aren't shopping, vomiting up every meal you eat and your hair. It's being yourself, and not being accepted by most of the student body. You can be a geek and love books, or writing or drawing. It's not just computers and games.

There's one person to blame for this: Napoleon Dynamite...

Damn Napoleon Dynamite.. Making uncool cool....
But I still love your movie and the poster is still staying on my door.

29171  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-18
Written: (7018 days ago)

Ramble for 7/18

Sorry. I'm feeling bitchy. This is the bitchiest I've felt for months... Sorry.

28994  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-17
Written: (7019 days ago)

If Your Child is a Gothic, Reform Through the Lord!
Listed below are some warning signs to indicate if your child may have gone astray from the Lord. Gothic (or goth) is a very obscure and often dangerous culture that young teenagers are prone to participating in.
The gothic culture leads young, susceptible minds into an imagined world of evil, darkness, and violence. Please seek immediate attention through counselling, prayer, and parental guidance to rid your child of Satan's temptations if five or more of the following are applicable to your child:
-Frequently wears black clothing.
-Wears band and/or rock t-shirts.
-Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nailpolish.
-Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other Satanic worshipping symbols.
-Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos.
-Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY.)
-Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically. ((Nuuuuu!))
-Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports. (
-Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.
-Takes drugs.
-Drinks alcohol.
-Is suicidal and/or depressed.
-Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-mutilation. (This is a Satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love. Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health center.)
-Complains of boredom.
-Sleeps too excessively or too little.
-Is excessively awake during the night.
-Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This pertains to vampires promoting the idea that His light is of no use.)
-Demands an unusual amount of privacy.
-Spends large amounts of time alone.
-Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your child may speak to evil sprits through
-Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.
-Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this.
-Misbehaves at school.
-Misbehaves at home.
-Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this.
-Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood.
(Vampires believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very
dangerous and should be stopped immediately.)
-Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your local church for proper programs that your
child may watch.)
-Plays videos games that contains violence or are of a role-playing nature. ((>.>))
-Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer.
-Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.
-Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner.
-Expresses an interest in sex. ((because we should all be like Ken. Anatomically incorrect.))
-Is homosexual and/or bisexual.
-Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.
-Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth".
-Claims to be a goth.
If five or more of these apply to your child, please intervene immediately. The gothic culture is dangerous and Satan thrives within it. If any of these problems persist, enlist your child into your local mental health center.
~St. Mary's Catholic Church"

I found this on one of the sites I inhabit. I doubt its true, but it's still funny, since most of those things teens actually do.
And my score was 32/37...
I'm a goth..apparently.

28992  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-17
Written: (7019 days ago)

Ramble of the Day for 07/17

Nosy people just annoy me. There are too many annoying nosy people in the world, so I'm going to narrow it down. People who stick their noses in other people's relationships annoy me.

They stick their noses in the relationship, think they know everything about the relationship when in fact they really don't, and end up hindering the relationship.

And as I get older, I see more and more people fucking with relationships and whatnot that they should have left alone.


 The logged in version 

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